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Joseph Bain 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):380-407
Salisbury Cathedral was first built with a low, insubstantial stone lantern, perhaps with a timber superstructure, over the central crossing. In the fourteenth century the lantern became the foundation for the tower. Both it, and the steeple on top, were reinforced with networks of iron bars at their interface. There is also a complex iron framework in the lantern to prevent the collapse of its walls. The origin, purpose, and technology of iron reinforcement of medieval buildings is discussed. In time, because of corrosion, these reinforcements became less effective and even damaging to the fabric. Wren was the first of a succession of architects and engineers in the last 350 years who have initiated additional schemes of reinforcement at Salisbury.  相似文献   

古建筑木结构的保护问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国古建筑以木结构体系为主,主要承重材料是木材。木材是生物体,由有机物组成,容易发生腐朽、虫蛀、火灾和力学性能衰减等劣化,其中腐朽和虫蛀等生物危害的发生最为普遍。本文重点介绍了古建筑修缮和保护中,木材的保存、干燥、木材防腐处理的通用药剂和使用方法,针对古建筑保护中存在的树种选择困难、木材防腐处理质量和木材含水率过高等问题,提出建议,为古建筑木结构的保护和维修提供最新的信息。  相似文献   

大高玄殿始建于明代嘉靖二十一年,殿内供三清等道教诸神,是明世宗建造用于祈祷斋醮的一座皇家道观。清代沿用,仍作为皇帝拈香祈拜之所。乾隆朝,曾对大高玄殿建筑进行局部调整,但宫殿主体格局未变,一直保持至清代末年。民国以后,为了便利交通,拆除了山门外的牌楼和音乐亭,其他宫殿保存至今。这些宫殿建筑类型齐全,大木结构各具特色,反映了明代中期建筑营造的技艺水平;宫殿的平面布局以及遗存的建筑彩画、石质雕刻等具有鲜明的皇家道观特点。这处曾作为皇家宗教活动重要场所的明清宫殿建筑群,无论在宫廷建筑史还是宗教史领域都有较高的研究价值。  相似文献   

James Yates 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):109-113
Rescue excavation between 1988 and 1990 in advance of river erosion examined a substantial part of the small medieval rural hospital of St Giles by Brompton Bridge and later post-medieval farm. Established in the latter half of the twelfth century for the infirm, including lepers, the hospital layout consisted of a detached stone chapel adjacent to the river crossing, with a timber hall to the west. This hall was destroyed by fire, and a sequence of timber buildings were then constructed in adjacent areas. By the fifteenth century these structures also included a stone building, possibly a refectory. The first small chapel was replaced in the thirteenth century by a larger structure, which went through a period of expansion and then subsequent contraction by the fifteenth century. Only in the fourteenth century were a hall, probably a guesthouse or the master's lodgings, and dovecote built adjacent to the chapel. The cemetery to the south of the chapel was partially examined. The site appears to have been a largely economically self-sufficient unit with an attached farm. The hospital was abandoned during the latter half of the fifteenth century, but the site and some of the buildings were subsequently reoccupied as a farm from the mid-seventeenth century. The farmhouse underwent conversion from a longhouse to a house of hearth-passage plan in the early eighteenth century. The former chapel was reused as a byre and additional stables constructed. The farm was moved to its present location to the south in the mid-eighteenth century and the former hospital site finally abandoned.  相似文献   

地处海上交通要道的泉州历来受到海外文化影响,亦包括印度文化及密教的渗透;13世纪伊斯兰世界对印度的入侵使大量密教僧人外逃,与这一时期中印海上交通频繁相对应,对泉州的影响也更为明显。泉州传统建筑遗迹中,有大量受到密教的影响,除在造像、梵文种子图及开元寺大殿等木构建筑中有所体现外,更多表现在宋元时期的石建筑中,如宝箧印塔、多宝塔、石经幢等;其时间段集中在宋元时期,且随着时间推移呈现出影响更浓厚、遗迹数量更多的趋势;这一趋势表现出与泉州海外交通发展渐趋繁荣的同步性。本文通过较系统的现场调研,以宋元泉州石造多宝塔为例,对这一进程进行了一定程度的揭示。  相似文献   

EXCAVATION of a single enclosure revealed a sequence from early 13th-century timber buildings to structures with stone foundations, or completely stone-built, in the later 13th and 14th centuries. A two-roomed long-house was replaced by a more complex four-roomed long-house built on a different alignment. Also in the enclosure were a sequence of six outbuildings rebuilt in various positions. In the 13th century there were changes in property boundaries and in the 14th century a road was cut obliquely across the enclosure leading to fundamental changes in planning. Evidence for climatic deterioration was given by the increasing use of drains and of paved and cobbled surfaces in the early 14th century. Finds included metal objects, animal bones, local shelly pottery, and 12th- to 14th-century sherds from Lincolnshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Warwickshire.  相似文献   


Before timber and stone houses were introduced to northern regions, varieties of turf houses were the most commonly used architecture. These houses had a wooden structure encapsulated in a shell constructed of grass turf. The different ethnic groups of the north built their houses in different styles and constructions, but the general principle was the same. The Norse of North Norway and also on the North Atlantic islands had a tendency to build their houses on top of the ruins of previous houses. After a few centuries this arrangement produced a settlement mound of highly organic soil. In the research literature, both the turf architecture and the settlement mounds have been described as adaptations to and a function of marginality and lack of timber. This paper reports an effort to test the idea that turf houses on top of settlement mounds may have been a finely tuned ecological system that made use of the capacity of organic soil to produce heat.  相似文献   

The domestic architecture in the rural villages of ?zmir comprises a unique built environment with their masonry wall textures, semi-open sofas, round tiled-hipped roofs, and chimneys, and represents an important part of the cultural and architectural heritage. This assessment is mainly based on field observations that focus on the architectural and structural layout of intact, damaged, and destroyed houses. During field observation and the analysis of data certain plan typologies and relationships between the geological formations of the region and choice of materials and construction techniques were observed. While load-bearing masonry and timber skeleton systems are common, extensive use of timber laces, stone, and fired or adobe brick masonry with mud mortar and timber frames infilled with masonry materials were frequently seen. Generally, round timber elements such as wall plates, laces, lintels, posts, and frames of flooring systems are used. Architectural degenerations in authentic houses, defective details and partially due to the earthquake-prone nature of the region seismicity have been evaluated. An overall approach for the preservation and sustainability of this heritage is suggested.  相似文献   

康熙、雍正、乾隆以及嘉庆朝所建的宫殿,在传统礼制规定内,其宫殿环境、建筑布局及艺术等力求贴近现实生活。表现出创造惬意的环境和方便舒适的建筑、满足皇帝的理政及生活要求等一系列特性。这也构成了“乾隆时期”宫殿建筑的整体风格。  相似文献   

Yuka Kadoi 《Iranian studies》2017,50(6):873-893
Having been introduced to the scholarly community and the general public through a variety of photographic presentations during the inter-war period, monuments in Iran, particularly those of pre-modern Islamic periods, became key buildings to be seized upon as the ultimate embodiment of Persian beauty. The lasting image of Persian Islamic architecture that was articulated through photographs continues not only to set an important benchmark for the understanding of the aesthetic and political matrix of the early twentieth century but also to provoke a methodological question as to the future of Persian architectural studies.  相似文献   

T. H. Turner 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):173-180
This paper is based on the lecture given to the Institute at the Society of Antiquaries of London on 18 October 1972. It concerns the discovery in 1967 in a house in the village of Harwell of the aisled hall, formerly in the curia of the medieval manor of the Bishop of Winchester, for which the Pipe Rolls for most of the years from 1208 to 1450 exist. The earliest phase of which parts survive consisted of a framed building with passing-braces built in the twelfth or early thirteenth century. The evolution of this form of timber dwelling with oak is traced from continental, probably lower Rhineland, structures of the ninth and tenth centuries. The long timbers used as passing braces are likely to have been derived from buildings in southern Germany which used conifers such as fir, timber that in turn had a long history from Roman times.  相似文献   

羊马城是唐宋时期流行的城池外围防御设施,产生于战国,发展于南北朝,成熟于唐代,普及于两宋,元以后逐渐退出历史舞台。一字城则是为了加强江河侧畔城池的防御设施,其基本特征是在主城与江河之间修建的一道或两道城墙,主要见于宋元之际前后的南方,明代还有使用,以后就基本绝迹。  相似文献   

山东平阴县实验中学出土汉画像石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991年,山东平阴县实验中学发现一座拆用汉画像石建造的晋墓,共出土汉画像石12块,这一组画像石时代不一致。其中7号石孔子见老子图上的人物多榜题,其中位居颜渊之前的"左丘明"是前所未见的。  相似文献   

Excavations in the south range of the cloister of Bordesley Abbey have produced an unusual sequence. The construction scheme of the buildings to the south of the cloister arcade—centring on the refectory and kitchen—was piecemeal and took over two hundred years, from the later twelfth to early sixteenth centuries. At an early stage the range included timber (which may have been part of the original temporary structures) and stone buildings. In the fifteenth century there was a major change of use: the refectory became a workshop and dumping area while the kitchen was used for non-ferrous metalworking: these activities probably continued to the Dissolution. The implications of the excavations are considered in the context of the development of the cloister and then the precinct. The important evidence for adaptation and innovation is discussed in the light of work elsewhere in order to argue that the results have a relevance for other Cistercian houses and monasteries in general.  相似文献   

民国时期钢筋混凝土结构使用年代较长,一般已超过合理使用年限,有不同程度的损伤,迫切需要加固修缮.但由于其大多为文物建筑或保护性历史建筑,承载着一些历史信息与文化价值,对其加固修缮应在充分保存历史信息的前提下合理进行结构性能和耐久性的提升.为了科学化、规范化地保护民国钢筋混凝土建筑,通过对典型案例的现场检测和调研,对这类建筑的常见缺陷进行分析和总结,结合保护原则,分别对混凝土柱、混凝土梁和混凝土板提出针对不同损伤程度的适宜性加固修缮方法.  相似文献   

本文依据文献史料,对元大都孔庙、国子学的建设过程进行梳理,对建筑平面进行复原,确定其用地范围与基址规模,并通过分析探寻其设计规律与手法,发现设计中采用两套平格网.孔庙、国子学的基址规模与大都城市平格网的基准长度存在倍数关系,基址边界均在11步×12.5步的平格网线上;建筑群内部的平面布置受8步×10步的平格控制,总平面中重要控制线大多与网格线对应。根据这一规律,本文进一步对明清北京孔庙、国子监进行分析,发现明太祖、英宗两朝对元代孔庙、国子学展拓时,基址规模仍受元大都城市平格网控制,而永乐朝重建孔庙时沿用元代8步×10步的平格网,将东西廊庑分别向内收进一格,从而揭示元、明建筑模式与基址规模的内在一致性。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The urban history of the Gulf states has been largely neglected, with historical studies of Qatar focusing on its political and economic development. This article presents an overview of the vernacular architecture of Doha that incorporates non-elite buildings. The life histories of these buildings tell the story of Qatar's rapid development in the 20th century and the dramatic changes to the society and urban fabric of its capital. Rapid development threatens to destroy this aspect of Qatar's past, and we accordingly aim to record the diversity of the historic built environment of Doha.  相似文献   

圆明园位于北京西郊海淀,是清朝帝王在150余年间创建和经营的一座大型皇家宫苑,在世界园林史上有着非常重要的地位。本研究以如园延清堂基址为示范点,逐步探索如何对圆明园进行保护而做的一些基础工作。此次调查布置人工探查点4个,具体揭露延清堂基址的部分基础形式,并对揭露的三合土地基进行单轴抗压试验,提供三合土地基的天然单轴抗压强度及饱和单轴抗压强度,最后对不同深度的单轴抗压强度对比分析,结果表明大理岩条石作为文物有灭失的可能,应当重点进行保护;三合土地基上部及下部单轴抗压强度较低,中部单轴抗压强度较高,暴露于地表的三合土也急需保护。  相似文献   

L. Xu  X. Ma  B. Zhang  Q. Zhang  P. Zhao 《Archaeometry》2019,61(2):309-326
For centuries, the architecture of the Palace Museum represented the highest standard of Chinese architecture. The Yangxin Palace of the Palace Museum consisted of 18 masonry buildings built using bricks, wood, roof tiles and various mortars. In 2016, a five‐year project was initiated to work on the maintenance and restoration of the Yangxin Palace buildings. The characterization of the construction materials has become of primary importance, in order to obtain information about the raw ingredients and building technology of the mortars, and the history of possible previous restorations. In this paper, 12 different samples representing three types of mortar‐based materials—namely, jointing mortars between the bricks on the wall, and surface plasters as well as mortars used on the roof—were collected for analysis from the Yanxi Hall of the Yangxin Palace. Analysis into the composition, grain‐size distribution, organic and fibre additives and testing of the mortar density and water absorption were performed. Starch, protein and plant fibres were identified in some of the samples. Brucite, mullite and ettringite were detected within most mortars on the roof, possibly originating from the furnace slag added into the raw materials for restoration purposes. The analytical results will serve as a critical reference for the maintenance and restoration of the buildings in the Yangxin Palace.  相似文献   

The subject of this study is the much-debated question of when and under what circumstances the cathedral of St Sophia in Kiev was built. After an analysis of the primary sources and a critical review of the arguments in favour of a date of construction between 1017 and 1031, the author substantiates the view that the entire church, including towers and external ambulatories, was built and decorated between 1037 and 1046, and not, as some think, over a period of nearly a century.Because of the complexity of the sources, the construction of St Sophia is seen against the background of the cultural, political and ecclesiastical history of Kievan Rus' in the late tenth and eleventh centuries, including the building of the cathedrals of Cernigov and Novgorod, and the church of the Tithe and the katholikon of the Caves monastery in Kiev.The study sheds new light on the early history of Kievan stone architecture which, as some reasonably assert, was closely linked with the architectural school of Constantinople. The construction of the capella regia, known as the church of the Tithe in the 990s, by Greek masters, who followed the Porphyrogenite princess Anna to Kiev, was an isolated episode which was followed by a hiatus of forty years. The extensive building programme begun by Jaroslav the Wise after 1036, which continued after his death in 1054, was completed by Byzantine masters with local help, permitting the formation of native cadres of masons, artists and other specialists. It was the project of Faroslav which laid the groundwork for an indigenous stone architecture in Rus'.  相似文献   

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