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Sabine  汤菁 《风景名胜》2009,(1):101-103
虽然有了环球金融中心,金茂大厦依然是上海的地标性建筑。上海金茂君悦大酒店就位于这座大厦的第54至87层。  相似文献   


持久的抗日战争,从空间上将中国界分为沦陷区、大后方和中共领导的根据地,战争对沦陷区和大后方两区域民众的社会地位、自我认识,以及看待彼此的心理产生了重要影响。抗战结束后,在复员与接收背景下,伴随着国民政府在关涉收复区人切身利益的政策上的失位和举措不公的惩奸运动,复员人员与收复区民众之间发生普遍冲突,并泛化到价值观念及生活方式的对立。本应是举国欢庆胜利,收复区民众却发现自身因曾被敌伪统治,成为不具备享受胜利资格的“他者”,身份认同处于一种缺失状态。战后在上海社会中盛行的有关“上海人”与“重庆人”的讨论,即反映了这一现状。  相似文献   

旅游视角下的上海F1大奖赛   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈亮 《旅游科学》2004,18(3):52-56
F1作为世界三大赛事之一,将于2004年9月正式在中国举办上海大奖赛。F1大奖赛凭借其巨大的影响力,将为上海带来众多的社会经济效应。本文阐述了F1旅游活动的游客动机以及细分市场,分析了相关行业在F1旅游中的作用;同时,从城市旅游形象、旅游环境、基础设施、旅游经济、旅游产品几个方面论证了F1大奖赛是上海旅游发展的新极点。  相似文献   


Shanghai history has become a distinct area of study in the last twenty years.Nevertheless,compared with the large number of studies on Shanghai of the late Qing era and Republican period,those on Shanghai history after the foundation of People's Republic of China are relatively few,probably owing to the lack of resources.With the opening recently of archives,the city after 1949 has become a hot spot for historians and has generated insightful works.  相似文献   

也谈中共上海发起组与上海“革命局”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田子渝 《近代史研究》2001,1(2):293-303
对于中国共产党早期组织的名称问题,在相当一段时期中党史学界很少关注,只是在一些当事人的回忆中有所提及,但20世纪70年代后期以来,国内学术界对此问题做了较多探讨,逐步取得了一些共识。关于“共产主义小组”,目前国内学术界普遍认为,这个名称并非中共早期组织的本名,而是后人使用的名称,但鉴于这个名词已经沿用了50多年,因此党史权威机构和多数研究仍继续使用这样一个称呼。  相似文献   

This article examines the ‘superhero’ phenomenon, in which Western masculinity is constructed differently in East Asia than in Western countries. This produces an imagined, Occidentalist ‘authenticity’ that frames expectations about the performances and identities of Western men in the context. As a result, sojourning Western men in Asia may feel, and be treated, like ‘superheroes’, because their gendered national identities are attributed (super)powers that are often unfamiliar from prior experiences in their home countries. These object (attributed) identities may be different from individuals' subject (appropriated) identities, with resulting identity tensions for the men themselves. This article reports on empirical, qualitative research from China, and examines the lived realities and identity/masculinity constructions of seven young, heterosexual men, from the UK, the US and Canada, working in Shanghai as English language teachers. The study participants experienced perceptions of increased personal and sexual confidence but also identity tensions, concerns that relationships may be transactional and ethical struggles over peer-sanctioned and locally expected behaviours. The study is framed by literature from tourism studies on the commoditization of identities through the staging of out-group notions of ‘authenticity’. A critical approach is taken to the neo-imperialistic power differentials underpinning relationships in the context.  相似文献   

Wartime Shanghai (1937–1945) was a crucial period in women’s Yue opera history, during which the opera took roots in the city and was transformed into a modern art form. The opera established itself as a dominant presence in the city’s popular entertainment in the first half of the 1940s and gained national and international influence in the 1950s and 1960s with its masterpiece plays such as The butterfly lovers and Dream of the red chamber. The rise of women’s Yue opera in wartime Shanghai was more a ramification of long-term developments in urban migration, urban cultural transformation, and women’s integration into society that ran through the entire Republican even the early PRC periods. Translated and revised from Huadong Shifan Daxue Xuebao 华东师范大学学报 (Journal of East China Normal University), 2008, (2): 56–67  相似文献   

From 1911 to 1913, in big streets and small lanes, in famous parks and thriving stores, and in tea houses and grand restaurants located in such cities as Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing and Wuchang, numerous business opportunities were born out of the Revolution of 1911. By using the political giants and military leaders around Shanghai, business firms skillfully dealt with the difficulties of the continually changing political situation and managed to keep their businesses afloat, succeeding in their response to the consumption demands of the public. It can be argued that the Revolution of 1911 played a distinct role in the development of businesses in Shanghai during that time. __________ Translated by Zhong Chen from Shilin 史林 (Historical Review), 2008, (3): 137–150  相似文献   

在上海的三年多的生活体验,对尾崎的一生而言,无疑是极为重大的转折点。他从一个有些朦胧的共产主义的信奉者,转变为一个比较坚定的共产主义的实践者。其主要表现为:一,积极参与了上海的左翼文化活动;二,成为佐尔格情报组织的重要成员。不仅如此,这三年多在上海的体验和考察,奠定了他观察和研究中国的基本视点,是他日后成为著名中国问题评论家的出发点。  相似文献   

《上海俄文生活报》与布尔什维克早期在华活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《上海俄文生活报》是1991年由谢麦施科等倾向社会主义的俄侨在上海创办的,约在1920年初获得苏俄政府资助。是年春,肩负建党使命的吴廷康一行不仅以该报编辑、记者的身份来华,而且将共产国际东亚书记处设在报社内。从此,《上海俄文生活报》不仅成为东亚书记处拥有的一个宣传工具,也成为布尔什维克在华活动的掩护机关。由于报社成员协助隐蔽在报社内的苏俄、共产国际派遣人员,从事在华建立共产主义组织的活动,整个报社作为一个群体在中国早期共产主义运动中发挥了特殊作用。1922年底,因来自俄国的资助终止而导致《上海俄文生活报》的停刊,但报社许多人员仍继续为布尔什维克工作。  相似文献   

论创意旅游——兼谈上海都市旅游的提升战略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高静  刘春济 《旅游科学》2010,24(3):12-19,38
在创意产业勃兴的背景下,创意旅游理论研究与实践逐渐受到了重视。但理论界对创意旅游认知的视角是有差异的,其中:旅游者自我关照视角下的创意旅游着重强调旅游活动主体的自我意识、自我反省,旅游产业发展视角下的创意旅游则着重强调创意思维的延伸及运用。本文对上述观点进行了分析,对理查德和威尔逊提出的创意旅游发展的三种形式做了进一步阐释,进而结合产业实际重点探讨了上海都市旅游的提升战略。  相似文献   

社区居民对2010年上海世博会影响感知的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2010年上海将迎来第41届世界博览会的召开。随着2010年世博会筹备工作有条不紊地展开,会展发生地的“人和”因素日益凸显其重要性。本文在测量上海社区居民对世博会影响感知维度的基础上,建立居民聚类模型并明确内部细分群体,并从“内部营销”的角度出发,为相关部门在社区居民中进行世博会形象的有效推广和营销提供理论参考。  相似文献   


The outbreak of the full-scale Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) brought an end to the printing and publishing industry centered in Shanghai in the 1930s. Chongqing then emerged as a nerve center of information and opinion. Writers everywhere worked under wartime conditions of social dislocation, economic dependency, and political control. This article examines the writing and publishing of three notable pieces of work completed in wartime Chongqing, Shanghai, and southern Zhejiang, respectively. The article explores the context in which each work was written and then evaluates the broader significance of the texts with regard to a historical assessment of the Chinese intellectual experience during wartime.  相似文献   

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