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T ime - distance is defined as the time required to travel a specific distance. Consider the time-distances among n places. They are tabulated in an n by n matrix and it is assumed that each element of the square array represents the minimum travel time to go from one place to another. Usually the matrix will be non-symmetrical with all diagonal elements equal to zero. Imagine a graphic representation of those places in a two-dimensional space. Theoretically it is possible to determine two configurations, one arising from trip i to j , the other from trip j to i , such that the locations of all n points approximate the n ( n -1)/2 time-distance relations.1 In practice, however, the geographer will not be satisfied with a solution that does not preserve geographic neighbourliness. He will argue that geographical order is a necessary ingredient to the understanding of place relations. In most cases, a total solution that reconciles the geography with the metric is unattainable and only segments of the time-distance matrix are mapped. On polar isochronic maps, for instance, places are located according to their geographic azimuth and their time-distance with respect to one single origin. Therefore only one row or one column of the original matrix is plotted. The number of maps required for representing the entire data would be twice as large as the number of observations.  相似文献   

Previous studies of colourless Romano‐British vessel glasses have suggested that, regardless of vessel type, they show considerable compositional homogeneity. Intriguing differences in variability (as opposed to mean composition) have, however, also emerged. This paper reports on a compositional study of 243 vessels, that is larger and more carefully controlled than in previous studies of this kind. Unexpected compositional differences have been found both between and within the four vessel types studied. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of different models that have been proposed for glass‐making and glass‐working in the Roman world.  相似文献   

The Oaxaca Clay Survey was initiated to provide baseline data on clay composition within the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, to assist in provenance determination of prehistoric ceramics. Natural clays were sampled from 135 locations throughout the valley, and analysed using INAA in combination with ceramic petrography. Observed geographical trends in trace‐element and mineralogical composition confirm that while parent material (surficial geology) strongly affects clay composition, a continuum of variation exists within the valley. The study develops and tests a continuous spatial model of clay composition that provides greater resolution in ceramic sourcing than bedrock alone. By establishing a regional framework for Oaxaca Valley clays, the survey will support significant advances in our understanding of pottery production and exchange within the valley, and provide a more robust means for monitoring exchange between the valley and neighbouring regions.  相似文献   

Ernest R. House. 1988. Jesse Jackson and the Politics of Charisma: The Rise and Fall of the PUSH/Excel Program
James M. Rogders. 1988. The Impact of Policy Analysis
Sylvia Noble Tesh. 1988. Hidden ARguments: Political Ideology and Dieases Prevention Policy  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):185-206

Radiocarbon dates are an independent source of data for constructing temporal relationships. Too often dates are shoehorned by preconceptions and hobbled by casual sample selection, reporting, and interpretation. Several authors have established quality-control criteria for evaluating and cleansing regional radiocarbon databases. Recent applications of such temporal hygiene practices in paleoecology and archaeology have resulted in significant reinterpretations of the sequence, timing, and tempo of change. Further, a new appreciation is often gained of the extent of synchronic variability. I apply a minimal hygienic protocol based on three criteria: material dated, method of age estimation, and when the sample was run. I illustrate both the value of and the need for such analyses by cleaning up a small sample of dates (N = 125) from 11 Fort Ancient sites. The single largest problem for determining occupation timing is the use of wood samples. Nearly 80 percent of the assays are unacceptable for use in reconstructing occupation history, except to frame the maximal age of occupation. The modifications to the timing and duration of occupation for these 11 sites significantly undermine the logical inferential structure of current reconstructions of change and difference in the middle Ohio River valley.  相似文献   

This paper, on the basis of primary data obtained at the level of the individual plant, examines the nature and extent of employment change in the forest product manufacturing industries of British Columbia between 1981 and 1985 -that is, during and following extremely severe recessionary conditions. Conceptually, the discussion emphasizes the employment implications of enterprise strategies in recessions; empirically, selected characteristics of employment change are related to plant-level rationalizations, investment and technological changes, and market performance and plans. The overall size of the workforce employed by forest product firms in 1981 was significantly lower in 1985. Females were more vunerable to loss of employment than males. In occupational terms, however, male-dominated administrative workers experienced the greatest proportionate losses. The production, marketing and regional context of job loss varied. Trends in general towards value-added activities and geographically more diverse markets occurred largely within the coastal region. Ce rapport examine, sur la base des premiéres données obtenues au niveau d'uneusine, la nature et I'extension des modifications de I'emploi dans les industries de transformation deproduits forestiers en Colombie-Britan-nique entre 1981 et 1985, c'est-à-dire pendant et juste après une période de récession extrêmement sévère. La discussion fait ressortir essentiellement les implications sur le marché de I'emploi des stratégies des entreprises en période de récession. De manière empirique, les caractéristiques de modifications de I'emploi sont liées directement aux raisons attachées au niveau de I'usine proprement dite, aux changements apparus dans les investissements et la technologie, de même qu'aux performances et aux plans à terme du marché. Dans son ensemble, la taille de la main d'oeuvre employée par les entreprises traitant les produits forestiers en 1981 a considérablement diminue en 1985. Les femrnes ont été plus touchées que les hommes. Cependant, en termes de catégorie d'emplois, les employés administratifs, en rnajorité masculins, ont sub; la plus grande proportion de perte d'emploi. De plus, le marché et le contexte régional de perte d'emploi se sont modifiés. D'une manière générale on a noté des tendances vers des activités plus valorisantes et des marchés géographiquement plus diversifiés au sein de la région côtière.  相似文献   

Suburbanization is one of the key phenomena of spatial population change in many countries in transition. Yet we know surprisingly little about the population carrying out the post‐socialist suburbanization process. The objective of this article is to improve on this situation by studying the Tallinn metropolis in Estonia. Our analysis, which covers the inter‐censal period 1989 to 2000, focuses on the differences between population subgroups with respect to their probabilities to move to the suburbs. As such, it also clarifies choices of destination by dwelling and municipality type. For the analysis, we use individual anonymous 2000 census data and logistic regression. The results indicate that suburbanization was a socially polarizing process during this period. People with low social status had the highest probability to sub‐urbanize, and mainly occupied the pre‐existing housing stock. Conversely, people with high social status were less likely to move into suburban areas, yet when they did they moved to the most attractive destinations in the suburbs (new single‐family houses, coastal municipalities and municipalities closer to the city).  相似文献   

朱菁  董欣  贺建雄  潘湖江 《人文地理》2015,30(3):118-124,49
为解决早晚高峰交通拥堵问题,有必要研究居民通勤特征,为城市规划、管理提供参考。本文以西安为实证研究对象,采用空间分层随机抽样法发放问卷进行调查研究,并将研究结果与东部类似城市北京进行对比。研究发现西安居民通勤以公共交通为主,但地面交通中私家车高于公交车;通勤时间反映职住分离程度低于东部;以内部通勤和内向通勤为主,同时,运用引力模型对通勤流与城市空间结构的关系进行计算,发现通勤流反映城市空间结构为单中心,在分析通勤特征背后原因的基础上,从城市规划的角度提出相应的治堵建议。  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):116-135

Caddo zoomorphic effigy pendants were crafted from a wide variety of raw material, such as freshwater mussel shell, Busycon perversum (whelk) marine shell, animal bone, and various types of soft stone. They have been documented at contemporaneous Late Caddo (A.D. 1400–1700) sites along the Red River in northeast Texas, southwest Arkansas, and northwest Louisiana; the Black Bayou, Big Cypress Bayou, and upper Sabine River basins in northeast Texas; the Ouachita River in south-central Arkansas; and the Arkansas River in central Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. This paper describes the development of a comprehensive corpus that investigates stylistic groups, differential raw material or medium utilized, and the spatial distribution of zoomorphic effigy pendants throughout the Caddo area. Results reveal north-south heterogeneity, suggesting the presence of broader traditional cultural narratives associated with a complex idea that is manifest regionally in distinct stylistic forms and linked to Caddo beliefs concerning Beneath World themes. Additionally, this stylistic and spatial analysis offers an additional dataset to further explore social, political, and economic linkages among and between contemporary Caddo groups around A.D. 1500.  相似文献   

Elderly mobility patterns often constitute a greater challenge in rural areas, where the location of infrastructure and services can prove less flexible and decision making can be more difficult. In this paper, mobility decisions of elderly movers are assessed, and compared with a control group of 'stayers'. These groups appear to act to some extent as different populations. Nonmovers are apprehensive about the future, while many movers see positive outcomes resulting from their relocation. Service and support policies are discussed. If rural-dwelling seniors are not to be 'forced' or 'imposed upon' to move, then policies must be enacted that build more creative support systems.
Les types de migration des personnes agées présentent souvent un plus grand défi dans les milieux ruraux, oùľemplacement de ľinfrastructure et des services peut être moins flexible et où la prise de décisions peut être plus difficile. Dans cette étude on évalue les décisions des vieux de se déplacer en comparaison a vec un groupe de contrôle qui est resté sur place. II semble que ces deux groupes agissent dans une certaine mesure comme deux populations différentes. Ceux qui restent s'inquiètent de ľavenir, tandis que plusieurs de ceux qui se déplacent prévoient des résultats positifs de leurs migrations. On discute les politiques de service et de soutien. Pour éviter les migrations 'forcées' ou 'obligatoires' des personnes
agées dans les milieux ruraux, il faut promulguer des politiques qui produiront des systèmes de soutien plus créateurs.
Mots-clés: vieillissement, personnes agées, rural, mo-bilité, migration  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations at two archaeological excavation sites lead to new results with respect to the Holocene landscape development of an archaeologically important loess landscape of Central Europe. Colluvial and alluvial sediments were sampled during archaeological excavations on the valley edge of the Weiße Elster and dated by means of 14C, TL and dendrochronology, and on the basis of archaeological finds. Thus, for the first time, the development of a valley edge of a river in the Leipzig area, which has been continuously settled for 7300 years, can be reconstructed. The first soil erosion on the valley edge is established towards the end of the Atlantic period. During the High Middle Ages, a colluvial sediment developed. Its deposition time can be limited to between ad 1000 and 1100. The flood loam near Großstorkwitz, which can be stratified by means of the soil and colluvial deposits, originated in the late Sub‐Boreal and early Sub‐Atlantic, as well as after ad 1100. During the first millennium ad, a soil developed in the older flood loam, which indicates a phase of reduced flood loam sedimentation.  相似文献   

S. MANDAL 《Archaeometry》1997,39(2):289-308
There has been a long but sporadic history of research on stone axes in Ireland, leading to the formation of the Irish Stone Axe Project (ISAP) in 1990. The purpose of this paper is to outline the research strategy of the project and to indicate the petrological techniques that are being applied in parallel with archaeological and archival studies to classify and identify potential sources for Irish stone axes. These include macroscopic studies, transmitted and reflected light microscopy on polished thin sections and X-ray fluorescence analyses. The results of the macroscopic examination of 15916 axes indicate that one rock type, porcellanite, was the dominant source, but that a wide range of other lithologies was also exploited. Several avenues for more detailed research are highlighted. A case study of gabbro axes demonstrates the value of this systematic approach to stone axe studies, and the results of this study suggest that some of these axes are petrographically consistent with British Group I, presumed to originate from sources in Cornwall, south-west England.  相似文献   

In this paper, we articulate the relationships between strategies of flexible specialization, uncertainty, and the firm in order to emphasize the internal differentiation of flexibly specialized regions. Conceptually, the paper argues that this variability is an implication of uncertainty which has been neglected in the literature. In particular, in response to uncertainty, firms develop different types of flexibility with respect to production, technology, and employment in sometimes novel ways that do not correspond to ideal types. Empirically, the argument is demonstrated through a detailed examination of several case study firms operating in the wood remanufacturing industry of the Vancouver metropolitan area, British Columbia.
Ceffe étude montre comment s'amculent les relations entre les stratégies de spécialisation flexible, les incertitudes du marché et la firme afin de souligner les différenciations à l'intérieur des régions à spécialisation flexible. De façon conceptuelle, on discutera ici du fait que la variabilité découle de l'incertitude du marché, point sur lequel on n'a pas beaucoup écrit. Notamment, pour répondre à l'incertitude, les firmes développent des types différents de flexibilityé portant sur la production, la technologie et la main-d'oeuvre par des moyens quelquefois innovateurs qui ne correspondent pas à des critères idéals. La démonstration est faite, de façon empirique, par un examen détaillé de plusieurs cas de compagnies de I'industrie manufacturière du bois d'oeuvre de la région du Vancouver métropolitain, en Colombie-Britan-nique.
Mots-clés: Spécialisation flexible, incertitudes du marché, industrie manufacturière du bois, stratégic de I'entreprise, Vancouver.  相似文献   

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