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In recent times, archaeological documentation strategies have been considerably improved by the use of advanced 3D acquisition systems. Laser scanning, photogrammetry and computer vision techniques provide archaeologists with new opportunities to investigate and document the archaeological record. In spite of this, the amount of data collected and the geometrical complexity of the models resulting from such acquisition processes have always prevented their systematic integration into a geographic information systems (GIS) environment. Recent technological advances occurred in the visualization of 3D contents, led us to overcome the aforementioned limitations and set up a work pipeline in which was possible to put the 3D models not only in the context of data visualization but also in the frame of spatial analysis. The case study described is a part of the Swedish Pompeii Project, a research and fieldwork activity started in 2000 with the purpose of recording and investigating an entire Pompeian city block, Insula V 1. As an additional part of the research, a laser scanning acquisition campaign was conducted in the last few years. The resulting models were thus meant to be used to develop further research lines: Among these, a 3D GIS system was expected to be set up with the purpose to (i) collect in the same geo-referenced environment, different typologies of documentation gathered in the context of the Swedish Pompeii Project; (ii) inter-connect 3D models with the project website; (iii) use the third dimension as a further analytical field of investigation, in the form of spatial analysis and cognitive simulation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the legendary total solar eclipse of 29 May 1919. Two British teams confirmed the light bending prediction by Albert Einstein: Charles R. Davidson and Andrew C. C. Crommelin in Sobral, Brazil and Arthur S. Eddington and Edwin T. Cottingham on the African island of Príncipe, then part of the Portuguese empire. By jointly analyzing the two astronomical expeditions supported by written and visual sources, I show how, despite extensive scholarship on this famous historical episode and the historiographical emphasis on the plural dimensions of knowledge construction, many human and non-human actors have been kept in the shadow of the eclipse. I do so by focusing on what I call knowledge from the periphery together with knowledge from below, grounded literally on how localities (sites) affect choices and events, and growing outward to encompass a wide range of participants. I show how the geopolitical status of the two nations where the observational sites were located, and specifically Portugal's condition of colonial power, affected main decisions and events, while highlighting the active role of participants, ranging from experts from the peripheries and those involved in the travels to local elites and anonymous peoples, some of whom contributed to the observation of totality.  相似文献   

Experiencing Texture and Transformation in the British Neolithic   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Neolithic period saw the introduction of new material culture into Britain, including monuments, pottery and polished stone axes. Over recent years, the uses and meanings of these objects and places have been considered in depth, with emphasis now firmly placed upon their social role and symbolic value. However, a growing interest in a multi–sensual archaeology has highlighted the paucity of information concerning the role of texture in the experience of Neolithic material culture. This paper will examine the evidence for the use of texture in the archaeological record. I will suggest that texture may have been a fundamental part of the experience of objects and monuments, and may have imparted meanings and messages to those who came into contact with them. In particular, the transformation of differing textures may have been a crucial metaphor in the Neolithic.  相似文献   

This article seeks to establish that the 1892 general election marked a major change in the relative positions of the parties in the Unionist alliance. Not only did it reveal the limitations of the Liberal Unionist Party's strategy and appeal in an age of increasingly organised, mass politics, but it also acted as a brake on the ambitions of the new leader of the Liberal Unionists in the house of commons, Joseph Chamberlain. It argues that the Liberal Unionist Party suffered a more severe setback in 1892 than has been recognized hitherto and that Chamberlain's attempts to revive his party both before and after the general election were now prescribed by the reality of the political position in which the party now found itself. Rather than regarding the fluid political circumstances of the 1890s as the outcome of an emerging struggle between increasingly polarised ideologies, it seeks to reinforce the significance of local political circumstances and the efficacy of party management in the growing dominance of Lord Salisbury and Arthur Balfour and the Conservative central organisers.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):35-41

In this article Jacob Taubes's idea of eschatology is examined. Taubes's own understanding of eschatology has profound implications on the very expression of political theology and political practice. If politics— as a practice— assumes that time has a terminal point, than it will invariably change this practice and encumber and even neutralize political action of a common-body that gives voice to the oppressed. This article agrees with Taubes in that eschatology must announce an end to itself, which is at once a birth of a postmodern possibility of the principle of immanence in which a common-body announces its infinite possibility. The end of eschatology is the end of transcendence and the beginning of a struggle for liberating the infinite possibility of a common-body of labor.  相似文献   

上午9点的拉萨艳阳高照。2019年10月12曰,在中国科学院青藏高原研究所(下称“青藏所”)拉萨部,20多名科考队员排成三列,面向党旗重温入党誓词。这是第二次青藏高原科考--可可西里无人区湖泊考察任务的出征仪式。这群科考队员用简短而朴素的方式,正式为这次任务拉开序幕。  相似文献   

Virtual spaces have emerged as everyday life spaces in contemporary societies. Very quickly, they have gained a cultural role in the daily life of their users, as these new territories gain their own communities, ideologies, and spatializations. However, little is known about how place is experienced in these different realms. This study seeks to understand place experience in virtual spaces, taking the sim racing virtual spaces as a case study and endeavoring to build a bridge between theory and empirics. This study uses ethnographic methods, which included a year-long participant observation period and a set of 20 in-depth interviews with users, in order to understand their narratives of the virtual geographies of two sim racing videogames: Gran Turismo and rFactor. The results of the study show that spirit of place, place ballets, and sense of place exist just as well among users of virtual spaces—despite the particularities of these new territories and their remaining tensions.  相似文献   

李勇 《中原文物》2001,332(1):51-55
宾组卜辞中有五次含日名干支的月食记载.基于现代对此月食的分期及位序等研究成果,本文根据元代郭守敬(1231年-1316年)等编撰的《授时历》(历成于1280年,行用于1281年-1644年)及其月食推步法,对公元前1500年-前1000年代区间内,与这五次月食具有相同日名干支的月食进行了计算,得出了二组可能的结果,其所推定商王武丁的年代与用现代天文方法得出的结论一致.  相似文献   

本文对二十世纪有关殷卜辞月食资料的研究背景、资料整理及所取得的成果做了认真分析,尤其注重鉴别研究方法的得失。  相似文献   

The distribution and permanence of waterholes have dictated human activity and settlement patterns in the arid zone for millennia. At a fundamental level, waterholes are vital to survival in a harsh climate. The recreational value and use of waterholes are widely recognised; however, the less tangible aspects of ‘waterhole experience’ have received scant attention. This review, written whilst compiling an inventory of permanent waterbodies across the Lake Eyre Basin of Queensland and South Australia, aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the interaction of humans with water in an arid land, primarily from a settler perspective. A large body of literature pertaining to waterholes was reviewed, including Aboriginal histories, explorer journals, accounts of early settlers, and numerous fictional and factual accounts of life in inland Australia. It becomes apparent that human appreciation of arid-zone waterholes runs deeper than the survival imperative, and can be enriched by considering landscape aesthetics and psychology. This attraction has spawned a rich mythology centred on waterholes – permanent features in an otherwise harsh and variable environment.  相似文献   

喜琳 《旅游纵览》2016,(6):18-21
经过30多年发展,当前大范围的旅游规划基本已告一段落,中小型景区规划渐成主体,在这样的发展形势下,各规划编制单位在规划过程中纷纷就中小型景区的规划要求进行了多样的编制创新,市场上出现了各类规划形式。本文通过对中小型景区旅游规划概念体系及编制要求的研究,结合市场发展实践,探索一种"三规合一"的综合性规划编制来专门应对中小型景区旅游规划,整合当前市场上各规划形式,完善规划编制体系,推动我国旅游规划工作进一步发展。  相似文献   

阿瑜  张进 《旅游纵览》2012,(7):96-99
<正>吉林莫莫格国家级自然保护区位于吉林省西部的镇赉县境内,是科尔沁草原上一颗璀璨明珠,是人人向往的神秘而古朴的人间仙境,鸟类天堂。保护区面积14.4万公顷,其中湿地面积占全区总面积的80%以上,是典型的湿地类型保  相似文献   

Equatorial airglow and solar radiation measurements from 20 to 700 nm have been conducted with two spectrophotometric instruments aboard the San Marco-5 satellite from March to December 1988. The in-flight performance of the experiment and its in-flight calibration aspects are described. Preliminary results of the solar flux measurements and the planned scheme of the airglow modelling are presented.  相似文献   

应一平 《文博》2009,(1):69-73
本文据《史记》及相关典籍记载,对《安期寿枣图》涉及人物、宗教、文化、社会背景及造型风格等进行立体审视;“安期寿枣”传说流长,但以绘画形式传世迄今仅见,所以此画深蕴人文内涵和学术价值。对上属“梁楷”题款,从与梁的其他作品比对,定为早期“细笔”目前尚缺实证。然画作本身散发的仙风禅境、笔致墨韵所传递的意味,对从关术学角度探讨古代人物写意画具有极大的现实意义。文中仅属个人初步论断,在此抛砖引玉,以求教于方家。  相似文献   

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