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张海宁 《神州》2014,(3):125-125
听是人们言语交际能力的重要方面,也是英语学习的重要途径之一。在英语学习中,四项基本技能分别是听、说、读、写,其中听是排在第一位的,由此可见听力的重要性非同一般。比利时语言学家Verchueren于1999年提出了语言顺应论。该理论认为,语言的使用是基于语言内部或外部的原因,有意识或无意识地不断进行选择的过程。这种选择涉及到各种语言形式包括语音,词素,句法,词汇和语义等。语言的表意过程是在不同意识程度下根据语境和语言结构关系进行选择的动态过程。本文从语言顺应论视角探讨大学英语听力教学存在的问题及成因,对听力教学有一定的价值。  相似文献   

杨秀银  宋洁 《沧桑》2013,(6):265-266,269
在语言教学中,语言隐含着丰富但又容易被忽视的国俗语义。如果脱离国俗语义,有些词汇意义、句子意义、篇章意义就会变得支离破碎,无法理解,因为正确理解国俗语义的基本要件是建立在该语言的民族历史文化之上。所以,民族的历史文化在语言教学中占据着重要的位置。本文试图从语言与文化的关系探讨国俗语义在教学中的运用和意义,目的是能够使语言教学实现语言与文化的有机结合。  相似文献   

史志关系是方志学科的一个基本问题。以往史志关系研究的基本观点有四种流别:认为史志有别;认为史志无别;折中派观点;职能派观点。笔者提出应当从史志职能同一性的视角来看待史志关系,要突出其"存史"、"资治"、"教化"的功能,并结合中国史学史的传统进行阐释。  相似文献   

日本学术界长期重视对中国与俄罗斯关系的研究,特别是两国在黑龙江流域地区的历史问题,被日本学界视作近现代中国东北地区一系列历史问题的源头,形成了众多的研究分支。尽管我们对日本学者的一些观点不能苟同,但对其进行归纳和分析,可以管窥日本学界的研究视角、观点、方法和兴趣所在,进而为国内的相关问题研究提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

张军香 《沧桑》2013,(6):138-139,191
法律术语作为法律语言的重要组成部分,是全民共同语的变体,在语音、语义和语法等方面都存在变异现象,这种情况的产生受语言机制影响。法律术语语音变化、语义单义、语义对义、词类转变、词性游移、句法结构凝缩、缩减构词等变异形式与语言的排除机制、经济机制、对称机制和类推机制有密切的关系。  相似文献   

张伟 《神州》2013,(32):147-148
语言原本是模糊的,一个词语经常会有多个义位。根据家族相似性理论,这些义位存在相似关系,并且随着认知的加深,义位会不断增加,使语义变得清晰。本文通过对日语动词"つく"的语义探索,分析「つく」类动词的家族相似性以及其语义如何实现由模糊到清晰。  相似文献   

何努 《南方文物》2023,(1):1-12
<正>一、引言关于考古学视角下最早“中国”概念的探索,近十年来方兴未艾,仍然如火如荼。笔者曾经梳理过学界以往有关最早中国考古论述的主要学术观点,有以许宏先生为代表的“都城考古视角下的中国”观点,以韩建业和李新伟先生为代表的“考古学文化视野下的中国”观点,以曹兵武先生为代表的“精神文化视角的中国”观点,笔者则坚持以地中观念为核心基础的“精神文化考古视野下的中国”观点,因而陶寺遗址是“最早的中国”(1)。笔者的观点得到部分学者的认同(2),但是,诸家观点有不同的视角,以致对最早中国判定的标准各异,关于最早中国考古探索还会继续下去。  相似文献   

无我  李悦 《西夏研究》2022,(3):32-41
本文主要从西夏语、西夏语人称代词系统、西夏语动词一致关系,以及藏缅语视角下的西夏语动词四个方面描述了西夏语的语言面貌,并认为藏缅语中受事句法角色与波兰语等语言中以与格标记的动词主价语之间存在一定的语义相似性,由此提出对译西夏语时应注意的相关问题。另外,鉴于藏缅语表现出的受益者或受损者主价语优先的受事一致趋势,波兰语的与格为西夏语动词受事句法角色提供了更简洁的语义对应。最后,本文试图从藏缅语的角度解释西夏语的动词词形变化。这些发现将为今后西夏语动词研究提供更广阔的视野。  相似文献   

前两文谈了汉代注释书对句法(语法)关系、句型句式的表现,本文谈语义关系的表现.语法学上认为语法关系、语义关系是两种有联系、但有区别的两种结构,应当有个清楚的认识.语法结构相同的语义结构不一定相同,语义结构相同的语法结构不一定相同.举例来看:(1)今也小国师大国而耻受命焉.[今小国以大国为师学法度焉,而耻受命放不从其进退.]《孟子·离娄上》  相似文献   

关于语义学和语用学关系的争论由来已久,但进入后格赖斯语用学阶段,由于格赖斯关于“所言”和“所含”的区分存在着缺陷,使这场争论的焦点已转向语义和语用的界面问题。语义最简论认为,句子表达独立于语境的最简命题,同时承认所言中含有语境敏感成分;语境论则认为,句子的话语意义包括显性意义和隐性意义都属于推论意义即含义,必须通过语用过程在语境中加以确定。界面研究的兴起,对于我们认识语言的意义和语言的使用与认知的关系开辟了新的视阈。  相似文献   

新时期中国近代社会史研究评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20多年来,社会史研究已经成为中国近现代史领域中最令人瞩目的方向。中国近代社会史研究经历了学科复兴、体系建构和稳步发展的三个阶段。中国近代社会史研究的时代特征主要体现为:区域社会史成果突出,其理论研究也日趋深化;近代乡村史研究方兴未艾,走向深入;新理念下的社会性别史引人关注。对于传统的中国近代史学科而言,社会史研究的学术贡献主要表现为三个方面:即突破教条,重构体系;汲取新知,更新方法;三大转向,完成转型。跨学科的交叉渗透、多学科理论方法的汲取,为社会史的进一步发展提供了深广的学理基础和诱人的前景。  相似文献   

孔祥军 《清史研究》2012,(1):100-114
清代学者对《尚书·禹贡》进行了深入全面的研究,形成了八十多种著述的规模。按照其著述类型,大致可分为五类,注疏型、集解型、辑注型、专论型、泛说型。其大要探讨内容为厘定经文文本、辨析地理方位、深考释诂音训、研讨经文大义,主要研究方法有排比文献、援经证经、考辨同名异地、详析矛盾抵牾,辅以实地目验考察、参考域外纪行,辗转考辨,反复讨论,从而将《禹贡》研究推进到了前所未有的高度。  相似文献   

An analysis of 87 doctoral dissertations shows diversity of subject matter, but uneven distribution among geographic disciplines. Among gaps noted by the author are absence of dissertations on the hi story of geography, either Soviet or foreign, shortage of integrated physical-economic regional studies and absence of studies devoted to new mathematical methods in geography. Most doctoral candidates are between 45 and 55 years old and are ready to retire by the time they complete their dissertations.  相似文献   

Geography is perceived to be a relevant contributing discipline within a growing Canadian studies community in the United States, and the Association of American Geographers (AAG) retains a viable Canadian Studies Specialty Group. Since the early 1990s, however, the number of American geographers affiliated with Canadian studies organizations has not significantly increased: the community of scholars remains small and geography holds a peripheral position in terms of its actual contribution to US‐based Canadian studies programs. This article documents and interprets these trends using membership data collected by prominent professional organizations in Canadian studies and geography. It also explores the question of why American geography's Canadian regional specialists are not engaging formal Canadian studies initiatives in greater numbers. The observations that emerge suggest that a diversification of research themes in Canadian studies, particularly in the realms of environmental and physical science, would both increase participation by American geographers and enhance the field's ability to address pertinent aspects of the Canadian experience. Although observations presented pertain directly to the state of Canadian studies in American geography, they may also shed light on the lack of involvement by geographers in a variety of area studies fields in the United States and elsewhere.  相似文献   

旅游地理视角下记忆研究的进展与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记忆是当前西方人文社会科学的重要研究领域,同时也是一个跨学科的概念。记忆与时间和空间密不可分,随着20世纪90年代以来"旅游潮"和"记忆转向"的兴起,记忆研究日益成为中西方旅游地理研究者的关注领域。本文通过对人文地理学中旅游相关研究中的记忆议题和研究方法的梳理,从记忆、物质景观与地方意义的感知,记忆、仪式与身份认同,以及旅游者的情感体验与地方建构三个方面进行分析,以期展现充满文化、社会、政治乃至经济内涵的记忆地理问题发展脉络及独特意义,为国内旅游地理学开拓新的研究视野。  相似文献   

郭常英 《史学月刊》2004,(5):113-117
2003年底在浙江湖州召开的“中国江南市镇国际学术研讨会”上,学们提交的论涉及市镇研究的多个层面,有宏观研究,也有中观、微观研究,有关注经济的,还有关注社会的,展示了近一时期我国江南市镇研究的最新成果。但目前市镇研究有很多空白点,大有章可做,有待学们作进一步研究。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to initiate a conversation about methodology in public and community archaeology through an examination of the use of case studies. Case studies enable the exploration of situations that are, by their nature, not easily reduced to statistical data. The challenge is that unless they are carefully structured, case studies may contribute little beyond anecdote to the field. Other disciplines that rely on case studies have addressed the methodological challenges aggressively. This paper explores these issues in four sections: First, the rationale for methodology in public archaeology is examined. Second, actual practice—through analysis of papers published in Public Archaeology and, to a limited degree, in the ‘grey literature’—is reviewed. Third, alternative case study methods, gleaned from diverse disciplines, are presented. Finally, the potential for method-based case study research is illustrated through an example of the use of one such method.  相似文献   


The aim of this contribution is to identify how gender and feminist studies have positioned themselves within the higher education system in post-socialist Albania. In Albania, the post-socialist context was featured by a negative connotation of the left-wing perspective hindering the development of critical and feminist thinking in academia. There is a lack of feminist debate, and hostile prejudices against feminists stick well, particularly in the absence of a thorough debate about feminism. Gender and women’s studies are present mainly in the public university system in association with the Social Sciences Faculty. The only complete program on gender studies is situated within the Department of Social Work and Social Policy, as a Master program in Gender and Development. Gender or feminist studies are mostly taught as “optional” courses often just for the sake of having them present in the program. In this contribution, we aim at briefly presenting some of the main developments, gaps and challenges regarding gender and feminist studies in the Albanian higher education.  相似文献   

绅士是中国历史上科举制度所造就的一个特殊阶层。这个社会阶层介乎官僚与民众之间,在历史上起过十分重要的社会作用。中外学对这一阶层的研究,尤其是张仲礼、周荣德对这一阶层的系统研究,是中国社会史和中国社会学研究的一项重要内容,也是后学的典范和楷模。  相似文献   


What are the connections between Ian Hunter's specific criticisms of cultural studies and his more general criticisms of those strands of the humanities that take issue with instrumental reasoning? How are these connections informed by his assessments of the limitations, and the consequences, of the ‘moment of theory’? What are the implications of his critique of anti-instrumental defences of the humanities for contemporary debates concerning the future trajectories of cultural studies? In exploring these questions I consider the continuities between Hunter's initial criticisms of cultural studies and the broader contours of his subsequent engagements with contemporary diagnoses of the fading critical vocation of the humanities. While endorsing the general tenor of Hunter's remarks on these questions, I conclude by arguing the need for genealogies of cultural studies and of the humanities that cast their nets more widely than Hunter's primary focus on textual disciplines.  相似文献   

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