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An earthen kitchen stove caught my attention on a recent visit to the Tibet Museum, as such a stove, commonly used by the Tibetans only a dozen years ago, can hardly be found today in the region.Varieties of StovesTibetans used a variety of stoves in the past. For instance, they used rectangular stoves with several pots, and oval stoves to press edible oil. Monastery monks adopted types that were sometimes as large as a small room. Ordinary Tibetans had the following four kinds of stoves for cooking:  相似文献   

Thanks to Tibet     
Somedaysago,aChinesewriterwhohadlivedmanyyearsinTibettoldmesomething:"Once-youenterTibetansoilyourlifedefinitelychanges."HesaidIwasaclearexampleofthis;"Lookatyou.YouwenttoTibetasatouristin1994,andnowyouarewritingaPh.D.dissertatfonaboutTibetanLiterature.AndmaybeyouwillheworkingonthingsrelatedtoTibetfortherestofyourlife."Ineverthoughtthiswaybefore,butatthatmomentIrealizedthatsomehowhewasright.ManyPeopleinsideandoutsideChinahaveveryidealizedVisionsofTibet.WhenIwenttoTibetin1994,Imetmanyt…  相似文献   

Tibetan garment adornments are largely identical, although with some minor differences, and the adornments of Amdo are a major branch.  相似文献   

Located in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, Chanang, some 130 km from Lhasa, is blessed with convenient transporta-tion networks and a longstanding culture. Despite modern progress, tradition still holds sway in some areas.A wedding party in Chanang generally lasts three days. On the first day, a number of people who are good at singing and dancing will be selected to greet the bride at her door. Relatives of the bride will come to offer their congratulations, too.On the second day, the bride leaves her home and enters that of the bridegroom at a suitable time chosen by divination. The  相似文献   

Fist Leg:Xainza The periods between March and May or between October and December are the best times for going to northern Tibet,when there is no rainy season,cars will not get stuck and it is not too cold.  相似文献   

InthevastareahuggingthebeautifulQinghaiLakelivenumerousTibetanfarmersandherders.Giventhearea'scomn1icatednaturalenvironmeninconvenienttransportlinks,thesepeopIehavesinceancienttimesdevelopedhabitsandtaboosuniquetothemselves.TheTibetanslivinginthispartofth…  相似文献   

The government in Shigatse prefecture has firmly carried forward scientific development view, and called for further innovation in thought and methods. The governments at all levels make their decisions in accordance with local condition. They have focused on increasing incomes of rural and nomadic households in this region. People in Shigatse have enjoyed continuous income increase, resulting from their transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture.  相似文献   

Many of our readers have been reading our magazine for years. But very few of them have been to Tibet. The landscape is number one in the world. It is highlighted by the Tibetan culture is unique. However, this is what is described in written language. What is Tibet really like? Is Tibet a region just as described by China's Tibet?  相似文献   

Many of our readers have been reading our magazine for years. But very few of them have been to Tibet.The landscape is number one in the world. It is highlighted by the Tibetan culture is unique.However, this is what is described in written language.What is Tibet really like? Is Tibet a region just as described by China's Tibet?We sincerely invite our readers and friends to visit in order to see Tibet with their own eyes and talk to our editors.  相似文献   

On July 10,2004a 12-member journalist delegation left Beijing for Tibet by air.The plane landed at Chengdu Shuangliu Airport at 13:00,and took off again at 15:10.At about 17:00 we arrived at Lhasa Gonggar Airport.Following a journey of some 90 km after leaving the airport,we reached Lhasa, and stayed at Lhasa Tibet Hotel.  相似文献   

BirthandBurialRitualsUniquetoLabrangFOLKLOREHUARUIDONGZHIZholma’slaborpainsmadehercryasshelayinhertent,whereholysmokeblewfrom...  相似文献   

神话在民间的流传和信仰情况主要是通过地方志得以记录和保存的。方志记载了神话产生的地域、供奉神话英雄的庙宇、对神话英雄的祭祀,正是这三方面的记载,使神话更为丰富并得以世代流传。本文以山西方志所载羿神话为例,以翔实的资料来说明地方志对于神话传承的独特意义。在这一点上,方志具有其他文献无法比肩的作用。  相似文献   

Eyewitness to Changes in TibetEyewitnesstoChangesinTibet¥LIJIASHENGEyewitnesstoChangesinTibetChigranjanNareshSawart,afamousIn...  相似文献   

香炉石遗址与香炉石文化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
香炉石遗址是鄂西清江中游的一处早期巴化遗址,出土遗物较丰富,计有石器、陶器、骨器、铜器、甲骨和陶印章等物近万件,已被研究命名为“香炉石化”(即早期巴化),其时限为距今4000~3000年间,属我国青铜时代一种地域性的考古学化。香炉石化的人们多居住在河流两旁的台地上,其经济生活以渔猎为主,采集和种植为辅。该化的源头,从陶器中的罐釜等炊具的形制特征看,可追溯到大溪化和城背溪化,香炉石化的明程度较高,这里出土了迄今为止我国最早的陶印章和商周时期的大批甲骨,就是最好的说明。  相似文献   

许多人都有坐飞机旅游的机会,并能够从天上看世界,可是很少有人将所看到的画面拍摄下来。我们所以将这组作品推荐给大家,是想说明,当您乘坐飞机旅游的时候,千万不要忘了用相机留下那里的美妙、那里的精彩。——编者  相似文献   

The earliest contacts between the United States and Tibet were unofficial and non-governmental.To the Americans,it was the travellers,explorers  相似文献   

郭建斌 《华夏地理》2002,(11):118-120
"格桑梅朵"是互联网上众多中文门户网站上都可以搜索到的一个网页.在浩瀚无边的网际空间里,"格桑梅朵"属于那种适宜于高原的水土,随高原的春来秋去而绽放或凋零的一类.  相似文献   

At present,Tibetan PhD's are playing key roles in the advancement of Tibetan culture,medicine,science,technology,economy and society in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). According to survey results recently revealed by the Science and Technology Association of TAR,to date,over 60 Tibetan doctoral graduates are working at the frontier of production and research programs in TAR.The data reveals that an equal number of them are working in natural and social science.About one third of  相似文献   

“离乱身偶在,窜迹任浮沉”,是战乱下社会动荡不安的真实写照。为了躲避战乱,无辜的平民往往背井离乡,寻找一席安全之地,建造自己新的家园,生存下来。放眼世界,我们会发现有很多造型极具特色的民居。这些匠心独运的民居设计,并不只是单纯为了美观,更多的是为了防止侵略,从而营造一个安全、宁静的生活环境。  相似文献   

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