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The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,primarily in Nanjing city and Beijing city,the capital of the Ming dynasty.At the same time,Chinese culture represented by Chinese Buddhism and its art was also introduced into Tibet and other Tibetan areas.  相似文献   

<正>I. Introduction Sa dpyad is the Tibetan tradition of geomancy. It is the old knowledge of analyzing the landscape combining Bon religion, Indian Buddhism culture, and Chinese Fengshui风水. Fused with Tibetan astrology, medicine, and Tantric Buddhism, it has survived in its pure and authentic form until today through a lineage of qualified Sa dpyad masters.  相似文献   

Tibetan Buddhism,one of the important sects of Buddhism,is believed by a lot of researchers to have disseminated into Tibet from India,Nepal and its adjacent Han nationality congregating areas in around 7th century.The subsequent spread of Buddhism in Tibet experienced two periods of fast diffusion,during which the original Buddhist doctrine merged with Tibetan traditional culture,and a new form of religion with typical Tibetan characteristics came into being.  相似文献   

正The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,  相似文献   

Despite the rolling of high plateau and stunning Himalayas, Tibet has a nickname of “Holy Land” with its ancient history and colorful culture. Refered as Shangri-La, the roof of the world and many more, the mysterious kingdom remained closed to others, exerting a strong hold on the imagination of the world. For centuries, it has fascinated mankind in various ways. Its religion is one of astonishing one. Here we have questions! What is Tibetan Buddhism about? How many sects it has? What about each one‘s doctrine? Have you ever known its architectures, its religious arts, as well as its incarnation of Living Buddha? People feel curious about its powerful inspiration and cohesive strength,  相似文献   

Tibetan Buddhism is well known for its enormous ideological systems, rich cultural contents, unique religious forms and well-organized structures. It is distinctively characterized by the reincarnation system (e.g. reincarnation of a great lama as a child after his death), the politico-religious administration, anuttara-yoga-tantra, a gigantic system of gods and spirits caused by the fusion of Buddhism and the Bon tradition, rich and colorful religious rituals with innumerable names, and many religious sects each having a system of its own. The gradual path to enlightenment is the most fundamental, inherent principal as well as decisive characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism. This is why Tibetan Buddhism attracts modern believers.  相似文献   

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After Buddhism entered Tibet,its special form of Tibet,called as "Tibetan Buddhism".Prior to the advent of Buddhism,the native religion of Tibet was Bon.The Bon religion had similarities to the witchcraft practiced in the hinterland of China.In dealing with any sort of mystery and to avoid misfortune,the Bonists performed rituals involving prayer,the consultation of oracles,and exorcism.Bonists also relied on such rituals to cure illness while performing funeral rites.  相似文献   

The most unique characteristic of Tibetan society has been the prevailing domination of Tibetan Buddhism for centuries and its regime combining administration and religion. As Melvyn Goldstein said,"Buddhism has played a central role in Tibetan society,defining morality and the fundamental meaning of existence through its core notions of karma, rebirth,and enlightenment"(Goldstein,1998:5).In history,not only Dalai Lamas had been the supreme leaders of the regime and monks occupied key positions at all administrative  相似文献   

正Tibetan Buddhism,one of the important sects of Buddhism,is believed by a lot of researchers to have disseminated into Tibet from India,Nepal and its adjacent Han nationality congregating areas in around 7~(th) century.The subsequent spread of Buddhism in Tibet experienced two periods of fast diffusion,during which the  相似文献   

Urban construction in Tibet is, in essence, an issue of economics and culture. It is also part of the lifeline of devel-opment. It is my view that tourism is the linchpin of regional development.Tibet is richly endowed with tourist resources, endowed with the mysticism of Tibetan Buddhism and folklore. Development of tourism calls for corre-  相似文献   

Tibetans, one of the oldest ethnic minorities in China, are mainly distributed in the vast western regions of modern Tibet, Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu and Yunnan. Students and scholars of the long history of Tibetan culture, as well as the breadth and profundity of Tibetan Buddhism, have always concentrated their attention on the role of men in this history and largely ignored women. Actually, in the history of the socio-  相似文献   

丁静 《东南文化》2002,(10):54-59
As a kind of art forms and a historic existence, the folk wooden sculpture has its own culture and value of arts. The broaden content of the topics and delicate decoration is its most appalling point.  相似文献   

The Joyul tradition,which was founded in the 11thcentury,was one of the most important sects of Ti-betan Buddhism.This tradition may trace its originsback to Pha Dampa Sangye,a well-known monk whowas a native of South India,and was founded by MacikLabdron(ma-cig lab-sgron),a famous Tibetan Yogini(a female practitioner of the Yogachara school).It wasthe only sect founded by a female in the history of Ti-betan Buddhism,and this is also rarely seen in the worldhistory of world religions.The sect had a unique doc-trine and methods of intensive meditative practice.Therefore,it was a distinctive sect in the TibetanBuddhism.It not only had deep impact on other sectsof Tibetan Buddhism,but also had great influence on  相似文献   

<正>The expression Rnying Ma-pa means "ancient" or "old".The Rnying Ma-pa sect maintained that it is ancient because Pad-ma vbyung-gnas established its doctrines in the 8th century,about three hundred years earlier than the origin of Tibetan Buddhism’s other sects.With regard to "old",the Rnying Ma-pa sect claimed to focus on the teachings of Old Tantric Mysticism,basically those translated during the Tubo period. The division of Tibetan Buddhism into various sects differed from that of Hinayana and Mahayana in Indian Buddhism.The separation of Hinayana into eighteen schools was  相似文献   

Famous Sakya Monastery on Snowland Sakya Monastery (sa-skya dgon-pa) is the main temple of the Sakya sect of Tibetan Buddhism founded in 1073 and located in the Sakya County (Sa-skya rdzong) of Tibet. The Monastey's buildings cover a vast area and is well-Known for its unique architectural structure. It has been the residence of the Sakya Kingdom and ex-  相似文献   

正This article aims to discuss the predicament faced by Tibetan Buddhism in the current time of globalization,the opportunities facing it,and its potential ways out of the dilemma.Especially taking into account the fact that today’s Tibetan Rinpoches and tantric Buddhist teachings have on one hand become the most favored of their kind amongst great numbers of progressives and petty bourgeoisie in this postmodern  相似文献   

The Yarlung River Valley inShannan was the birthplace ofthe Tibetan race. When theTubo Kingdom was founded,Songtsam Gambo moved its capital topresent-day Lhasa. With Lang Darmamaking efforts to suppress Buddhism,the regime fell and in the ensuing 400years, the region suffered heavily fromdisintegration. This lasted until two menemerged to establish the brilliance of theXigaze area.Sapan and Godan Meet inLiangzhou  相似文献   

EDITOR’S NOTE:Forprolonged period,Qamdo has been a gateway toChina’s hinterland and the heartland of Tibet as well.Given its importantgeological location,it was where the Han,Tibetan and other ethnic groups havelong lived and labored.The result is the creation of a unique culture.This introduction to Xiaoyihui provides one angleon the culture unique to Qamdo.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. The Education System of Monasteries Under the Yellow Sect of Lamaism The rise of the Yellow Sect (or the dGe-lugs-pa Secti) in Tibet in the 15th century was closely related to its mature system of monasteries and sound organization of personnel. In the 13th and 14th centuries, previously thriving sects of Tibetan Buddhism, such as the Sa-skya-pa Sect2  相似文献   

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