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在欧洲商业组织引入中国以前,中国的实体股权长久以来一直依靠文化的以及法律习俗所支撑。在缺少法典化、系统化的私法惯例之下,深深植根于日常惯例之中的契约文化和使私人契约生效的政府维持了商业的日益增长。类似的惯例满足了商界寻求方法聚积资本并长久维持商行的需求。这些习俗的发展有助于解释西方式的公司法颁布之后中国对西方判例的适应性以及中国习俗自相矛盾的存留状态。  相似文献   

My purpose in this article is to explore the relationship between emotion and the senses in relation to the rosary and rosary confraternities in seventeenth-century Rome, with a particular emphasis on the experience of women.The rosary is well suited to an approach grounded in sensory methodology, as it is defined both as a prayer and as an object. As a object it was always kept close to the body. Praying the rosary was not only tactile (each bead was handled during prayer) but also auditory, as the prayer was said aloud. Scented rosaries were also common, adding an olfactory component to the ritual. The sense of sight was also important: as confraternities of the rosary obtained their own chapels, large altarpieces of the Madonna of the Rosary were commissioned as visual aids to prayer. Artists incorporated haptic and olfactory prompts into these images, knowing that the audience would be praying in front of them. The rosary, therefore, constituted a ‘sensorium’, defined here as the intertwining and interdependence of multiple sense modalities.The complex interaction in the rosary between prayer, bead and the scenes from the mysteries, developed gradually from older tradition of prayer beads, which is summarised here.  相似文献   

In previous Finnish collection studies, early Finnish art collections have mainly been observed through European examples, using German or English collecting or museum‐historical literature. The history of art collecting in Russia identifies several identifiable phases of art collecting, and breeds of art collectors, that coexisted in Finnish early art collecting. In this study, the prevailing circumstances and the collectors' archetypes of Imperial Russia, of which Finland was an integral part in the period of autonomy, are considered through previously unapplied literature of Russian collecting and museum history in Finnish collection studies. Central to this are two case examples from early Finnish art collecting, with related unpublished archival material. On the whole, some of the current Finnish paradigms of the initial stages of art collecting in Finland are questioned, emphasizing, for example, the meaning of the social network, pivotal for the maturation of the collector and for the selection of subjects for collecting.  相似文献   

BERNARD CAPP 《History》2023,108(379-380):41-63
Grandparents have been largely overlooked in the otherwise rich historiography of the family in early modern England. This article shows how many were able to play significant roles in family life, in both emotional and practical terms. Some forged close bonds with their young grandchildren, or took them in for a period to relieve hard-pressed parents, while others were willing to raise and educate the orphaned. Some also provided moral or religious guidance, assuming responsibilities conventionally assigned to godparents, and in some cases even challenging parental decisions of which they disapproved. Grandchildren were almost always remembered in wills, with testators also careful to protect the interests of any potentially at risk. The article then turns to explore the role of grandparents acting as welfare providers, whether voluntarily or through a court order, for grandchildren left as orphans or born to unmarried mothers. It assesses the often contentious issue of grandparents’ moral and legal responsibilities under the parish relief system established by the Poor Law in 1601, and disputes between the paternal and maternal kin. Finally, the article touches briefly on grandparents as repositories of information, whose memories and experience could be of value to their community as well as to their own families.  相似文献   

This article uses the fifty‐year career of Paul Popenoe as a lens through which to examine the North American eugenics movement. Popenoe, a leading advocate of compulsory sterilisation in the 1930s, became a celebrated marriage counsellor in the 1950s, famous for the Ladies' Home Journal feature ‘Can This Marriage Be Saved?’ The ease with which Popenoe metamorphosed from a champion of sterilisation to an expert on marriage was made possible by, and helps to reveal, deep ideological affinities and organisational connections between eugenics and marriage counselling in the United States.  相似文献   

家庭是形成性别关系最小的基本单位,在近代早期,英国社会中的性别关系在家庭中得到明显的体现。结婚后,丈夫和妻子为了建立一个独立的新家而共同协作,劳动的性别分工基本遵循男主外、女主内的模式,各个阶层的妇女都要为家庭经济作贡献,但这并没有改变其地位卑微的状况,“男尊女卑”、“男主女从”仍然是这一时期家庭中的常态。  相似文献   

This article proposes an interpretation of Lope de Vega's El Brasil Restituido (1625) that points to the political, military, and economic crises of Spain in Europe as the underlying themes of the representation of the retaking of the Brazilian colony of Bahía from the Dutch. The Spanish monarchy faced a major challenge to its European supremacy during the first two decades of the seventeenth century. Not only was its military power being frontally contested at different sites of Europe, but its political and economic influence was rapidly deteriorating as well. One of the goals of the Count-Duke of Olivares, the powerful prime minister of Phillip IV, was to regain European leadership by mobilizing the mercantile segments of Spain. The play illustrates the confluence of two ideological systems during the transformation of Spanish feudal society. On the one hand, the dominant ideology of blood purity legitimizes the seigniorial structure of lineage; on the other hand, the representation of a new merchant as a good servant of the king discloses the important role that a mercantile enterprise and ethos had acquired in the formation of a subject to the monarchy.  相似文献   

沈琦 《史学集刊》2006,3(5):64-69
近代早期是英国由农本而重商的转型时期.商人日益成为社会经济舞台的重要角色。商人的社会地位和作用的变迁,不仅与其所处的时代和社会环境密切相关,而且与其婚姻取向以及由此而来的婚姻关系密不可分。商人阶层内部以及商人与其他社会阶层特别是贵族、乡绅之间的通婚,无论对商人个体抑或群体都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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