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Since the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has been formally part of the territory of China. By keeping abreast with developments in the hinterland, Tibet has maintained close relations with other provinces in China and kept up to date. Mutual interactions were frequent i.e. Tibetans presented tributes to the central government and vice versa, the central governments bestowed largess on Tibetans. The largess included Buddhist statues, porcelains, silks, satins, and fabulous jade ornaments. In book entitled "Memoir of Qing Taizhong", it was recorded that Emperor Shunzhi had once given the Fifth Dalai Lama an agate cup, two crystal cups, six jade cups, and one jade kettle.  相似文献   

谷建祥 《东南文化》2000,(2):102-103
The unity of man, bird and beast is a piece of jade in the early period of Liangzhu culture, the craftsmanship of which is fairly perfect. The shape has profound eannntations, that is, the unity of man, bird and beast stands for the jinn worship of heaven, earth and ancestors. Its appearance marks the end nf the preliminary religion and the coming of the systematic human religion.  相似文献   

Zong, as a popular kind of ancient jade, is one of the important ritual vessels in the preliminary age. Zong‘s shape is a cube with a hole drilled through the center, which is square outside and round inside, big-headed and small-ended. It reflects the naive worldview and belief in the preliminary age. The ritual function and witchcraft determine the shape of Zong.  相似文献   

Jue, is one of the important kinds of Chinese ancient jade.Iti-s production dates to the Qing dynasty.Judged from the shape,it is an ear pedant as earring, which reflects the simple aesthetic conception and traditional thought of ancient people.Jue of the early times is comparatively important and it is the forefather of ancient jade as far as we know and worthy of thorough research.  相似文献   

李竹  许淑芳 《东南文化》2003,(12):78-80
Jade xi is one kind analogous to the crooked animal tooth either animal horn form shape utensils, is one king of ornament that the ornament was wear with one, and dos worthwhile the use of Xie Jie. The development of jade xi evolution process along with artistic style were introduced to the orginal profile.  相似文献   

Since the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has been formally part of the territory of China. By keeping abreast with developments in the hinterland, Tibet has maintained close relations with other provinces in China and kept up to date. Mutual interactions were frequent i.e. Tibetans presented tributes to the central government and vice versa, the central governments bestowed largess on Tibetans. The largess included Buddhist statues, porcelains, silks, satins, and fabulous jade ornaments. In book entitled “Memoir of...  相似文献   

李银德 《东南文化》2000,(2):104-105
The silver threaded jade suit unearthed in the tomb of lig He,liu li shan site xu zhou in 1996,is the only comptete set nuearthed so far in china the excavation of this suit plays an impertant role in the study of the usage of jade suit,buriat system,social and cultur of siuation of that time,the shape of early jade suit and technigue.  相似文献   

The owner of Zhihe Studio is a collector of ancient jade. Neither aiming too high nor following the mainstream, he is indifferent to fame and wealth. He isso engaged in collecting and studying ancient Chinese jade that great achievements were made through these years. His collection is varied from those ofHong Shan Civilization and Liangzhu Civilization 5,000 years ago to the precious pieces of late Qing Dynasty. Such pieces from the Neolithic Age are the most outstanding ones.  相似文献   

The double-body pottery pot was unearthed in 1977 at the Karub ruins in Chamdo,Tibet,and has a history of more than 4,000 years.The shape of the vessel is made of two identical bag-shaped gallipots connected together,so it is named"double-body pot".According to the fibet Museum,the pot mouse has a diameter of 11.3cm,a bottom diameter of 8.4cm and a height of 19cm.Its texture is yellow pottery with sand.The mouth is horn shaped,straight neckt abdomen is con nected bag shaped double body,cervical shoulder has a pair of holes for tying rope.The surface of the pot is exquisitely decorated;with the use of carved lines and Cinnabar black painting decoration.The ware is full and beautiful in shape,ingenious in conception and skilled in craftsmanship,which represents the highest level of pottery production of Karub culture at that time and is known as the representative work of neolithic pottery in Tibet.  相似文献   

After leaving the Burangcounty seat, we headed forKegyia Village, the lastcommunity that we investi-gated in Ngari. It is a Tibetanrural area with relatively concentrated pop-ulation and has a traditional cultural envi-ronment with a monastery as its center.Transport links are good so it is possiblereach the border with Nepal directly.Kegyia lies 11 km southeast of BurangCounty in the Ngari district with a popula-tion of 650 and is the site of the townshipgovernment is at Kegyia Village.K…  相似文献   

In Tibetan families, there are always two wooden bowls, a big one and a small one, the former for the father and the latter for the mother. In well-to-do families, each wooden bowl has a silver lid, on which are carved patterns symbolizing good luck. In even wealthier families, every wooden bowl is inlaid with silver and carved with patterns, with only a finger-width part left in the middle of the bowl to show its wooden nature. Above it is the lid and under it is the tray, both made of silver. The lid is shaped like a tower and inlaid with silver and gold, on the top of which is a red agate forming a handle. The tray is especially unique. It is in the shape of eight petals of a lotus, with a pattern of good luck on each petal altogether making up the traditional eight propitious omens.  相似文献   

宋兆麟 《东南文化》2001,(10):65-71
Lacquer ware is the invention of China and still be used and produced in civilian life. That made from area of Mountain Liang is most characterized with ancientness and simplicity. The author has thrice been there to investigate the social history and art of lacquer. This passage introduces the procedure of making lacquer wares in detail, which is believed to be of great value to the research of the social culture.  相似文献   

正Gyama Choepel is a Tibetan man born in the Medrogungkar County of Lhasa. He grew up predominantly in Nyingchi. The man drives for a living and has a rich understanding of the local Tibetan culture and its customs. When talking with customers, especially photographers, he takes the opportunity to shower them with stories of his experiences and the knowledge he gained over the years, and he is well known  相似文献   

The Tibet Autonomous Region covers an area of1.2 million square kilometers.It stretches 2000 kilo-meters from east to west,and 1000 kilometers fromnorth to south.With such a vast area,Tibet has uniquetopographies and landforms,as well as a complex eco-logical environment.The northwest of the TibetanPlateau has a cold climate because of its high altitude,and it is mainly pastoral.With a lower altitude,a mildclimate and plenty of rain,the southeast is suitable forplanting crops,so is mainly agricultural and agricul-tural-pastoral.In addition,the middle and lowerreaches of the Yarlung Zangbo (Yar-Klung gtsang-po)River and the Valleys of Three Rivers consist of vastareas with dense primeval forests.Inhabitants fromvarious ethnic groups,with Tibetans as the majority,are scattered in agricultural,pastoral,and forested  相似文献   

正Spirituality has often been mixed with religion.There is no agreed definition of spirituality and it is extremely difficult to define separately from the religious practices despite it being a distinct form of religiosity.This study examines how the spiritual capital of Buddhism has been deployed to influence and increase income in  相似文献   

Development of agri-culture and animalhusbandry in Tibetover the past 50years has played animportant role in local eco-nomic development. However,with China’s accession to theWTO,the goal of agriculturalproduction and livestockbreeding is changing fromproviding the public with foodto increasing the income offarmers and herders. Whilethe public shows more con-cern for market economicdevelopment and protection of  相似文献   

Golden tiled roofs are typically seen on the halls and dagobas of monasteries. They are a lofty and luxurious building decoration made of bronze with gold gild.This building decoration and building style is an exclusive possession of Tibet. The gilded bronze.tube-like tiles used to form the roof have upturned eaves at four comers each has an open-mouthed huge legendary turtle.The roof is decorated with Buddhist umbrellas and bottles and reclining deen.And the eaves are carved with such patterns as Dharma wheel.  相似文献   

The history of any language with vitality is necessarily a history of normalization. Tibetan language is no exception. Since Thonmi Sambhota created the Tibetan language more than 1300 years ago, it has taken root on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and bloomed vigorously. One of the secrets of its ongoing success until today is its ability to absorb, integrate and apply new terminology.  相似文献   

New Books     
Thangka Paintings of the Tibetan Oral Epic King Gesar The book is co-authored by Zhou Aiming and Jambian Gyamco. King Gesar is an oral epic widely sung and performed today by the broad masses of Tibetans. It has been preserved, spread and expanded with an ever- growing length and ever-enriched contents because of the balladeer, or "Zongken" in Tibetan.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Red Cross has a branch in Tibet and in LhasaCity, whose members are openminded, non bureaucratic and sincerely dedicated to the improvement of poor people‘s standard of living and life conditions. So, at the end of the year 2000, they accepted a small project that they have been working with and supporting since with success. The cooperation of local authorities (Lhundrup and Medrogongkar)at every stage and level also contributed enormously to the achievements of the project, It must be underlined that although the sponsors are Europeans and there is one foreigner working with inPSTTM, the work and expertise are solely based on local Tibetan and Chinese knowledge. The reason is simple: there is enough local knowledge for everything needed for this project.  相似文献   

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