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王思杨 《神州》2011,(20):37+39
基因工程已经用于人类克隆并因此引起了极大的关注和争议,比如道德灾难、基因歧视以及转基因产品的不确定性。因此人类克隆应该受到限制,用于治疗目的的人类克隆应该严格受控。  相似文献   

最新一期《科学》杂志的一分研究报告披露,根据DNA检验结果,人类的好朋友狗,是狼的后裔,而人类养狗,最早可能是距今十三万五千年前的事,而非过去科学家认定的的一万四千年前,所以说,狗是人类的好朋友,可能还是人类最老的朋友。报告指出,狗的种类繁多,是因为它是许多种驯狼与野狼交配进化几个世纪的结果。由美国洛杉矾加州大学进化生物学家维拉领导的研究小组,同时还发现现在的狗无论是何品种,体内都有母狼基因的踪影,因此他们认定狗的祖先应该就是狼。维拉等人在比较全球二十七个种类的一百六十二只狼,以及六十七个种类的…  相似文献   

<正>人类走出非洲的最后一站剑桥大学的一个研究小组分析了6种北部非洲人种的基因信息(包括100位埃及人和其他人种各25人),表明埃及是人类走出非洲的出口。研究者设定了2种可能的路线:现代的埃及—西奈半岛的北部路线;从埃塞俄比亚—曼德海峡—阿拉伯半岛的南部路线。通过染色基因比对,发现埃及人和欧洲人的基因相似度要高于埃塞俄比亚人与欧洲人,因此埃及非常可能是人类走出非洲的最后一站。(张令鸥编译,湖南省文物考古研究所官网,2015年8月27日)  相似文献   

常秀芬 《神州》2012,(21):275-276
环境污染是当前世界突出问题,环境污染长期困扰着人类,随着经济的不断发展,环境不断地被破坏,污染越来越严重,对人类的危害也越来越大。因此,人类对环境的保护是非常重要的。我们应该在生物教学中渗透环保教育,让每一位学生树立环保意识,形成“爱护环境,人人有责”的良好风气。  相似文献   

哈贝马斯科技理论探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋霞 《世界历史》2001,46(2):23-34
当代社会是高科技社会。科学技术对人类社会的发展发挥着日益重要抑或决定性的作用,因此越来越成为学术界研究的焦点。那么,我们应该如何历史地看待高科技发展的本质?对高科技与社会的互动关系应作怎样的历史定位?高科技是如何影响到人类的几乎每个角落  相似文献   

谢桂玉 《神州》2013,(3):129-129
作为教育工作者,我们应该在教学中渗透环保教育,让每个学生都了解环境破坏的现状,主动关心环境保护方面的大事,使学生逐步形成"保护环境,保护人类的生存空间"的环保意识,并且能够落实到行动上。因此,我们在初中生物学教学中应该有意识地渗透环境保护教育,让学生在掌握知识、发展  相似文献   

21世纪,是人类实现长寿愿望的世纪。随着威胁人类生命的一些疾病被攻克,随着生命奥秘的逐步揭开和能控制衰老进程的基因工程的发展,人能活到百岁,将是一件极寻常的事。因此,我的这篇短不是研究吃何种灵丹妙药可以寿臻百岁,而是探讨人们“长命百岁”后怎么办?人们争取  相似文献   

历史哲学一词是十八世纪法国启蒙运动的著名思想家伏尔泰(1694—1778)最早应用的,他指的是人们对于历史不应该只以堆积史实为能事,还应该达到一种哲学的或理论的理解。近、现代的历史哲学一词,一般多用于专指西方唯心主义的历史哲学。至于唯物主义的历史哲学则一般通称为历史唯物主义,也就是马克思主义关于人类社会发展的普遍规律的科学。  相似文献   

马钧 《中国土族》2004,4(3):38-42
原始宗教是人类处于初期状态的宗教。这是人类历史上的一种普遍的社会现象。原始社会发展到一定阶段,产生了反映人和自然矛盾为主要内容的初期状态的宗教。这种原始宗教与阶级社会所形成的一神教相比,其明显之处表现为万物有灵,即多神崇拜。因此,学术界又常常把它命名为多神教或史前宗教。从考古遗迹看,50万年前的“北京猿人”时代还没有宗教观念。那时人类社会的生产力过分低下,人类的思维能力还处于极度低下的水平,人类用于交流的语言还相当贫乏,因此,原始人要表达简单的思想还要借助于面部和身体动作的辅助,他们的思维活动在相当长的一段…  相似文献   

黄志娇 《神州》2012,(9):218-218
掌握数学思想方法是数学学习的最高境界,数学思想方法不计其数,每一种都闪烁着人类智慧的火花。但小学生的年龄特点决定有些数学思想方法学生不易接受,因此在小学数学的教学中,教师应该有选择地渗透一些数学思想方法,使学生更易于理解和学习数学知识:  相似文献   

The conflict between science and religion dominates public debate about bioethical issues. However, this conflict is a bad guide to the real and sometimes tragic dilemmas of bioethics. It frequently obscures important practical and theoretical differences between otherwise like-minded commentators over such questions as the relative importance of cloning versus abortion, what it means to live well while dying, and whether human dignity is best understood as equal and universal or as comparative and based on particular human excellences. In this article, the author reviews the treatments of several controversies concerning the role of religion in bioethics in the recent work of the President's Council on Bioethics and concludes that these treatments have failed to reach the real questions confronting us in bioethics.  相似文献   


This article examines Houellebecq’s two genomics novels, Les Particules élémentaires and La Possibilité d’une île and elaborates their relationship with Neo-Darwinian evolutionary naturalism and neoliberal capitalism. In these works, the mutual interdependence of these two regimes of thought both necessitates and makes possible the technology of human cloning, which promises humanity an escape from the misery of its own biological, political predicament. Houellebecq’s work, I show, problematises this dialectic, and in doing so offers an incisive critique of utopian posthumanism, providing instead only an aporetic—but rigorously materialist—form of hope.  相似文献   

Human Rights and Multinationals: Is there a Problem?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years interested individuals and pressure groups have expressed considerable concern over the alleged complicity of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in violations of human rights. While such allegations are not historically unprecedented, the context in which they arise has changed. In particular, the increased integration of the global economy has created a perception that MNEs should take more responsibility for the social dimension of their actions, a perception that enterprises themselves have in part accepted through inter alia the issuing codes of corporate conduct. Furthermore, the rise of identity and lifestyle politics has made MNEs, as purveyors of products and services that help to define consumer lifestyles, a target of concern. These changes have significant implications for the evolution of human rights theory. In particular, they require a shift in the traditional view that corporations can only be victims of violations of human rights committed by states, towards one that extends responsibility for the commission, prevention and avoidance of such violations to MNEs themselves. On the other hand, there exist strong arguments against such an extension of human rights responsibilities. In particular, it is said that MNEs should only be responsible for the conduct of their business and should not be forced to involve themselves in such wider social issues. They are also private law entities and so should not possess the same responsibilities as states. This articles posits that such arguments in favour of extension, though strong and likely to remain influential, cannot answer the need for an extension of responsibility for human rights violations to MNEs where appropriate, on the basis that any attack on human dignity, whatever that legal nature and functions of its originator, must be liable to legal sanction. The technical legal means by which this might be done are considered. None the less, the article ends with a caution that any extension of human rights responsibilities to MNEs must not be allowed to deflect attention from the primary responsibility of states, as the most likely perpetrators of human rights violations, to avoid human rights violations on their own part and to establish a legal order in which the risk of such violations committed by private entities can be minimized, whether through effective national regulatory laws or international agreements on standards of corporate conduct.  相似文献   

Bedwetting has confounded the presumed boundaries of the human body, existing in a fluid space, between the normal and pathological, its treatment has demanded the application of a wide array of different technologies, each based on a distinct conception of the relationship between the body and personality, human organs and personal conduct. In tracing the social history of bedwetting and its regulation, this article examines the ontological assumptions underpinning the treatment of bedwetting and how they have changed over the past two centuries. Through the analysis of medical journals, newspaper articles and magazine advertisements, different topologies are identified which redefine the boundaries of the human body and its capacities. From 16th-century naturalism, in which the human body is subordinated to a cosmic totality, to the circumscribed space of 19th-century paediatrics and the expansive circuits of behavioural psychology and modern psychoanalysis, the body has become multiplied, differently enacted through the application of diverse technologies. It was be shown how coordinating the messy and divergent conceptions of the human body has posed an endemic problem for the human sciences, and how the enduring tension between object enactment and subject constitution is an expression of modern "baroque" subjectivity.  相似文献   

王兴中先生是我国著名的人文地理学家。他是中国新人文地理学的倡引者与践行者之一。他的学术思想集中体现在用现代新人文思想引领中国对空间对偶价值观结构的研究,创立了系统的"城市社会生活空间质量观"学理。具体表现在倡导探讨空间(或地点)社会-文化空间秩序的构成规律,引领对人文空间的社会公正与价值尊严结构研究的方向;在此基础上他力践中国新人文地理学在城市空间研究方面的社会空间基础、结构与解构及其规划的系统理念与原理。他的以上学术思想主要体现在现代人文地理学领域中的城市社会空间结构、城市生活空间结构、城市(商娱)场所微区位以及城市社区体系规划等四大领域的系统研究中。人文地理学大师吴传钧先生生前在王兴中先生的前三部代表性力作《中国城市社会空间结构研究》、《中国城市生活空间结构研究》和《中国城市商娱场所微区位原理》的序言中,赞称填补了该三大领域研究的空白,为我国城市社会地理研究提供了新范式。《城市社区体系规划原理》一书为城市空间规划提出了新思想。不仅如此,王兴中先生运用新人文思想对旅游资源景观和行为地理的研究,也取得了开创性的成就。王先生积极投身于我国人文地理研究,成为复兴人文地理学的生力军,通过他的具体工作,创办了我国唯一的人文地理学学术杂志《人文地理》,在我国人文地理学的复兴和发展中起到了重大的作用。特别是2001-2010年,在王先生的带领下,中国地理学会人文地理专业委员会暨全国高校人文地理教学研究会学术会议几乎年年召开,积极地促进了我国人文地理学的发展。王先生对中国人文地理学发展作出的杰出贡献,将载入人文地理学的发展史册。  相似文献   


An essential feature associated with the rise of the knowledge economy has been the increasing focus on the importance of human capital as a precondition for economic growth. Human capital has been found to have a positive impact on the economic growth of high-tech industries, however, the influence of human capital on the development of low-tech industries is yet to be analysed. This paper provides such an examination of low-tech industries based on an analysis of employment data within manufacturing industries in Denmark in the period 1993–2006. The findings highlight, first, that human capital appears to be equally important for economic development in low-tech industries and, second, that the divide between the large urban regions, especially Copenhagen, and the rest of the country plays the primary role in explaining the geography of human capital. These findings stress the relevance of a broad conception of the knowledge economy which goes beyond high-tech industries.  相似文献   

试论城镇人居环境中的生产环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对人居环境概念的分析,指出生产环境是人居环境中不可分割的组成部分,认为城镇人居环境中的生产环境应是城镇中居民从事各种生产活动的直接环境和各种生产活动所营造的对居民有直接或间接影响的城镇环境。根据这一认识,作者对城镇人居环境中的生产环境所涉及的要素分内部和外部环境(包括生产性设施环境、生产性人口环境、生产性文化和制度环境、生产性污染和灾害环境、择业环境等)两个层面进行了多维度的分析,并指出城镇人居环境的持续发展必须加强对生产环境的研究。  相似文献   

刘治深 《神州》2013,(32):12-13
历年来,对孔子人性思想的研究,往往从善恶的角度去立论。其实,统观《论语》全书,孔子并未言明人性是善还是恶,而是从人本质属性的角度去理解的,即人的自然欲求性。同时,在自然欲求性的基础上,孔子的人性还兼有引人向善的意义。孔子提倡在自然欲求性的基础上,通过学习和良好习俗的熏染,达到引人向善的目的,从而实现自然之性向道德之性的升华。  相似文献   

The recognition of human rights at stake in and around World Heritage sites has led to an increased interest in the adoption of a human rights-based approach to heritage conservation. This approach is understood to address issues of social justice and enable a more sustainable form of heritage conservation. However, research at the historic and religious site Bagan in Myanmar shows various conceptual, practical and political hurdles that need to be addressed before this approach can effectively be adopted. Challenges can be found on local, national and regional scales and include the interpretation of cultural rights and conflicting rights, the contentiousness of human rights language and the lack of capacity to hold violators accountable. These impediments are relevant beyond Myanmar and demonstrate that the effectiveness of a human rights-based approach to heritage conservation is highly context-dependent.  相似文献   

The three books under review reflect a recent up-swelling of interest in the cooperative and prosocial capacities of humankind. Nowak (2011) considers cooperation to be the hallmark of the human species and accounts for this remarkable capacity through multiple evolutionary mechanisms. Sahlins (2008) maintains that it is high time to throw off a horribly inaccurate and perverse view of human nature as avaricious and vicious, for it might even endanger our continued existence. Bowles and Gintis (2011) fully acknowledge the remarkable human capacity to work together and to act morally, but they presume that warfare has played a major role in the evolution of human altruism and cooperation. The veracity of this last point cannot be substantiated.  相似文献   

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