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郭卫平 《神州》2011,(7X):14-15
在电视英语访谈中,非语言符码有其独特的表意手段和交际功能,以确保节目的艺术性、真实性和娱乐性。  相似文献   

以雅各布森的理论视角,重检民间故事讲述行为的构成。构成故事讲述活动有六要素:讲述人、听众、故事文本、故事符码、故事媒介、故事语境。它们有规则地互相作用,共同生成"讲故事"习俗行为。听众和讲述人基于各自的故事库和记忆文本及相关的听讲经验、人生阅历互动;故事文本经由故事符码组合而成,但要通过讲述人运用携带个性化和地方化的口头语言媒介表达,所有这些活动过程都要符合语境并最终得以实现。  相似文献   

播音主持是语言运用的艺术,播音员、主持人与受众之间通过有声语言和副语言进行交流。因此,作为播音员、主持人,在播音主持过程中,努力对文本进行语声的赋形创作,是取得成功的关键。  相似文献   

播音主持是语言运用的艺术,播音员、主持人与受众之间通过有声语言和副语言进行交流。因此,作为播音员、主持人,在播音主持过程中,努力对文本进行语声的赋形创作,是取得成功的关键。  相似文献   

吴宝梦 《神州》2013,(13):155-155
在这个世界上语言是沟通人与人之间交流的桥梁,虽然在这世界上存在不同语言,但没有那种语言可以孤立存在,不受周围其它语言文化影响。通过对不同分析比较,我们可以得出:不同语言表达上的不同,而且能反映在文化上的差异,这些差异也表现在生活应用中。通过这篇论文我将浅析中日语言文化的差异和生活中的应用。  相似文献   

康宁 《神州》2013,(16):220-221
电视节目受众是一个迅速壮大不可忽视的群体,通过分析电视节目受众的构成以及电视节目受众存在的共性和特性研究前人学者提出的受众中心论,将其应用在电视节目领域。使用与满足理论的提出充分说明了受众在接受信息时的主动性、积极性。电视节目受众的能动性则表现在根据自己需求有选择的的观看不同电视节目,  相似文献   

柳娜 《黑龙江史志》2007,(11):45-46
<正>主持人作为节目最积极、最能传情达意的主导人物,是连接受众最直接、最能沟通情感的中介。怎样使主持人语言特色产生的艺术魅力更能吸引受众、赢得受众呢?综合素质、形象设计和主持风格就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

沈秀丽 《攀登》2007,26(5):108-110
在跨文化交际中,生活在不同文化背景中的人们因各自特有的礼俗文化和礼貌原则,在交往中往往会产生各种障碍和困难,这方面除语言因素外,还有非语言因素。了解和掌握非语言交际形式之一的体态语在不同文化中的礼仪功能,对不同文化背景中的人们相互沟通、理解与和睦相处具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

王芳芳 《神州》2014,(3):139-139
作为网络语言的一种,微博语言结合了书面语言和口语特征,是一种口语化的书面语言。①微博语言有简洁、多元、轻松随意的特征,其中大量使用象形字、表情、图片等非语言符号成为微博一道独特的风景线,忽略这些特点就容易出现各种传播问题和障碍。  相似文献   

韩语中的形容词作为用言(谓词),在句子中具有多种形态与表现机能,若想正确表现其语法机能,须了解其在句子中作不同成分时所发生的多变形态,而这些形态与汉语形容词的形态存在一定的差异。本研究旨在通过比较分析韩语和汉语两种语言形容词在句子中充当不同成分时所发生的多种形态变化,找出非母语韩语学习者易混淆的韩是形容词形态差异,并解决其在韩语语法及写作上的困难。  相似文献   

Geographers examining the spaces of government and governance, and in particular those drawing upon the writings of Michel Foucault on government and governmentality, have tended to overlook the importance of different media, technical devices and practices of self-government to specific rationalities and programmes of government. In this paper I argue that the materialities and immaterialities of many mundane media technologies, the way they articulate and translate particular programmes of government, and the way they instil practices of self-government in citizens, are important but frequently overlooked dimensions of the geographies of government. I focus on the codes of countryside conduct – The Country Code/Countryside Code – that have been published in England and Wales since 1951. I examine how the National Parks Commission, and subsequently the Countryside Commission and Countryside Agency, identified the potential strengths and limitations of using the Country Code booklet to govern the conduct of visitors to the countryside. The paper shows how the material form of the booklet and methods of distributing and promoting it were seen to matter, and examines how civil servants attempted to extend the 'reach' of the Code and articulate its message through a diverse range of media which entailed different kinds of performative encounters in different spaces.  相似文献   

This article analyses the result of an audience development project based on the method known as ‘Theatre Talks’, which places emphasis on the experience of theatrical events rather than on marketing or communication tools. This approach also questions some of the fundamental understandings of audience development, mainly the division between product-led and target-led audience development as they are conceived by Kawashima. The analysis of the results of the Theatre Talks project is based on an analytical framework combining Kawashima’s typology of audience development methods with Sheth and Frazier’s point about looking at attitude as well as behaviour when approaching both attenders and non-attenders. Within this frame, the article demonstrates how the Theatre Talks method can succeed in challenging the way in which very different groups of participants experience theatre.  相似文献   

The history of codes of ethics in health care has almost exclusively been told as a story of how medical doctors developed their own professional principles of conduct. Yet telling the history of medical ethics solely from the physicians' perspective neglects not only the numerous allied health care workers who developed their own codes of ethics in tandem with the medical profession, but also the role that gender played in the writing of such professional creeds. By focusing on the predominantly female organization of the American Physiotherapy Association (APA) and its 1935 "Code of Ethics and Discipline," I demonstrate how these women used their creed to at once curry favor from and challenge the authority of the medical profession. Through their Code, APA therapists engaged in a dynamic dialogue with the male physicians of the American Medical Association (AMA) in the name of professional survival. I conclude that, contrary to historians and philosophers who contend that professional women have historically operated under a gender-specific ethic of care, the physiotherapists avoided rhetoric construed as feminine and instead created a "business-like" creed in which they spoke solely about their relationship with physicians and remained silent on the matter of patient care.  相似文献   

18th century philosophers analyzed art through the aesthetic experience of the audience. By contrast, Adam Smith was interested in the moral judgment that an impartial audience may formulate. How can art and morality, the beautiful and the good, be combined into one analytical framework? Art and morality convey non-transcendental values that are intrinsic to human experience. With the aesthetic experience of the audience, art is used, and ultimately depends on the ways that humans relate to works or art and to the beautiful.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the use of web communication tools as a policy device to regulate access to theaters. By comparing the profile of what we call ‘tech-savvy’ spectators (i.e. audience using the website of a theater) with the profile of the general audience we examine whether the web can be regarded as an effective tool to address regular spectators or to reinforce the participation of different segments within the audience. The study suggests that the web appears to be the favorite direct marketing tool for informing or retaining ‘inexpert drama lovers’, namely those who fish in different types of performing arts events (i.e. opera, ballet, and classical concert) or attend different types of theatres. Moreover, internet may combat the aging of the performing arts audience by giving priority to access to those that are more familiar with the new technologies (i.e. younger audience).  相似文献   

The recent growth of interest in heritage events has relied implicitly upon a modernist ontology in the way assumptions are made about the distinctiveness between visitor and performer identities. This article questions these assumptions through an analysis of the different groups of social actors attracted to war‐weekends organised through preserved steam railways. War‐weekends bring together in the same locality visitors, volunteers, performers, dressers‐up and re‐enactors sharing stories, enjoying the present and reflecting on the past—experiences in which each individual’s participation is enhanced. Although these and other ‘events’ are crucial to the continued existence of preserved railways in the UK they provide the participants with more than just a nostalgic trip back to the community spirit articulated through the so‐called ‘blitz mentality’ of the 1940s. They provide the opportunity for participants to engage both in the theatrical act of ‘being on’; of being observed by the ‘audience’ whilst at the same time acting as audience in the way they observe the other participants in the spectacle. The participants’ need to be observed is accomplished without the necessity of engaging in the rigorous training and audition processes associated with formal theatrical environments, whilst audience participation and interaction is not constrained by the usual formalities of traditional theatre.  相似文献   

The objective in current design practice for parking structures is that energy is dissipated through the formation of plastic hinges at the base of shear walls while floor diaphragms remain elastic and are vertically supported by a combination of shear walls and gravity resisting columns. Unfortunately, this objective is not always achieved due to inaccuracies in current methods for calculating demands on shear walls and in calculating the capacity of shear walls (IBC 2003 International Building Code. International Conference of Building Officials. Whittier, CA.  [Google Scholar], ACI code). When demands are overestimated and capacity underestimated, then diaphragm can fail prior to flexural yield of shear walls as was observed in several parking structures in the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

Eigenvalue and inelastic dynamic response analyses were performed in order to investigate the effects of diaphragm flexibility on wall responses and of wall overstrength on diaphragm responses. The elongated periods of parking structures due to diaphragm flexibility were found to significantly decrease seismic force demand on shear walls relative to what is calculated using codes of practice in which diaphragms are assumed to be rigid. This leads to the over design of shear walls, which further compounds the problem by preventing the flexural yielding of these walls and thereby driving inelastic response to diaphragms. Various degrees of diaphragm flexibility, shear wall layout, seismic zone, and the number of stories were considered in these analyses.

Inelastic static pushover analyses were preformed to investigate the design and capacity evaluation of shear walls. The results illustrate that the shear capacity of walls may be close to twice that calculated by codes of practice. The largest overstrengths were observed in shear walls with low height-to-length ratios in which a significant portion of the lateral load was taken by direct strut action to the foundation and without placing demands on the longitudinal tension reinforcement in the shear walls. The article concludes that methods in codes of practice for calculating shear wall demands and capacities need to be improved if good seismic performance of parking structures is to be achieved.  相似文献   

赵玉 《东南文化》2016,(4):100-105
我国博物馆应充分运用互联网、多媒体、新媒体等技术手段,使博物馆文化成果惠及更多受众,博物馆微信营销是完成该任务的有效手段之一。我国博物馆通过微信营销策略满足观众需求具有很强的实践性。专业化程度较高、功能较完善、社会作用较明显的96家国家一级博物馆中,有65家开通了微信公众号,但目前微信公众号存在基本内容不完整,功能不完善,内容更新频率低,宣传推广力度不够等问题。今后博物馆应根据自身情况,完善公众号的基本内容与功能,加快内容更新频率来保持目标用户的关注,多途径进行微信公众号的推广,凭借微信公众平台这个低成本的沟通渠道,为观众提供更加优质的服务。  相似文献   

Kate Manzo 《对极》2008,40(4):632-657
Abstract: This paper asks how images of children are used by prominent signatories to NGO codes of conduct. The answer is that images of childhood and shared codes of conduct are both means through which development and relief NGOs produce themselves as rights‐based organisations. The iconography of childhood expresses institutional ideals and the key humanitarian values of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, and solidarity. Images of children are useful for NGOs in reinforcing the legitimacy of their ‘emergency’ interventions as well as the very idea of development itself. But the dominant iconography is also inherently paradoxical, as the child image can be read as both a colonial metaphor for the majority world and as a signifier of humanitarian identity. The question then for NGOs using this image in social justice campaigns is whether overtly political accompanying texts can nullify the contradictory subliminal messages that emanate from the iconography of childhood.  相似文献   

唐代官吏赃罪述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭炳金 《史学月刊》2002,(10):30-36
《唐律》中官吏赃罪相当于现代刑法中的贪污、贿赂罪。《唐律》规定了六种赃罪,除强盗和窃盗两种赃罪外,受财枉法、受财不枉法、受所监临和坐赃的犯罪主体均为官吏。另外,属于窃盗赃罪范畴的监临主守自盗主体也是官吏。《唐律》对官吏赃罪规定了广泛的范围和严厉的刑罚。惩治官吏犯赃是唐代以法治吏的重点,唐代对官吏犯赃采取从重惩罚政策。由于唐代官吏赃罪的以上特点,使它成为排除异己、打击政敌的有效武器。  相似文献   

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