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We have made a multivariate morphometric study of the fossils ofMegantereonfrom the Apollonia-1 site at the Mygdonia Basin (Macedonia, Greece), using discriminant functions. Results obtained indicate that these specimens belong to the African speciesMegantereon whiteiBroom, which is also found in the Lower Pleistocene of Dmanisi (East Georgia, Caucasus) and Orce (Southern Spain). Morphofunctional studies ofM. whiteisuggest that this saber-toothed felid was an ambush predator with great killing capability in relation to its food requirements, thus leaving enough meat to be scavenged by both hyaenas and hominids.M. whiteimay have played an important ecological role making the first dispersal ofHomoto Eurasia the Lower Pleistocene possible.  相似文献   

少昊、帝舜与大汶口文化(下)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常兴照 《文物春秋》2004,2(1):1-10,59
本文依据文献及前人的论证,认为太昊、帝喾、帝俊及帝舜的名称是不同地缘和时代对同一文化集团的称谓;太昊与少昊是有着亲缘关系的两大部族,在长期的发展过程中或分或合,相互替代,最后合为一体 结合对大汶口文化分期与类型的分析,论定大汶口文化早期刘林类型是少昊的发源地,之后在庙底沟文化的介入下在汶泗流域建国,在大汶口中期前后统一了东方 文章对太昊、少昊诸族的考古文化属性做了初步的推测和认定,论述了大汶口晚期昊族文化的崛起,进而大举西进南征的大致过程,认为由于昊族文化的西迁,推动了中原地区社会的发展和进步,从而形成了一个全新的时代——文明社会的到来  相似文献   

Tivertonia yarrolensis from the Farley Formation of the Sydney Basin is illustrated for the first time. The age of the formation is discussed. The palaeogeographical distribution of Tivertonia provides an additional generic link within the Austrazean Province of the Gondwanan Realm.  相似文献   

The rugosochonetid genus Svalbardia is recorded for the first time from the Western Australian Permian. The new species Svalbardia thomasi is described from the Nalbia Greywacke and the Baker Formation of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. The relationship of Svalbardia to allied genera of the Rugosochonetidae Muir-Wood is discussed. The disjunct distribution of the genus in the Permian is documented.  相似文献   

《胡汉民日记(1928年2月-7月)》现收藏于美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆,系胡汉民之女胡木兰所捐的缩微胶卷。1928年1月至7月,胡汉民有一段较长时间的海外之行,先后访问东南亚、中东与欧洲各国,同行有孙科、伍朝枢等。日记即为此行中所写,记于一较小的本子上,字迹潦草,记事也较简单,且于此段日记的前后,胡还记着其他的杂事。曾任胡汉民秘书的王养冲教授称,胡平素并无写日记的习惯。辑注研究相关资料多年,迄未看到胡汉民在其他时段写的日记,因而更觉得此日记珍贵。日记除了个人旅途观感外,胡汉民还着重记了其对土耳其政体的观察、争取外国对南京国民政府的承认、他与孙科、伍朝枢等人在济南惨案期间的外交活动等,均具重要的史料价值。《历史档案》1984年第2期曾刊出一组李石曾致蒋介石等人的电报,报告胡汉民等在欧洲的活动,正可与此日记互为参照。因原件字迹潦草,加之辑注水平有限,可能有的字句释读有误。南京大学中华民国史研究中心博士研究生王燕协助录入,特致谢。  相似文献   

Four scleractinian coral taxa are described from limestones within a sandstone-shale séquence correlated with the Late Triassic Babulu Formation, Manatuto township, on the northern coast of Timor-Leste (East Timor). The coral fauna consists of three phaceloid taxa, Paravolzeia tìmorìca gen. et sp. nov., Craspedophyll ramosa sp. nov., Margarosmilia confluens (Münster), and a generically indeterminate solitary taxon attributed to the family Margarophylliidae. Ali four corals are related at various taxonomie levels to Carnian faunas from the Dolomites of northern Italy. Previously, only Norian coral faunas were known from the Triassic of Timor. The fauna exhibits both similarities to and differences from Carnian faunas of the Dolomites and helps confirm palaeogeographic affinities with the western Tethys, although during Late Triassic time Timor lay in the distant southeastern portai of the Tethys. Despite isolation from the western Tethys, the presence of two species foundalso in the Dolomites indicates that larvai dispersai occurred between the two areas.  相似文献   

Mackness, B.S., Black, K.H. & Price, G.J., 1.10.2014. Occurrence of Euowenia grata (De Vis, 1887 De Vis, C.W. [In Anon.] 1887. Untitled. The Brisbane Courier 9224 (44) (8 August), 6. [Google Scholar]) (Diprotodontidae, Marsupialia) from the Pliocene Spring Park Local Fauna, northeastern Queensland. Alcheringa 39, 000?000. ISSN 0311-5518

Ten specimens including several dentaries and maxillae, recovered from the Pliocene Spring Park Local Fauna, northern Australia, are referred to the diprotodontine Euowenia grata (De Vis). The fossils exhibit minimal dental wear and reveal new characters that are unrecognizable in the holotype. The remains represent at least three animals, effectively doubling the previous number of individuals known for this rare megaherbivore. The new records also provide a significant northern geographic range extension for the species and allow an assessment of intraspecific variation, sexual dimorphism and phylogenetic relationships for the species. Euowenia grata is most similar in morphology to the monotypic Pliocene diprotodontid Meniscolophus mawsoni.

Brian S. Mackness [deceased] and Karen H. Black [], School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, NSW, 2052, Australia; Gilbert J. Price [], Department of Earth Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia.  相似文献   


This article examines the contrasting role of violence in the anticolonial struggles of India and Ireland. It turns to the early writing of Mohandas K. Gandhi to explicate how violence for Indian nationalists shaped by the writings of Gandhi, was configured as a European methodology and antithetical to Indian culture. In contrast, James Connolly anticipates the work of Frantz Fanon in advocating violence as a necessary means to purge the ideological influence of British Colonial Rule from the minds of colonised subjects. It concludes by looking at the legacy of the two approaches to suggest that, rather paradoxically, Gandhi’s utilisation of nonviolence as a strategy of resistance proved to be more disruptive to the workings of the British State.  相似文献   

Indigenous Bioregionalisms (Love Mother Earth) are identities, methods, and philosophies defining our relationships between beloved Home Land Place and all Living Beings (written here as Home/Land/Place). Indigenous Bioregionalisms actively creates, maintains, and ensures the continuance and thrive‐ance of all Beings. It proposes a way to understand Indigenous belonging to and with Home/Land/Place—the expansive physical, natural, and SuperNatural source of life, transformance, and regeneration—of every Being.  相似文献   

Bailey, F. G. The Prevalence of Deceit. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991. xxii + 143pp. including references and index. $24.95 cloth, $7.95 paper.

Manganaro, Marc, ed. Modernist Anthropology: from Fieldwork to Text. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. xii + 337 pp. including bibliography and index. $45.00 cloth, $14.95 paper.

Ohnuki‐Tierney, Emiko, ed. Culture Through Time: Anthropological Approaches. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990. xi + 330 pp. including references and index. $42.50 cloth, $12.95 paper.  相似文献   

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