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夏天,青藏高原处处绿草葱茏,积雪的远山虽仍戴着白帽,沟壑里的冰凌却已融化,雪水汇成湍流,灌溉着广阔的牧场。草丛中摇曳着蓓蕾初绽的繁花,在清凉的微风中,荡漾着野艾、野韭的芬芳,还有一种叫做"尕吾均秀"的黄色野花的芬芳。这  相似文献   

郑谦 《百年潮》2006,(10):45-49
"新事物"与旧思潮 五七干校不仅担负着干部"下放锻炼"、"重新学习"的任务,也承载着对知识分子"再教育"的使命.作为知识分子或知识分子出身的干部,他们通过干校既要解决管理者与被管理者的矛盾(干群关系),又要解决脑力劳动与体力劳动甚至是无产阶级与资产阶级的矛盾(因为当时知识分子已被当成资产阶级的一部分).正是在对待知识分子的态度上,干校的理论与实践折射出一些中国近代以来激荡、张扬的思潮.  相似文献   

正改革开放前,蓝、黑、灰、绿是中国人时尚标签的"主旋律"。伴随着改革开放的步子迈大,人们的物质生活不断改善、思想逐渐开放,单调的色彩、着装搭配和娱乐方式已不能满足人们对时尚的要求,人们展示自我的方式越来越多样化,俨然形成了一种"中国时尚"。  相似文献   

赵燕姣  李华丽 《文博》2010,(6):29-34
"汉阳诸姬"是西周王朝在南方的重要屏障,在相长的时间里,它们担负着镇抚南国和传播王朝礼乐的使命。"汉阳诸姬"之唐、沈二国在西周早期就已受封,进入春秋之后,由于其特殊的地理位置和楚国问鼎中原的野心,先后亡于楚。  相似文献   

在日本,艺伎从事表演和陪侍服务,尽管卖艺不卖身,但也有"花柳界"之称,即"花红柳绿的世界"。与相扑一样,艺伎作为日本的一种民族传统文化,已有数百年的历史,而今渐趋衰落,只有极少数人在苦苦支撑着这个行业。其中有这样一位艺伎,虽已99岁高龄,  相似文献   

志书质量是志书的生命,志书存在"硬伤",严重影响着志书的质量。本文结合第二轮修志工作实际及对已出版的二轮志书进行拜读,对志书"硬伤"的特点及危害、主要表现进行了阐述,就如何彻底消灭"硬伤",提出了见解,以全面提高志书质量。  相似文献   

薛京 《神州》2004,(10)
毛泽东创造了历史,而他们"创造"了毛泽东。前者的历史是已经载入史册的,而后者只是在画布上绘制油画。即便如此,画家也有足够的理由骄傲和自豪。自1977年起,天安门城楼上的毛泽东巨幅画像就以始终如一的神情注视着历史的兴衰。如今,这幅画像已被奉为一种图腾进入了中华民族的血液。每年"十一"前夕,画像都要被刷白后重新绘制,也就是说,油画作者至今已进行了26次相同的创作。是谁在一遍遍地画着毛泽东?他为什么要一遍遍地画毛泽东?他为什么要一遍遍地画着形象相同的毛泽东?  相似文献   

正不管我们是否作好准备。以学生为中心、以教师为重点、以课程为支撑的课改已扑面而来,似雨露,滋润着我们的心田,似浪潮,涤荡着我们的心灵。这里,转变教师的观念尤为关键。因为,民族的振兴靠教育,而教育的第一资源是教师。思想引领行动。人们常说教师的工作是教书育人,而我要说教师不只是一种工作,而是光荣的职业,更是幸福的事业。同时,"育人"是目的,但"教书"不再是唯一手段,而是实现"书"、"人"统一,"教"、"育"合壁,促进  相似文献   

正这个时代,有太多变化,也有太多空白。这是历史遗留下来的,也是时代向前走留下来的。今日的飞机坝还在继续着新的改变与新生,只是不知那个我儿时所熟悉的飞机坝最后又能遗留下些什么。靠近火车站,由解放路、遵义路、达高桥以及沙冲北路围成的这片区域叫做"飞机坝"。虽然"飞机坝"这个地名现在已在官方的地名库中消失,但仍然不乏有熟悉这里的人沿用着这称呼。  相似文献   

正那一抹金黄唤醒了春天。春雷"隆隆"地响着,春雨柔柔地下着,根根雨丝从天上洒落下来,伴着那惊蛰的雷声。不知不觉间,迎春花儿已被春风吹鼓了花苞,淡淡的、嫩嫩的花苞却还是迟迟不愿开放。终于,在  相似文献   

Quakerism emerged from the religious, social and political turmoil of the Interregnum when sects multiplied and many diverse individuals were joined in their criticism of the state church. What began as a loose network of Seekers, united largely in their opposition to Anglicanism, was organised and given a distinctive shape by several energetic visionaries and most notably George Fox, a Leicestershire artisan. From 1650, this pioneering group preached the Quaker gospel first across northern England and soon throughout the country and in Europe and America. They are interesting to us for a number of reasons but particularly because they manifest a unique paradox: whilst eschewing all creeds, Seventeenth-Century Quakers wrote voluminously in an attempt to shape their faith and, in particular, their practice. In this paper I will argue that early Friends circumvented the need to distinguish between orthodoxy and heterodoxy, through their emphasis on orthopraxy. Drawing on Bourdieu's work on codification and the habitus I will examine the complex development of Quaker Discipline precipitated as it was in and through Meetings for Church Affairs and the various writings of "public Friends"--a process of textualisation culminating in the first Book of Discipline of 1738.  相似文献   

This article examines the construction of a "population problem" among public health officials in India during the inter-war period. British colonial officials came to focus on India's population through their concern with high Indian infant and maternal mortality rates. They raised the problem of population as one way in which to highlight the importance of dealing with public health at an all-India basis, in a context of constitutional devolution of power to Indians where they feared such matters would be relegated to relative local unimportance. While they failed to significantly shape government policy, their arguments in support of India's 'population problem' nevertheless found a receptive audience in the colonial public sphere among Indian intellectuals, economists, eugenicists, women social reformers and birth controllers. The article contributes to the history of population control by situating its pre-history in British colonial public health and development policy and outside the logic of USA's Cold War strategic planning for Asia.  相似文献   

王少石 《收藏家》2012,(3):58-64
宋金时期的瓷塑玩具,据称采自淮河以北地区。宿州地处淮北平原,通济渠(即古汴河,俗称隋唐大运河)从河南夏邑、永城流经宿州所辖的蛹桥区、灵璧、泗县,经江苏泗洪至盱眙对岸注入淮河,是隋唐至北宋时期,中原通向东南地区的水运干道,宋金对峙以准河为界,宿州遂归于金,此后古汴河亦渐湮废。  相似文献   

The change in cattle size during the late Iron Age and the Early Roman period is a widely known phenomenon. However, hardly any information is available about this change and its causes in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. In order to shed more light on this issue, variations of cattle size and shape through the analysis of Bos taurus remains from ten archaeological sites located in the north-east Iberia and occupied from the middle fifth century bc to the third century ad are examined in this paper. Osteometric postcranial and teeth analyses show a clear change in cattle size and shape during the Romanization period at newly founded sites. This change is documented at all the sites from the Early Roman period. Genetically, authenticated results from a short fragment of the mitochondrial d-loop were obtained from 6 cattle metacarpals out of 33 tested. They affiliate to the main European taurine haplogroup T/T3. The integration of the available data including the archaeological background suggests that the presence of these morphologically different cattle, introduced during the Romanization period, was more pronounced at sites interpreted as villas and trading posts, rather than at cities during the Early Roman period.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):233-245

This article considers whether contemporary debate about the "post-secular" has overlooked the extent to which, as a concept or epoch, it may be "gendered." Jürgen Habermas has suggested that there is something "missing" from secular reason in the shape of transcendental and metaphysical values; but I will contend that the debate is in danger of neglecting the central role of gender—so integral to the conceptual and political formation of modernity—in any rethinking of the symbolic of the post-secular. As feminist theorists have long been reminding us, many of the same processes that gave birth to modernity's elevation of public reason, impartial and non-contingent subjectivity, and models of the free, self-actualizing autonomous agent facilitated by the formation of liberal democracy, were not actually neutral or universal; but highly gendered. They rested on binary representations of women and men's differential nature; and they conceived of differential and gendered division of labour which often precluded women's claiming full humanity, let alone full and active citizenship. So gender, and women, are also in danger of disappearing from this new post-secular chapter in the debate about religion, politics and identity. This article examines how this omission might be corrected, and will outline what might be some of the most significant issues at stake.  相似文献   

2005年霍邱发掘的三座汉墓,形制相同,均为平面呈刀形的土坑竖穴墓,时代为西汉晚期以后至新莽时期,为研究这一地区汉代文化增添了新的资料。  相似文献   

内蒙古和林格尔县新店子墓地发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年,在内蒙古和林格尔县新店子墓地发掘墓葬56座,出土大批铜、石、陶、骨、金器等。墓葬形制可分竖穴土坑、洞室、偏洞室三种,绝大多数存在殉牲现象。墓葬年代为春秋晚期至战国早期。此墓地与岱海、鄂尔多斯地区的同时期考古遗存既有共性,又有一定区别。墓地居民可能从事一种较为发达的游牧经济。  相似文献   

马大东 《收藏家》2009,(6):85-88
瓷器是我先民对人类文化的伟大贡献。自它发明的那一天起,就不仅具有实用价值,而且还具有越来越高的艺术价值、美学价值和商业价值。中国瓷器,是艺术的宝库,如果从商代原始瓷器算起,它已有四千多年的历史。如从汉晋青瓷算起,也有两千多年的历史。因古代的瓷器系手工生产,并非模制,故瓷器造型随工匠之心所欲,多种多样。它是伴随中国历史文化发展时间较长的一类器物,也是与人们日常生活关系最为密切的一类器物。  相似文献   

In 1952, working-class women in the newly built suburb of Westwood Hills, Pennsylvania began publishing a mimeographed newsletter entitled The Hilltrotter. They used the newsletter to shape their community and by doing so learned and taught how to be suburban. This process occurred both discursively and materially, as the staff of The Hilltrotter simultaneously sought to create a shared conception of community and to shape the everyday lives of Westwood Hills' residents. This paper investigates the work of women on The Hilltrotter and by doing so shows how they produced a constellation of identities – of community, class, age, gender, and citizenship. They constructed these identities through their efforts to make Westwood Hills into a safe, stable, and well-ordered suburban community. In doing so they contributed to the formation of a postwar hegemonic order that enlisted the working class in the reproduction of capitalism.  相似文献   

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