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传拓技术是以纸墨为依托,使用特定工具将被传拓物体上的文字、图样、纹饰等内容拓印在纸上的一种传统技术。随着科学技术的发展,传拓技艺除了起到提取文献、保存资料的作用,在收藏、展示、教育等文化上的价值也逐渐彰显。在新时代的背景下,传拓技术的传承和发展也面临一定的挑战,因此传拓技术应当以现代审美审视其内容创新,将传统技艺与现代风格相适应,将传统技艺与现代技术材料相融合,将传统技艺与更广泛更多元的社会领域相连接,满足群众的多层次文化需求,走现代创新转型之路。  相似文献   

郭嵩 《风景名胜》2021,(8):0159-0159,0162
将暖通空调节能技术应用到绿色建筑的施工建造过程中,能够降低施工过程中的能耗,减少资源的浪费,同时也能够实现对环境的有效保护。因此,相关施工单位要加强对暖通空调节能技术的重视,全面掌握这一技术,根据绿色建筑的具体施工情况,选择科学合理的方式,将节能技术的实效性充分发挥出来。  相似文献   

元成伟 《神州》2012,(36):106-106
合作学习策略因其在教学时间活动中取得良好的教学效果,在多种课程的课堂教学实践中获得了较好的应用,将合作学习策略科学的运用于面点技术课堂教学中,实现了面点技术的教学结构的优化、教学效率的提高,同时还对培养学生的团结合作精神具有重要意义,合作学习策略在面点技术课堂教学中的运用具备较强的科学性与必要性。本文分析了面点技术的课堂教学,探讨了将合作学习策略运用于面点技术课堂教学中的必要性,指出了面点技术课堂教学中合作学习策略运用的具体措施。  相似文献   

传统的视频监控系统是将模拟电视进行画面显示,将监控得到的视频信息存储到录像带上。随着计算机技术、网络技术和通信技术的快速发展和internet技术的广发应用,监控系统正向着开放化、网络化、智能化的方向发展,如今网络化监控系统是实现工业信息化的重要组成部分。本文针对嵌入式系统在监控系统中的发展和应用做简单的论述。  相似文献   

随着经济与科技的进步,机电一体化已经成为现代工业生产中不可缺少的重要技术,在科技的推动下机电一体技术所应用的领域也将更加广泛,并与诸多领域融合在一起,形成新型发展局面。为此,本文将从机电一体化基本情况入手,结合机电一体化应用现状,研究机电一体化技术的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着建筑业的市场竞争日益激烈,施工技术管理将扮演着更为重要的角色。因此,要注重施工技术管理,培养技术人才,合理运用管理的职能与科学的方法,严格遵守各项施工技术管理制度,科学、规范地做好现场施工技术管理工作。  相似文献   

数字博物馆是运用虚拟现实技术、三维图形图像技术、计算机网络技术、立体显示系统、互动娱乐技术、特种视效技术,将现实存在的实体博物馆的三维立体的方式完整呈现于网络上的博物馆。本文主要探讨基于三维实景技术建设陕西数字博物馆的实现方法。  相似文献   

孙爱莲  姜伟杰  黄淑君 《风景名胜》2021,(8):0286-0286,0288
近几年,我国科学技术水平不断提升,林业技术也有所进步,实林业种苗培育技术也得到了较大的发展,将其有效应用到林业生产之中,对于提高林业生产的质量与效率能够产生较大的作用。因此,相关林业部门立足于科学的基础上,结合林业育苗工作的具体情况,选择合适的种苗培育技术,并对相关技术的具体内容与流程予以明确,并将其落到实处,进一步推动林业的发展。  相似文献   

侯秋香 《神州》2012,(18):187-187
多媒体技术与数学课程整合,就是通过数学课把多媒体技术与数学教学有机地结合起来,将多媒体技术与数学课的教与学融为一体,将技术作为一种工具,提高教与学的效率。多媒体技术与数学课整合将带来课程内容、课程实施、课程评价和课程资源的变革,使数学教学融人现代的教育思想观念与教育艺术,使数学教学真正实现改革。多媒体技术与初中数学的整合是教育事业发展的必然趋势,也是新课程标准下改革与探索的重点。要借助多媒体技术的优势及现代的教育理念与观点,克服传统教学中的不足,取长补短,更大限度地激发学生的潜能,提高学习兴趣,促进数学教育事业的发展。下面结合本人的教学实践,谈几点体会:  相似文献   

随着网络、自动化技术和数字化技术的飞速发展,以计算机和现代通信技术为核心的信息技术的应用,将高校图书馆带入了一个全新的信息环境,同时也带来了希望和挑战。  相似文献   

罗海明  甄峰 《人文地理》2005,20(4):9-14
本文运用中国大都市区界定指标体系,根据2002年数据对长江三角洲大都市区进行了重新划分。从划分的结果看,后者与前者相比发生较大变化。而中国大都市区界定指标体系对这种变化表现出了一定的不适应性,因此本文试图通过中美大都市区界定指标体系的比较研究为中国大都市区界定指标体系的修订提供参考。  相似文献   

This article attempts to answer four questions. First: has Italy today, or has it had in the last thirty years, rates of theft, robbery and homicide that are higher than those in other western European countries? Second: have crime statistics in Italy followed the same pattern as in other European countries in the same period? Third: have crime statistics become more or less comparable in the western European countries in this period? Fourth: what factors have determined changes in crime rates in Italy in recent decades?  相似文献   

This paper discusses reforms in postgraduate education in geography in the Netherlands in the context of Europeanization and globalization. Europeanization and globalization have resulted in challenges as well as opportunities for students and universities. In terms of internationalization, Europeanization and the global economic crisis have opposite effects. Although Europeanization has resulted in an increased international orientation of postgraduate students in geography, the global economic crisis and the resulting cuts in the university and students' budgets hamper other aspects of the internationalization of postgraduate education in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

根据传统的西方现代化理论,欠发达社会的现代化进程中,经济发展与政治民主是同步发展、相互促进的。但20世纪60年代以来非西方国家的政治发展现实对这一观点提出了挑战。在巴西,经济现代化带来了威权主义,而非民主政治。其原因在于巴西的现代化模式进口替代工业化的发展过程中,必然出现通货膨胀和国际收支危机,经济的进一步发展要求首先实行经济紧缩,而经济上的紧缩则要求政治上的权威。巴西1964年的政变虽只是一个个案,但它表明,不能用西方现代化“和谐的”、“直线的”道路来分析第三世界国家的现代化。  相似文献   

Age-dependent bone loss in femurs in a medieval skeletal assemblage from Wharram Percy, England was studied. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was used to measure bone mineral density (BMD) in the proximal femur; radiogrammetry was used to measure cortical index (FEMCI) at the femur mid-shaft. Age-related loss of BMD was found in the proximal femur in both sexes. Females but not males showed loss of FEMCI. Patterning in bone loss with respect to age, sex and site in the skeleton resembled that seen in recent subjects. In this respect the results are similar to those of a previous study of metacarpal cortical bone in the same archaeological assemblage. Given the large difference in lifestyles, and that lifestyle factors are widely held to influence the severity of bone loss in osteoporosis, the similarities between the medieval and modern populations in the patterns of bone loss are surprising. These findings support those from an earlier study of these skeletons in calling into question the role of lifestyle factors in influencing the severity of bone loss in osteoporosis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed measure of multidimensional poverty, the Freedom Poverty Measure, the difference in poverty rates of major cities, inner regional, and other areas have been compared. The population living in ‘other areas’ had the highest proportion of individuals living in freedom poverty. Those in inner regional areas (P = 0.0303) and those in major cities (P < 0.0001) were significantly less likely to be in freedom poverty than those in ‘other areas’. However, when breaking the analysis down to look at the different poverty rates for different age groups across the three regional classifications, it was found that there was no difference in the likelihood of being in freedom poverty between children in inner regional and other areas, adults in inner regional and other areas, and older people in inner regional and other areas. This may indicate that the disadvantage experienced by those living in regional centres has been overlooked in the past and is an emerging contemporary issue for health and education equity as well as economic equality.  相似文献   

This paper examines recent trends in sex ratio at birth in all the major states of India, based on three rounds of the National Family Health Survey. It finds evidence of an increase in the ratio, particularly at the second-order birth among women having a first daughter in many states in the northwestern region of the country. Also, there are signs of daughter aversion emerging in Odisha, an eastern state. Based on parity progression ratios and the trend in sex selection, an attempt is made to estimate the peak of sex ratio at birth in India. With moderate intensification in sex selection in the northwestern region, sex ratio at birth is expected to reach a peak of 117–119 males per 100 females around the period 2021–2026. If, in addition, sex selection spreads further in the southeastern region, the sex ratio at birth in India could even increase to a level of 124.  相似文献   

The paper offers a theory-based evaluation of the ongoing reforms in the Finnish spatial planning regime. The paper argues that Finnish planning is moving in a reactive and market-driven direction. This development is not being brought about solely through a direct decrease in public discretionary powers in planning, but is also unfolding indirectly through a process of rescaling in the spatial planning regime. These processes increase municipal autonomy in relation to other planning scales, despite problems observed in the municipality-centred market-driven planning orientation. The resulting reduction in manoeuvring room in public planning is conceptualized in the paper as expanding vacuums of strategic planning. Building on concepts from the literature on state transformation theory and scale theory, the paper draws together theoretical and empirical conclusions from several case studies conducted in close-to-administration projects.  相似文献   

:本文以金代中都路地区城市群作为研究对象,对区域城市群的发展演变和空间布局进行了深入的探讨分析。本文认为,金代是北京地区城市发展的重要转折时期,随着金代社会经济的进一步发展,中都路城市群不仅在数量上有所增加,同时,金中都地区政治格局的改变、社会经济的进步以及交通格局的改善也使中都路城市群在地域结构上出现新的变化。在空间布局上,区域城市群呈现出以交通道路为骨架,按照河流流域组团分布的格局。  相似文献   

The temporal change in the number of oxygen vacancies in quartz was investigated by ob-serving the E1’ center in the atmospheric depositions collected at two cities in Japan in the recent past. The depositions collected at Fukuoka in March show the ESR intensities being correlated with the sum of the number of the days, in the month, on which Kosa was observed while no such correlation was found in the deposition those collected at Akita but a trend of decrease with time. The present results suggest that the number of oxygen vacancies in quartz might be useful to estimate quantitatively the contribution of the dust originated from China to the atmospheric deposition in Japan.  相似文献   

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