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The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo. For many years, the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billion cubic meters, which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China, the Yellow River. The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km. The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans, which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture. The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and religion in the whole Tibet,as well as the significant part of three-river area (the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River) that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

As early as four thousand years ago, the Tibetans already had developed an initial aestheic ideology, a case in point being the adornments unearthed from the Karub ruins in Qamdo. During that time, adornments were mainly made of pottery, stone and seashell and the types of adornments were also colorful and abundant, including plate adornments, necklaces,  相似文献   

In April, while Lhasa enjoyed sunshine, the border county of Cona, hundreds of km away saw heavy snow.Meidog?s Carding Machine About two years ago, Meidog, 47, came to the county seat. She carded wool into balls with carding machine bought at some 80,000 Yuan. Several years ago, she was a herdswoman. There are only four people in her family. Her husband worked as a projectionist, her son grazed the cattle and her daughter-in-law managed household chores. Therefore, they had to hire others …  相似文献   

A Tibetan opera troupe unexpectedly came to Dacho Temple in the suburbs of Beijing that was built during the Liao Dynasty.The OriginIn October 2005, the National Ethnic Minority Cultures Fair was held in Beijing. The Shoba Lhamo Tibetan Opera Troupe, which attended the fair as a member of the Tibetan Delegation, performed and won the excellent performance prize of the China folk opera competition. The traditional Tibetan opera item Zholwa Sangmo (segments) won the gold prize of Chin…  相似文献   

张鹰 《中国西藏》2002,(5):19-21
扎囊县地处雅鲁藏布江流域中游.距拉萨130公里.这里交通便利.农业、手工业比较发达.传统化底蕴较厚.虽然现代明步入千家万户.但约定俗成的风俗习惯还是风行乡里。  相似文献   

时值降冬,寒气袭人,但那神奇的苍茫大地依然如往日一般散发着无穷的魅力,引领着我们奔向它的怀抱。来坐着装备精良的越野车从拉萨出发,汽车飞快地奔驰,一路颠簸  相似文献   

Lhunzhub Village is where Iwas born and brought up.Over the past 40 years, myhometown has experiencedvarious changes.From Low-LyingAdobe Houses to High-RiseBuildingsWhen I was 10 years old, there wereonly about ten households in LhunzhubVillage. At that time, houses were all ofthe low-lying adobe type. Each householdonly occupied a very small area and theonly rooms were a tiny kitchen and a darkwarehouse. A family of about ten peoplein total huddled together in thesecramped, unpleasant c…  相似文献   

位于喜马拉雅山脉东端南麓的墨脱,山高林密地形复杂,雅鲁藏布江和丹巴河流经境内,峡谷地带四季皆春,景色宜人。境内盛产木材、药材及热带作物。生活在这高山峡谷里的珞巴人由于交通不便,远离现代生活,仍过着日出而作、日落而息的日子,保持着自己那独有的习俗。  相似文献   

早在两亿多年前,印度大陆北漂与欧亚大陆碰撞,两大板块挤压的结果,凸现了东西走向的喜马拉雅山脉和南北走向的横断山脉。横断山脉位于青、藏、滇、种四省区的结合部,亚洲许多大河如怒江、金沙江、澜沧江发源于此。这里山永谷深,河流湍急,峡谷两岸落差一般在2500米左右,“隔江听得见,相逢需半年。”寒各,记驱车千余公里,来到横断山区,所风所闻,令人耳目一新。  相似文献   

2004年第一次开车进藏时虽只走了林芝、山南一线,但我知道,从此以后我将与这片神奇的土地结下毕生的情缘。随后一年的城市生活,那份寻回的真情与感悟已渐渐为世俗所冲淡,但那份西藏情结却丝毫没有被磨灭。当年留下的遗憾再次呼唤着我:藏北、阿里、古格……  相似文献   

去年是西藏和平解放50周年,也是我在西藏高原从事记工作50年。光阴似箭,弹指一挥间。作为一名党的新闻工作,半个世纪以来,从“世界屋脊的屋脊”西部高原到崇山峻岭的藏东:从藏南喜马拉雅山脉到藏北草原,西藏120万平方公里的土地上,无不留下我和同行们的足迹。用我们炽热的心.感悟西藏大好河山和勤劳勇敢的西藏人民:用我们的摄影机忠实地纪录祖国不可分割的领土——西藏高原每一个前进的步伐。  相似文献   

最近我去西藏博物馆参观,一个灶台牢牢地抓住了我的视线。在经济快速发展、生活方式不断变化的今天,能找到一个十几年前藏族家庭必不可少的土制灶台确实不容易。那黑亮黑亮的灶面和灶膛燃烧着的火焰.随着各种各样灶的产生而逐步退出了城镇的藏族家居生活,成了历史,成了怀旧遥远的记忆。  相似文献   

在西藏气象部门.提起假拉,几乎是无人不知.第七届。中国十大杰出青年”.”全国优秀青年科研工作”.荣获”第五届中国青年科技奖”、”首届西藏青年五四奖章”.1998年荣获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴……鲜花、荣誉把他捧成了一个传奇人物.然而.当你走近他,却发现他是如此的平凡.在默默地奉献中写就了自己辉煌的人生篇章。  相似文献   

塔热村地处大山之中,地势偏远,交通极不方便。村民如果要去县上办事, 骑马最少也得三个小时。他们虽处大山之中、大江之旁,但柴禾、用水都很困难。一年的薪柴全靠家人拾牛粪和从荒山上砍伐一种带刺的小灌木, 这需要大量的劳动力。在塔热村,大部分家庭是兄弟共妻,一夫一妻的家庭很少。仅有的五家, 男主人都是从外地入赘过来的,而一夫一妻的家庭一般都是女方家没有男孩或者男孩嫁到外地去了,父母想把家庭延续下去,就给女儿招一个丈夫上门。  相似文献   

虽然化古老,但人却不古板,这里的男女讲求自由恋爱,时间一般是在收获的季节。这时姑娘小伙子总是找许多借口——守望尚在地里的庄稼,怕被人偷,怕牲畜连吃带糟蹋,怕……,反正他们大都露宿在庄稼地里了。有的小伙为了找意中人,从地里牵上一匹马四处游荡,从一个村子到另一个村子,见着姑娘就搭话、唱曲儿,要是看上谁了,就示爱。  相似文献   

李志雄 《旅游》2003,(11):14-15
“有十年之久了”张羽对我说,“辞去那份很悠闲也很拘束的工作,远离都市的喧嚣,让山的清新洗净心肺,忘情地与近似清苦的淳朴的人们轻松地交友,看他们那都市中很难见到的灿烂笑容,听他们为一小点新奇就喜悦地诉说一挂车的笑语。我们就想过这种日子。”  相似文献   

顺时针方向转动的祭祀人群发出低沉而有节奏的诵经声和祈福声“呼来——呼来——”;敖包上堆满了各种奶豆腐、奶酪干、糖果等,鲜奶在敖包的石壁上留下了鲜明的白色痕迹。离得很远就能闻到奶制品散发的阵阵乳香……  相似文献   

由于对茶的鱼水之需.产生了世界最庞杂繁复的茶叶之路,把藏区与川滇产茶地结台为一个生理上的整体。茶叶之路不仅是一个地理上的概念.更是一个有机的组织.用细致的分工网?渗透到各阶层的经济与文化中。  相似文献   

On December 29, 1995, agrand ceremony was held in Jokhang Monastery in Lhasa to determine the soulboy of the late 10thPanchen Erdeni. The Living BuddhaBorne drew one of the three lots eachbearing the name of a soul boy candidatefrom the golden urn bestowed by the QingDynasty emperor. The result announcedby Gyangcain Norbu (PRC State Coun-cilor) that Gyaincain Norbu had beenselected. Now, nine years have passed andwhere are that two candidates who failedto be chosen? How do they fare in…  相似文献   

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