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农村税费改革中的三方博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘江宏  曾知授 《攀登》2004,23(3):59-61
农村税费改革既是对传统农村税制的一种否定,更是对原有利益关系的重大调整.在税费改革中普遍存在着中央、地方、农民三者在经济利益、政治权利等方面的三方博弈,而且博弈各方的角色定位与行为各有不同.能否正确审视博弈情势,及时发现问题并给予妥善解决,事关改革成败.  相似文献   

冯娟  罗静 《人文地理》2013,28(5):81-86
我国进入快速城市化发展时期以来,在城市化和工业化的推动下,各类村镇主体的空间行为能力逐步增强,在其追求自身利益最大化的过程中,往往出现不理性的空间行为,在农村地区引发出诸多的空间问题。本文以各类村镇主体(农村居民、企业、农村基层自治组织、地方政府)的空间行为为研究对象,运用博弈理论深入分析各类不良空间行为产生的根源,有针对性地提出相关公共政策建议,以期改变其博弈规则,从而有效引导和规范各类村镇主体的空间行为,优化村镇空间。  相似文献   

建立宅基地退出补偿机制是优化土地资源配置、增加农户收入的重要途径,但地方政府却存在刻意压低补偿的现象,打击农户退出宅基地的积极性.本文建立演化博弈模型,对政府与农户在宅基地退出中的利益博弈进行分析,结果显示政府给予补偿的不合理程度、农户通过博弈所能挽回的收益、政府受到处罚的概率以及农户进行博弈所付出的成本等都会对博弈结...  相似文献   

武汉政府时期形势错综复杂,面临的问题很多,其中农民问题是中心问题.各种政治势力纷纷提出自己的政策主张,并力图影响政府的决策.从政府决策体系和政府过程的角度,对武汉政府的农民政策的变化进行分析,是一种新的研究尝试.武汉政府的农民政策从积极走向消极直至反动,是当时各种政治势力和政治利益博弈的结果.  相似文献   

从南宋义役看江南乡村治理秩序之重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从海内外学界对南宋义役的认识分歧入手,在摸清义役的实施概况、发展阶段和运作方式的基础上,首次区分了义役的不同类型,即有民间主导型和政府推广型之别。运用新制度经济学的相关原理,从乡村上户、胥吏阶层和地方政府官员在义役问题上的利益博弈入手,分析了义役败坏的诸般原因。认为民间主导型义役是乡绅集团在差役重压下,试图通过集资助役、自主排役之方式,主动参与赋役征收、地方治安等乡村治理秩序重建的有益尝试。  相似文献   

朱逊贤 《沧桑》2011,(2):73-74
学术交流是提升研究生科学研究能力的重要手段,在研究生培养和学校建设过程中有着重要的地位和作用。但是"囚徒困境"是影响学术交流的主要掣肘,基于"囚徒困境"的非合作博弈成为影响学生综合素质塑造的重要矛盾和问题。而"智猪博弈"是推动学术交流的共赢策略,即采取"合作博弈"的方式,达到学术交流的本质和目的。  相似文献   

本文利用博弈论方法对税收实践进行分析,对中央与地方税务机关,地方税务机关与征税人,征税人与纳税人三层关系建立博弈模型,展开对策分析。表明检查和惩罚是防治税收流失的有效途径。  相似文献   

孙群郎 《世界历史》2012,(2):132-136
厦门大学王旭、罗思东教授的新著《美国新城市化时期的地方政府:区域统筹与地方自治的博弈》(以下简称《地方政府》)①值得我们关注。该著是王旭教授主持的国家社科基金项目"20世纪后半期美国大都市区化与大都市区管理模式"的最终成果,全书分为6章,共355页,  相似文献   

杨建国 《世界历史》2020,(2):96-109,I0005,I0006
1977年的《巴拿马运河新条约》,是卡特政府在外交政策上的标志性成果之一。它的签署和通过,是卡特政府在复杂的国内外局势下实行双重政治博弈的结果。面对具有强烈民族主义倾向的巴拿马人民,卡特政府从国家长远利益出发,顺势而为,适度妥协;面对政府内部行政部门间的意见不一和顽固保守的国会势力,卡特政府在守住政策底线的前提下,通过巧妙施压和正面劝导,积极争取中间势力的理解和支持。这种内外博弈过程突出反映了在切实维护国家利益的重大外交决策问题上,美国现行宪政体制的功能和效用具有典型的两面性一方面,对内尽可能争取相关各方在重大外交政策上理解和支持的最大公约数,以有效增加美国对外政治斗争中获胜的筹码;另一方面,决策上的混乱拖沓增加了内耗,使得某些符合整体长远利益的重大外交决策不得不迁就于注重眼前、局部利益的国会系列修正案,导致重大外交政策的实施初衷与实际后果之间出现明显偏差。  相似文献   

北宋东亚多国体系下大国制衡与争锋、小国图存与发展交织成错综复杂的国际关系。外交博弈和外交谈判十分激烈,且并非简单的双边关系,而与多国制衡关系相互联动。华夷观念是外交博弈的基本理念,但并非固化教条,而是具有弹性特征并因时变化。在华夷观念下代表着等级制国际关系的名分是外交博弈的首要目标,利益是外交博弈的核心诉求,其背后都是对国家安全的追求。外交博弈结果主要取决于综合实力,同时受到外交政策的深刻影响。外交使节的谈判技巧对外交博弈产生一定影响,但对大局影响有限。北宋外交博弈既有历史共性,也有多国体系下的特殊性。  相似文献   

刘晓丽  牛会平 《攀登》2011,30(3):60-63
灾害中止社会生活的和平进程、瓦解社会秩序的正常运转。政府作为公共权力的执行者,集中一切力量将灾害降低到最低限度,履行"以人为本"和"科学发展"的战略选择,在维护国家安全、社会秩序、保障个体生命的生存权与发展权的同时,也增强了民族的凝聚力和政府的合法性,充分体现了人本政府的良好形象和我国社会主义制度的优越性。因此,进一步完善灾害预警机制、信息输入和公开机制以及资金管理制度等灾害治理体制,能够进一步推进合法性政府的构建。  相似文献   

李庚 《人文地理》2012,26(1):102-106
以西安市长安区、渭南市澄城县、宝鸡市岐山县为考察点,采用问卷调查法和SPSS软件对三县土地流转现状进行实证分析,以查明不同区域土地流转差异情况和造成土地流转差异的影响因素。结果表明,由于经济发展水平不同,三县区土地流转达成比例相差较大,流转规模、流转方式有很大不同,流转价格更是有较大差别,经济发达地区有较强的土地"非粮化"现象,土地流转更接近市场行为。非农收入水平、农户的受教育程度、各类土地流转中介和管理机构的完善程度、农户的社会保障程度等对土地流转有显著影响,且影响方式均为正向,并且对流出率的影响超过对流入率的影响。  相似文献   

After a discussion of farm size and average returns of rubber smallholders in Peninsular Malaysia interest is centred on the factors affecting production—land development, rubber replanting, alternative sources of household income and the role of the government in the local and international rubber market. Government attention to these factors should enhance returns to small rubber farmers.  相似文献   

张京祥  于涛  殷洁 《人文地理》2008,23(3):7-11
面对全球化所营造的激烈竞争环境,1990年代以来西方城市治理发生了重大转型,普遍从福利型政府向企业型政府转向,大力实施了营销型城市增长策略。在国内、国际环境转变的双重压力下,以土地储备为重点的城市经营和以大事件为载体的城市营销正被中国诸多城市政府所积极采用,因而城市治理表现出显著的企业化倾向。在实施营销型城市增长策略的过程中,官商利益联盟共同推进了城市的增长,并各自产生了明显的利益寻租行为。文章基于制度经济学的分析方法,透过城市增长机器理论的视角,剖析了营销型城市增长策略的形成机制和利益格局,并以南京市土地储备和奥体新城建设的案例,揭示了其所导致的经济、社会与空间负效应。文章认为,城市内生竞争力的提高必须摈弃营销型增长策略的功利模式,推进城市政府从单一目标的"增长型政府"向综合目标的"发展型政府"的转变。  相似文献   

习裕军  刘昆福 《攀登》2008,27(4):127-130
政府领导者的决策能力、政府体系的决策执行能力和政府动员社会支援能力是现代政府能力结构的基本要素。公共危机管理使政府在非常态行政环境中的政府能力充分“曝光”,成为检验一个国家政府能力强弱的最好机会。中国政府正是凭籍强大的政府能力优势,成功地应对了汶川地震危机。这种强政府能力具体体现为:中国政府领导者强大的决策能力、中国政府体系高效的决策执行能力、充足的动员社会支持能力。  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in understanding China's environmental governance through the lens of governmentality. This article contributes to that discussion by using the Foucauldian analytical apparatuses of discipline and security to understand China's governance of farmland. It argues that the Chinese state applies these two apparatuses simultaneously: on the one hand, it disciplines and deters local states from illegal land grabs by utilizing surveillance tools such as remote sensing and national land surveys; on the other hand, it relies on indirect governance through the land quota market to achieve grain security, transforming both local states and peasants into autonomous market players, and reconstructing China's rural landscape by launching mass peasant relocation programmes. The study also reveals the contingent effects of those power tactics: the state's governance is compromised by the local states’ counter‐conduct, such as data fabrication and concealment, and by the peasants’ denial of their new subjectivity as market players. When the tactics are effective, as in the case of local states actively assuming roles of land quota producers and traders, the villages and peasant households suffer from deprivation of land rights.  相似文献   

Wars and their aftermaths frequently transform land use and ownership, reshaping ‘post-conflict’ landscapes through new boundaries, population movements, land reforms and conditions of access. Within a global context of controversial land concessions and farmland acquisitions, we bring to light the continued salience of historical memories of war in the ways land conflicts are being negotiated in Laos. Considering circumstances at different scales—from bilateral government relations to village-level claims—we find that political capital linked to memories of wartime affiliations have crucial spatial and place-based connections, and that they affect the ways investors, government officials and villagers negotiate over land concessions. Ethnographic evidence, spatial analysis and a survey of expatriate development workers engaged with land issues in Laos suggest that such ‘political memories’ are an important but often overlooked factor in shaping an uneven concessions landscape. We discuss implications for foreign development organizations that tend to privilege technical and legal aspects of land management over such political dimensions.  相似文献   

Land Policy and Farming Practices in Laos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The government of Laos has identified the eradication of poverty as a priority. Given the primarily agricultural character of the country, it has selected land reform as a core policy to reach this goal. The policy has two major aims: to increase land tenure security in order to encourage farmer involvement in intensive farming, and to eliminate slash‐and‐burn agriculture to protect the environment in a country still rich in forest resources. State intervention takes the form of land allocation, a process which combines the protection of some areas of village land with the formal recognition of private ownership in authorized farming areas. In a country with different types of geography, the effects of the policy are variable, but the research presented in this article demonstrates that the land laws have shortcomings which allow for differing interpretations depending on the local social relationships. Since local specificities are not taken into account, the reform is proving counterproductive for both forest protection and agricultural modernization, as well as having a negative social impact by marginalizing the poorest farmers.  相似文献   

The concept of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) is gaining increasing attention among scholars as well as conservation and development practitioners. The premises of this innovative conservation approach are appealing: private land users, usually poorly motivated to protect nature on their land, will do so if they receive payments from environmental service buyers which cover part of the land users’ opportunity costs of developing the land. However, this article warns against an over‐enthusiastic adoption of a one‐sided market‐based PES approach. Based on a field study of the Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Approaches to Ecosystem Management Project (RISEMP), one of the main PES pilot projects in Nicaragua, it suggests that a mixture of economic and non‐economic factors motivated farmers to adopt the envisaged silvopastoral practices and that the actual role of PES is mistakenly understood as a simple matter of financial incentives. The authors argue that PES approaches should be understood as a part of a broader process of local institutional transformation rather than as a market‐based alternative for allegedly ineffective government and/or community governance.  相似文献   

Maintaining periurban agriculture and prime periurban farmland has become a leitmotiv in land use planning and management around many cities in North America and Western Europe since the 1960s. This article focuses on the changing perspectives associated with these planning and management initiatives as well as changing research approaches. Initially, periurban farmland was often seen by planners as a land reserve for urban development. Subsequently, concern was expressed about maintaining the prime agricultural land resource via farmland protection programmes, especially in North America in the 1960s and 1970s. Early research into periurban agriculture involved statistical analyses of farmland losses and changing agricultural production systems, and farmer interviews to identify pressures and opportunities facing periurban agriculture. Gradually, it became clear that maintaining farmland resources and farm activities required more than just ‘protecting’ them from urbanisation. Two types of initiatives developed: (1) the construction of agricultural development plans to ensure sustainable farm development, e.g. in Quebec since 2008, in France since the mid‐1970s and more recently in Wallonia (Belgium) in 2014; and (2) a change in the research approach to support periurban agricultural sustainability. While still using interviews with farmers and other actors, more important is the emergence of action research to provide support to farmers, their neighbours, elected officials and professionals in developing agricultural development plans, with the aim of achieving a better integration of periurban agriculture into the regional urban system. This paper develops this reasoning using research in Canada, France, and principally Belgium to illustrate the argument.  相似文献   

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