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王葳 《神州》2013,(34):155-155
在语言学中,针对理解他人和被他人理解,文体或语言表达的风格都扮演着一个非常重要的角色。合理正确的使用各种风格可以使我们的交流更加顺畅。为了能够使我们的写作和语言表达更加清楚,有效力及合理,学习不同的文体风格是非常必要的。  相似文献   

Since its peaceful liberation, Tibet, at the roof of the world, has been keeping abreast with the motherland to constantly renew its progress.  相似文献   

The Dalai Lama has, in recent years, been telling the world he has stopped seeking "Tibetan independence" and turned towards a "middle way". By this, he says, he means "high-level autonomy" or "real autonomy" in Tibet and other Tibetan-inhabited areas within the framework of the Chinese Constitution. Only by doing so, he has argued, can Tibet best protect its unique traditional culture, religion and eco-environment, and can the unification and unity of China be maintained. (On March 10, 1959, the reactionary upper class in Tibet staged a counter-revolutionary armed rebellion. When it was suppressed,  相似文献   

Among Mongolian and Tibetan high-ranking Bud-dhist monks,the Khutukhtu is second only to that ofthe Dalai and the Panchen.There have,however,beenvarious interpretations of the word khutukhtu,its lin-guistic origin,and connotations.In this essay,therefore,I expound on the preliminary textual re-search I have made into questions regarding the ori-gin of the word “khutukhtu,” its course of evolution,  相似文献   

李家泉 《百年潮》2010,(4):75-76
最近十余年来,台湾由“威权政治”走向“政党政治”,人民当家,社会多元,应该说是一个进步。然而我总觉得,这同时也带来许多“负面”的东西,这在转型社会,是一个“过渡”,自然是不可避免的。不过这种情况,如果时间太长了,习以为常,昕之任之,不求改善,未免也会走向“反面”,这是应该注意到的。  相似文献   

涓子 《南京史志》2014,(8):11-12
新学期又开始了!在享受了两个月的完美假期之后,同学们又要重新投入到新的学习中。但是,习惯了没有时间约束、睡觉睡到自然醒、说走就能走的旅行和电子设备看到眼睛酸的自在生活,对于已经到来的紧张的学习生活,有没有产生一种恐惧心理?如果你觉得自己有害怕上学,上课注意力不集中,记忆力也下降等症状,那么,很遗憾地告诉你.你有可能患上了传说中的“开学恐惧症”哦,  相似文献   

1909年6月,直隶总督杨士骧病逝,朝廷急调两江总督端方补任。直隶总督为疆吏领袖,为人瞩目。端方上任后不久,朝野喧传端方将被调入军机处,舆论认为他行将大用,但在11月下旬他却突然被革职,政情的诡谲变幻真是出人意料,端方因何缘由被革职?  相似文献   

Ling Tian, a senior reporter, went to Tibet from 1950 to 1956 reporting on events. In the spring of 1959, he entered Tibet once more and visited Lhoka. His diary, with one hundred thousand characters about this journey, has accurately recorded the genuine process of democratic reform occurring in Khesum Manor of Lhoka. In this journal, we are publishing some parts of his diary as follows.  相似文献   

赵炎 《湖南文史》2012,(3):60-60
范仲淹那篇著名的《岳阳楼记》,以一句“滕子京谪守巴陵郡”让滕子京成了闻名遐迩的历史人物,但这位滕大人被贬的原因却鲜为人知:他是因为“三公”消费过于生猛而获罪的,即公款吃喝、馈赠、大兴土木搞政绩工程。  相似文献   

辜鸿铭,号立诚,祖籍福建同安县,1856年生于马来亚槟榔屿。他少时聪明过人.十岁赴欧洲留学,先在英国爱丁堡大学获文学硕士.德国莱比锡大学获工程土木科文凭,后又游历意、法、奥诸国.精通多国语言。1880年回到槟榔屿。不久在新加坡与近代中国资产阶级改良主义学者马建忠会面.深受他的启发。  相似文献   

The “Wenxian(document)“in the Confucian analects said by confucius is the literal ma-terials which possess evidential functions. It‘s wrong that the past scholars explained the “xian“as the“wisdom“ many times for all generations, and all kinds of these explanations didn‘t conform to thcmeanings of Confucius himselfs. According to the original meanings of the Chinese word “Xian“ andthe tradition of collecting situation of the people in the ancientry,the “Xian“ is the literal materialswhich was reported to the leadership from conditions of the lower levels, and the only difference be-tween “Wen“ and “Xian“ is that the latter emphasized that itself had originated from the local proffer.when the literal materials from the local proffer“have been stored into the archives of the court“andwas put together with the “Wen“ which was stored in the court before,as another words,when theywere mixed together,the difference between“wen“and “Xian would disappear gradually and wouldhaven‘t any significance. So it was called“Wenxian(document)”as a word generally  相似文献   

杨文金 《文史春秋》2012,(12):47-50
清末名臣黄桂望(1858-1903),原名桂清,字伯香,号养吾,贵州安顺人。清光绪八年(1883年)中举人,次年会试中进士,入选翰林院庶吉士,散馆授翰林院编修。光绪十四年(1888年)出任云南省乡试主考官。  相似文献   

June 8^th, 1959
The rainy season is coming to Lhoka, and today there have been several showers.
According to the work team this morning, the shadow of slavery remains over Lhoka and throughout this area. One example is Khesum Manor where the self determined rules of the landlords stipulated that the landlords were entitled to reduce Tralpa families who have extra members in their labor force. In practice, landlords determined one or two persons to be Hangsan from these Tralpa families to provide corvee labor to those Tralpa families who had a shortage of labors but had plenty of tenant land.  相似文献   

贾朝阳 《神州》2012,(22):85-85
由于诗歌语言暗示性、跳跃性、多义性、隐喻性的特点,加之学生生活阅历和知识水平的限制,对诗歌的理解停留在感性认识的层面,不能清晰地表达感受、阐明思想。我在教学中从读标题、联作者、明背景、品词句、记术语这几方面着手,将诗歌教学落到实处。  相似文献   

张辉 《神州》2012,(22):41-41
“书声朗朗”历来是语文课堂教学的一大特征。“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟”道出了朗读的重要性。“书读百遍,其义自见”这句流传千古的名言,总结了古人宝贵的治学经验。中国教育家从孔子到陶行知到当代语文教育界的一批特级教师,他们都非常重视朗读。如何培养和提升小学生的朗读素养呢?我认为可以从以下几步做起:  相似文献   

今甘青地区在明代时是否设有“土司”,学术界至今存有争议。本文在前人研究的基础上,对明朝中央政府在今甘青地区设立的土官进行了梳理,并与西南典型土司制进行比较,认为明代今甘青地区广泛分布着具有自身特色的卫所土司和僧职土司。  相似文献   

近10年来,默多克旗下的《太阳报》和《世界新闻报》是英国除保守党和工党之外的第三股势力,它们无所不在,挖空心思搜寻和揭发名人和政客的隐私,从而成为了令人生畏的力量。无论是谁上台,都奉默多克为上宾。英国新闻集团的CEO布鲁克斯2009年结婚时,布朗和卡梅伦都出席了婚礼  相似文献   

吴艳杰 《神州》2012,(22):258-258
国家教育部制订的(《普通高中数学课程标准》(实验)课程的基本理念中提出“学生的数学学习活动不应只限于接受、记忆、模仿和练习,高中数学课程还应提倡学生自主学习、动手实践、合作交流等学习数学的形式。”高中数学课程应力求通过各种不同形式的自主学习、探究活动,让学生体验数学发现和创造的历程,发展他们的创新意识。因为只有那些能激发学生强烈求知欲的教学,那些能够使学生获得积极的、深层次体验的教学,那些能给学生足够自主的空间、活动机会的教学,才能使学生获得可持续的发展。  相似文献   

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