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Book reviewed in this article: Israel in Comparative Perspective: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom: Michael N. Barnett, editor  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article
Philip L. Dubois (editor) The Analysis of Judicial Reform (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books; D.C. Heath and Company, 1982); 221 pp.; ISBN 0-669-04480-6; $23.95.
Philip L. Dubois (editor) The Politics of Judicial Reform (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books; D.C. Heath and Company, 1982); 187 pp.; ISBN 0-669-04478-4; $24.95 cloth.  相似文献   

African Islam     
Book reviewed in this article: Islam in Africa, Nura Alkali, Adamu Adamu, Amal Yadudu, Rashid Motem, and Haruna Salihi, editors Muslim Identity and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, Louis Brenner, editor  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles Religion in the Middle East. General editor: A. J. Arberry. Political and Social Thought in the Contemporary Middle East. Edited by Kemal H. The Almohad Movement in North Africa in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. By Roger Le Tourneu. Etudu Arrbu: Feuillem dc Tmrnil.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》1986,17(1):183-192
Book reviewed in this article: B. Munslow and H. Finch (editors), Proletarianisation in the Third World Thomas M. Callaghy, The State-Society Struggle: Zaire in Comparative Perspective Cynthia Hewitt de Alcantara, Anthropological Perspectives on Rural Mexico Iftikar Ahmed (editor), Technology and Rural Women William Tordoff (editor), Government and Politics in Africa James Firebrace and Stewart Holland, Never Kneel Down Third World Affairs, 1985  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Thomas A. Markus , Buildings and Power: Freedom and Control in the Origin of Modern Building Types.
John Pickles , editor, Ground Truth: The Social Implications of Geographic Information Systems .
M. Camoy, M. Castells, S. S. Cohen and F. H. Cardoso , The New Global Economy in the Information Age: Reflections on Our Changing World .
Anne Power , Hovels to High Rise: State Housing in Europe Since 1850.  相似文献   

Book Reviews in This Article: Trois ?uvres Inédites de mystiques musulmans: āqq? al-Bal?, Ibn ?, Niffarā. By Paul Nwyia. The Formative Period of Islamic Thought. By W. Montgomery Watt. The Arab Mind. By Raphael Patai. l?m? al-Adab al-M?r f? Mir? (Bio-bibliographical Critical Series), No. 1, h?āūsayn. By Hamdi Sakkut and Marsden Jones. A History of the Crusades. Kenneth M. Setton, general editor. Volume III, The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries , edited by Harry W. Hazard. The Muslim Dilemma in India. By M. R. A. Baig. Who is Maudoodi ? By Maryam Jameelah. A Tacit Alliance. By S. K. Crosbie.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》1986,17(2):359-368
Book reviewed in this article: W. Ross Cockrill (editor), The Camelid: An All–Purpose Animal, Vol. 1. Proceedings of the Khartoum Workshop on Camels Robert Bideleux,Communism and Development. ohn Hemming (editor), Change in the Amazon Basin. Vol. I, Man's Impact on Forest and Rivers; Vol. II, The Frontier after a Decade of Colonization. Manchester: Manchester Marianne Schmink and Charles H. Wood (editors) Stephanie Griffith–Jones, International Finance and Latin America. Hugh O'Shaughnessy, Grenada: Revolution, Invasion and Aftermath. George Brizan, Grenada: Island of Conflict. From Amerindians to People's Revolution: 1498–1979. Chris Searie, Words Unchained: Language and Revolution in Grenada. London: Maurice Bishop, In Nobody's Backyard: Maurice Bishop's Speeches, 1979–1983: A Memorial Volume. Scott C. Iverson, Quantitative Methods of Public Administration in Developing Countries.  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1991,29(2):382-400
Book reviewed in this article: Andrew S. MacDonald Nowhere to go but down? Simmons, I. G. Changing the Face of the Earth Culture, Environment, History Storper, M. and Walker, R. The Capitalist Imperative: Territory, Technology, and Industrial Growrh T.R. Slater (editor) The Built Form of Western Cities Australian Surveying and Land Information Group Atlas of Australian Resources Third Series; Vegetation S.A. Drury A Guide to Remote Sensing—Interpreting Images of the Earth C.A. Gregory and J.G. Altman Observing the Economy R. Hudson, and D. Sadler, The Imitational Steel Industry: Restructuring State Policies and Localities Heather Joshi (editor) The Chonging Population of Britain Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.G., Eriksson, E.A. Spatial Energy Analysis J.B. Thornes (ed.) Vegetation and Erosion Rocesses and Environments L.J. Webb, and J. Kikkawa. (editors) Australian Tropical Rainforests Science—Values—Meaning Elspeth Young and Kim Doohan Mobility for survival a process analysis of Aboriginal population movement in Central Australia  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1992,30(1):94-104
Book reviewed in this article: John Singe The Torres Strait. People and History L.M. Allen, J.C. Altman and E. Owen (with assistance from W.S. Arthur) Aborigines in the Economy: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Policy-Relevant Research 1985–90 J. C. Altman (editor) Aboriginal Employment Equify by the Year 2000 Peter Jackson Maps of Meaning: An Introduction to Cultural Geography Andrew Goudie The Human Impact on the Natural Environmenr H. Bridgman Global Air Pollution: Problems for the 1990s P.E.V. Charman and B.W. Murphy (Eds.) Soils—Their Properties and Management: A Soil Conservation Handbook for New South Wales K. Pye and H. Tsoar Aeolian Sand and Sand Dunes  相似文献   


This article argues that chapter 35 serves as a bridge between mainly Proto- and Deutero-Isaiah, but partly also to Trito-Isaiah. Its method is to compare intertextually phraseology in chapter 35 with similarities in the other parts of the Book of Isaiah. Outlook is all the way from chapter 35, backwards to Proto- and forwards to Deutero- and Trito-Isaiah. In summary, there are a series of intertextual relations to particular parts of Proto-Isaiah, especially to those parts were blessings predominate over curses, while the intertextual relations to Deutero-Isaiah are closer to the essence of its message, in particular to chapters 40-48. Intertextual relations between chapter 35 and Trito-Isaiah are more sparse. Intertextually these relations are mainly from the “canon-before-canon” stage (cf. Fishbane) of the text, rather than “author intended intertextuality” (cf. Nielsen). But there is also an aspect of “editor intended intertextuality” (cf. Nielsen). The investigation demonstrates how central this chapter is in the Book of Isaiah, but it is intertextually closest related to Deutero-Isaiah.  相似文献   

The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political Islam and the New World Disorder, Bassam Tibi. Comparative Studies in Religion and Society Series #9, Mark Juergensmeyer, editor. Against Islamic Extremism: The Writings of Muhammad Sacid al-cAshmawy. Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, editor. Qur'an, Liberation & Pluralism: An Islamic Perspective of Inter-religious Solidarity Against Oppression, Farid Esack.  相似文献   

Jurij Borys. The Sovietization of Ukraine, 1917–1923. The Communist Doctrine and Practice of National Self-Determination. Revised edition. Edmonton: The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1980. Pp. xxii, 488; Vera S. Dunham. In Stalin's Time. Middle-class Values in Soviet Fiction. Introduction by Jerry F. Hough. First paperback edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv, 283; Taras Hunczak, editor. The Ukraine, 1917–1921: A Study in Revolution. Introduction by Richard Pipes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1977. Pp. viii, 424; Roy Medvedev, The October Revolution. Foreword by Harrison E. Salisbury. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. xix, 240; Rosalind Mitchison, editor. The Roots of Nationalism: Studies in Northern Europe. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd., 1980. Pp. vii, 175; Peter J. Potichnyj, editor. Poland and Ukraine, Past and Present. Edmonton: The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1980. Pp. xiv, 365; Edward C. Thaden, editor. Russification in the Baltic Provinces and Finland, 1855–1914. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii, 497; Anthony F. Upton. The Finnish Revolution, 1917–1918. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1980. Pp. v, 608.  相似文献   

本论证了自东汉以来关于费氏易传古经的传统结论实属传讹。中列举了新近出土的古本《易》与今本《易》仅一字有别而反映出的事实和义理大不相同的例子,阐明亟待复原出一部古易经本,以清除古人在今本易经的形成过程中对经的误识、误定。  相似文献   

DONALD F. LACH and EDWIN J. VAN KLEY. Asia in the Making of Europe: Volume III: A Century of Advance. Book One: Trade, Missions, Literature. Pp. lxxvi, 597. $85.00 (us); Book Two: South Asia. Pp. Ivii, 601-1,110. $75.00 (us); Book Three: Southeast Asia. Pp. liii, 1,111-1,561. $65.00 (us); Book Four: East Asia. Pp. cxii, 1,563-2,077. $85.00 (us). Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993. $300.00 (us), die set.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Alina: A Russian Girl Comes to Israel: Mira Meir On Eagles' Wings and Other Things: Connie Colker Steiner A lef-Bet: A Hebrew Alphabet Book: Michelle Edwards  相似文献   


The collection of Finlay Papers in the British School at Athens though throwing invaluable light on the character of George Finlay and on conditions in the Greece and western Europe of his day, are by no means complete in their coverage. The diaries cover only certain years; the Letter Book records mainly family and business correspondence; the actual copies of surviving letters both to and from Finlay—apart from Finlay to Leake or Leicester Warren—seem to owe their preservation to chance rather than policy. Yet Finlay was no less interested in the history of Trebizond than in Greek topography or in numismatics, and a stray survival among his papers seems to indicate that he had closer relations with Fallmerayer than is suggested by the almost total omission of any reference to him in the works on the Fragmentist (as Fallmerayer called himself). The editor of Fallmerayer's collected works, his best friend G. M. Thomas (the ‘carissimus Thomas’ of the Tagebücher), does mention the generosity of Fallmerayer's attitude towards Finlay's work on Trebizond, but that is about all.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reaping the Whirlwind: The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan: Michael Griffin  相似文献   

孔子生于春秋末期,他对于诗的态度,其论诗、传诗的实践,对《诗》的传播及其进而为经典都产生了重要作用。最近出版的《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中“孔子诗论”,为我们研究孔子与《诗》的关系又做了献上的丰富:首先,《孔子诗论》充分证明了先秦的用诗风气之盛;其次,在《孔子诗论》中,孔子基本是从诗的本义出发来评价诗篇的风格,与后儒定义“风雅正变’说有很大差距;第三,传统诗论中的“美刺”说可以说完全是对《诗经》的误解。对封建时代的一些错误的诗说,《孔子诗论》为我们作了全新的辨正,为我们认识《诗》的本来面目提供了极大的献价值。  相似文献   

Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the Middle East, Valentine M. Moghadam Women in the Middle East: Perceptions, Realities, and Struggles for Liberation, Haleh Afshar, editor  相似文献   

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