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湘西自治州各族人民紧紧抓住国家西部大开发、扶贫开发、中部崛起等战略机遇,在农村积极探索基层治理与脱贫致富结合之路,把基层治理效果体现在脱贫致富成果上,实现农民富、集体富、村干富。注重加强村级领导班子建设,充分发挥村级党组织在推进农村基层治理与脱贫致富中的核心引领作用;加强党员队伍先进性建设,充分发挥党员干部在推进农村基层治理与脱贫致富中的模范带头作用;凝聚人民群众力量,充分发挥人民群众在推进农村基层治理与脱贫致富中的主体性作用。  相似文献   

Abstract. Language is often a central issue in nationalist ideologies. It is seen as a crucial element in the definition of people's identities, and it is often a battlefield for nationalist activities. An analysis of how language is conceptualised and made part of a particular nationalist struggle may yield insights into the ideological structure of this particular nationalism, and thus lead to more refined ways of distinguishing between various types of nationalisms. In this article, a comparison is made between language in Flemish nationalism and in Tanzanian post-Ujamaa nationalism. In both cases, great emphasis is placed by the nation-builders on the central role of language in attaining the nationalist goals. However, a comparison of both cases also yields significant differences. The Flemish view of language is predominantly ethnic. Dutch is seen as an inalienable marker of identity, shared with the Dutch people, and creating a fundamental difference with the Walloon Belgians. Also, language is closely associated with the territory on which it is being spoken, which yields a homogeneistic and assimilationist attitude towards speakers of other languages on Flemish temtory. In Tanzania, Swahili is seen as an instrument for attaining a socialist political- ideological hegemonisation of the state. Swahili is chosen not for cultural reasons, but because it allows for egalitarian, socialist connotations. Underlying both language ideologies are basic differences in the structure of nationalism in Flanders and Tanzania, Flanders being an example of ethnic nationalism and Tanzania an example of socialist state nationalism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to review different perceptions on the possible future role and impact of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) 2010 Istanbul in enabling conservation to contribute to regeneration. The paper attempts to understand the vicious relationship between conservation and regeneration and it analyses the ways in which the ECoC event can resolve potential contradictions enabling conservation to contribute to regeneration by constructing an empirical study based on interviews and documentary research. It concludes with specific remarks in the name of attaining more effective and sustainable outcomes from the process both for Istanbul and Turkey.  相似文献   

V ariation in behaviour stemming from cultural differences has long been recognized as a possible key influence on attitudes towards economic development. The seminal work of Max Weber (1958) relating economic performance to religious allegiances is an obvious example. However, variations in the attitudes of economic actors may also derive from differences in endowments stemming from ethnic heritage. In Canada, for instance, the role of the British group in dominating corporate directorships has been well documented (Porter 1957) and is of special significance in a nation attempting to establish a balanced power situation between its Anglophone and Francophone elements. The problems of attaining cultural equality in Canada are, of course, compounded by the concentration of the Francophone element in Quebec and this spatial concern introduces new complexities in prescribing solutions.  相似文献   

Political and social circumstances in the late Classical period increased upward social mobility in Greece and provided some doctors with an opportunity to improve their social status. By adopting rational medical theories and prescribing an upper-class oriented regimen, these doctors appealed to the elites who favored the teachings of natural philosophers and sophists at that time. These doctors' goal was to be accepted into circles of the social elite as intellectual companions. Their ambitions contributed to the fact that rational medicine in the Classical period did not become an empirical science. Instead, speculative theories were selectively used to explain the causes of health and disease and to guide these doctors' practices, because natural philosophical speculation was considered a "superior" form of knowledge by the Greek elites. Eryximachus provided an illustrative example of this strategy by attaining acceptance into the highest social circle of a Classical Greek city.  相似文献   

1987年在安徽省含山县凌家滩墓地第四号墓中曾出土一件刻纹玉饰,现收藏于故宫博物院。以往关于这件刻纹玉饰的放置方式及刻纹内容,很少提及。本文率先探讨了这件刻纹玉饰的用途,认定其为梳背饰;在明确了其摆放方式的基础之上经仔细审视,提出这件刻纹玉饰上所琢刻的应是一条单首双身的龙形图案。  相似文献   

作册般铜鼋所记史事的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作册般铜鼋是一件珍贵的商代末期青铜器。其铭文所记史事和器物造型所展现的史实是射礼,如果把它与田猎挂钩,则有许多疑窦;如果把它与射礼相联系,则颇能印证文献和西周金文的有关记载。可以说西周辟雍大池的水上射礼很有可能渊源于商代晚期的洹水水上射礼。周礼“三番射”中的某些仪节和必射四矢之寓意,在商代晚期就已经存在。射鱼也是当时常见的一种射礼,射鼋则是射鱼的一项重要射礼内容。本文还对鼋铭作了考释,并认定该器是铭功的庸器、再现商王射艺的实物模型。铜鼋的铭文与造型构思所反映的史事是商代末期王在洹水进行的一次水上射礼活动。  相似文献   

本文从历史、经验和理论三个角度论证了乡村地理学以乡村区域系统为研究对象。在对乡村区域系统特征分析的基础上概括出当代乡村地理学13个方面65个要点的基本研究内容,并偿试性地建构了以结构、进化和与环境关联为主体的乡村区域系统理论框架。  相似文献   

Tirana, the Balkan capital examined in this study, displays patterns of gendered job search behavior and access, which are unique within contemporary Europe and even within post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Here, it is a rather spatially constricted job search range rather than transport poverty that prevents women living in first-ring suburbs from attaining satisfactory employment. Female commutes are extraordinarily short and most often on foot. While the city now has nearly one million inhabitants and a high car ownership rate, and is located in Europe, the employment and mobility choices and behaviors of its female residents resemble those in developing rather than developed countries, and in small rather than large cities. The reasons underpinning this situation have more to do with socio-cultural gender barriers and less with transport poverty or labor market weaknesses. This finding might apply to other Balkan capitals or cities outside Europe, which have recently experienced large waves of internal migration and where both existing residents and newcomers have not yet adjusted to ‘big city’ life.  相似文献   

This article reviews two edited volumes on fear, important contributions to the newly developing field of the history of emotions. The question at the center of Jan Plamper and Benjamin Lazier's volume is how fear is constituted as an object; this question is investigated in an interdisciplinary dialogue. Focusing on the twentieth century, the editors bring together psychologists, historians of science and of emotions, and specialists in literature studies, politics, and film. Taking the dialogue beyond the social sciences is certainly an exciting and necessary exercise, but it also raises the question whether both sides are really talking about the same object. Michael Laffan and Max Weiss place fear in a global history perspective. They cover a wide scope, from early modernity to the present, and geographically including the Americas and Indonesia. Taken together, both volumes not only give an impressive overview of the field of fear studies, and add to it through a number of case studies, but also raise the question “what object is fear?” in a new way. If this object is as fluid as appears from the two volumes—not only with respect to the different events that trigger fear, the different uses it was put to, and the politics it allowed, but as a felt emotion—this calls for further investigation notably into the words and concepts used to make sense of the experience.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse the determinants of successful school-to-work transition of young adults in Greater Jakarta. The study argues that the most consistent and significant influences on successful transition among young adults are micro predictors rather than mezzo predictors. Education has a strong positive relationship to successful school to work transition particularly in attaining stable job category. This study also found that traditional culture is likely to have negative influences on the successful transition of young women, while a positive transition is experienced by young men. Education is a key strategy in reducing the negative impacts of traditional cultural values and promoting successful school-to-work transition particularly if both young men and women are to attain stable employment.  相似文献   

朝鲜时代宫中举行仪礼行事时,经常排设和使用一种名为“遮日”的能够隔断日射和降雨的幕构造设施。作者以19世纪以后宫中宴享为中心分析了遮日的功能与特性,详细探讨了遮日的构成、种类、材料和排设方式等具体特性,并对在宫中仪礼行事的举行地如何使用遮日加以推断性的复原。  相似文献   

论派阀解散运动的"虚"与"实"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
派阀解散运动贯穿着日本自民党政治改革的历史,为数众多的自民党总裁以高喊派阀解散来表明欲革新政治、有所作为的决心。纵观岸信介以来直至小泉纯一郎的派阀解散历史和派阀毫发无损、依然活跃的现实,可以看出解散派阀是虚,通过它达到政治目的是实。派阀解散运动归于失败除了客观上的原因以外,最为重要的是自民党总裁主观上根本不想解散派阀。  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the ambivalences and contestations within assimilationist discourses in mid-twentieth century Australia. It focuses on the writings of A. P. Elkin, using Paul Hasluck's utterances mainly insofar as they throw Elkin's arguments into sharper relief. While Hasluck's version of assimilation was based on the assumptions of liberal individualism, Elkin drew upon ideas of cultural progress and social anthropology (among other intellectual currents) to propound a less totalising form of assimilation, wherein the attainment of citizenship could be reconciled with the retention of Aboriginal identity and cultural distinctiveness. Even so, Elkin had misgivings about cultural diversity and insisted on the need for expert scientific management in attaining the recommended reconciliation.  相似文献   

This article undertakes an object-focused study of a single work of art of great material and visual complexity: the Wallace Collection pax. This object stimulates an important discussion on how the making, materials and form of a work of art are fundamental to unravelling the object’s function and meaning for a contemporary audience. In placing at the core of the object a rare example of a late medieval amber Vera icon, the Wallace Collection pax also opens up a wider discussion on the nature and popularity of amber as a material of artistic expression in the later Middle Ages. In basing this article on the physical and material history of the work of art, I hope to illustrate the importance of going back to first principles when undertaking object-based research, and I intend to highlight the complex interaction between material and form in late medieval art.  相似文献   

The term stimulus, as it was used in science from its earliest appearance in the sixteenth century up to the beginning of the nineteenth century, shows a gradual progress in denotation from the physical object designed to produce nervous and muscular excitation to the generically conceived event or object that initiates sensory or motor activity. To this shift corresponds a shift in the understanding of sensory experience. Johannes Muller's law of specific energy of sensory nerves played a major role in the shift, and Hermann von Helmholtz gave the shift its most thorough philosophical explanation.  相似文献   

As Hegel observed in his Phenomenology of Spirit, “Self-consciousness, for the most part, is desire.” Phenomenologically, the “object of consciousness is itself… present only in opposition” to consciousness, while consciousness is felt as the absence of the longed-for object. According to Hegel, when desire is satisfied, this opposition ends and self-consciousness ceases. My essay seeks to answer the question of why desire never really terminates, why it almost continuously characterizes our waking life. I shall do so by exploring desire not just as a subjective phenomenon but as an ontological condition. What does desire say about the being of the subject? Desiring, the subject is stretched out in time. It is ahead of itself in its directedness to a not-yet present object. What is the condition for this temporal extendedness? What role does our embodied being-in-the-world play in it? How does the very spatiality of our selfhood condition our temporal extendedness? The goal of these questions is to understand desire in terms of the spatial and temporal aspects of our being.  相似文献   

Ancestor artefacts (objects of an earlier period, valued for their age and associations, which are retained into a later period) are normally identified by archaeologists owing to the difference between the date of the object and its context. These valued artefacts often demonstrate evidence of veneration (collection, cleaning and care). Recently, the importance of fragments in referencing an earlier object and its associations has been recognized ( Chapman 2000 ), though the detection of such fragments, even when in significant contexts, presents a challenge to archaeologists. The first example of an ancestor object which no longer exists, even as fragments, but as remelted metal, is presented in this paper. This suggests that the material of which an artefact is composed may have significantly greater cultural meaning than previously proposed. Distinguishing such ancestor material from material recycled for economic benefit or its desirable physical characteristics presents a significant challenge to the archaeologist and archaeological scientist.  相似文献   


French research policy has been of interest to historians for quite some time. However, the very notion has become so evident for us that its history is told as an heroic one of the state's progressive awareness of the importance of the scientific field.

Nevertheless, this historiographical tradition appears misleading. The stress put on the search for ancestors obscures many issues. This paper accordingly tries to reconstruct a quite different picture underlining the heterogeneity of the meaning of research policy.

The aim is to give a different status to the notion in the context of post‐war France. Science policy should cease to be considered as an evident entity and be seen as an object which organizes and stimulates reflection around the development of science.

After suggesting important themes needed to tackle anew research policy, this study of the major characteristics of the French case ends with a brief account of the progressive definition of the object “research policy”. Focusing on a kind of historical geography of the use and practices of this object, it stresses discontinuities, oppositions and compromises, and also the important work needed to achieve political legitimacy.  相似文献   

Field tests were conducted to determine if an object buried near the surface could be detected by monitoring the surface temperature of the soil. A series of tests using various object depths and thermal diffusivities were made with a portable infrared thermometer. In addition, a three-dimensional, implicit computer simulation was used to model and normalize the data. The method of underground detection investigated appears to be effective not only in locating a buried object but also in estimating its thermal diffusivity. Furthermore, some idea of object shape and depth can be obtained.  相似文献   

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