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This article offers an Australian perspective on future directions in Australia–Japan relations. An attempt is made to identify issues that will have a bearing on the bilateral relationship over the next five years and beyond at the national level. There is not any likelihood of a substantial rupture or change in relations in the short-term. The continuation of a stable, close and dynamic relationship in the mid to long-term, however, will depend on how both countries conduct their respective foreign policies towards China.1 1. I wish to thank Bill Tow for his comments on a draft of this article. Peter Drysdale, Purnendra Jain, Chris Pokarier, Chris Braddick, Takashi Terada and Geoff Miller also provided useful comments on a draft at the Workshop on the 30th Anniversary of the NARA Treaty organised through the Australia–Japan Research Centre at the Australian National University, and the Australian Institute of International Affairs, 31 July 2006. View all notes  相似文献   

The Basic Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Australia and Japan (the NARA Treaty) was the first treaty of friendship and amity signed between Australia and any other country. Importantly it extended most-favoured-nation status or non-discriminatory treatment beyond trade to all commercial dealings between Australia and Japan, including investment and migration and stay. It was a framework agreement that established a comprehensive basis of equality and fairness in economic and political relations. Yet it is frequently seen as not having had any substantial economic impact on the relationship. This article argues otherwise. It demonstrates that the NARA Treaty had a large and measurable effect on the intensity of investment flows and suggests that it had similar effects on the movement of people between the two economies.1 1. I would like to thank Jenny Corbett, Bill Tow, David Walton, Max Suich, Geoff Miller, Moreen Dee and other participants for their helpful comments on the presentation of an outline of this paper to the Workshop on the 30th Anniversary of the NARA Treaty organised through the Australia–Japan Research Centre at the Australian National University, and the Australian Institute of International Affairs. I am very grateful to Bill Bannear for research assistance in calculating the measures of trade and investment intensity used in the argument of this paper. I am especially grateful to Shiro Armstrong for his assistance in that work and his final polish to the argument of the paper. View all notes  相似文献   

Compared to its relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC), Australia's relations with Taiwan are often underrated. As a substantial trading partner and as a polity that has transformed into a robust ‘Asian democracy’, Taiwan constitutes a significant if highly complex dimension of evolving Australian foreign policy. A workshop was convened at the Australian National University in early May 2007 to consider the evolving geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural dimensions of bilateral relations between these two regional actors. Among the basic themes emerging from workshop deliberations were how the growth of Chinese power would effect stability in the Taiwan Straits and throughout maritime Asia; how Chinese power would shape future order-building in the region and any role that Australia and/or Taiwan might play in that process; how Taiwanese democracy would factor into any future regional order and what Australia's future Taiwan posture should be given that that country is committed to a ‘one China policy’ acknowledging the PRC as China. Among the conclusions reached were that Australia must intensify its diplomatic efforts toward both Beijing and Washington to ensure that potential Sino–American differences over Taiwan do not escalate into military conflict and that time and generational change may work to facilitate a peaceful solution to this protracted security dilemma? ? The authors would like to thank Bruce Jacobs for his review of earlier drafts. View all notes.  相似文献   

From the commencement of his field research A. P. Elkin sought to bring a practical application to his work on Aborigines. He positioned anthropology as an enabling science which had the capacity to reduce conflict, violence and misunderstanding on the frontier. He stated that the ‘object of his mission [field work]’ was both ‘academic and practical’. He declared that the knowledge gained through anthropological field research would serve not only narrow academic aims but would also be put at the service of government. Anthropology's purpose was to inform and influence the formulation of government Aboriginal policy. This paper examines Elkin's first encounter and interaction with government through his relationship with A. O. Neville, chief protector of Aborigines in Western Australia. It illustrates the beginnings of what Gillian Cowlishaw has called a discourse of helping, that is Australian anthropologists in the 1930s constructed a discourse about their usefulness to government. It was a discourse which seemingly lacked critical distance from the policies of government. I argue that this discourse of helping government was heavily influenced by Elkin once he became professor of anthropology but it can be discovered in this earlier period. I conclude by discussing how the implications of this discourse were played out in the decade of the 1930s. The focus of this paper is on Elkin and his relationship with Neville and the consequences of this relationship for Elkin's later actions.  相似文献   

A review and summary of The Science of Geography, a report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Geography, Division of Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, published in Washington in 1965.  相似文献   

Following are excerpts from a report read by Professor Salishchev on October 14, 1960, at a meeting of the Council of the Geography Faculty of Moscow University. The omitted part of Professor Salishchev's report is substantially the same as the report of the National Committee of Soviet Geographers, printed in Soviet Geography, April 1961, pp. 40–46. Professor Salishchev's report on the work of the Commission of National Atlases, of which he is chairman, is translated in full.  相似文献   

Australia's victory in securing temporary seats on the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations Executive Board has been much celebrated. This provides an important platform for Australia to further the agenda of women's rights worldwide. As part of this agenda, Australia has provided a commitment to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security through the development of the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018, released in 2012. This article examines the early thoughts and efforts towards the implementation of this plan. It demonstrates that while there is a broad rhetorical commitment to implementation by Australian actors, there are nonetheless challenges that may threaten its success. Based in part upon interviews with Australian government representatives and policy makers, and activists and advocates of the Women, Peace and Security agenda, this article highlights the success, challenges and opportunities that have so far been associated with implementing this important Resolution.  相似文献   

In 1835, a statute was passed in the parliament of the United Kingdom making it illegal for a widowed man to marry his sister-in-law. 1 Lord Lyndhurst's Act (1835) 5 & 6 Will VI c. 54. Marriage to a sister-in-law after a wife's death was common practice in nineteenth-century England and colonial Australia and aunts often took on the responsibility of raising children after a sibling's death. In the 1840s, a protracted parliamentary and social debate began over whether a widowed man's marriage to his sister-in-law should be made legal and this debate lasted over seven decades. In the Australian colonies, where English law had been inherited, 2 Those Australian colonies settled prior to the passing of Lord Lyndhurst's Act inherited the English position regarding deceased wife's sister marriage at the time, that such unions were voidable in the ecclesiastical courts during the lifetime of the parties, and in those colonies established afterwards, the 1835 statute applied and deceased wife's sister unions were illegal. In both cases colonial parliaments attempted to pass legislation to clarify the law. a similar debate occurred in the 1870s. The marriage was legalised in most of Australia in the 1870s while it remained illegal in England until the turn of the century. The parallel debates in each country provide a window into the comparative effect of religious culture on the development of marriage law. One of the primary reasons for the protracted nature of the struggle for marriage reform in England was its significance for the relationship between church and state. This article explores the implications of the relationship between church and state in Britain and the colonies for marriage legislation.  相似文献   

With 2006 and 2007 marking two important anniversaries in the history of their bilateral ties, Australia and Japan are committed to reaffirming the significance of their relationship and expanding it into new dimensions. The Australian and Japanese foreign ministers have agreed to build a ‘comprehensive strategic partnership’ between their two countries. What are the factors that motivate Canberra and Tokyo to elevate their bilateral relations to the level of a strategic partnership? From a Japanese point of view, the main reason is the enhanced strategic importance of Australia with such indicators as Australian's enhanced security role, the structural changes in Asia and movements toward a new regional architecture, Japan's energy and food security, the trilateral strategic dialogue between Australia, the United States and Japan, and shared values and the Australian government's policy toward Japan. Both nations are expected to advance toward an even closer relationship with these factors in mind.1 1. The views expressed in this article, which was written in September 2006, are those of the author and do not in any way represent the views of the Embassy of Japan in Australia or the Japanese government. View all notes  相似文献   

This article analyses how public funding enables artistic practices from the perspectives of both national cultural policy decision makers, and our three interviewed subjects in the visual arts. Funding from the Australia Council for the Arts is examined in terms of the extent to which it is perceived to dis/enable ongoing artistic practice. This examination is timely given Australia’s former Minister for the Arts George Brandis’s 2015 shock annexation of Australia Council funding: $104.7 million was originally to be transferred from the Australia Council to the newly established National Programme for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA). This body represented a move away from the ‘arms-length’, independent peer-reviewed funding decisions with the arts minister having the ultimate authority with regard to the NPEA. The NPEA has now been renamed Catalyst – Australian Arts and Culture Fund (Catalyst) as a result of consultations and feedback relating to the NPEA.  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1998,36(2):223-236
P.J. Rimmer (ed.)Pacific Rim Development: Integration and Globalisation in the Asia-Pacific Economy I.H. Burnley, P.A. Murphy and R.H. Fagan Immigration and Australian Cities A. Deville and R. Harding Applying the Precautionary Principle B. O'Neil, J. Raftery and K. Round (eds) Playford's South Australia Essays on the History of South Australia, 1933–1968 G. Seddon Landprints: Reflections on Place and Landscape E.K. Webb Windows on Meteorology: Australian Perspective  相似文献   

Western democracies in the 1970s including Australia experimented with more permanent mechanisms for obtaining policy advice at the national level from their politically unorganized indigenous minorities. This paper examines some of the difficulties encountered when federal governments attempt to foster national Aboriginal organizations with possible pressure group functions. As a case study in federal policy-making this two-part paper analyzes the steps by which the Australian government terminated the initial experiment with the government-created National Aboriginal Consultative Committee (1973–76) and, using selectively a commissioned report by Dr L. R. Hiatt (Part I), structured in detail two new bodies: the National Aboriginal Conference and the Council for Aboriginal Development (Part II). The paper argues that unless governments develop a serious policy of Aboriginal political development at the national level, governments will subvert their own goals by fostering Aboriginal organizations in which neither they nor Aboriginals have confidence.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The formal study of kinship was introduced to the South Pacific Islands and the Australian colonies by Methodist missionary Lorimer Fison who distributed schedules and collected kinship data from around the region in collaboration with the founder of Anthropology in America, Lewis Henry Morgan. This article is a sequel to H. Gardner, 2008 ‘The origins of kinship in Oceania’, Oceania, 78:2, 137–150. It traces Lorimer Fison's return to the Australian colonies from his mission post in Fiji and the subsequent spread of kinship schedules to settlers, missionaries and administrators around Australia. Based on unpublished correspondence, the article investigates Fison's gradual disillusionment with Morgan's evolutionist hypothesis of the development of the human family and his disdain for the speculation of much metropolitan anthropology in the 1870s.  相似文献   

The Philosophy of Money, by Georg Simmel, trans. Tom Bottomore and David Frisby. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1978, pp. 512. £12.50.

Jean Holmes and Campbell Sharman, The Australian Federal System (Allen and Unwin: 1977).

? Royal Institute of Public Administration National Monograph Series Nos. 1–4, all published by National Council, Royal Institute of Public Administration, Brisbane:.

1. Helen Dent, Stuart Hamilton, Sue Hamilton, Trevor Matthews: Index to the Report of the Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration, 1977, pp. 31, $1.95 posted.

2. Michael Court: Towards a Nationally Integrated Health‐Welfare System for Australia, 1977, pp. 47, $2.95 posted.

3. Nancy Viviani and Peter Wilenski: The Australian Development Assistance Agency — A Post‐Mortem Report, 1978, pp. 29, $3.50 posted.

4. Bernard Schaffer and Elizabeth O'Keeffe: People and Agencies, 1978, pp. 58, $3.30 posted.

Australasian Political Studies Association, Australian Labor Party — National Committee of Inquiry Discussion Papers. APSA Monograph No. 23, 1979. $5.00.

John Summers, Dennis Woodward and Andrew Parkins (eds), Government, Politics and Power in Australia, Flinders University of SA, 1979.

Broido, Vera, Apostles into Terrorists: Women and the Revolutionary Movement in the Russia of Alexander II, Maurice Temple Smith, London, and ANU Press, Canberra, 1979, 238 pp.  相似文献   

The pervasive and dynamic influence of economic restructuring on political and social relations is highlighted in many aspects of Australian daily life. The effect of economic restructuring on already marginalised and disempowered groups in society is often overlooked Development of iron ore mines and associated new towns, railways and ports transformed the regional economy of Western Australia's Pilbara region in the 1960s and 1970s. For Aborigines in Roebourne, this restructuring represented a new phase in their relations with ‘White Australia’. Interacting historical legacies, corporate strategies, government policies and economic processes further marginalised the region's Aboriginal population and linked the region to the global economy in ways which created significant barriers to the development of Aboriginal self-management strategies. This paper reviews this period with particular emphasis on the social impact of the iron ore ‘boom’ on local Aboriginal people. In the current climate of renewed economic and political crisis in Western Australia, this review provides a timely reminder that such processes occur in a broader context than is often recognised in regional planning processes.  相似文献   

An overtly hostile response to asylum seekers was observed in questionnaire responses provided by residents of Port Augusta, South Australia in April 2002. A social construction approach to identity and representation was used to interrogate this antagonism within its social, cultural, political and geographical contexts. Asylum seekers were constructed as ‘burdensome’, ‘threatening’ and ‘illegal’, and opposition to them was set within the discursive framework of a ‘Self/Other’ binary. Enmity towards asylum seekers was articulated concurrently with overwhelming support for the Federal Government's exclusive and deterrence‐oriented asylum policies. However, vehement opposition was expressed regarding the government's decision to construct Baxter Immigration Reception and Processing Centre in close proximity to Port Augusta. Factors contributing to the respondents’ negative perceptions of asylum seekers include xenophobia (specifically Islamophobia), events of geopolitical significance, and problematic government and media representations of asylum seekers. An awareness of these factors is necessary to unpack and, potentially, to destabilise the negative constructions of asylum seekers circulating in contemporary Australian discourses. Their entrenchment in the national consciousness may lead to tangible social implications including fear, friction and ultimately violence between the ‘Self’ and ‘Other’, and this should therefore be countered. Community antagonism also contradicts notions of a culturally tolerant Australia and fosters electoral support for the policies of exclusion and deterrence that undermine Australia's commitment to international human rights frameworks.

C. D. Rowley, Aboriginal Policy and Practice, Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1970–71: Volume I, The Destruction of Aboriginal Society, pp. xii + 430; Volume II, Outcasts in White Australia, pp. xiv + 472; Volume III, The Remote Aborigines, pp. vii + 379. $6.50 per volume. All three also in Penguin, Melbourne, 1972, at $2.50 per volume.  相似文献   

Mark Gowers 《Folklore》2013,124(1):100-105
GASTON VAN BULCK, S.J., Beiträge zur Methodih der Völkerkunde. 8vo, pp. viii. + 256. Wien: Universitäts-Institut für Völkerkunde (Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, vol. ii), 1931. Price Rm. 10. Reviewed by Theodore Besterman.

OCEANIA. A Journal devoted to the study of the native peoples of Australia, New Guinea and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Published for the Australian National Research Council by Macmillan &; Company, Ltd., Melbourne and London. Volume II, Sept. 1931–June 1932. Reviewed by Beatrice Blackwood.

ORIGINS OF SACRIFICE. By E. O. JAMES. London : John Murray, 1933. 10s. 6d. net. 9″ x 6″. Pp. 314+xvi. Reviewed by R. R. Marett.

HANDWÖRTERBUCH DES DEUTSCHEN ABERGLAUBENS. Heruasgegeben von E. HOFFMANN-KRAYER u. H. BÄCHTOL STÄUBLI. Walter de Gruyter &; Co., Berlin and Leipzig, 1931. 7″ x 10½″. Band IV, 1584 columns. Reviewed by M. Gaster.

A HISTORY OF ANCIENT MEXICO. By FRAY BERNARDINO DE SAHAGUN. Translated by FANNY R. BANDELIER. (Fisk University Press, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.) Reviewed by Richard C. E. Long.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Lenore Manderson (ed.). Women's work and women's roles: economics and everyday life in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. x, 257 pp. Canberra: Australian National University, 1983. (Development Studies Centre. Monograph 32.) [Distributed by Australian National University Press. A$12.]

Wolfgang Marschall (ed.). Der grosse Archipel: Schweizer ethnologische Forschungen in Indonesien. viii, 391 pp. Bern: Schweizerische Ethnologische Gesellschaft, 1985. (Ethnologica Helvetica, 10.)  相似文献   

Northeast Asian countries have been engaged in disputes over history. While their historical contentions have caused suspicion and friction among them, I argue that they have also served as a medium of dialogue that helps establish a common understanding about the individual countries’ contemporary reality and future direction. Historical contentions contribute to such a dialogue if and only if two conditions are met: regional actors recognise each other as legitimate participants in a dialogue about the salient past; and they contend over the past within a common framework of meaning. Northeast Asia, through historical contentions in the 1980s and 1990s, produced an embryonic form of a regional public sphere that made possible transnational communications about the region's future and each nation's desires, but it now stands at a fork between strengthening the regional public sphere and fracturing it into a contentious regional sphere.? ?. Earlier drafts of the article were presented at The Emergence of East Asian Community: Material and Ideational Foundation, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, June 2006, and Re-envisioning Asia–Pacific Security: A Regional–Global Nexus, Australian National University, Canberra, August 2006, organised respectively by Yong-Wook Lee and Bill Tow. My research for the article was facilitated by a fellowship from East Asia Institute and a research grant from Smith Richardson Foundation. Yae-Ji Park provided invaluable research assistance. Many, including Hayward Alker, Jia Qingguo, Kim Byung-Kook, Kim Ha-Jeong, Kim Tae-Hyun, Nobori Amiko, Soeya Yoshihide, and Zhang Haibin, offered helpful comments and/or helped make arrangements for my research in the region. I gratefully acknowledge their assistance. View all notes  相似文献   

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