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关于秦始皇帝陵出土彩绘青铜水禽铜矿料来源的研究,对进一步研究秦代的物质文化、青铜器冶铸工艺、装饰工艺以及铜矿来源均具有重要意义。本研究对部分秦始皇帝陵园出土彩绘青铜水禽基体进行了铅同位素分析及微量元素分析。并在此基础之上,与甘肃东部及关中西部出土的部分早期秦文化铜器、国墓地出土的部分铜器、周原李家铸铜作坊出土的部分铜器、山西中条山、江西瑞昌、江西铜岭、安徽铜陵以及湖北大冶铜绿山古铜矿以及秦岭山区的部分现代铜矿的相关数据进行了对比研究。结果发现,秦始皇帝陵园出土的青铜水禽使用了相同的矿料,且与绝大多数早期秦文化铜器所使用的矿料基本相同,但与国墓地以及李家铸铜作坊出土西周铜器的矿料明显有别。秦人使用的铜矿与秦岭山区现代铜矿较为接近,表明秦人的铜矿来源可能与秦岭山区有关。  相似文献   

广州西汉南越王墓和徐州狮子山汉墓是我国汉代最重要和出土玉器数量最多的两个王侯级墓地,两墓出土的丝缕和金缕玉衣是当时南方和中原汉王朝最重要的墓葬玉器之一。通过上手观察、显微镜拍照并利用环境扫描电镜和漫反射红外光谱、拉曼光谱技术对广州南越王墓及徐州狮子山汉墓出土玉衣部分玉片的质材和加工工艺进行了观察测试和对比分析。结果显示,两地玉衣的玉料均主要为透闪石质,从现存玉衣颜色及玉质结构上看,徐州狮子山汉墓出土玉衣玉料来源单一且玉质明显好于南越王墓,南越王墓玉料具有多来源的特征,玉衣中的“假玉”可能来自粤西。从南越王墓玉衣片部分切割痕迹判断,南越王墓所使用的切割工具可能接近当时的最高水平,也可能存在中原交换来源的玉材,无法排除南越王墓玉衣全部或部分在当地制作的可能;南越王墓和徐州狮子山汉墓出土玉衣加工工艺特征明显不同,显示两地玉衣系由不同 “玉作”体系加工完成,汉代可能存在多个不同的玉作体系,工艺水平参差不齐。  相似文献   

秦始皇陵一号坑兵马俑的指纹元素散布分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦始皇陵兵马俑举世闻名,但其原料产地至今还是一个谜。本文选取秦始皇陵一号坑的陶俑和陶马样品20个,秦始皇兵马俑博物馆附近黏土样品20个,耀州瓷胎样品1个。用中子活化分析(NAA)测量样品中32种微量元素的含量,从这32个元素中挑选出8种指纹元素的含量进行散布分析。结果表明一号坑兵马俑样品与秦陵附近的垆土关系密切,与黄土关系稍远,与耀州瓷胎关系甚远。由此推断,一号坑兵马俑的原料来源可能是骊山地区的黏土,烧制兵马俑的窑址也可能在秦始皇陵附近。  相似文献   

冯恩学 《华夏考古》2011,(1):113-118
黑水靺鞨装饰品体系由A系、B系与C系组成.A系具有土著特色,B系来源于唐文化,C系来源于突厥文化.黑水靺鞨装饰品从一个侧面反映了黑水靺鞨文化的多元性.  相似文献   

用探针型能量色散X荧光光谱技术测定元-明年代的香港青釉瓷、元-明年代的广东青釉瓷、宋-元年代的福建青釉瓷样品的化学组成,用胎式、釉式和主成分分区的方法,研究了香港样品主要来源于广东青瓷窑场的制品,部分来源于福建青釉瓷产品。它们同属于南方青釉瓷系列,但是其胎质成分与浙江龙泉的正宗青釉瓷不同。然而,釉式的组成分布显示,香港、广东青瓷釉与龙泉青瓷釉的化学成分有部分的重叠,表明前两处的仿龙泉青瓷釉在外观上与正宗的产品有相似的质素。  相似文献   

陈景彦 《史学集刊》2005,3(1):59-67
历史研究需要进行科学分期,由于所研究的对象不同,因而分期的标准也不尽相同。20世纪中日俄(苏)三国关系史可分为7个时期。1900-1917年为两强凌-弱时期;1917-1931年为三国关系初次变化时期;1931-1945年为战争笼罩三国时期;1945-1949年为三国关系特殊时期;1949-1960年为三国关系再次变化时期;1960-1972年为敌友关系相互转变时期;1972-1991年为三国关系终趋正常时期。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between standing vegetation and dung from hay-fed cattle and sheep. In an experimental study, hay is retrieved from a known hay field, surrounded by a semi-open landscape of hedgerows, forests and heather fields. The hay is fed to cattle and sheep, after which the dung is collected and from which the botanical remains are analysed, according to archaeobotanical standards. The results from the macro-remains are compared to vegetation relevés from the hay field. The pollen analysis is compared to both the hay field and the surrounding vegetation. Results from the plant macro remains provide an excellent representation of the vegetation in the field itself on the presence/absence level. Pollen analysis reflects the regional vegetation very well and are comparable with ‘surface samples’.  相似文献   

The spine can provide a large amount of information about an individual's physical condition and possible lifestyle through palaeopathological investigations. The aim of this research was to study spinal diseases among Greco‐Roman ancient Egyptians from Bahriyah Oasis, and to compare them with those from Giza of the Old Kingdom. The material used in the study included 809 single vertebrae and 77 adult sacra of ancient Egyptians from the Greco‐Roman period (332–30 BC) that were excavated from Bahriyah Oasis. The spinal elements were examined for pathological conditions, degenerative diseases, trauma, congenital abnormalities, infectious diseases and neoplasms. The most common lesions of the spine were those due to degenerative processes. The articular facets were more affected than the vertebral bodies. Compression fractures of the bodies, mostly due to osteoporosis, were found in 1.44% and 5.07% of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae respectively. The percentage of spina bifida occulta among ancient Egyptians from Bahriyah Oasis was 62.33%, while among those from Giza was only 3.33%. Few cases of lumbar spondylolysis and one case of DISH were recorded. No cases of infectious or neoplastic diseases were found. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘超 《安徽史学》2005,1(4):57-62
对中国人种起源的探讨,是20世纪上半期广泛关注的话题,经历了一个从"西来说"到"土著说"的过程.这一转变,考古发现是个重要原因,但其中蕴含了一点民族情感,二者共同促成了"土著说"的确立.从民族主义立场来看,"西来说"与"土著说"是一脉相承的,都是建构民族认同的努力.在中国近代民族危机中出现的民族溯源,其发生与变化反映了20世纪上半期中国民族主义的曲折发展.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results derived by measuring angular spectra of HF-radio pulses reflected from the subpolar ionospheric F2-region (62°N) using vertical-incidence soundings and a phase direction finder with Doppler filtering. The results correspond to three main types. One is the classical mirror reflection from the undisturbed ionospheric F2-region, typical of mid-latitudes (deviations from zenith do not exceed 3°; the angular spectrum width is less than 1°). The second type includes oblique diffuse reflections with a deviation from zenith of from 10 to 45°. The azimuth of arrival of these reflections is distributed in the range from 0 to 360°, the angular spectrum width is from 5 to 10°, and the range varies from 400 to 600 km. The third type includes anomalous mirror reflections with small deviations from zenith (not greater than 3°) but with substantially larger detection ranges (for example, 500km) as compared with the main reflections (250–300 km).  相似文献   

Current soils can have attributes inherited from land management systems in the past or previous environmental conditions. An important archaeological question is the extent to which the record of old agricultural practices can be retained in soils. This paper reports the results from examining soil thin sections collected from a range of old cultivated sites in the upper Bowmont valley, south east Scotland. The cultivated horizon was sampled from rigs and cultivation terraces dating from prehistoric to late medieval times. The main finding from microscopic analysis was the considerable impact of bioturbation as expressed in excremental pedofeatures. Results from point counting of these pedofeatures from 10 slides collected from an experimental site at Sourhope provided quantitative evidence on the extent to which bioturbation had occurred over the last 200 years. The rapidity by which micromorphological indicators of previous cultivation can be lost is thus demonstrated.  相似文献   

古代洛阳与南海丝绸之路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
南海丝绸之路的开辟,始于西汉时期。宋元明时期随着经济重心的南移,陆上丝绸之路衰落,南海丝绸之路则得到长足发展。古代洛阳连接南海丝绸之路的陆上通道有三条,即从会稽、东冶至洛阳,从广州至洛阳,从缅甸经云南、四川至洛阳。沿着这三条路线,古代从海路来华并到达洛阳的国外使、商人、僧侣,主要来自柬埔寨、缅甸、印度尼西亚、印度、埃及等地。  相似文献   

关于外国教会在华持有武装问题,晚清政府实行的是有限禁止政策。这种政策由不同层次的基本政策和具体政策构成。造成这种政策的表面原因是《大清律例》自身的法律弹性和近代中外大局下的政教互动关系,根本原因还是晚清时期国力孱弱,政府无能。实施这种政策的目的是为了实现社会控制、维持中外相安、借用先进技术三个方面。该政策从1853年起步,至1908年成形,实施到1912年清政府灭亡结束。其中,以1901年为界,分为前后两个阶段。两阶段相比较,政策呈现出类型由简单而丰富、内容由粗疏而详明、执行由松弛而严格的三大特征。  相似文献   

为了解广元千佛崖莲花洞造像的制作工艺与彩绘颜料成分,利用体视显微分析、金相显微分析、激光拉曼光谱分析技术对其进行物相和成分分析。分析结果表明,莲花洞造像彩绘直接绘制在岩石雕像表面,无底层。彩绘颜料分为多层,最多有三层,说明历史上至少有两次重绘。红色颜料为赤铁矿、朱砂;蓝色颜料主要为青金石与石青;绿色颜料为石绿、碱式氯化铜;白色颜料为硫酸铅。同时也表明,拉曼光谱分析彩绘颜料成分组成简便、快速、对样品要求量小,对样品无损分析,符合文物材质分析的要求,并可得到准确的信息。造像彩绘制作材料及工艺的分析结果为莲花洞造像彩绘保护研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

图们江发源于白头山的东麓,由南向北蜿蜒穿流于长白山和咸镜山脉之间,自图们市开始东折,最后注人日本海。沿途的主要支流有海兰江、布尔哈通河、嘎呀河、挥春河等。该水系之北为绥芬河流域,以西  相似文献   

This paper considers some aspects of the sugar-refining industry in Britain from the 16th to the 19th century. The pottery types involved are defined, and illustrated by examples from different parts of the country. The method of manufacturing sugar loaves is discussed, and the technology is placed in a wider context, drawing upon archaeological and historical evidence from the Old and New Worlds.  相似文献   

Glass finds from the first Bulgarian capital, Pliska, have been analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The analytical data, together with previous results from analysis of glass samples from the second Bulgarian capital, Preslav, were subjected to cluster and discriminant analysis. The local origin of part of the analysed samples was proven and some conclusions about the technology of production were possible.  相似文献   

Copper isotope ratios differ between hypogene sulfidic, supergene sulfidic and oxidized ore sources. Traditional lead isotope signatures of ancient metals are specific to deposits, while Cu isotope signatures are specific to the types of ore minerals used for metal production in ancient times. Two methodological case studies are presented: First, the mining district of Faynan (Jordan) was investigated. Here, mainly oxidized copper ores occur in the deposits. The production of copper from Fayan’s ore sources is confirmed by the measurement of the Cu isotope signature of ingots from the Early Bronze Age metal workshop from Khirbat Hamra Ifdan. Based on our results illustrating differences in the Cu isotope composition between the ore mineralizations from Timna (Israel) and Faynan, it is now possible to determine these prehistoric mining districts from which copper artifacts originated by combining trace elements and Pb isotopes with Cu isotopes. The second case study presents data on Late Bronze Age copper production in Cyprus. Oxhide ingots from the shipwreck of Uluburun (Turkey) were tested for their lead isotope signatures and assigned to Cypriot deposits in the recent decades. The oxhide ingots from Uluburun show a Cu isotope signature which we also found for oxidized copper ores from Cyprus, while younger oxhide ingots as well as metallurgical slag from the Cypriot settlements Kition and Enkomi show a different signature which might be due to the use of sulfidic ore sources from a greater depth of deposits. We assert that there could be a chronological shift from oxidized to sulfidic ore sources for the copper production in Cyprus, requiring different technologies. Therefore, Cu isotopes can be used as a proxy to reconstruct mining and induced smelting activities in ancient times.  相似文献   

With the aim to study alteration processes of the rock hewn churches from Lalibela (Ethiopia), we applied Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) technique to measure the elemental composition both of the bulk rock materials and their external layers, exposed to the environmental factors. The analytical plasma was generated by nanosecond pulses of an Nd: YAG laser emitting at 1064 nm. Different major and minor sample constituents were detected, including Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Ti, Al and K. The detected O emission originates both from air surrounding and the sample, while the intensity of N lines, coming exclusively from air, was used for the LIBS signal normalization. By depth profiling of the weathered basalt rock, we observed a lower presence of K in the external layers, corresponding to the first 5 laser shots. The emission from this element is anti-correlated with the line intensities from O, and this was attributed to the variations in relative abundances of clay minerals and K-feldspar. The analogue measurements were performed on the tuff rock, and compared to the spectra from powder samples containing only the external soft material, scratched from the rocks. These analyses show an abundance of H in the weathered, wetted layers and suggest that cations are lost from the constituent primary minerals and replaced by H+; this process disrupts the lattice structure and causes a marked loss of strength. The studies presented here demonstrate that LIBS is a useful technique for studying the alteration processes in the rocks, caused by environmental factors.  相似文献   

The provenance of more than 2200-year-old terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is still a mystery, even though some researchers have inferred that the terracotta figures were produced near the mausoleum. The sporomorphs (pollen and spores) extracted from terracotta fragments of a warrior and a horse and compared with those obtained from soil samples from the Qin Dynasty layer in Pit No. 2 of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum indicate that the pollen spectrum from the terracotta horse is different from that of the warrior, but similar to the local soil samples. Herbaceous pollen was dominant in the warrior sample, while arboreal pollen predominates in the horse and soil samples. Palynological evidence suggests that the terracotta horses were produced at a locality near the mausoleum, while the warrior came from a site which was further afield.  相似文献   

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