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在南京玄武湖的历史上,700年来一直记载王安石作《湖田疏》奏请将玄武湖"废湖为田",其实《湖田疏》是一篇伪作,王安石的"废湖为田"案是一桩历史冤案。  相似文献   

Nondestructive analyses of medieval reverse paintings on glass revealed the same dyes and pigments customarily used in panel paintings. However, there is one exception: the black colorant is not a carbon-based pigment, but black enamel. In this respect, the stylistic as well as the technical influence of stained glass artwork can clearly be seen on reverse paintings on glass. However, there is a crucial difference: in reverse paintings, the black enamel is not fired onto the glass but painted (cold painting). Additional analyses confirmed these findings. Based on these results, the art form “reverse painting on glass” has technically to be characterized as a mixture of “stained glass” and “panel painting” that nonetheless develops into a genre of its own.  相似文献   

青海瞿昙寺壁画颜料的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对青海瞿昙寺画郎和建筑彩绘所用的22个绘画颜料样品的 x-射线衍射和同位素 x 荧光分析.共分析出20多种无机矿物颜料,此外.还有蓝钯、黄钯有机颜料。本文对这些颜料的分析结果进行丁综合论述.并与敦煌石窟、麦积山石窟、炳灵寺石窟等的彩绘颜料进行了研究。  相似文献   

古代壁画是一定时期政治、经济、文化、艺术和科技发展水平的物质反映,因此,利用现代科技分析手段提取其信息并将之与古代文献结合,则可逆推其制作工艺和判定其制作时间,进而确定其历史价值、科学价值和艺术价值,为艺术史研究和保护修复提供信息。本工作利用拉曼光谱(Raman)、偏光显微镜(PLM)、扫描电子显微镜与能谱仪(SEM-EDS)、红外光谱(FT-IR)和X射线衍射(XRD)在西藏大昭寺转经廊壁画样品分析中获取的信息,结合文献,确定西藏拉萨大昭寺转经廊壁画绘制于清代晚期至20世纪80年代之间。此幅壁画地仗使用了阿嘎土,与文献记载一致;白粉层使用立德粉、碳酸镁和方解石等,与文献记载用白胶浆或者黄胶浆相异。同时发现壁画颜料采用藏族传统绘画配色方法。  相似文献   

于成龙  李雪 《收藏家》2013,(2):7-12
2012年12月26日,中国国家博物馆孙照子女捐赠中国古代绘画珍品展隆重开幕。在此展览中,元代倪瓒《水竹居图》轴,为国内仅见倪瓒设色之作,堪称绝品;元代黄公望《溪山雨意图》卷,乃目前所见黄公望最早之作,弥足珍贵;其它如明代文征明、沈周、项圣漠、董其昌,清代王时敏、王翚、王鉴、王原祁、恽寿平及郎世宁等画品,亦为翘楚之作。  相似文献   

A comparison of Giuseppe Bagetti's landscape sketches, watercolours, oil paintings and engravings with contemporary maps and the existing landscape reveals that in the creation of Bagetti's landscapes, narrative played a role that differed in cartographic and artistic representations. The comparison also demonstrates that his images were powerful constructions that were more successful in reflecting a narrative of glorious conquest than was possible through cartography. This paper offers a critical examination of Bagetti's representations of Napoleon's northern Italian campaign, which he sketched and painted between 1802 and 1809. Bagetti's paintings were neither pacifist nor an expression of Piedmontese patriotism but instead were inspired by, and constructed according to, a narrative about the conquest that reflected the views of the French authorities. The narrative found expression in formal written instructions from the central cartographical office in the Dépôt de la guerre, Paris, in verbal and written instructions from Bagetti's immediate superior, Jean François Martinel, and in letters personally addressed to Bagetti from the officer commanding the Dépôt. It is clear from a careful reading of the correspondence and from a comparison of Bagetti's paintings with both the present landscape and maps made at the time that Bagetti's disputes with his supervisors revolved around protecting his artistic integrity and reputation rather than resisting the authority of a foreign regime.  相似文献   

将彩绘作为文物保护修复中的一项重要研究,已经在颜料分析、绘画技艺、源流传承等方面做了大量的工作。然而彩绘文物形式多样,通常以彩绘砖石质、彩绘泥塑、彩绘陶器、壁画、木质彩绘、彩绘漆器甚至彩绘金属器形式存在,每种不同基质表层的彩绘文物调查及修复时所要采取的技术手段和秉持的理念都会有所差别,但是又能够触类旁通、互相借鉴。笔者尝试从近年来亲历的彩绘石质、彩绘泥塑、壁画、建筑彩画文物保护、调查项目中所感受的困惑和获得的经验中,探讨不同材质彩绘文物的调查与修复,希望可以得到更多学科基于文物保护意义上的专业支持和积极融合。  相似文献   

金大定年间(1161—1190),王郁将宋人《广韵》206部合并为106韵:上下平各十五韵,上声廿九,去声三十,入声十七。大定六年(1166)由平水(地名)书坊首次刊行,定名为《增注礼部韵略》,这是我国最早诞生的“平水韵”。由元到明,特别是到了明代,诗人已经非常普遍自觉地将“平水韵”用法规则运用于诗歌创作之中,而且在明显的诗题处标示出来,是诗韵史上辉煌的时期。当时诗人将“平水韵”用法规则,逆推于唐诗宋诗,对唐诗宋诗声韵格律的研究也起了沿波讨源的作用。  相似文献   

《百苗图》是清代中叶贵州八寨理苗同知陈浩编绘而成的一部贵州民族志总汇,具有很高的资料价值和艺术鉴赏价值。李宗防对陈浩原本的字说解部分进行了编,并收藏于《黔记》一书中,对保存、传播珍贵的民族志资料作出了有益的贡献。但由于李宗防对陈浩所记的内容缺乏真实体验,对田雯《黔书》和陈浩《百苗图》的编排体例未能很好地融会贯通,加之编时过分追求从字顺、简洁典雅,因而出现了曲解原意、丢失珍贵资料、误解陈浩编排意图等重大失误。  相似文献   

An unsuccessful attempt to study ancient DNA from Pecos River genre rock paintings located in shelter 41VV75 in the Lower Pecos River region of southwest Texas is described. We were unable to extract any ancient DNA from these Pecos River genre rock paintings, casting doubt on a previous study that reported extraction and characterization of ancient DNA in paint samples of the same genre at the same site.  相似文献   

In northern Finland, near the canyon lakes of Julma-Ölkky, Somerjärvi, and Rotkojärvi, steep rock cliffs produce distinctive acoustic spaces. On these cliffs, prehistoric rock paintings (5200 to 1000 BC) as well as an ancient Sámi offering site (circa 1100 to present) can be found. Ethnographic sources describe that the Sámi used to sing and listen to echoes while making offerings there. This article presents the results of an archaeoacoustic research project that seeks to explore the role of sound in the development and use of these archaeological sites. The innovative set of methods includes multichannel impulse response recording, angle-of-arrival estimation of early reflections, spectrum analysis, digital image processing, and 3D laser scanning. On the basis of the analyses, it is concluded that the cliffs that have been painted or held as sacred are efficient sound reflectors. They create discrete echoes and, accordingly, phantom sound sources. Especially at the Värikallio cliff near Lake Somerjärvi, the sound appears to emanate directly from the painted figures. These results, together with previously unnoticed drumming figures in the Värikallio painting, provide a clue to the significance of the sound rituals at these sacred sites.  相似文献   

“九·一八事变”前后,蒋介石推行“攘外必先安内”的反动政策,国家民族危在旦夕。刚辞去国民政府交通部次长而“称病”闲赋苏州的李仲公,向蒋介石提出“联共抗日”主张,并提呈具体“方案”,受到蒋介石的重视并约见商谈,虽然蒋介石从同意其主张到反悔,李仲公却成为国民党内最早提出“联共抗日”主张之人。此时,李仲公译著出版的《日本帝国主义的满蒙观与我们的驳议》一书,成为爱国知识分子拍案而起的抗日先声。  相似文献   

The article focuses on a newly discovered petroglyphic site on the Satakular River, Ongudai Region, Altai Republic. Rock art images were found in two areas on the walls of a natural groove running through a huge monolith rock. The images include several pecked representations and two unique red paintings of Siberian deer (marals). The images have parallels in the petroglyphs of the Minusinsk tradition in the middle reaches of the Yenisei River, the Afanasyevo culture at Kalbak-Tash Mount, and the Kuilu rock shelter. An analysis of Kalbak-Tash analogies suggests that the Satakular petroglyphs represent a pair of male and female maral deer. The painted images themselves demonstrate expressed artistic skill and the rock monolith with its unusual groove represents a unique site.  相似文献   

珂罗版印刷是一种古老而精妙的平面印刷技术,珂罗版印刷在印刷复杂的书画作品时,特别是在中国古代书画的笔触和墨韵表现上,可以最大限度地体现原作的艺术特色,达到其他印刷手段难以企及的艺术境界。珂罗版印刷与人工设色相结合,提高了人工临摹的工作效率使古老珂罗版印刷更具艺术生命力,成为复制书画文物的最佳手段。  相似文献   

熊丽芬 《收藏家》2013,(2):82-86
云南省博物馆收藏的中国古代和近代绘画,数量相当可观,时代最早而又最为珍贵的,当推北宋郭熙的《溪山行旅图》。其他如“元四家”之首黄公望的《剡溪访戴图》,夏永的《黄鹤楼》和《岳阳楼》,任仁发的《竹禽图》等,均避国内少见的珍品。  相似文献   

探索和研究表明,岩画断代问题仍然是困扰岩画研究的难题之一,其主要原因是岩画本身不能够提供可供断代的直接依据。本文综述了目前岩画断代研究中经常使用的自然科学和考古学方法及其存在的问题,提出应用AMS14C是今后研究我国岩绘画断代问题的首选方法,解决岩刻画的断代问题则主要有赖于微腐蚀方法。  相似文献   

针对遭到油漆涂抹的传统彩画作品,为了实现对图案的无损提取,本研究使用X射线摄影技术,又称X光成像(照相)技术,利用X射线对不同物质的穿透能力有别,在底片上成像的灰度与物体材质、密度、厚度等密切相关的特点,最终得到分界清晰的黑白图像。此类病类常见于建筑彩画中,建筑彩画意蕴深厚、技法繁缛,极具研究价值,但其中很多关键信息却已失传。经X射线摄影技术辅助,封存在油漆层下的彩画图案得以重见天日,此法与其他修复方法之间形成互补,为漆下彩画的完美修复提供了可能。  相似文献   

王倚平 《收藏家》2008,(1):63-68
湖北省博物馆历时3年的扩建工程圃满完成形成具有楚韵文化特色的“一馆二翼”的建筑格局,展厅面积达13420余平方米,共11个展厅,展出文物万余件。新馆借2007年11月8日在湖北举办的第八届全国艺术节之际开馆接纳观众。其中,《馆藏明清书画展》是自建馆50余年来首次公开展出,为搞好这次展览,相关人员经过长期筹备,精心布局,将其具有代表性书画作品拣选出来,展出作品60余件。  相似文献   

The author applies David Galenson's work on the life cycles of modern artists to the study of the paintings of old masters, from about the early fifteenth to the late seventeenth centuries. Both the potential use of technical examination of paintings and the role of drawings for preconceiving compositions are explored as means for interpreting artistic behavior among pre-modern artists. Using a study of illustrations in texts to establish a list of canonical painters and the relative dates in which they are believed to have contributed their most important paintings, the author then analyzes a series of old master painters' working methods, demonstrating how their creative behavior corresponds to what their respective life cycles would suggest. Thus, the study of artists' life cycles could anticipate the use of optical and other mechanical devices for the production of premodern paintings based on such studies.  相似文献   

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