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许多出土饱水木质文物因其降解严重、含水率较高,容易在脱水过程中出现不可逆的收缩变形以及开裂现象,从而遭到严重破坏。因此,饱水木质文物脱水方法的研究是文物保护工作中的重要课题。为探究风冷冷冻法对饱水木质文物脱水的效果,以一批无法复原的出土饱水木质文物为研究对象,在对其材种、含水率、基本密度及化学成分进行了测定和分析后,使用一台风冷电冰箱在-18℃条件下对样品进行了风冷干燥脱水处理,记录脱水时间和脱水效果,并分析了该方法的传质传热特点,证明了风冷干燥法用于饱水木质文物的脱水干燥能够取得良好效果,并且具有对文物干预小、适用性广、操作简便、成本低廉等优点,为饱水木质文物的脱水处理提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

European regional policies in light of recent location theories   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Despite large regional policy expenditures, regional inequalitiesin Europe have not narrowed substantially over the last twodecades, and by some measures have even widened. Income differencesacross States have fallen, but inequalities between regionswithin each State have risen. European States have developedincreasingly different production structures. European regionshave also become increasingly polarised in terms of their unemploymentrates. This paper describes these trends, and discusses howrecent location theories can help us to explain them and toreconsider the role of regional policies, especially transportinfrastructure improvements, in such an environment.  相似文献   

谢佐 《攀登》2006,25(5):46-49
青海从历史上就是个少数民族聚居地,各民族人民在这里创造出了丰富多彩的民族文化,留存下了丰厚的非物质文化遗产。更好地定位与保护好这些有形文化与无形文化,对于发展青海的经济和民族文化具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

青海历史文化多元性及地域文化命名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩昭庆 《攀登》2006,25(5):53-57
目前学术界就青海地域文化的命名共提出“江河源文化”、“青藏文化”等9种文化命名,本文认为青海地域文化命名多样化产生原因首先是由青海历史文化的多元性造成的,而政区和文化区范围界定的不匹配、青海所处特殊地理环境和地理位置以及历史时期移民活动则是注定青海历史文化多元性产生的主要原因。在借鉴其他省份地域文化命名的规律的基础上,建议把青海地域文化命名为“青海文化”,因为“青海”既是历史地名,又是自然实体名,符合已有地域文化命名的规律。文章最后特别指出一个地方的地域文化命名和历史文化定位是两个不同的问题,地域文化名称如人的姓名,只是一种识别符号,所以不可能也没必要全面反映一个地区的文化特点,后者是历史文化定位的内容。针对青海历史文化多元性,建议以分层的方式来解决青海历史文化定位问题。  相似文献   

抑菌剂的筛选是文物微生物病害治理的一项重要内容。传统的效力检测方法依赖培养,因而不能用于人工培养条件下生长状态不佳的微生物,更无法用于文物现场的快速检测。近年兴起的一些活菌快速检测技术,由于不依赖培养,为筛选文物保护抑菌剂提供了新的思路。本工作总结了传统方法以及当前常用的活菌快速检测技术,通过实验室及现场实验,实现了用ATP生物发光检测文物抑菌剂效力,弥补了传统技术的不足,为筛选文物保护抑菌剂提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

文物是人类在社会活动中遗留的具有历史、艺术、科学价值的遗物和遗迹。优秀物质文化遗产的体系庞大、内容繁杂,数字化三维重建是保存、管理文物的一种切实可行的方案,对文化传承意义深远。相比于三维激光扫描、结构光技术等在成本和效率方面都有待改进的现有方法,数字近景摄影测量在确保低成本、高效率的同时,还能够满足数据的精度要求和详细程度。如何应用摄影测量技术对文物进行高效三维重建,实现纹理、部件、结构的精细化描述,并综合管理文物以便线上欣赏、未来修复与辅助断代,对优秀物质文化遗产的保护与传承至关重要。 本研究提出了基于视觉的三维建模方案,分为明清家具分层管理体系构建、高效率数据采集与精细化三维重建、高精度三维数字文化档案建设三步。首先针对明清家具的文化特点,从类别、纹饰、部件出发进行分层分类管理,构建独特编码体系;其次基于数字近景摄影测量技术,提出了对明清家具进行非接触数据采集的低成本高效率方法,进行高精度三维重建;再次从三维信息中提取家具纹饰、部件、结构特征,以编码为依据建立索引,为三维数字文化档案的建设提供信息基础;最后设计分层索引结构,建设高精度数字文化档案,搭建互联网共享平台进行展示。 以100套明清古家具袖珍模型为实例进行精细化数字建模,基于数字近景摄影测量技术,将模型精度控制在毫米级别,完成了文物要素提取、分类体系搭建、属性信息管理与索引结构设计,构建了历史文化和三维模型融合的数字文化档案。研究结果表明,基于视觉的非接触视觉处理算法能够实现高精度三维重建,提出的技术方案能够保留模型的细节程度,并且降低了成本、提升了效率,对文物类别、部件、纹饰的属性管理与索引架构能有效管理文化信息,数字文化档案兼具科技、人文与传统美学,满足文物保护需求。明清家具三维数字文化档案可用于古家具的研究,有利于中国古代家具工艺的传承,而其中对于家具的历史年代的介绍鉴别能够辅助断代。下一步将考虑运用人工智能对家具纹饰和部件进行元素组合,生成个性化定制家具。同时将完善技术方案,应用范围拓展至小型文物,支撑数字博物馆建设。  相似文献   

The Qingshuijiang Documents, a collection of private documents written in Chinese, date from as early as the period in which the Qing government began developing the Miao frontier; these documents first appeared on the middle and lower reaches of the Qingshuijiang River and have remained there ever since. The Qing’s efforts to open new frontiers during the Yongzheng reign led to economic and social changes in the Qingshuijiang River valley in southeast Guizhou. These changes centered on the growth of forestry, ranging from planting and cutting trees to shipping and trading in timber. The Qingshuijiang Documents are original records of this historical process and a live reflection of it. Once widely kept in private hands, these documents are valuable not only for research on regional cultural change since the Qing, but also for formulating new perspectives and exploring methods for the study of private historical documents.  相似文献   

This study aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the evolution of regional science, a scholarly domain in the social sciences that applies analytical and quantitative approaches and methods to understand and address urban, rural, or regional problems. We conducted a bibliometric analysis of 8509 articles published in six regional science flagship journals (including the Journal of Regional Science, Annals of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Papers in Regional Science, Regional Science Policy and Practice, and International Regional Science Review) from 1958 to 2021. The analysis presents an objective data-driven and unprecedented visualization of the field's intellectual, social, and conceptual structure and trends from the beginning to the present. It also provides a rich portrayal of the epistemology of regional science and illuminates matters related to regional science education and training. We find that regional science has moved well beyond its origins, shifting away from a heavy focus on theory and abstraction to modeling/simulation, empirical analysis, and policy research. We also find that there has been increasing attention to “people” in regions and the spatial characteristics of social problems, and some important shifts in the regional science community itself, particularly in terms of patterns of collaboration and the geography of scholarship. The findings of this paper provide implications for future directions of research and education for regional science.  相似文献   

光纤反射光谱是一种完全无损的颜料鉴别方法,适合用于精美珍贵的彩绘文物颜料工艺研究。光纤反射光谱在国际文物研究领域已成为一种较成熟的方法,而国内由于缺乏反射光谱数据库限制了其应用。因此,本研究探讨了颜料颗粒度和产地对反射光谱的影响,对蓝色系、绿色系、红色系和黄色系颜料的反射光谱特征进行归纳总结,并将其用于故宫博物院建筑彩画和书画文物的颜料分析中,证明光纤反射光谱确实是一种快速有效的颜料分析方法。  相似文献   

为了鉴别文物表面常见的天然有机物,采用显微共聚焦拉曼光谱技术采集了古代常用的蛋白类、多糖类、脂肪酸类、树脂类4类6种有代表性的天然有机物的拉曼光谱。通过对皮胶、桃胶、蜂蜡、棕榈蜡、达玛树脂和琥珀标准样品的拉曼光谱分析,发现蛋白类的特征振动峰位于1657cm-1、1305~1252cm-1、1033cm-1及1003cm-1附近;多糖类的特征振动峰位于1463cm-1、1328cm-1、1258cm-1、1088cm-1、977cm-1等;蜡类的特征振动峰位于1470~1350cm-1区间,1659cm-1、1303cm-1、1636 cm-1及1610cm-1;树脂类的特征振动峰位于1660~1650cm-1区间和1460~1440cm-1区间。在对6种天然有机物光谱特征分析的基础上,得出了使用拉曼光谱法可实现古代文物表面常见天然有机物种类鉴别的结论。  相似文献   

Dhows, the traditional sailing ships of the western Indian Ocean, are currently used in museums, heritage sites and popular culture as a symbol of a regional culture in the western Indian Ocean. While scholars have embraced the notion of seas as cultural or historical units, this type of ‘basin thinking’ is a recent phenomenon in the Indian Ocean. Over the last 150 years the dhow has gone from being a despised symbol of the slave trade and economic underdevelopment to representing a romanticized past and a regional identity. This article traces the parallel development of the idea of the dhow as a symbol of regional identity and changing perceptions of both the vessels and the region it is taken to represent. It argues that recent representations of dhows as cultural heritage represent a new and developing notion of regional identity within the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

石质文物是中华民族的灿烂文明,是无价的不可再生的文化遗产和旅游资源,对其进行必要的保护势在必行。现阶段封护材料主要是有机高分子和一些在位聚合低聚体材料,高分子封护剂由于渗透性差、固化应力大等原因应用已被限制,低聚体以其良好的渗透性,无固化应力,与石材相容性好等原因受到更多的应用。研究了一类以甲基三乙氧基硅烷(MTEOS)、正硅酸乙酯等为单体、溶液缩聚的硅酸酯低聚体石质文物封护材料。探讨了单体用量对硅酸酯封护材料性能的影响,进行了硅酸酯封护材料的附着力、憎水性、透气性、耐可溶性盐、耐酸碱老化以及耐紫外光老化等分析测试,还进行了红外、扫描电镜等分析。通过试验分析表明,聚合过程中,MTEOS用量控制在40%(wt)时附着力及接触角达到最佳。封护后试样的耐酸碱性、耐可溶性盐、耐紫外光、透气性和抗冻融性均有不同程度的提高,结果表明研究的硅酸酯低聚体材料能够满足石质文物的封护要求。  相似文献   

This report presents an exploratory Bayesian modeling program of a recently compiled radiocarbon database for the Georgia Coast. Through use of the region’s well-established ceramic sequence as the a priori modeling framework, a refined temporal sequence for the region is presented. The model demonstrates gaps in the radiocarbon record between the Late Archaic and Refuge periods, the Deptford and Wilmington periods, and the Wilmington and St. Catherines periods. The model also suggests that the Savannah period wholly subsumes the St. Catherines period. Although biases exist based on the nature of the radiocarbon database utilized, the model demonstrates the utility of reinvestigating regional chronological sequences as well as the use of legacy radiocarbon data.  相似文献   

通过测量氧气消耗量可以完全无损地检查考古文物的稳定性,氧气的快速消耗说明样品状态不稳定。本工作综述了光学传感器辅助氧气消耗法的基本原理、影响因素、应用范围和适用对象。利用氧气的荧光猝灭性实现光学传感法监测氧气浓度。依靠光学传感的氧气消耗法可以快速、有效、准确地测量出文物样品的氧气消耗速率,对评估文物保存状态有重要意义。其监测系统会受相对湿度、温度、压力、光照等环境因素的影响。该方法根据文物样品的大小和形貌选择合适的监测体系,可以实现对所有氧气消耗反应的监测,具备更好的便携性和普适性。因此光学传感器辅助氧气消耗法可用于评估保护材料和保护手段的有效性。  相似文献   

In-depth case studies of new manufacturing plants are used to motivate a new business location model that incorporates management practices and cultures as location factors. This model is tested using US data on the location of new manufacturing plants. It is found that plants that adopt high performance management practices and cultures rely on different criteria when making their location decisions from those plants that are managed in more traditional ways. Omitting management culture from studies of business location may result in biased estimates of the importance of various traditional location factors. By demonstrating that location decisions are differentiated according to the management practices of firms, it is argued that regional development planning should pay more attention to specific business characteristics and that regional development policy include programmes that strengthen complementarities between management practices and the regional economic environment.  相似文献   

首都博物馆是北京市的窗口单位,应该营造一个舒适健康的环境, 不仅保护公众健康, 而且有利于文物保存,因此对博物馆内空气中微生物进行分离和鉴定具有重要意义。对首都博物馆内空气中微生物进行采样,分离鉴定优势细菌28株,由形态、生理生化及分子生物学结合鉴定。前两项确定细菌的基本形貌和特征,分子生物学方法得到28株细菌的16S rDNA 序列与 Genbank 中标准序列对比进一步确定种属,鉴定出所有菌与已知菌的同源性均在99%以上,且均为条件致病菌。在正常条件下不能够导致传染类疾病的发生,对观众和工作人员安全。在鉴定细菌种类的同时,根据其固体培养特征和生理生化特点,从现象到机理本质分析了细菌可能对文物造成的危害。以上工作为博物馆空气质量监测、文物保护保存环境提供参考  相似文献   

封护材料对于保护铁质文物具有重要意义。本工作以灵沼轩建筑钢板锈层为参照点,将实验基体表面状态分为:无锈光洁表面,喷砂除锈表面,锈蚀未处理表面。对不同表面的试样封护处理后进行实验室加速腐蚀老化,对其保护效果进行评价研究。研究结果表明:初步建立的一套封护剂工艺流程评价体系可以综合地、全面地、定量地区分铁质文物表面封护剂耐久性、防护性能的优劣;利用初步建立的评价体系,对有关厂家为故宫灵沼轩提供的三种封护剂氟橡胶(GA)、氟硅橡胶(有机硅涂覆试样后再涂覆硅橡胶)(GB)和氟硅橡胶(单宁酸擦洗试样后涂覆氟硅橡胶)(GC)进行筛选,在第二阶段客观地评价出GB的防护性能明显优于GC和GA的防护性能,但GB封护剂的应用还有待下一阶段的检测。封护剂保护的光洁表面、喷砂表面和锈蚀表面状态试样经腐蚀老化后得到的实验结果差别很大,三种表面状态的选择对于封护剂的综合评价都是必要的。光洁表面状态的试样可以客观地呈现出封护剂的评价结果,同时带锈的表面状态,也接近于文物的真实情况。  相似文献   

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