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Summary.   The brooch was found in 2003 near Bletchingdon, Oxfordshire. 1 Its gilt Style II animal ornament and garnet setting indicate that it is a high status dress-fastener, datable to the period AD 575–610. Analysis of its form and ornament suggests that it was a local experiment in the application of a new animal style.  相似文献   

An archaeological survey of the Noah's Ark Inn was undertaken with the intention of providing insight into the location, function and status of the known Romano-British temple site. The survey resulted in the discovery of an amphitheatre and associated buildings in close proximity to the temple. It is now clear that the Noah's Ark Inn site is an example of an extensive 'religious complex' of a type well known in Gaul, but not very well represented in Britian. The purpose of this paper is to review the evidence for the Noah's Ark Inn religious complex and to consider the site in relation to other Gallo-Roman and Romano-British religious complexes.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of stable isotopic analyses conducted upon animal and human bones recovered from Yarnton, Oxfordshire. Spanning the Neolithic to Saxon periods, it is in many ways a typical site, but is unusual in that a small Middle Iron Age cemetery was discovered.
All of the data presented here lie within the expected isotopic ranges for the European Holocene, although both faunal and animal δ15N values are higher than is commonly found. The faunal data show the expected pattern for the animals studied (horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and dog), with pigs being more omnivorous than ruminants, and dogs eating an isotopically similar diet to humans. The animals' diets had higher δ15N values during the Roman period as compared to the Iron Age, although it is unclear if this reflects an environmental change or alteration in animal management practices. Despite the site's riverine location, there is no isotopic evidence for fish consumption. No distinctions were found based on gender or burial position within the Iron Age cemetery. Age-based distinctions were found in δ13C values, although these cannot be fully explained. As expected, infants have a higher nitrogen isotopic value than other individuals, reflecting the consumption of their mother's milk.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In arid regions, managing water efficiently among competing demands depends critically on measuring comparable economic values of each end use. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to measure recreational values of water in the arid western U.S. These difficulties result from open spaces, few sites, and low incomes typical of the region. We examine whether water used for recreation can economically compete with agriculture. We accomplish this objective by extending the travel cost model to account for conditions unique to arid environments. We use demand systems theory to estimate a regional travel cost model which accounts for travel time, substitute sites, and discretionary travel cost. Findings from New Mexico's Pecos River Basin reveal recreational values of water which are 4040 percent higher than would result from conventional travel cost methodology. Measured recreation values of $130 per acre-foot compare with equivalent values of water in irrigated agriculture of $25–$40 per acre-foot.  相似文献   

黎兴强 《人文地理》2013,28(4):148-154
旅游地产是旅游开发的主要组成部分,它缎带"行"到旅游目的地的游客提供"吃、住、娱、购"以及可意象的"游"赏空间。作为闲暇经济主体的旅游地产发展正面临产业转型与资源约束的双重压力。从后现代旅游地产开发理念的视角,结合永续发展和包容性发展概念,构建出包容性发展棱锥模型及其应遵循的底一图关系等6点原则,以弥补现代旅游地产开发在产业发展模式和空间资源利用规划与设计等的不足。中国后现代旅游地产发展新维度:严格"三区四线"的空间管制:应用HST-TOD一体化立体综合开发模式;倡导JHTSD极大化及优化房地产市场法制环境。  相似文献   

"Sunflower" is a Tibetan woman (real name Rinehen Drolma) who is a famous dancer and a national-level choreographer. She is now a choreographer in the Music and Dance Troupe of TibetAutonomous Region (TAR). Since she engaged herself in the art of dance, Sunflower has won many first and second prizesin the dancing competitions of TAR. Her masterworks include Hormu Sisi, Tibetan Myth, Spring Maid, Spiritual Talk, Paean to the Holy Land, and Resama. She has given performances with her troupe in many countries and regions, including Austria, Germany, and Spain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The dynamic relationship between sectoral value added and regional economic growth is analyzed using a stochastic intersectoral model estimated by ordinary least squares and linear systems techniques. A state-space portion of the model identifies the time element of sedoral value added. Dynamic multipliers, tracing the temporal path of regional growth, are calculated for the state of Georgia over the period 1963–1986. This application shows that the impacts of sectoral shocks can follow cyclical as well as monotonic patterns and that the direction and magnitude of the impact may change over time.  相似文献   

Occupational choice and heterogeneous managerial ability enter a spatial Dixit‐Stiglitz setting, linking location, wages and regional entrepreneurship rates. Market potential has a positive partial effect and wages a negative partial effect on the regional supply of entrepreneurs, both balancing in equilibrium with endogenous wages. Market potential increases profits, but also the opportunity cost of entrepreneurship. In the long‐run equilibrium with perfect mobility, the cut‐off level of ability determining selection into entrepreneurship will be the same across regions; moreover, regional differences in entrepreneurship rates depend only in differences in average fixed costs of firms. An empirical application is provided for Chile.  相似文献   

Integrated land-use—transportation models are characterized as models in which the redistributive effects of one subsystem upon the other are explicitly defined and incorporated into the model's structure. At the core of integrated models is a linking procedure whose function is to transform the outputs of one model component into inputs for the other. Despite major efforts made in the past to build operational large scale integrated models, the structural properties of such models remain largely unexplored. This paper describes a general framework for an integrated model consisting of prototype model components. These are an iterative activity allocation model of the Garin-Lowry type, an equilibrium-assignment transportation network model, and a linking procedure. Given the level of analysis, this framework is shown useful for exploring the analytics of integrated models and, in particular, their equilibrium properties. By means of many simulation experiments based on an hypothetical numerical example, the operation of the model is demonstrated with an emphasis on the locational interpretation of the integration procedure. On the basis of the empirical results and considering the model's intrinsic assumptions, the following major findings can be cited. First, the effects of nontravel factors (such as basic employment and zonal attractions) upon activity distribution are stronger than effects caused by changes in the transportation system. The latter effects were found to yield nonlinear and, spatially, nonuniform changes in activity location which also tended to be larger in peripheral regions. Second, implicit in the specification of the integration procedure are behavioral assumptions regarding time-lags in locational adjustments made by activities in reaction to rising cost of travel. The present formulation implies that once located, activities do not revise their locational decisions despite substantial increases in travel costs. At the other extreme, all activities are permitted to readjust their locational preferences after the final interzonal travel costs are derived. The effect upon activity distribution of the latter specification is, of course, larger than that of the former, although less than the effect yielded by changes in nontravel factors. Regarding the equilibrium properties of the integrated system, both the theoretical and empirical analyses show that the entire model will converge into an equilibrium solution and that the corresponding trip patterns are also at equilibrium. These results will hold as long as the operation of the integrated models is completely controlled by the generation functions of the land-use model and the transportation model component only affects the spatial distribution of activities. Finally, the results from the simulation experiments indicate that the computed mean travel cost parameter tends to stabilize around a certain value as the level of demand for travel, within the system, rises. There is evidence that compensating changes in the location and composition of this demand are the main causes of this phenomenon. In light of these findings, it is possible to point to three key problems whose resolution could largely improve the predictive power of integrated models. First, it would be useful to define activity models in which the generation of activities is, among other things, a function of travel conditions. Second, currently formulated integrated models do not contain trip demand functions and, thus, demand for travel by an activity unit is regarded as completely inelastic. Third, different locating activities respond differently—over time and space—to changíng travel conditions, and models should, therefore, reflect explicitly such differences in activity behavior. A recent paper by Los [14], is an important contribution to the analysis of this issue.  相似文献   

"During my treatment in isolation,all the doctors and nurses I saw wore protective suits.Till this day,I have no idea what they look like without the fogged-up masks and sweat-soaked suits.But the kindness and care I received during those days will never be forgotten." This experience has filled his heart with gratitude.The patient,identified only as Zhang,vows to give back to society in the future as much as it has given him.Zhang was the only confirmed case of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Tibet Autonomous Region until the beginning of March.Under the treatment of the medical staff of the Third People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region,Zhang had a successful recovery.Here is Zhang's diary from illness to recovery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper develops a general multimarket hedonic model appropriate for a national, interregional study of wages, housing prices, and location-specific amenities. The model encompasses the effects of interregional location, intraurban location, and city size. Typically, hedonic studies focus on a single market such as labor or housing and ignore interactions implicit in a more global compensation mechanism. Examination of the comparative statics of our model indicates that single-market differentials are partial prices and are unreliable measures of amenity values in an interregional context. Unbiased amenity values are estimated for a comprehensive set of amenities using data on housing prices for 34,414 households and wages for 46,004 workers from the 1980 Census of Population and Housing. Statistically significant differences in housing prices and wages are found due to amenities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Every nation, formally or informally, defines and establishes the lines of political and fiscal authority among its national, regional, and local governments. Historically, centralized governments tend to restrict the power and autonomy of provincial and local governments. In this paper, we exploit the quasi‐experimental distribution of political institutions in the Americas caused by variation in European colonial experience to examine the impact of institutions on urban and local development, specifically on the degree of urban primacy, the size distribution of cities, the number and density of local government units, and the fragmentation of metropolitan areas. We argue that centralization of political power at the national level, as experienced in many countries in Latin America, contributes to urban primacy and a size distribution of cities favoring large cities. Additionally, even in more politically decentralized countries such as Canada and the U.S., variance in political centralization at the provincial (state) level over local governments led to significant divergences in urban primacy, the distribution of city sizes, as well as the form, number, and density of local governments. While we cannot rule out the importance of other factors, our findings suggest that political centralization affects spatial economic development.  相似文献   

This article discusses from a specifically German point of view the “spatial turn” in history and the approaches of this forum. Many recent interventions have suggested that “space” (as opposed to “time”) was for many years a marginalized category in the German historiographical debate because of the ideological contamination of the category “space” by the Nazis. In the context of the vivid, lively “provincial” or “regional” history practiced in Germany, however, “space” has always played an important role. The debates around the spatial turn nevertheless provide the opportunity for deliberate reconceptualization. This comment proposes a relational understanding of “space” as the core of the new approach and identifies some central elements and terms for it: the differentiation of “spaces,”“places,” and “locations”; movement in space; the division of space in the form of boundaries; finally, the ordering and classification of space in the form of written or visual representations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a model of developers' strategies for tenant mixes and the locations of shopping centers (SCs). Consumers have preferences for product variety, and tenants in the SCs sell differentiated goods. The consumers can choose two shopping behaviors: patronizing one or both of the two SCs. We show that if the consumers have strong preferences for product variety, the SCs agglomerate to free‐ride on the rivals' product varieties, and the consumers patronize both SCs. On the other hand, if consumer preferences are weak, the SCs locate at different locations, and the consumers patronize one of the two SCs.  相似文献   

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