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国外乡村社会地理研究综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文首先对国外乡村社会地理的研究进行阶段划分与总结,分析了九十年代以来新的研究进展,然后重点介绍了当前几个重点研究领域:乡村社区、城乡关系、乡村景观及乡村社会问题等,最后指出发展不足及今后的发展方向。全文旨在通过大量文献分析,梳理出国外乡村社会地理的研究进展与今后发展趋势,期望能够对国内相关研究与乡村发展具有一定理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶 ,大陆及港台学者围绕中国土地政策的基本理论和具体的土地政策发表了许多不同见解 ,取得了丰硕的成果。本文对此阶段的研究概况及主要成果作了简要介绍 ,对土地政策一般理论的研究、农村土地政策和城市土地政策等方面的研究中 ,存在的重点与热点问题进行了分析与概述 ,反映了近 5 0年来中国土地政策发展变迁的基本轮廓。  相似文献   

近年来,陈独秀晚年民主思想成为陈独秀研究的重点、难点和热点.学术界已有的研究成果主要集中在陈独秀晚年民主思想的形成、主要内容、相关评价与研究的方法论等几个方面.本文对此进行了综述,并就该研究中应该重视及存在的问题提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

全球城市是控制和影响全球政治经济文化的枢纽型城市。系统梳理中外全球城市研究热点、理论争论及研究领域演化,比较东西方全球城市研究视角提出新国际形势下全球城市研究前沿及其可能范式。研究发现:①全球城市被分为超全球城市、新兴全球城市及全球城市国家三类,重点探讨了全球城市的起源与概念、成长机理与类型划分、规模—网络—等级和专业化分工等;②中国学界从引介世界城市概念及其识别指标、形成机制等领域逐渐转向全球城市的功能与作用、比较与评价、培育策略等。③新全球化形势下全球城市研究应关注尺度(政治)与全球城市构建、动力、制度与培育实践导向三层次展望提出世界形势变革背景下全球城市研究重点。  相似文献   

张阳生  姚春丽 《人文地理》2005,20(2):114-118
针对青海湖国家重点风景名胜区这一特大型风景名胜区的生态及社会经济地位和作用,综合分析了其社会发展的现状特点及存在问题。在此基础上,对青海湖国家重点风景名胜区内的居民社会调控问题进行了初步研究。提出了风景名胜区优化城镇及乡村居民点体系、加强经营管理、健全社会组织、分区分类实施居民社会调控的基本思路和主要措施。从而为特大型风景名胜区的居民社会调控以及景源保护与开发、经济社会发展、生态环境建设探索有效的途径。  相似文献   

犯罪地理学主要研究犯罪现象的空间发生、发展和分布规律。从21 世纪以来SSCI、SCI 收录的地理学及相关学科期刊中整理500 多篇犯罪地理研究相关论文,分析西方近年来犯罪地理学发展态势,并选取100 余篇代表文献重点评述。总体来看,2000年以来,西方犯罪地理研究通过创新研究方法、加强学科融合等途径推进了犯罪过程和机制的研究,犯罪时空模式、城市社会环境与犯罪的关系、犯罪仿真模拟与地理画像、犯罪空间防控等领域发展迅速,犯罪地理研究不断扩展和深化,学科体系和发展脉络日益清晰。以此为鉴,未来国内的犯罪地理学应加强实证研究,以犯罪空间分析为重点,逐步形成包括新的研究方法、研究视角和空间观的研究体系。  相似文献   

11月 2日 ,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——西北历史环境和经济社会发展研究中心在陕西师范大学挂牌成立 ,成为西北地区继兰州大学敦煌学研究中心之后又一入选教育部人文社科百所重点研究基地的单位。陕西省、西安市领导陈宗兴、张道宏、李尊贤及朱显谟院士与陕西师范大学党政领导江秀乐、赵世超、杜鸿科出席了研究中心的揭牌仪式。揭牌仪式由杜鸿科副校长主持 ,赵世超校长致词 ,陈宗兴副省长、张道宏副市长在会上作了热情洋溢的讲话。西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究中心 ,是以陕西师范大学中国历史地理研究所为基础 ,选聘校内外相关专…  相似文献   

目的多年来对相关文献以及数据的统计,从研究内容以及研究阶段的特征性方面对目前中国历史文化名城旅游可持续发展的当前状态进行了评价及分析。分析体现了其内容都集中在了名城旅游可持续发展及发展策略评估研究、名城旅行可持续发展研究、名城旅游市场及其发展策略研究、研究内容应以定性发展为主、定量较少;以后应该借鉴国外成功策略的基础上,多重视基本理论的总结,持续创新和研究方法,加强名城旅游的研究,名城旅游可持续发展及发展策略机制、游客的反馈与态度及如何持续发展旅游是今后研究的重点.  相似文献   

本文提出侨乡研究应当包括乡村侨乡和都市侨乡两大部分,并以广州市为例,论述了都市侨乡的研究范围、特点、重点研究问题及研究意义。  相似文献   

熊鹰  许方政  刘丹  魏晓  侯珂伦 《人文地理》2021,36(2):102-109
农村社区作为推进城乡一体化以及实施乡村振兴战略的重要节点,是统筹城乡发展,推进新型城镇化的有机载体.本文梳理了近年来我国农村社区研究的热点领域及相关成果,基于CiteSpace分析了该领域的主要进展及存在的问题,并提出了今后研究的方向与重点.农村社区研究在理论构建、治理体系、建设模式、规划策略及研究方法等方面均取得了一...  相似文献   

本文对比分析了中外对经济地域(区域)及其类型研究的理论与实践,对经济地域的概念、类型进行了分析与总结,试图为我国区域经济理论的研究和经济地理学的发展以及如何有效地参与区域经济实践作出一点努力与尝试。  相似文献   

邢玲臣 《攀登》2007,26(4):182-183
地方文献资源对于一个地区社会经济、科学技术及文化教育事业的发展具有重要的意义。文章针对地方文献资源建设中存在的诸多问题,提出了加强与建设地方文献资源的具体对策与措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of regional GDP per capita for certain benchmark years during the first half of the twentieth century using the method proposed by Geary and Stark. After testing the robustness of the Geary and Stark methodology for the Belgian situation, these estimates are linked to the official regional GDP figures, available since 1955, so that we can cover the whole of the twentieth century. Next we test the suggestion put forward by many historians of a contrast between a ‘poor Flanders’ and a relatively ‘prosperous Wallonia’ around 1900. For the remainder of the analysis Belgium’s nine provinces are used as a geographical unit to take a broader view than just the Flanders/Wallonia controversy. The analysis shows a dramatic reversal of fortune between the northern and southern provinces. We explain the main causes of this process and assess the effect of state policies on regional development. Finally, the paper considers whether the twentieth century witnessed a process of convergence.  相似文献   

The Oulu region in Northern Finland has witnessed a remarkable growth of ICT industries since the 1980s. A town near the Arctic Circle with only 140,000 people (2012) created a high-tech business that employed at its best nearly 16,000 people in the region at the millennium. This article investigates the historical background of this phenomenon, which is not so much an imitation of Silicon Valley, but rather a result of special Finnish and northern characteristics. The most important contributing factors were the University of Oulu, governmental support and the success of the Nokia Corporation. Oulu's strength was the early clustering of the focal actors. Oulu established the first Technology Park in the Nordic countries in 1982. The northern mental environment, Oulu's traditions and many exceptionally active persons also contributed to the phenomenon. The case of Oulu is presented in a larger international context with the help of studies on regional high-tech clusters and the development of the information society. Present and future challenges are also addressed.  相似文献   

发达国家的农业现代化对我国农业发展的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系统地分析了发达国家农业现代化的特点,从发达国家农业现代化与我国农业生产现状的结合点上,探讨了今后我国农业发展的途径与策略。  相似文献   

严复<庄子>评点分别从研究范畴的转换、近代学术分科体系下对于科学思想和进化论的阐发、"科学方法"的宣扬三个方面促进了庄学近代转换.但是,范畴转换和方法学的局限性使其在促进庄学近代转换方面只具有初步的意义.  相似文献   

This article offers a canine history of the “critical period” concept, situating its emergence within a growing, interdisciplinary network of canine behavior studies that connected eugenically minded American veterinarians, behavioral geneticists, and dog lovers with large institutional benefactors. These studies established both logistical and conceptual foundations for large-scale science with dogs while establishing a lingering interdependence between American dog science and eugenics. The article emphasizes the importance of dogs as subjects of ethological study, particularly in the United States, where some of the earliest organized efforts to analyze canine behavior began. Further, the article argues that the “critical period” is important not only for its lasting prominence in multiple fields of scientific inquiry, but also as a historiographical tool, one that invites reflection on the tendency of historians to emphasize a particular narrative structure of scientific advancement.  相似文献   

本文依据典型遗址层位关系、器物形态比较、碳14测定数据等材料,将东北11个文化区的新石器时代文化自早至晚区分为三个阶段七个时期,确定了各种文化所处的时空位置。分别从遗址分布、房址、墓葬、生产工具、生活用具、原始艺术品、经济类型等7个方面,概括了东北地区新石器时代考古学文化的基本特征。通过文化比较,讨论了东北文化区与中原地区、山东半岛地区、俄罗斯贝加尔湖地区、俄罗斯远东南部地区、朝鲜半岛地区史前文化的交流与影响。  相似文献   

Today's domesticated plants not only embody past human–nature interactions, but also reflect social history. Human seed exchange, replacement and loss are important forces in shaping crop diversity. This essay explores regional history in relation to the shaping of maize diversity in the western highlands of Guatemala. This is an area of exceptional maize heterogeneity and a peripheral part of the region where maize was domesticated. Maize diversity seems to have developed through geographic isolation in networks of seed exchange that were generally very local in scope. However, recent studies on Mexican maize suggest otherwise. However, few studies have examined crop diversity or seed exchange from a historical perspective. A closer examination of regional history suggests which processes might be important for shaping the present geographical distribution of maize diversity. Seeds were occasionally transported over longer distances. As a consequence, maize diversity is geographically not characterised by sharp differences between farming communities; the main differences are to be found in regional occurrences. This challenges antimodern ideas of closed, local native ecologies. Consequently, the conservation of maize genetic resources is a challenge, but not entirely contradictory with its transforming socio-economic context.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades broadly geographical sensibilities have become prominent in the academic study of science. An account is given of tensions in science studies between transcendentalist conceptions of truth and emerging localist perspectives on the making, meaning and evaluation of scientific knowledge. The efficient spread of scientific knowledge is not a phenomenon that argues against the applicability of geographical sensibilities towards science but actually calls for an even more vigorous project in the geography of knowledge.  相似文献   

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