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“双减”政策的出台,目的是促进学生全面、多元发展,培养学生创新能力、思辨能力和高阶思维,激发学生学习兴趣,更好地开展高质量学习。科普场馆是科学普及的主要阵地,建立校内外科学教育资源有效衔接机制,丰富科普活动的表现形式,推动特色数字科技馆建设,整合吸纳优质科普资源,强化科学普及社会责任意识,持续助力“双减”有效落地,是科普场馆应承担的责任和义务。  相似文献   

仅从“乡村“或“农民“的角度认识德国农民战争是很不全面的,城市与德国农民有密切联系,或者说,德国农民战争有鲜明的城市特征.16世纪初,德意志很多城市在宗教改革和农民运动的影响下爆发了市民运动,它们与农民运动相互支持、相互配合,普通市民构成德国农民战争中一支重要革命力量.同时,市民斗争也有自己的特点.城市与德国农民战争的密切联系反映了当时特殊的城乡关系,这种关系使得某些城市当局出于城市自身利益的考虑,对农民战争采取了不同于封建诸侯及领主的对策.  相似文献   

杨剑平 《南京史志》2022,(25):66-68
<正>习近平总书记指出:“科技创新、科学普及是实现创新发展的两翼,要把科学普及放在与科技创新同等重要的位置。没有全民科学素质普遍提高,就难以建立起宏大的高素质创新大军,难以实现科技成果快速转化。”由此可知,提升公民的科学素质,是增强国家自主创新能力的需要,是提升文化软实力的需要,是建设社会主义现代化强国的需要,对实现中华民族的伟大复兴具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

在科技馆科学普及工作落实的过程中,图书馆发挥着重要的作用,在开展科普教育工作时,需要充分的利用图书馆中的资源,要在做好自我宣传工作的基础上,提高图书馆的科技含量,还要扩充图书馆的图书资源,加强文献资源的建设,对读者进行导读,还可以定期举办科普活动,通过这些方式对科学普及进行良好的宣传。科技馆科学普及有利于提高公众的文化素养以及素质,还可以推动社会经济更好的发展,还可以促进社会文明建设。  相似文献   

为了配合国家在过渡时期总路线的学习和向广大人民宣传科学知识,东北图书馆与沈阳市科学普及  相似文献   

高校博物馆在科学普及、文化宣传与育人方面发挥了越来越大的作用,讲解员在这些具体工作的开展中发挥的作用不容小觑。文章尝试从高校博物馆讲解员的作用和角色定位角度切入,探讨高校博物馆讲解员的素养及养成途径。  相似文献   

武昌农讲所创办于大革命高潮之中,是第一次国共合作的产物. 1926年下半年北伐战争的胜利进军,推动了农民运动的迅速发展,急需大批农运干部到乡间去领导农民革命斗争.1926年11月毛泽东到上海就任中共中央农委书记后,即向中共中央提出了“在武昌开办农民运动讲习所”培养农运干部的计划.11月15日,中共中央局批准了这个计划.从1926年12月开始,毛泽东为执行中央的决定,与湖南、江西、湖北三省的国民党省党部商议此事,进行合办湘鄂赣三省农运讲习所的筹备工作.当三省同心协力,准备工作就绪时,已迁至武汉办公的国民党中央党部认为“举办农讲所为非常必要”,遂议决将湘鄂赣三省农运讲习所扩大为中央农民运动讲习所,交中国国民党中央农民运动委员会管理,定名为中国国民党中央农民运动讲习所,增招苏、浙、皖、直、豫、鲁、陕、晋、奉、闽、川、贵等省的学生共300余名.  相似文献   

农民观既是孙中山“三民主义”思想的有机构成,也是邓小平“三农思想”的重要组成部分。邓小平在借鉴孙中山农民观的基础上,在农民建设主力军观、农民生产力动力观、农民全面利益至上观、农民共同富裕观等方面对孙中山的农民观增添了许多具有时代特色的新内容,实现了对孙中山农民观的超越。  相似文献   

商鞅变法实行“受田”,“百亩给一夫”;又通过“名田宅”的户籍制,确认“受田”农民的永久使用权.“受田”农民直接向国家交纳租税,成为国家佃农,国家是土地所有主。这样的封建制度,可以称之为国家封建制.在商鞅变法前后,山东六国都实行了这种制  相似文献   

3月8日,在政协联组讨论会上,面对全国政协委员宋丰强先生激动地赞扬党中央、国务院的政策让农民得到了“实惠”,说他过去归纳的农民“九盼”都变成了“九喜”时,温总理肯定了政府“强农、富农和惠农”政策的成效后,却说,他不同意宋委员的看法,“我认为过去政府欠农民的太多了。”  相似文献   

In this guest editorial, Marshall Sahlins' gives his reasoning for leaving the National Science Foundation behind.  相似文献   

当前社会出现了前所未有的大众关心历史的现象,历史知识社会化已经成为一种趋势。这种现象的形成,有着深层次的背景和动因,也对史学工作者提出了新的课题和挑战。本文从传统史学的普及与当前历史知识社会化趋势、当前历史知识社会化趋势的动因、历史知识社会化趋势中的问题、史学工作者面对历史知识社会化趋势的时代责任四个方面,对当前历史知识社会化趋势进行了思考。  相似文献   

李大钊从对历史学功用的重新定位与全新阐述,指出史学"最要紧的用处,是用他来助我们人生的修养"。因此,历史学的功用不能只强调政治性而不重视文化性;只关注社会而不顾及人生。这是历史知识需要普及而且能够普及的社会基础与广阔前提。在如何普及历史知识的问题上李大钊认为:首先,只有把历史看成"活的东西",才能把历史写活;只有把历史写活,才能引人入胜。其次,需要"历史研究的本身亦含有艺术的性质"。要"把历史研究的结果用文学的美文写出来"。第三,充分利用一切可以利用的机会与手段进行历史的普及。  相似文献   

This essay examines Tocqueville's interest in statistics, and how it informed his analysis of democracy. It explores his early engagement with the discipline and shows how this proved critical to his and Beaumont's 1833 study of the American penitentiary system. It shows that Tocqueville's interest in statistics was long lasting. And it pays particular attention to his links with the British Association for the Advancement of Science, examining his attendance at the statistical section meetings of the BAAS conference in Dublin in 1835. It shows how material presented at this conference appeared in a number of Tocqueville's works. The essay argues against the thesis that Tocqueville resisted the primacy of the social. Rather, it shows that his interest in statistics underscored the importance he attached to the social in his analysis of modern democracy.  相似文献   

This essay examines Tocqueville's interest in statistics, and how it informed his analysis of democracy. It explores his early engagement with the discipline and shows how this proved critical to his and Beaumont's 1833 study of the American penitentiary system. It shows that Tocqueville's interest in statistics was long lasting. And it pays particular attention to his links with the British Association for the Advancement of Science, examining his attendance at the statistical section meetings of the BAAS conference in Dublin in 1835. It shows how material presented at this conference appeared in a number of Tocqueville's works. The essay argues against the thesis that Tocqueville resisted the primacy of the social. Rather, it shows that his interest in statistics underscored the importance he attached to the social in his analysis of modern democracy.  相似文献   

M. S. TITE 《Archaeometry》1991,33(2):139-151
This paper is the text of the inaugural lecture given by the author in the Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre on 23 October 1990 following his appointment in October 1989 to the Edward Hall Chair of Archaeological Science, at the University of Oxford  相似文献   


The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, one of the great political scientists of the twentieth century, run to 34 volumes. The selection republished in this Reader will provide senior undergraduates and graduate students (and perhaps their teachers) with a wide-ranging introduction to Voegelin's modern but Aristotelean political science. The selection includes excerpts from his Autobiographical Reflections and from his best-known work, The New Science of Politics. There are several examples of his late an alytical essays. Readers unfamiliar with his relationship to Christianity, always a contentious issue, will find his discussions of the relationship of philosophical or noetic symbols and experiences to revelatory of pneumatic ones especially helpful. The editors and the University of Missouri Press have performed a major service to contemporary political science by making this se lection available.  相似文献   


The author reviews over a decade of science and the arts programming he and his colleagues have produced and disseminated. The programs have been supported by the National Science Foundation, the American Physical Society, the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and various foundations and corporations. The author gives detailed examples of using science and the arts to reach the public and students with respect to programming related to the play Copenhagen, the opera Doctor Atomic, the Science & the Arts Series, a major international conference on Communicating Science to the Public, and many other outreach efforts.  相似文献   

“Growth” or “Revolution”? Ernst Cassirer and History of Science. Ernst Cassirer's contributions to history of science have been long time neglected. The aim of this paper is to show the historical and philosophical framework of Cassirer's engagement in this field, starting from his seminal work about the problem of knowledge in science and philosophy of the modern age. Moreover the author suggests that Cassirer's late studies about Galilei and the origins of mathematical science are of some interest in order to comprehend both his commitment to contemporary history of science (from Burtt to Koyré) and his intellectual heritage for our agendas in a post‐Kuhnian era.  相似文献   


Montesquieu and Adam Smith undertook deep analyses of the structural laws of agrarian civilizations and described the traps and tendencies which would prevent any final escape from constant toil and inequality. David Hume's work in certain of his ‘Essays’ complements their work. He shows the social, political, religious and economic conditions which had made England the most free and wealthy nation in the world by his time. Simultaneously he shows the strong forces which would ultimately lead to stasis even in the English case. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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