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Today is Sunday. Anyi, a Tibetan woman, gets up early and gets dressed. She combs her hair and tries to make herself to look smart. She takes her daughter Nyina, together with some fellow villagers, to walk toward the ehureh situated at the entrance to the village. To most of these villagers in Tsakhalho Village, this is a normal Sunday activity.  相似文献   

The Tibetan language spoken by the Tibetans belongs to the Tibetan-Burmese branch of the Sino-Tibetan family. It has about six million users who live mainly in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and four other Tibetan-inhabited provinces: Qinghai Province, Sichuan Province, Gansu Province and Yunnan Province. The standardization of Tibetan terminology is an essential part of China's national policy on nationality and national languages. A special column named "Tibetan Language and its Terminology Standardization" is included in this issue to describe the birth, use, and development of Tibetan language especially the standardization of its new terminology.  相似文献   

As an example of Chinese arts and crafts, porcelain is an important element of Chinese culture. In ancient times, when transport and communications were extremely backward, the continuous flow of porcelain items between Han Chinese and Tibetans played an essential role in their material and cultural life. Put specifically, the close relationship between porcelain and Han-Tibetan cultural and artistic exchanges can be observed as follows:  相似文献   

The entire Ngolok-Seta country between what is present-day's Ngolok (mgo-log)prefecture (Chin. Guoluo) in China's Qinghai province, Serta county in Kandse (dkar-mdzes)prefecture and the northwestern parts of modern Ngawa(rnga-ba) prefecture (Chin. Aba) in Sichuan was a white spot on the Ti-bet map until the mid-20th century. Particularly the districts defined by the present Ngawa and Dzamthang (Chin. Rangtang) counties were inaccessible for any foreign traveller in historic time. Ngawa already constituted an isolated Ti-betan cultural realm, yet Dzamthang to its west was a true hidden land. The latter is reached by a 18o km drive from the Ngawa prefecture's seat, Barkham (Chin. Ma'erkang), in less than half a day.  相似文献   

藏族的礼俗禁忌,是在长期历史发展过程中形成的,产生于社会生活,继承于先民遗风,受宗教和政治制度的影响,部分吸收了周边国家和民族的民俗影响。它一经产生形成或被人们接受后,就成了藏族人民在社会生活中必须普遍遵循并用以判断或评价好坏善恶、文明野蛮的行为准则。它不仅体现着藏民族社会和阶级对人们行为的共同要求,而且也有约定俗成的法律属性。因此,要了解和研究藏民族,就必须懂得藏民族的礼俗禁忌。  相似文献   

“祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。”这是中国最高明的哲学家老子2600年前对世界和人生规律的睿智观察。意谓幸福和痛苦是一对孪生兄弟,相生相伴。  相似文献   

Comparing Beijing and the Tibet Autonomous Region; one is the capital of China, but the other is the snowcapped plateau. Though they are far apart in distance (thanks to the countless mountains and rivers) they are also very close - only one day to reach each other. Years ago, the song "At the gold mountain of Beijing" sung by Tseten Drama, the famous Tibetan singer, in praise of the political and cultural center. Today, tens of thousands of Tibetans have formed one inseparable part of the many groups in Beijing embracing multiple cultures.  相似文献   

酒是成礼之饮、灵感之饮,也是行乐之饮。酒中的真味、异趣或有不同,但贯穿中国五千年的宴饮场,屡盛不衰的始终有一项——行酒令以助饮。行酒令既可延展时间、尽兴合欢,合乎酒礼,  相似文献   

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