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Ernie Chaples and Helen Nelson (eds), Case Studies in New South Wales Electoral Politics, Sydney, Department of Government and Public Administration, University of Sydney, 1985, pp. 109. $8.50 ($9.50 posted) (paper)

Ernie Chaples, Helen Nelson and Ken Turner (eds), The Wran Model: Electoral Politics in New South Wales 1981 and 1984, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1985, pp.289. $14.99 (paper)

Brian J. Costar and Colin A. Hughes (eds), Labor to Office: The Victorian State Election 1982, Melbourne, Drummond, 1983, pp.293. $17.95 (paper)

P.R. Hay, J. Halligan, J. Warhurst and B. Costar (eds), Essays on Victorian Politics, War‐mambool, Warrnambool Institute Press, 1985, pp.210. $9.00 (paper)  相似文献   

R. H. Mathews 《Folklore》2013,124(2):224-227
THE WITCH-CULT IN WESTERN EUROPE. A STUDY IN ANTHROPOLOGY. MARGARET ALICE MURRAY. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. 1921. Pp. 303. Price 16s. Reviewed by W. R. Halliday.

THE SEMA NAGAS. By J. H. HUTTON, C.I. E., M.A., I.C.S. Published by direction of the Assam Administration. London : Macmillan &; Co. 1921. Price 40s. net. Reviewed by A. C. Haddon.

ANCIENT TALES FROM MANY LANDS : A COLLECTION OF FOLK STORIES. By R. M. FLEMING. With an Introduction by H. J. FLEURE, D.Sc. London: Benn Bros. 1922. Price 10s. 6d. Reviewed by A. Hingston Quiggin.

ASPECTS OF ANCIENT INDIAN POLITY. By NARENDRA NATH LAW, M.A., B.L. ; with a Foreword by ARTHUR BERRIEDALE KEITH, D.C.L., D.Litt. Oxford University Press. London: Milford. Reviewed by H. A. Rose.  相似文献   

Unconsolidated sediments from a borehole in Botany Bay have been analyzed for their foraminiferal content. Faunas from between 41 and 54 m below sea level are interpreted as Pleistocene in age. The foraminiferal assemblage from 54 m indicates marine conditions of moderately deep water (25–30 m), and a climate warmer than at present. The higher assemblages indicate a more brackish environment

The foraminifera, belonging to 123 species in 67 genera, are tabulated and 24 are discussed and illustrated. Three species, Oolina bifidocostata, Fissurina alatoquadrata and Elphidium botaniensis and one subpecies, Quinqueloculina affinis atrata, are described as new.  相似文献   

Well before polling day, public commentators and political insiders thought the outcome of the March 2003 NSW election was clear: Labor would win. Seventy per cent of the polled public agreed, according to the Newspoll of 7–10 March (Newspoll 2003), as did those putting their money where their mouths were: Centrebet offered odds of 10:1 against for the Coalition $10.00 and 50:1 on for Labor (Daily Telegraph 13 March 2003). Even Prime Minister Howard, lending his support to NSW Liberal Leader John Brogden, did not predict a Liberal win (Australian Financial Review 12 March 2003). The main question of interest in the election was whether the Coalition would win enough seats to pose a threat to Labor in 2007. Secondary interest lay in whether the Greens would add to their recent series of strong election results. The election campaign was overshadowed by the war in Iraq. The outcome was decided far more by the politics of the preceding four years than by the short official campaign. Consequently, this commentary focuses on understanding the election in the context of NSW politics from 1999.  相似文献   

In this article, ‘Development’ and developmentist ideas, two increasingly fashionable areas of historical inquiry, are explored in the context of relations between the United States and Brazil through the middle decades of the twentieth century, with three arguments made along the way. First, and in contrast to much academic and extra-academic received wisdom (as well as the official pronouncements of US diplomats), the United States government offered no singular or consistent approach to ‘development’ in its dealings with Brazil. Second, an unofficial vision of development (here termed ‘market developmentalism’) that has so far eluded the attention of historians of developmentalist ideas emerged earlier than the official developmentalisms that have been the main object of historiographic interest to date. Third, this unofficial, largely private, consumption-oriented developmentalism is shown to have enjoyed an outsized influence in Brazil, dwarfing the influence enjoyed by those inconsistent varieties of developmentalism espoused by US diplomats between the 1940s and the 1960s.  相似文献   

Three forms, Cothonion sympomatum gen. et sp. nov. with a bi-radially septate operculum, and the new species lissa and daseia of the genus Lipopora gen. nov., are described from the early Middle Cambrian Coonigan Formation in the Mootwingee district of western New South Wales, Australia. They may be representatives of hitherto unknown groups of organisms, but they are tentatively interpreted as coelenterates that reached a level of development comparable with the Anthozoa. Cothonion is placed in the new family Cothoniidae and questionably referred to the Rugosa. Lipopora is considered to be similar to Coelenteratella Korde; both are grouped in the new family Lipoporidae and tentatively referred to the Tabulata.  相似文献   

This article examines the changing nature of the resource allocation formula for health care provision in New South Wales. It looks at the technical changes to the formula reviewing its problems and limitations and subsequent modifications. The impact of the formula on actual resource provision is established and this provision is placed in the context of health policy and public expenditure debates in Australia. Finally, the formula and its use as a rationalisation device are examined in relation to economic crisis and state practice with the suggestion being made that certain features of the Australian state may lead to a review of aspects of the theory of the state.  相似文献   

Over recent years, roadside memorials to commemorate people killed in motor vehicle accidents have become increasingly noticeable in parts of the Australian landscape. In Newcastle, New South Wales, roadside memorials are placed for young people. The age/gender group most at risk of road death, and those most memorialised, are young men. This is linked to spatially specific constructions of masculinity which circulate within youth milieux of Newcastle. Like other memorials and monuments these ‘deathscapes’ have multiple meanings, differing between those who build, maintain and interpret them. They function as conservative memorials of youth machismo; of heroic aggression, disregard for safety and egocentrism. Roadside memorials need to be re-read as symbolic of societal flaws; of a wasteful road toll, and a testament to dominant and problematic strains of masculinity.  相似文献   

Caravan parks are an important component of the tourist industry. They serve as the dormitory and the focal point for the immediate environs at places of interest. This paper investigates the characteristics and the occupancy of parks which were inundaled by water during the April/May floods of 1988 in New South Wales. It looks at the number of people at risk, and the appropriateness of caravan parks occupying land liable to flood. This form of accommodation offers people a great flexibility in their holidaying patterns but when long-term or permanent caravans are concentrated in parks on floodprone land they pose a number of problems. In addition to human elements such as personal property damage and social disruption, substantial disaster relief payments from public funds are required. It appears quite inappropriate 10 allow floodprone caravan parks to have sites occupied on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

Fossil ostracods from the uppermost 3m of core LG4 from Lake George all have modern living representatives. This part of the core is thought to represent deposition during the last 60,000 years (see Singh et al., 1981b) and the lake hisotry is traced from a knowledge of the ostracod ecology.

The following distinct phases, and their respective timing, are postulated for Lake George (the timing of events should be considered with caution as few 14C dates are available): water fresh and lake full for the periods of 10,200 – 12,000 yBP and 19,100 – 20,700 yBP, water fresh, ephemeral at times, for the periods of 3,200–4,000 yBP, 7,000 yBP, 7,500 yBP, 8,500–10,200 yBP, 12,000–13,500 yBP, 20,700–23,500 yBP, 23,800–27,600 yBP and at some stage between 27,000 and 60,000 yBP; ephemeral saline water for a few short episodes between 3,200 and 4,000 yBP and for the periods of 15,600–17,400 yBP and 23,800–27,600 yBP; lake definitely dry between 17,400 and 19,100 yBP.

Data obtained from the ostracods correlate reasonably well with those of lake level fluctuations based on the study of ancient shorelines by Coventry (1976) and others based on facies analyses and the record of plant microfossils by Singh et al. (1981b).  相似文献   

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