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On July 1, express trains starting from Beijing and other cities will pass through Xining and Golmud and finally reach Lhasa. On that date, Tibet's long history of having no access to railway transportation will come to an end.  相似文献   

Rena C. Gropper. Gypsies in the City. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1975. xi + 235 pp. Tables, figures, maps, illustrations, appendix, glossary, bibliography and index. $9.95

Farnham Rehfisch, ed. Gypsies, Tinkers and Other Travellers. London and New York: Academic Press, 1975. x + 303 pp. Figures, tables, glossary and index. $15.25.

Anne Sutherland. Gypsies: The Hidden Americans. New York: The Free Press, 1975. x + 330 pp. Tables, figures, appendices, glossary, bibliography and indices. $13.95.  相似文献   

首轮新方志的编修出版,在广东省乃至全国已接近尾声.首轮志书设艺文志的极少,造成这种情况的原因,固然有首轮志书编修过程中对人文重视不够的氛围,更有着面对汗牛充栋的古代的乃至当代的著述,如何选择记载的难题.于是,付之阙如不失为权宜之计,但因此也就使首轮修志留下了一个普遍的遗憾.近日,<惠州志*艺文卷>一卷付梓惠州市惠城区地方志编纂委员会编,邹永祥、吴定球编纂:<惠州志*艺文卷>,中华书局2004年版.,笔者阅后感到耳目一新.  相似文献   

Entitled “Canada and the United States: Principles for Partnership” and prepared at the behest of American President Lyndon Johnson and Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson, the so-called Merchant–Heeney report set out a series of guiding principles for the smooth conduct of bilateral relations. Drawing on their vast experience at managing this relationship, Arnold Heeney and Livingston Merchant, two former ambassadors, devised their guidebook by tracing the nature of Canada–US relations, examining areas where problems commonly arose, and offering suggestions towards building a more successful partnership. “Principles for Partnership” may have been their swansong but it was not Merchant and Heeney's sole statement on the Canadian–American relationship. Drawing on speeches, memoranda, and diplomatic cables, this article shows how Merchant and Heeney each conceived of the partnership between their two countries and how they viewed the influence of factors such as Canadian nationalism and the United States' preponderant power.  相似文献   

志于道、据于德、依于仁、游于艺是古人圣贤对一个有着整全修养的日常生活比较全面的概括.志于道是向远处的企望引导,志于天道,使生活有超出日常繁琐事务的眼界;据于德是向近处的落实出发,据于人道,修行以达远方;依于仁是友人互相讲习促进,以明道修德;游于艺则是在六艺的领域中悠游自乐,在优游涵泳中成德达道.这些思想在中国的绘画、书法中也有充分的体现.  相似文献   

Speakers at the Third Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee Assembly held in December 1994 maintained that power sharing between women and men is still intolerably low and that economic hardship, abuse, and discrimination remain. One speaker announced that society needs to do more to challenge obstacles to women's advancement: poverty, violence, access to resources, women's rights, education, and health. She asserted that, for this reason, the Fourth World Conference on Women scheduled for September 1995 in Beijing must succeed. Discussions and action at the December assembly will constitute a major part of the groundwork for the Beijing Conference. The Committee debate centered on the advancement of women as a cause and effect of development. The 1994 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development shows that economic development may be complexly connected with advancement of women. In societies where women have progressed, the economy tends to grow steadily, while, in societies where women cannot fully participate in development, the economy is stagnant. The Assembly called on the Commission on the Status of Women to ensure that the Platform for Action recognize and incorporate older women's concerns and contributions to development into its strategies, programs, and policies. It also called for countries to protect women migrant workers from violence and corrupt recruitment practices. It condemned the illegal trafficking of women and girls across borders for sexual or economic oppressive and exploitative purposes and for other illegal activities (forced domestic labor, false marriages, clandestine employment, and false adoption).  相似文献   

Two U.S. specialists (on the governance and foreign policy aspects of China's public health issues as well as its human and medical geography) examine how two different sets of policies implemented by the government of China have affected both the geography and political ecology of pandemic disease outbreaks (HIV/AIDS, SARS, and H1N1) over the past two decades. More specifically, they argue that: (1) broad development and reform policies largely responsible for China's rapid modernization/urbanization and increasingly successful perfomance in the global economic arena have generated unexpected side-effects in terms of the location, incidence, and spread of pandemics as well as the state's capacity to mount an adequate health care response; and (2) politically motivated public health policies implemented in response to the spread of specific pandemics in China have had unanticipated impacts on the progression of disease outbreaks and their outcomes. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H510, H750, I180. 3 figures, 2 tables, 76 references.  相似文献   

新一轮修志应该推出一批精品,而目前已出的一些续志稿在内容记述上与时代的要求还有较大差距。主要表现在记述时只写结果而忽略过程,或是堆积资料,或是总结政府工作。有些续志在设计篇目时也将一些能够反映时代特色的重点内容放在突出位置,但在编写时因没有认真思考而未达到预期效果。续志记述的时代是改革、发展的时代,政府不再是社会发展唯一的作用力,续志应该突出这些时代特色,全面系统地反映多元化的社会,改变不符合时代要求的记述方式,全面提升续志质量。这就要求修志工作改变“官书就是要记政府行为”的观点,做好扎实的资料工作,加强理论学习和研究,为编修精品而努力。  相似文献   

sayuri  guthrie-shimizu 《外交史》2005,29(2):361-364
Book reviewed:
Emily S. Rosenberg. A Date Which Will Live: Pearl Harbor in American Memory . Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003. 216 pp. $24.95 (paper).  相似文献   

在世界屋脊举办的中国赛事骑闯天路,被誉为全球海拔最高、难度最大、路线最壮美的自行车极限赛。这是挑战自我的炼狱之赛,也是考验人性的炼心之赛。每一米都濒临绝境,每一秒都萌生放弃。如何在川藏天路上,找到另一个自己?钟承湛快速转动着轮椅,从斜坡上到主席台中央,动作一气呵成,笑容绽放,声音激昂高亢,“川藏南线318是一条由两千多英灵铸就的神圣之路,修这条路时,平均每一公里牺牲一个人,非常值得有一场赛事,来纪念这条神圣之路。”  相似文献   

续志工作存在着年鉴化倾向,令人担忧。章从续志出现年鉴化倾向的原因、表现及应采取的对策进行了阐述,以期引起志界的重视,否则将会影响志书的整体质量。  相似文献   

焦烜 《攀登》2010,29(4):119-121
地市级党委机关报是发布党的路线、方针、政策和地方党委政府具体工作布署、督办措施的主渠道。在新时期,地市级党报只有做好新闻策划,彰显本土新闻亮点,充分体现党报性质,凸显新闻策划的针对性,强化编辑策划意识,做好新闻的选题策划,才能实现传播效益的最大化,增强报纸的影响力、吸引力和战斗力,进而增强党报的竞争力。  相似文献   


Recent scholarship on religious toleration has been marked by a keen interest in the relationship between theory and practice. This essay takes up the genesis of William Penn’s theorizing about toleration in his experience of imprisonment, focusing on four particular episodes during his early years as a Quaker (between 1667 and 1671). These years were formative for Penn as a young man as well as for the increasingly sophisticated movement for toleration in Restoration England. The broader political theory that Penn articulated in England and attempted to realize in Pennsylvania contained economic, political, social, legal, and religious components, worked out in drafts of founding documents over the course of many months. But the foundation of that theory – its unshakeable commitment to liberty of conscience, its faith in juries as a potential restraint on the arbitrary exercise of power by civil governors, its unsteady mix of principled and pragmatic underpinnings – was laid in Penn’s early years as a Quaker, intertwined with his experiences of imprisonment in England and Ireland. In a very real sense, then, the road to Pennsylvania, for Penn, began in the Cork prison 15 years before he set foot in America.  相似文献   

对于一个新生政权的国家领导入而言,国家安全无疑是最重要、最敏感的国家利益,但是朝鲜战争爆发以后美国的介入以及战争的不断升级,导致中国领导人的安全感逐步丧失,不安全感不断加深,并最终作出抗美援朝的决策。从中国领导人对国家安全程度的主观感受及思路来看,中国决定出兵朝鲜实属情理之中的决策。  相似文献   

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