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虎卣即著名的青铜虎食人卣。器表是一组龙、凤、虎相斗的纹饰,人是御龙的珥蛇践蛇神,神人面对虎表现的是戏虎、弄虎。虎卣的装饰象征狩猎、治兵、敬奉山川。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the history of Neanderthal construction in different domains of social life and media. It establishes three broad tendencies within Neanderthal reconstructions: following the expulsion of Neanderthals from 'humanity' in the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century, the 1950s are characterized by a shift in this perception. From then, Neanderthals appear as essentially human creatures trapped in archaic bodies. Following this initial ideological oscillation the recent decades represent a parallel existence of both paradigms as well as a widening of conceptualizations. This paper argues that these ideological constructs remain operative, continuing to inform and form our perceptions of what Neanderthals are/are not.  相似文献   

历史必然性是唯物史观理论体系所要论证的核心问题之一。历史必然性思想具有重要的本体论和认识论依据,历史必然性与人的历史主动性有逻辑关联,历史必然性与偶然性之间存在着辩证统一的关系,强调历史必然性思想是人类推动社会进步的强大理论武器,在未来预测中具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

While commentators have noted that the revival of pragmatism in recent decades can be understood in the context of a larger turn towards anti-foundational thought, they have largely ignored the important and complicated role that Ludwig Wittgenstein's ideas about foundationalism played in that revival. By tracing Wittgenstein's influence on the philosophers Stanley Cavell and Thomas Kuhn, the author first suggests that the revival of neo-pragmatism is better understood in the context of mid-century analytic philosophy they inherited, as well as Wittgenstein's unique contribution and challenge to that tradition. Next, by showing how the Wittgensteinian ideas of Cavell and Kuhn played an important role in the decades-long debate between Richard Rorty and Hilary Putnam, arguably the most important catalyst of neo-pragmatist thought, the author shows that Wittgenstein's reframing of Kantian epistemology places the emergence of neo-pragmatism in a larger context of Enlightenment thought in the United States, rather than making it an easy ally of anti-foundational post-structuralism.  相似文献   

This paper will consider the philosophy of language by Ludwig Wittgenstein in relation to the later modernist poetry of W. B. Yeats in Last Poems (1939). Accordingly, Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922) and Philosophical Investigations (1953) are used to understand the limits of language in conveying the facts of existence and the necessity for the inversion of previously held truths to navigate the altering nature of reality through time. W. B. Yeats’s final volume of poetry, Last Poems (1939), is shown to parallel the philosophical ideas of Wittgenstein, thus demonstrating the subversive nature of Yeats’s last written poetry as an interrogation of his own constructed truths of the past. Both philosopher and poet are shown to coalesce in the deconstruction of linguistic representations of the world through the “form of life” that is the game of language in order to question limiting worldviews.  相似文献   


夏立安 《世界历史》2002,2(4):89-97
20世纪70年代以来,西方学术范式发生了革命性转换:从研究政治生活转向日常生活,从精英政治转向草根阶层。这种范式转换不仅为我们重新解读墨西哥革命提供了可能,而且使我们对墨西哥革命建构主义下的“小传统”命运有了更多的关注和新的认知。  相似文献   

弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Bumett)的儿童小说<秘密花园>(The secret Garden,1911)是其最著名、最成功的作品.人物塑造是这部作品的成功基础.除此之外,由于它体现了作者的女性主义思想.这一努力,同样是作品艺术魅力的重要所在.本文试图从人物、小说类型及花园的隐喻意义三个方面,从女性主义角度解读这部小说,探讨的笔触主要在于:第一,对人物的分析集中在两个少年人物——玛丽和迪肯,说明作者对"双性同体"思想的肯定.第二,该小说的类型使其成为形式独特的儿童小说.作者打破了传统中男孩子的书和女孩子的书的界限,将历险小说和家庭小说结合在一起.第三,伯内特给秘密花园赋予了隐喻意义.荒芜了十年的花园在玛丽的手中复活,因此它象征着女性发挥创造力的园地,是其"自己的屋子".  相似文献   

李晓英 《史学月刊》2008,1(5):27-32
"道"在中国思想史上是负载最重的语词.文化变局和时代危机,使先秦道家以"道"重新思考宇宙人生的各种关系.他们的"道"论有三重含义:喻指每一个体;隐含每一个体背后的他者;最高的道德境界.以此他们完成了从天的视域转向人的视域,并始终保持天人之间的联系,使道成为一个统摄所有现象、包揽一切的概念,也开启了诸子百家共同关注的时代课题.  相似文献   

环境解说评估研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔚东英 《旅游科学》2010,24(5):84-94
环境解说评估具有导向、鉴定、改进、管理、调控以及服务功能。国外的环境解说评估注重运用定性与定量分析结合的方式,研究内容包括:游客对解说媒体满意度和偏好、环境解说评估的方法和效果、环境解说的综合评估、环境解说评估标准等。国内相关研究起步比较晚,研究内容多为探讨解说效果和游客满意度,也有少量关于环境解说评估的理论思考以及评估方式探讨。本文认为,需要进一步扩展环境解说评估的对象,丰富环境解说评估的方法,加强前期评估和阶段评估的研究,并建立起环境解说标准。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):139-160

This article analyses sermons preached by Free Presbyterian ministers in the United States following the World Trade Centre tragedy and the attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It explores how these religious fundamentalists made sense of the event theologically. While terrorists carried out the attack, ultimately God was believed to have been responsible. It was considered God's way of punishing the American nation for its sin. Ministers' use of the Old Testament and God's covenantal relationship with ancient Israel is both the theological and historical backdrop to their explanation of September 11. Concentration on the Old Testament and fundamentalists' exegetical approach means that politics and religion are tightly intertwined. Emphasis on the militaristic portions of the Old Testament also helps justify the war in Iraq. Although Free Presbyterian doctrine is based on institutional separatism and believers' withdrawal from "the world" the sermons connect parishioners to their wider society through a shared sense of patriotic loyalty and national loss.  相似文献   


The human rights discourse is prevalent in our contemporary social and political setting. In large part it determines the way we understand justice and therefore plays a crucial role in shaping the way we think and act. But despite its prevalence and widespread acceptance, this discourse is not without its difficulties. One of the more persistent, significant, and well-documented problems associated with human rights is whether they are universal or relative in their application. The following essay attempts to confront this question from a novel and more informative perspective than the ones offered thus far. Analyzing the debate concerning the universality or relativity of human rights from within the intellectual framework of Eric Voegelin's philosophy of history, this essay endeavors to uncover the essence of human rights and thus bring to light their true function lest we burden them with tasks that are beyond their scope.  相似文献   


Industrial archaeologists frequently demand the preservation of monuments. Such preservation can be justified on the grounds that a monument has an educational function, or sometimes that it has potential for excavation. It is the purpose of this article to suggest that a surviving monument continually poses questions about its own past, and about wider historical issues, and to show how the understanding of one particular monument, the Coalport Bridge, has increased over the last twelve years, not just because new documentary sources have come to light, but because it has been possible to use the evidence of the structure itself to test the authenticity of other sources.  相似文献   

孙燕 《东南文化》2012,(2):23-27
遗产诠释是一种旨在揭示文化和自然遗产内涵及价值的行为,其功能包括遗产保护、旅游管理、休闲娱乐、教育、宣传等。对遗产诠释的研究源于美国,自提尔顿以"通过诠释,以致了解;通过了解,以致欣赏;通过欣赏,以致保护"为中心的诠释思想奠定了西方遗产诠释理论研究的基础后,遗产诠释研究随即在英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家发展起来。现在,西方已经形成一系列的诠释理念和经验。介绍和梳理西方有影响的诠释思想,可为中国的遗产诠释研究和实践工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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