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王可  黄晓旭  闵捷 《神州》2013,(21):16-16
死亡是很多小说都涉足的话题,其表现形式也各不相同。本文之所以特别关注余华和川端康成作品中的死亡,是因为死亡的叙述在他们的小说中占有极其惊人的比例。余华和川端康成在他们有关死亡主题的作品中,表现了他们对死亡这一话题的深刻理解。本文将从比较文学中主题学研究的角度对作品中共同创作主题的不同描写、不同的表现方式以及作者的死亡意识等方面,就余华和川端康成死亡创作主题进行横向的比较研究。  相似文献   

马波 《黑龙江史志》2013,(15):124+126
京都是川端康成的心灵故乡,也是其文学创作的摇篮。川端康成以京都为背景创作的中篇小说《古都》,以其成熟的创作手法和高超的叙事技巧,荣获1968年诺贝尔文学奖。在《古都》中,川端康成通过作品中的人物,引领读者去寻访京都的名胜古迹,欣赏京都的四季美景,去体味京都之美,日本之美。小说好似京都的一首抒情诗,又似京都的一幅风景画,诗情画意处处体现了川端康成难以割舍的京都情结。  相似文献   

一    村上春树是当代日本作家中的一位奇才。自登上文坛以来,其作品风靡日本,声名远播。其中代表作品《挪威的森林》的销售量竞达到700余万册,就连诺贝尔文学奖获得者川端康成和大江健三郎的作品也难以媲美。可以说村上春树给沉寂多年的日本文坛带来了生机和震撼,甚至有人认为由此引发了“村上春村现象”。村上作品的爱好者有数万人,其中绝大多数是青年人,并包括了相当多的女性。…………  相似文献   

川端康成《雪国》表层故事的禅佛意识和虚无主义情调具有明显的消极颓废色彩,只有当表层故事之后潜故事投射到表层,大大改变了表层故事的形态,所谓虚无和死亡之美的审美形态才臻于完整。在驹子潜在视角与形式叙述者、岛村的视角对抗中,潜故事逐渐浮现;此时由于驹子潜在视角是价值独立的,故《雪国》叙事结构又有复调的特征。  相似文献   

《伊豆舞女》作为川端康成的成名作,为广大读者所熟知和喜爱。它同川端后来的一些作品比较起来,似乎容易把握。但是,这篇看似充溢纯稚之情的作品也往往容易被简单化,许多重要的东西被忽略。因为对《伊豆舞女》的深入研究与理解川端一生创作的许多重大问题密切相关,我们有必要对这篇作品重新认识。  相似文献   

林艳梅 《神州》2011,(9X):18-18
川端康成的《古都》运用清淡细腻的笔触将读者引入幽境,充满艺术的魅力,显示出日本的自然美、人情美,同时写作手法新颖独特,层次鲜明,在写景、抒情上匠心独运。此外,作品还反映了日本的节日文化特色,突出传统美,令我们大开眼界。  相似文献   

《雪国》是川端康成的代表作之一。这部已成为二十世纪世界名著的中篇小说,字数虽尚不足十万,写作时间却长达十二年之久,跨越了日本战前与战后两个时代。因此,考明这部小说完成的具体过程,及其版本的沿革情况,对于加深理解这部作品,是不无必要的。“《雪国》的地点是越后的汤泽温泉”①,“那里是面对内日本的北国,即现在的新泻县,寒风从西伯利亚越过日本海刮来”②,上述两段话,均出自作家川端康成之口,这便为我们了解作品故事发生的地点,提供了可资凭信的依据。  相似文献   

刘培 《神州》2012,(23):1-2
女性意识是当代女性哥特作品表达的重点,本文通过分析《睡美人》中的女性哥特书写,从女性对自身的关注和审视的角度,阐述作品是如何有力地表达女主人公女性意识的觉醒这一主题的。  相似文献   

呼丹华 《丝绸之路》2013,(16):64-66
日本文学是世界文学不可分割的重要组成部分,是不可多得的瑰宝。通过整体把握可以发现雪意象较高频率地出现在日本近现代文学中。本文以三岛由纪夫的《春雪》、川端康成的《雪国》、渡边淳一的《一片雪》等作品为考察中心,探析雪意象在日本近现代文学中的文化内涵和深层意蕴。  相似文献   

川端康成晚年的代表作《山音》仍然表现出“处女性”崇拜这一主题。信吾精神饥渴和委顿,内心充溢着怅惘、空虚、失落、孤独和死亡的哀怨与恐惧,他希望获得解脱,希望得到精神的救赎。他在寻求一种精神上的归宿,寻找一种救赎的精神力量。信吾潜意识中所期待的能使之获得救赎的力量是通过女性来体现的,他探寻的目标也具体化为女性,尤其是女性美。以信吾为代表的男性形象在这种“处女”的爱中汲取无限的生命力量。川端康成作品中对“处女性”的崇拜也是一种对生命的憧憬。对“处女性”的崇拜源于川端康成的孤儿根性。也是作者对自己孤儿根性的一种解脱和拯救。  相似文献   

《睡美人》为川端康成晚期作品。它的荒诞内容使读者感到困惑。探讨《睡美人》的深层内涵又是把握川康成整个创作不可缺少的。如果我们联系《睡美人》之前的整个川端创作,了解他在其他作品中以不同形式反复演奏的主题,理清其发展脉络,我们会清晰地看到这篇重要作品的坐标。川端从创作伊始就存在的“恋母情结”、“处女崇拜”,在20世纪50年代对“入魔”、“入佛”的阐释,贯穿一生的“生死轮回”思想都在这篇不长的作品中作了川端式的诗意抒发。作品散发现代主义的颓废情调,这是不言而喻的,然而它又体现了川端以东方文化传统对人生哲理的独特思考,全篇充满禅理,为此它又是一篇不容忽视的川端的典型作品。  相似文献   

Yeats's responsibilities as one of Ireland's most prominent artists commenced with his aspiration to make Ireland a nation. His writings incorporate the three phases of development that Frantz Fanon posited for all new nations. Although Fanon described his three phases of decolonisation well after The Celtic Twilight and The Secret Rose were compiled, Fanon's framework elucidates Yeats's writings. Yeats's use of mystical elements embodies Fanon's idea of the colonial binary, the negritude binary, and transnational consciousness. Yeats discovered the answers to decolonisation in mysticism. His insights about folklore when coupled with imagination brought about many mystical revelations that linked Ireland to mysticism of global dimensions. Yeats's insights moved Ireland beyond binaries and solely nationalistic thinking to encourage Ireland to develop a transnational consciousness, transcending postcolonial binaries to achieve nationhood.  相似文献   

Putting Wulfstan's earliest legal texts – the Canons of Edgar and the so‐called Peace of Edward and Guthrum – in dialogue with his homilies on the role of the bishop, this article argues that, from his earliest writings, Wulfstan adapted approaches from Kings Alfred and Edgar as well as from the Benedictine reform to make ambitious claims concerning the role of the bishop in the secular sphere. These claims went beyond the contemporary understanding of the relationship between bishop and king both in England and on the Continent, to frame the bishop as the primary authority in the nation because he is the teacher of teachers.  相似文献   

川端康成和大江健三郎的创作都体现出对“艳情”这一边缘化言说视角的选择。川端康成以“哀”和“艳”的审关情调把写作视为私人宗教,在虚构和幻想中疗救自我的非常态心理。大江健三郎则以凝重怪异的笔触剥露出社会病态的人格,积极地探究与人类自由健康相关的诸多命题。这种差异和两人的成长经历、性格特点以及哲学观念等的不同有关。  相似文献   

Jean Calvin's writings on the resistance to a tyrannical ruler appear as an addendum to his Institutes of the Christian Religion, but despite their limited discussion, his followers based their own writings on his original discussion of resistance. The most celebrated of these Calvinist tracts on resistance was the Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos written as a result of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. This article argues that, whilst the Vindiciae is an important example of Calvinist resistance, an even more significant, but forgotten, Calvinist resistance theory can be found in Johannes Althusius’ Politica Methodice Digesta, Atque Exemplis Sacris Et Profanis Illustrata. Furthermore, the similarities in the social, political and religious position of both Althusius and Calvin, as well as their geographical location in Emden and Geneva respectively, allows Althusius’ work to be seen as the natural culmination of Calvin's original work on the right of resistance.  相似文献   

Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux, made a significant impact on twelfth‐century Europe and the church. As a result of the proliferation of Cistercian monasteries under his guidance, his numerous theological writings, and the miracles he performed, Bernard was canonised soon after his death. Conversely, there was no lack of criticism levied for his involvement in matters that some considered inappropriate. When Pope Eugenius III called the Second Crusade and requested that Bernard preach it, the infirm abbot could have justifiably declined but instead embarked upon the arduous task. However, he did so in the belief that this task, if successful, might propel humankind into the next age of time. After the crusade failed and as he neared death himself, Bernard's writings reflect a change from his previous assertions surrounding eschatology and the role of angels in the lives of the faithful. These alterations in Bernard's theology may also have encompassed a reaffirmation of his commitment to the contemplative life. It took the disaster of the Second Crusade to return him to his core convictions and ignore the arrogant speculations of those who claimed that they knew what Christ said they never would: the day or the hour.  相似文献   

This article explores the link between political and military strategy and tactics in the work of Friedrich Engels. Though widely praised for his understanding of military affairs, Engels’ interlocutors have tended to be dismissive of his political works. By exploring his politics through the lens of his military writings this article challenges the view that Engels was a mechanical materialist and political fatalist thinker. It argues that his military writings cannot be understood apart from his political works, and that, whatever the historical limitations of the specific conclusions to which he came, his method in these writings illuminate his profound grasp of the relationship between strategy and tactics at both the military and political levels.  相似文献   

Experience has recently reemerged as an important analytical category for historians of the Old Regime and the French Revolution. Reacting against the perceived excesses of discourse analysis, which made political language independent of any social determinants, certain post‐revisionists are now seeking to contextualize political language by relating it to the experience of those who use it. Political agency, in these analyses, is understood to be the effect of particular formative experiences. This article suggests that the search for an experiential antidote to discourse is misconceived because it perpetuates an untenable dichotomy between thought and reality. Access to the phenomenon of historical agency should be pursued not through experience or discourse but through the category of consciousness, since the make‐up of the subject’s consciousness determines how he/she engages the world and decides to attempt changing it. After a brief discussion of an important study that exemplifies both the allure and the functionality of the notion of experience, Timothy Tackett’s Becoming a Revolutionary, the article focuses on the evolving political consciousness of a man who became a revolutionary agitator in 1789, J.‐M.‐A. Servan. Analysis of his writings between 1770 and 1789 shows that the way in which his perspective was constructed, rather than the lessons of experience per se, determined the shape of his revolutionary intentions in 1789.  相似文献   

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