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"客邮"是指西方列强在中国非法开设的邮局。"客邮"始自乾嘉之时,鸦片战争后更是纷至沓来,对中国的邮政事业产生了很大的影响。新疆由于特殊的地理和历史环境,"客邮"在新疆的设立、发展和撤销过程与内地有异,本文拟从这几方面加以论述,并分析"客邮"对新疆邮政的影响。  相似文献   

上海城市老年人日常购物活动空间研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
购物活动是老年人日常生活中主要的活动类型之一,对老年人日常购物空间的研究是理解老年人与其周围商业环境相互作用的关键,然而目前国内这方面研究才刚刚起步。本文以上海城市老年人日常活动问卷调查的第一手资料为基础,首先对数据进行汇总得出了上海城市老年人日常购物活动的发生频率、出行距离等总体特征。然后进一步细化,分别总结出各小区老年人的日常购物活动空间模式并进行对比分析,发现市中心老年人的日常购物活动空间比较紧凑,而郊区老年人的日常购物活动空间则相对分散。最后着重从上海市的商业空间及零售业态的变革、商业设施的可达性、老年人购物决策过程三个方面对这种差异性进行了解释。  相似文献   

国外网上零售商业空间及其影响效应研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于可获得的国外文献,文章回顾了1990年代中期以来,国外地理学科关于网上零售引发的商业空间和其他活动空间的响应以及改变的探讨。目前,国外地理学者主要致力于以下几个方面的研究:(1)网上商店的区位问题及其空间扩散过程;(2)网上零售对购物模式的组织和空间的影响;(3)城市交通空间结构对网上零售的响应;(4)网上零售产业渗透对居住空间的影响。相关研究基本涉及了在网上零售产业背景下可能出现的各类地理问题,值得刚开始致力于这一领域的其他国家学者(例如中国)参考和借鉴。此外,文章从研究尺度、研究对象以及研究内容等方面评价了国外已有研究。  相似文献   

饭店服务质量与消费者购后行为关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以饭店业为研究对象,定量分析了服务质量与消费者者购后行为之间的关系.研究发现:(1)交互质量对消费者消极购后行为具有显著的负向影响,实体环境质量对消费者积极购后行为具有显著的正向影响,结果质量对消费者积极购后行为具有显著的正向影响;(2)服务质量三因素对购后行为两因素的影响力度不尽相同,结果质量对积极购后行为的影响力最大,其次为交互质量对消极购后行为的影响,最后为实体环境质量对积极购后行为的影响.  相似文献   

欲购图书的读者,请通过当地邮局汇款(请加寄15%邮挂费)至北京市西城区太平桥大街4号北京中协文史书店邮政编码100810咨询电话(010)66119936请在汇款单附言栏内注明所购书名、册数,并将您的姓名、地址、邮政编码书写清楚。户名:北京中协文史书店开户行:北京银行金融街支行帐号:8  相似文献   

张茂堂 《文史月刊》2007,(11):33-40
今年正月廿三上午,机关的电话铃响起,我看了一下来电显示,是茂盛(我弟弟)来的电话。他在电话中对我说:"昨天晚上梦见了老太爷(张友渔,  相似文献   

导游,还是导购?金秋十月,我随旅游团赴黄龙游览。导游自接团以来,既不"导"又不"游",只讲"购"。以游黄龙当天为例:早晨5点起床,6点至12点进了3个购物店,导游守住收银台耐心等待购物小票。草草吃罢午饭,刚上车便招来了所谓卫生工作站的药贩子在车上兜售含氧水、红景天。2点多到达黄龙脚下,不由分说,径直把我们带到索道站,自费80元买了索道票。等了一个多小时才轮到上山。下午7点回到景区大门,还要我们上行400米上车。天哪,像灌了铅一样的腿寸步难挪,为什么不把车子开到门口呢!时近8点,车启动,告知要走4个小时山路方能到茂县住宿。车外飘起了雪花,越来越大。为什么要深夜冒险舍近求远赶往茂县?因为那  相似文献   

替代抑或补充:网上购物与传统购物出行的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汪明峰  卢姗 《人文地理》2012,27(3):44-49
有关网上购物与传统购物的关系问题是当前电子商务领域的研究热点之一,但研究结论还不尽一致。许多人认为网上购物将替代传统购物方式,但是也有其他的观点表明应是一种促进或者补充的关系,甚至有人觉得这种影响是很小的。本文通过对大学生购书行为的调查,采用统计方法分析了网上购物对传统购物出行的影响作用。结果表明:总体上,网上购物对消费者传统购物出行的影响并不显著,网上购物还只是作为消费者原有购物出行的一种补充方式,并不会对大多数消费者的传统出行频率和出行距离造成明显的影响。一方面,网上信息浏览和网上购物对传统日常购物出行的影响主要表现为消费者日常出行频率和距离的缩减以及多目的出行频率的上升。另一方面,网上行为可能使消费者非日常出行频率增加,单次出行距离增长。总之,网上购物与传统购物出行的关系并不是简单的替代或者补充,而是要复杂地多。  相似文献   

由唐石父先生编写的《中国钱币学辞典》已于 2000年 9月由北京出版社出版。书中共收入与中国钱币有关的人物、书刊、年代、术语、钱币、钱文等项辞条 6000条,币图 4000余幅,是作者集 40余年对中国钱币收集、研究、查证经验的力作,也是钱币收藏者、研究者的必备工具书。随书附送 CD- ROM光盘,便于读者查阅、检索。全书均用胶版纸印刷, 16开本,共 880页,装帧精美,分上、下两册,定价 240 00元。邮购此书者可免邮挂费。欲购此书请与北京出版社联系 (邮编: 100011;地址:北京市北三环中路 6号北京出版社;联系人:李利军;电话:…  相似文献   

《炎黄春秋》杂志尚有少量往期刊物零售,有需要的读者可电话咨询购买。联系人:崔秀岭手机:13611159388电话(传真):010-60342528汇款地址:北京市房山区102488信箱3分箱邮政编码:102488收款人:崔秀岭  相似文献   

Two European geographers and an economist analyze the impact of the 2008-2009 global economic recession on remittances in the Commonwealth of Independent States. Drawing on balance-of-payments data as well as information on money transfers to and from the region, they detail the annual growth of remittances since 2001, illustrating the growing importance of this income stream to a number of countries in the region. Using quarterly data, they then provide details of the impact of the financial crisis on remittances starting with the 2007 credit crunch and intensifying with the collapse of global markets in 2008. Based on the impact of the 1998 Russian Crisis, they suggest that by 2012, remittances to the region could fall to only one-third the 2008 level, and that a return to pre-crisis levels of remittances could take almost a decade. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F220, F240, J610, O180. 4 figures, 6 tables, 47 references.  相似文献   

高速铁路对城市与区域空间影响的研究述评与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来,国内外关于高速铁路对城市与区域空间影响的研究不断深化、研究范式不断丰富,呈现多视角、多层次、理论与实证、定性与定量相结合的研究体系。高速铁路对城市与区域空间的影响主要遵循这样一个研究脉络:交通可达性的变化-空间效应-城市与区域经济的影响-空间组织结构的演变。并在此框架的指引下对国内外已有的高铁研究成果进行了梳理与归纳,简要评析了高铁对城市与区域空间影响的研究内容、研究方法与研究视角,初步划分了国内外高铁对城市与区域空间影响的研究阶段,最后指出了当前研究的不足,提出了未来高铁研究的发展方向,以期为当前时代背景下中国高铁发展提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

The conjunction of two seemingly disparate fields of research such as disability studies and political science creates the potential of yielding results that are either familiar or unexpected. On the one hand, it is probable that the merger of these subjects might contribute insights that could expand the scope of investigations about disability and add one more important element to policy analysis. On the other hand, it is also possible that the reciprocal impact of these areas of research could expose significant anomalies in the dominant paradigms of either or both fields that might have a lasting effect. The first portion of this paper examines the impact of political science on disability studies; the second part assesses the potential effect of disability studies on political science; and the final segment explores the prospects for a new paradigm in political science that would permit an increased analysis of social movements and political identity, theories of social change, the phenomenon of paternalism, and the implications of differences in physical appearance.  相似文献   

Within the Single European Market, rules govern the procurement of public works contracts and concessions. While recent judgments by the European Court of Justice indicate that these rules could have a considerable impact on future land development planning, there has not yet been widespread Europeanization of local land development practice. In Germany, however, the Oberlandesgericht in Düsseldorf (OLGD) has ruled that European public procurement rules must be followed in those cases in which the land sold forms part of an urban development plan. This has had a significant impact on German practice, with the number of official publications of tenders for land sales by German local authorities increasing from 3 in 2006 to 100 in 2008. This paper analyses the arguments that have been put forward by the OLGD and their impact on practice. We also reflect on how Europeanization as the application of European legislation in urban planning contexts not only constitutes a form of supranational intervention in local practices, but also depends on local agencies drawing on European-level powers in order to have an effect.  相似文献   

王雯 《收藏家》2012,(2):77-78
1978年,在距今2400多年前的曾侯乙墓(现位于湖北随州市,墓主是战国时期曾国的君主乙,故此墓称作曾侯乙墓。)中,出土了大量富有楚文化意蕴的装饰艺术品、生活用品、礼器。尤其是一批珍贵的青铜器引人注目,其中曾侯乙尊盘造型美观,极尽奢华,是罕见的极品。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the impact of the activities of so-called Barbary states on the political discourse on a separate Norwegian civil ensign in the union of Norway and Sweden, 1814–1821. In this parliamentary discourse, the argument was made that the Barbary states’ practice of selling treaties of safe passage in order for Christian states to avoid their ships being captured and crews enslaved could endanger the internal political stability of the union. Political measures were taken to avoid such a situation occurring. This case is an indication of how established modes of coexistence between Europe and North Africa could become problematic with the advent of modern constitutions.  相似文献   

In 1891, Sigmund Freud published a book on aphasia. Although Freud's contribution to aphasiology could have been important in retrospect, it was hardly acknowledged for three quarters of a century. It may have had an impact on psychoanalytic theory, but this was not acknowledged by Freud. If there are neurological roots in psychoanalysis, they are buried by paradigmatic shifts in Freud's theory.  相似文献   

目前学界对于美国汉学史的研究,多侧重于美国汉学概况、研究范式转变和著名中国学家及其著述的研究,而缺少从华裔汉学者对美国汉学之影响这一角度研究的论著。论文就赴美华裔汉学者对美国汉学的影响这一论题作了总体性探析。结果表明,20世纪40年代,一批从事中国文史研究的华裔学者赴美潜心于中国文史研究。他们在美所从事的文史研究是美国汉学发展的重要组成部分,对美国汉学产生了重要影响。他们对美国汉学的基础性贡献和推进作用具体表现在:协力培育美国汉学的基础、矫正美国汉学发展中的流弊、开拓美国汉学研究的新领域。  相似文献   


Captured outside Latakia in 1203, the Fourth Crusader Renard II de Dampierre was imprisoned in Aleppo for 30 years. The families of captured crusaders lost contact with their imprisoned sons, husbands and fathers for years, even decades, at a time. Such prolonged absences presented significant challenges, and life was delayed for both the imprisoned and their families. The landholdings of captured crusaders could not be alienated or mortgaged, marriages could not be made, nor could inheritances be divided without their permission. This state of affairs became less feasible the longer imprisonment continued. Eventually titles were apportioned between the rightful heirs, wives remarried and families moved on. Although Renard’s case is often cited as an extreme example, it also furnishes extensive evidence of the impact of captivity on a crusading family, the trials they endured in the prolonged absence of their patriarch and the strategies they used to overcome them.  相似文献   

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