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周密 《神州》2008,(2):92-97
"春天到了,百花竞放,西花厅的海棠花又盛开了,看花的主人已经走了,走了十二年了,离开了我们,他不再回来了。你不是喜欢海棠花吗?解放初期,你偶然看到这个海棠花盛开的院落,就爱上了海棠花,也就爱上了这个院落,选定这个院落,到这个盛开着海棠花的院落来居住。你住了二十六年了,我比你住得还长,现在已经是三十八年了。"  相似文献   

有件事我纳闷许久,最近终于有人把它写成了歌——“时间都去哪儿了,还没好好感受年轻就老了。”可不是么,时间都去哪儿了?还没清醒就睡过头了,才吃饱就犯困了,好容易清醒天又黑了,吃完晚餐想加班发现已到凌晨该睡了……  相似文献   

林美  路威平 《神州》2013,(2):103-103
[题记]:在高校学生管理工作的过程中,我发现,作为教育对象的大学生物质富裕的多了,精神富裕的少了;玩世不恭的多了,彬彬有礼的少了;混沌人世的多了,引领社会的少了;而作为教育工作者的教师们忙科研的多了,忙学生的少了;忙论文的多了,忙备课的少了;受学生指责的多了,受学生尊敬的少了……  相似文献   

人生被一串的希望支配着,希望成全了人生。因为一个人有希望,生命就有了交代,活着才觉得有意义,才感到有趣味;希望如一颗太阳,有了它就有了光,有了光就有了热,有了热才能发出活泼的生机;希望又如一泓溪水,流到了河,流到了江,  相似文献   

在经历了恐惧之后,许多人承认"被改变了",芸芸众生也学会了生命的形而上学,"变成了哲学家"  相似文献   

清代新疆屯田引发了一系列连动效应,内地人口大量迁入,导致新疆人口急剧增长,改变了当地的民族布局,奠定了新疆当今民族分布的格局;手工业和采矿业的发展,奠定了近代新疆工业的基础;农牧业、手工业的发展,又促进了商业贸易的繁荣与发展;商业贸易的发展,又促进了城镇的兴起,进一步改变了城镇的布局,促进了经济的发展。由于经济的发展,增强了新疆的经济实力,为巩固祖国西北边陲奠定了坚实的经济基础。  相似文献   

1949年10月1日,毛泽东主席在天安门城楼上庄严宣布:中华人民共和国中央人民政府今天成立了。中国人民站起来了。新中国成立,全国欢腾。中国人民解放军很快结束了解放战争.解放了全中国大陆。结束了新民主主义革命,开始了社会主义革命和社会主义建设的新时期。  相似文献   

正今天,我又想起了2002年6月27日,12年前我在北大上最后一课的情景。当时我上课的教室放着邵燕君送的花篮,上面写着"鲁迅北大"。上完课以后北大的网上立刻传出了600来个帖子,中心意思是:钱老师"一路走好"。我最认同其中一个帖子,它说钱老师该说的已经说了,愿意听的也听了,不愿意听的也就不听了,也不在乎了,也该退休了。今天的会也使我想起了这段话,就是我该写的写了,愿意看的也看了,不愿意看的也不看了,就应该告别了。当然是告别学术界,而不是告别学术。  相似文献   

正夏天到了,我坐车回到了老家宝应,一进宝应农村我就感受到了深深的夏意。这时我不禁想到了谢灵运的"首夏犹清和,芳草亦未歇"。我先走到了菜地,满地金黄的油菜花吸引了我。这时有一只黄白相间的蜻蜓飞了过来,我静静地观看着。突然一阵风吹了过来,惊飞了蜻蜓,油菜花瓣也随风飘舞,顿时感觉清香扑鼻。我告别了油菜地,又来到了荷塘。瞧,那些荷花多美丽啊!荷塘里的荷花有的才展开两三片花瓣;有的花瓣全展开了,露出黄色的小莲蓬;有的还是  相似文献   

正"春姑娘来了,春姑娘来了。"随着日历无声地呼唤,春天的脚步近了、近了。她不仅走进了那美妙的大自然,而且走进了我心间,让我的心灵既感到万分温暖,又充满了希望。记得那是上个星期的事了。因为我的作文成绩在班里名列前茅,所以,老师给了我一次上升旗台的机会,我十分高兴。那个星期五晚上,我情不自禁  相似文献   

次区域合作研究方向的变迁及其重新审视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
次区域合作诞生于20世纪80年代末、90年代初,在短短20年的发展中,次区域合作研究经历了三次研究方向的转变:第一次是次区域经济合作研究;第二次是次区域经济合作的非经济效应研究;第三次是次区域合作的非经济影响因素及非经济领域合作研究。三次研究方向的转变都有其深刻的背景,体现了次区域合作研究的现实意义和价值。本文对次区域合作的一些基本问题,如次区域合作的定义、特征、分类及其相互影响、理论解释和次区域合作的均衡等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王辉  刘敬华  杨兆萍 《人文地理》2014,29(2):156-160
近年我国国际旅游合作蓬勃发展,但呈现"东重西轻"和"南重北轻"不均衡特征。基于空间区位选择视角,分析了新疆跨国旅游合作空间扩张机理,构建了5种国际旅游合作结构模式;在时空演进上,新疆以边境区合作占主导,主要分为4种旅游合作类型。其合作基本动力包括地缘驱动力、经济区动力和组织调控力等,复合构成了该区域动态性旅游合作动力系统。随着该区域旅游合作要素不断整合、创新,合作结构模式将不断更新、升级。  相似文献   

During the Cold War, Nordic cooperation blossomed and the region's identity was strong, yet defence was left outside the Nordic framework. After the end of the Cold War, Nordic cooperation waned and it was largely replaced by cooperation within the framework of the European Union. During the past couple of years, however, Nordic defence cooperation has been boosted by a number of initiatives and common projects. This article analyses this recent rise of Nordic defence cooperation. In terms of theory, it revolves around the question of how material and identity factors explain security cooperation in today's Europe. During the Cold War, identity was an easy explanation for societal cooperation between the Nordic countries, but geostrategic factors and national interests based on them determined (the lack of) defence cooperation. Even today, Nordic defence cooperation is justified more by cost‐efficiency and geographical proximity than by common identity. This article argues that Nordic identity nevertheless plays an important role in motivating defence cooperation. It is not driven by pure cost‐efficiency or strategic calculation. The role of identity needs to be understood, however, not as a kind of independent force but as part of the political process. Nordic identity explains the rise of the region's defence cooperation in two ways: it facilitates informal cooperation between defence officials at various levels; and it is easy to sell international defence cooperation politically to domestic audiences if it is done in the Nordic context. Yet Nordic cooperation is not seen as contradicting European or NATO cooperation.  相似文献   

This paper examines cooperation patterns of firms in the German low-technology region of Lower Bavaria. Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay among the spatial scale of cooperation, the form of cooperation and the type of innovation. Generic results show that overall, firms with a spatially more diverse set of cooperation linkages have a higher likelihood of innovating. However, the innovation outcomes differ depending on the spatial scale of cooperation. While cooperation with regional partners positively correlates with low-threshold innovations, cooperation with spatially distant partners positively correlates with product innovations. Surprisingly, it is application-oriented cooperation that channels the relation in both cases. The findings support the view that innovation of firms in low-technology regions is driven by ‘development’ rather than ‘research’. It also suggests that innovation-driven growth may even be possible in regions with limited values on the traditional innovation-supporting factors.  相似文献   

联合跨界合作演进特征及驱动机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱惠斌 《人文地理》2014,29(2):90-95
区域经济一体化发展背景下,为改善地区间贸易开放程度,提升整体竞争力和促进跨行政边界生产要素流动,欧洲、北美和东亚地区已形成多个联合跨界合作区域。传统区位理论认为边界地区不利于形成产业集聚,但联合跨界合作区域受行政边界渗透和隔绝效应的共同影响,面临"市场潜力"和"市场竞争"间博弈,因地制宜形成独特发展模式。从联合跨界合作的动因出发,对影响要素进行研究,总结了典型模式及其驱动机制。研究表明联合跨界合作需因地制宜,全面分析地区投入产出关系,根据实际情况选择适宜的空间管治模式。  相似文献   

尽管中日两国关系内部的经贸合作关系与政治协作关系,在发展上长期处于不平衡、不协调的亚健康状态,但是中国从双边经贸合作的大局出发,一直在积极促进两国经贸关系与政治关系协调发展。这不仅是中国经济发展的内在需要,而且也是区域性外在作用的促进结果。值得一提的是,中日两国在亚太经济合作组织、东亚“10 3”合作机制、中日韩三国合作框架、中日俄三国利益关系的推进上,都有着广泛的合作基础与广阔的合作前景,从而在外部形成了中日两国经贸合作实现战略升级目标的区域促进环境,有利于双方在2008 ̄2010年间达到2 000亿美圆的经贸合作额度。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the possible conflict between regional cooperation and jurisdiction and the cases in which cooperation is compatible with competition. This analysis is carried out beginning with the concrete case of regional cooperation that has been called the ‘Four Motors for Europe’ established in the field of cooperation in science and technology. The basis for the analysis of cooperation between jurisdictions in science and technology is the same as that for cooperation in the same field between companies. It allows the establishment of when this cooperation can degenerate into collusion or else when the result is a socially efficient organization. The risk of regional cooperation in science and technology is that it degenerates into collusion between the regions that occupy a more favourable technological position at the cost of those that are in a worse situation. The solution in order to avoid this risk would be to guarantee political competition in the same way that through regulations competition in the market is guaranteed.  相似文献   

二十世纪后期以来的经济全球化、区域集团化的发展趋势表明,世界经济已经开始向地缘经济时代迈进。本文从双边合作和多边合作的角度分析了以色列与周缘国家开展地缘经济合作的现状,并在此基础上提出了以色列发展地缘经济合作的政治、经济和社会目标,最后探讨了其地缘经济合作战略的三层次模式:项目合作、次区域合作和核心扩散合作。  相似文献   

李博英  尹海涛 《人文地理》2022,37(2):167-172
克罗地亚是马可·波罗的故乡,作为中东欧地区的重要国家、古丝绸之路的重要一站,对推动“一带一路”倡议的有效实施具有重要作用。本文基于2013—2020年中国与克罗地亚贸易投资合作数据,对“一带一路”背景下两国的贸易投资合作进展及其贸易投资中的互补性和竞争性进行分析。结论发现:中国在中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资合作中处于相对核心位置;中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资合作更具互补性,竞争性较弱,存在较大合作潜力。目前,中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资稳步发展,今后可进一步扩大中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资合作领域和范围,加强两国在优势产业、基础设施、旅游和服务外包项目等方面的合作。  相似文献   

Interorganizational cooperation is often considered valuable in the public sector. However, in this article it is suggested that the impact of cooperation on public policy implementation is dependent on the type of policy being carried out. It is argued that complex policies are more effectively put into practice if agencies cooperate a lot, whereas less difficult tasks are handled just as well without interorganizational cooperation. Thus, two policies within the Swedish active labor market policy are examined. The empirical test focuses on the cooperation between Public Employment Service offices and municipal labor market administrations. In agreement with the hypothesis, the findings suggest that policy matters. The implementation of one of the policies—the complex policy—is enhanced if cooperation between agencies increase. On the other hand, cooperation does not improve implementation of the less complex task. The study is based on quantitative data.  相似文献   

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