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姜守明 《世界历史》2004,3(2):78-87
民族国家形成之际 ,也正是英国人大力推进海外贸易和殖民扩张之时。新君主制的巩固、英帝国的萌芽和海外殖民贸易扩张是民族国家形成时期几个重要的互动因素。新君主制和民族国家日益成为新兴市民阶级追求其经济利益的政治保障 ,市民阶级则构成新君主制和民族国家赖以存在与发展的阶级基础。除了资本原始积累的需要外 ,传播上帝的福音 ,对金银财富的追逐 ,以及民族意识的觉醒和新君主制的建立 ,也构成英国海外殖民扩张的动因。本文拟选取“民族国家形成时期”这个全新视角 ,考察现代“民族国家”和“帝国”之间的关系 ,探讨英帝国形成的内在机制 ,揭示英国海外殖民贸易扩张的根本特点。  相似文献   

姜守明 《史学月刊》2002,2(6):96-104
在从中世纪封建社会向近代资本主义过渡的历史转折时期,即民族国家形成时期,英国殖民思想经历了一个从盲目到自觉、从感性到理性的发展过程。殖民思想与民族国家思想合流,是英国民族意识觉醒的反映,对英国海外殖民扩张活动产生了积极影响,它们共同推动着海上活动的蓬勃发展。托马斯·莫尔从人文主义道德观出发,提出建立海外殖民地的最初设想。理查德·哈克卢伊特是英国早期最重要的发现史学家,他为英国的北美殖民活动进行辩护。在海外殖民扩张问题上,弗朗西斯·培根竭力赞成英国拓展海外殖民地,建立新英格兰帝国。  相似文献   

主教再次传入中国,经过利玛窦等人的努力,天主教争取一席之地。到清朝入关,顺治帝时期天主教发展比较顺利,由于对汤若望的重用和礼遇,顺治帝对天主教也采取保护政策。顺治帝去世,统治集团更迭,对传教士态度发生转变,汤若望案发生,使天主教进入困难期。康熙亲政后,对汤若望案进行平反,康熙帝本人对西方自然科学有浓厚兴趣,随着圣祖容教令的颁发,天主教在中国迅速发展,但礼仪之争的发生,是天主教在清朝由盛转衰的转折点,随着中西文化不断冲突和西方武装力量的不断强大,雍正朝全面禁教已是一种必然趋势。  相似文献   

海外华侨的双重国籍问题是历史遗留下来的问题,有着大量华侨的东南亚国家因对新中国不了解,曾发生了反华排华运动。周恩来总理为维护侨居在世界各地的千百万华侨的政治地位和经济利益殚精竭虑,主持制定了一系列与华侨利益休戚相关的侨务政策,最终解决了海外华侨的双重国籍问题。  相似文献   

论文分析梳理了南京国民政府成立初期南洋华侨总登记的实施过程和举措、二战期间华侨登记工作的困境与变通措施、二战后领事馆与侨团合作下的临时登记工作,并阐述了华侨人口登记之意义。南京国民政府对海外华侨进行人口调查总登记,其目的是通过了解收集侨民信息概况,确认海外侨民身份以资保护或控制,增强华侨对中华民族的认同感。但因复杂的国内外因素和南洋殖民现状,人口登记进展缓慢且时间跨度较长。为此,国民政府结合当地实际情况不断调整华侨登记措施,以实现该项调查目标效果的最大化。海外华侨登记工作因受到多方掣肘,登记效果并不理想。  相似文献   

一天主教是在欧洲中世纪末从基督教中分离出来的一大教派 ,与正教、新教并称为基督教三大教派。它基本上保持了基督教在中世纪长期形成的各种传统的封建因素 ,有着一整套等级森严的的教阶制度。早在十三世纪我国元朝时期 ,天主教方济各会修士、意大利人约输·孟高维诺受教皇尼古拉四世之命任教廷使者来到中国 ,并在北京开设天主教堂 ,延续了约六十年 ,并未产生任何深远的影响 ,只随着元朝的覆灭而消失了。到了十六世纪 ,在西方殖民主义者开始向海外进行殖民扩张活动的推动下 ,意大利籍天主教传教士利玛窦于 15 82年来到了中国南方 ,这是近代…  相似文献   

刘安荣 《沧桑》2011,(2):17-20
明末天主教传入山西时,山西地方官支持、帮助传教士在境内传教;清初山西地方官对天主教的政策与朝廷保持一致,但在禁教时期没有积极禁教,教禁解除后仍视之为邪教,抑制它的发展;1901年后,不得不实行护教政策;民国时期阎锡山支持教会在境内发展。  相似文献   

战后50年各国政府对华侨华人实施的移民入境、国籍归化、经济、教、社会等政策,各有特色;东南亚国家比较严厉,美、加、澳、新等移民国家相对宽松,其他国家则宽严不一。不少国家根据国内外形势需要,对华侨华人政策做出了程度不同的调整,有关政策虽然仍因政治、经济和社会等因素的影响而不时出现反复,但总的发展趋势是日趋宽松,海外华侨华人的生存环境逐渐得到改善。  相似文献   

选择东南亚华侨秘密会党为研究对象,对海峡殖民地政府对华侨秘密会党的政策演变情况进行了分析。第一时期是放纵与利用;第二时期是利用与控制;第三时期是控制与镇压。殖民政府对待华侨秘密会党的政策演变以维护英国的利益为基础。  相似文献   

恺撒任独裁官后在海外广泛建立殖民城安置老兵,西班牙南部的乌尔索即为其中之一。《尤利乌斯-母神殖民城法令》由恺撒生前起草、后经安东尼提交罗马元老院通过,是建立该殖民城时颁布的管理条令。该法令涉及城市运行的各个方面,包括政治体制、经济行为、宗教习俗等,是研究罗马海外殖民城和恺撒施政思想的重要史料。本文选取的是与罗马城建制相关的条款,旨在探究罗马与罗马殖民城在管理上的因袭。  相似文献   

While ecclesiastic and state authorities in Europe largely abolished medieval cults of saints because of their “heterodoxy,” late-imperial and modern Chinese Catholic communities in Shanxi still promulgate local cults dedicated to women and men who are believed to have performed posthumous miracles or who represent heroic virtue. Although constrained beneath the scrutiny of imperial, ecclesial, and modern political ideas of “orthodoxy” and “heterodoxy,” two Shanxi Catholic villages, Dongergou and Liangquandao (Liuhecun), have managed to preserve and promote Sister Maria Assunta Pallotta and Father Wang Shiwei as contemporary versions of traditional local cults. One of the manifest characteristics of these two Chinese Catholic local cults is how they have been transformed by traditional Daoist cults and have successfully survived in a liminal space between “orthodox” and “heterodox.” Relying on archival materials from the former Taiyuan Catholic Diocese Archive, records held in Roman archives, and oral testimonies, intricate patterns of accommodation and resistance to political and church authorities can be discerned as means for these remote Catholic villages to construct identity and cultivate social cohesion.  相似文献   

During early Qing Dynasty, with the gradual spread of Catholicism among local society, the role of the Catholic Church in treating peoples’ disease became increasingly important. To fulfill the goal of converting Chinese, missionaries not only tried to make a favorable impression by distributing medicine, but also competed with Buddhism, Taoism and other folk religions by constructing a series of romantic images concerning illness in society in order to more successfully disseminate Catholic ideology. The “exorcising” ability of Holy-water, the Cross, the Rosary and other items used in Catholic worship, and the sacramental rituals were exaggerated by missionaries and Chinese Catholics when preaching the Catholic faith in grassroots communities. The dialogue between Catholicism and Buddhism, Taoism, and folk beliefs found in Catholic medical stories from early Qing Dynasty is an important part of Catholic medical culture.  相似文献   

介绍了杨凤岗博士关于美国华人改信基督教动因研究、“叠合身份”理论与美国华人教会中的多重身份构建研究、教会中的第二代美国华人文化认同等问题研究的学术成果与观点;论述了其理论成就与贡献;也对其研究中存在的诸如“叠合身份”理论的时效性、教会潜在的社会和经济功能、美国华人宗教研究中的阶级因素等问题进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

近三十年中国人移民菲律宾原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过田野调查的方法,对近30年来以各种方式移民到菲律宾的中国新移民概况进行了梳理分类并探析了其移民原因。认为中国公民之所以移民到经济并不发达的菲律宾,除了历史、移民文化以及移民网络等因素外,还在于菲律宾的比较优势以及中国移民的族群经济,为中国新移民的海外生存提供了机遇,并且极大地降低了移民的风险和成本。国际移民的趋势并不一定遵循着从低收入国家向高收入国家流动的固定路线,低收入国家所蕴含的机遇也是吸引国际移民的重要因素。  相似文献   


The energy and mineral resource base of Southeast Asia is relatively modest by international standards. Nevertheless, Chinese energy and mining companies have been investing heavily in the region over recent years, in comparison with multinational companies and state-backed companies from other Asian countries. This paper applies a framework derived from the field of business studies to analyze why the scale of China’s engagement in Southeast Asia has become so great and how the motivations vary between the different energy and resource industries. The motivations for these activities reflect a mix of corporate and state objectives. Corporate objectives include securing energy or resource supply chains, increasing or diversifying their asset base, and enhancing their profits or market share. The motivations of the government range from straightforward support of the companies for the purpose of industrial strategy and security of resource supply, to development assistance and regional strategic positioning. The different motivations of the oil and gas, hydropower, and mining industries arise from the particular character of each market, both within China and globally. Southeast Asia has the twin advantages of geographic and apparent cultural proximity to China. Nevertheless, inexperience and a desire to catch up with their international peers have resulted in companies applying low social and environmental standards in some high profile projects. The subsequent disputes, together with the current low level of resource prices, may constrain the further growth of Chinese investment in the near future.  相似文献   

In spite of the papal permission to translate the Bible into Chinese that the Jesuit China mission received in 1615, there was no complete Catholic translation of the whole Bible in China until the 20th century (1954). The task of translation was considered too difficult and tedious and, in addition, somewhat dangerous and superfluous. A prerequisite for the translation of the Bible was the arduous linguistic work of various missionaries, who faced difficult work indeed with dictionaries, questions of grammar, and the challenges of establishing a Christian terminology. It was only by the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century that Catholic missionaries in China again focused on the idea to combine the Bible with catechism. The translations from and works on the Bible published by the Divine Word Missionaries in Shandong (1882–1950) were without any doubt a partial, but important contribution to the complete Chinese translation of the Bible. This project can be understood as a distinctive achievement in the Bible apostolate at the local level. This article focuses on a wide variety of aspects and levels of this apostolate. Readers find here that the translation of the Bible accomplished much in the dissemination of Biblical knowledge, certainly not only in South Shandong.  相似文献   

Land management has made a strong impact on the landscapes, especially in arid environments. Based on historical data, this paper evaluates the role of Catholic churches in the shaping of the Sanshenggong area in western China in the 1870s. Sanshenggong, an arid/semi‐arid region located in western Inner Mongolia, was an important Catholic region in the west Ordos Plateau after the 1870s. After the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae) (CICM) obtained land from the Maharajah of Alashan Banner, the Belgian priests converted local Chinese (Hans) to Catholicism by lending land, houses and farm implements. By 1949 most people living there had been converted. As a result of intensive land management by the Catholic mission, the arid/semiarid landscape, formerly used as grazing lands, was changed to more intensive agricultural use. This case study exemplifies the practices and the important role an authoritarian religious organisation played in shaping oasis landscapes in arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   

自19世纪至20世纪中期,华裔新西兰人被视为不被法律承认的异乡人;而从1987年开始,华裔新西兰人被视为主要的中产阶级移民群体而受到欢迎,并被寄予建立国际联系和裨益经济的厚望。在这两个群体之间,存在着如社会经济实力、籍贯、教育程度、移民动机等方面的巨大差异,最主要的是,他们与新西兰非华裔主流群体的融合程度不同。然而,不论是早期卑微的定居者还是近年来的高素质“空中飞人”,华裔新西兰人的定位没有改变,只要他们是华人的后代,而且“看起来是华人”,他们就永远不可能被当作“真正的新西兰人”。“华人性”总是被刻画成和“新西兰价值”格格不入。  相似文献   

Masculine reactions to the ‘feminisation of Christianity’ among Protestants have been widely explored; the Catholic case is less well known. This article focuses on Catholic Action, an organisation regarded as specifically appealing to men. Through an analysis of the discourses of Catholic Action in Belgium, it examines how important masculine involvement was for Belgian Catholicism and how Catholic Action ‘christened’ masculinity. The article also analyses Catholic femininity. It examines the ways that the ideal Catholic man and woman and their corresponding gendered behaviour and role models were defined in relation to each other and the various forms that these ideals assumed.  相似文献   

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