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Der weltweite Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt hält unvermindert an. Es ist nicht damit zu rechnen, daß das im Jahr 2000 auf dem Millenniumsgipfel der UN verkündete Millenniumsentwicklungsziel Sicherung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit mit der Maßgabe, den Verlust von natürlichen Ressourcen umzukehren, innerhalb der nächsten Jahre erreicht wird. Auch der Umsetzungsplan des Johannesburg-Gipfels 2002, in dem es heißt, daß der Artenverlust bis zum Jahr 2010 signifikant vermindert werden soll, dürfte kaum erfüllbar sein. Daraus ergeben sich Fragen nach den Ursachen des Biodiversitätsverlusts, nach dem internationalen Verständnis von Naturschutz, aber auch nach der Wirksamkeit des Rio-Johannesburg-Prozesses (Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Umwelt und Entwicklung, Rio de Janeiro 1992; Weltgipfel über nachhaltige Entwicklung, Johannesburg 2002) mit seinen zahlreichen weiteren nationalen, überregionalen und internationalen Veranstaltungen und Initiativen sowie schließlich auch nach der Rolle der deutschen Entwicklungs- und Umweltpolitik.  相似文献   

Urban green space is a key subject of actual urban negotiation processes on how the city shall develop. Visions of the ideal city are reflected in the meanings currently ascribed to urban gardening. Thereby the relation between human and nature as well as between build and natural environment in the city plays a central role. Results from different Swiss cities show that allotment gardens as well as newer forms of urban gardening are oscillating between a compensatory and a complementary understanding of nature, and they equally combine the desire for pristine nature with the demand for functional green space in the city.  相似文献   


The productivity of modern agriculture is a result of a remarkable fusion of technology and science. The emerging skepticism about the role of science in society has led to a questioning of the benefits from technical change in agriculture and there is a rising demand for more effective social control over the development and use of agricultural technology. Agricultural science cannot evade responsibility for the costs as well as the benefits of technical change. But it is in society's interest to let the burden of responsibility rest lightly and to insist that agricultural science maintain its commitment to expanding the productive capacity of the resources used in agricultural production. But society should also insist that agricultural science embrace an agenda that includes a concern for the effects of agricultural technology on the health and safety of agricultural producers; a concern for the nutrition and health of consumers; a concern for the impact of agricultural practices on the aesthetic qualities of both natural and man-made environments; a concern for the quality of life in rural communities; and a concern for the implications of technical choices for the options that will be available in the future. The agricultural science community should, in turn, expect that society will acquire a more sophisticated perception of the contribution of agricultural technology to the balance between man and the natural world. It is also time for the general science community to begin to follow the lead of agricultural science in embracing the fusion of science and technology rather than continuing to hide behind the indefensible intellectual and class barriers that have been retained to protect its privilege and ego from contamination by engineering, agronomy and medicine.  相似文献   

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