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本文以1929年、1947年两时间断面南京城市人口数据为基础,利用城市生态因子分析手段,采用聚类分析方法,分别将1929年、1947年南京城市社会区划分为三个和四个类型区。研究发现不同时段南京城市社会空间结构的主因子、类型以及空间分布等方面均存在较大差异,这是近代中国社会的激烈变革在城市空间上的反映;南京城市社会空间变化过程显示出极大的“矛盾性”,一方面中国传统城市“士农工商”各社会阶层混居和单一的城市功能模式被打破,工业区与居住区分离;但城市居住、商业活动仍保持十分密切的联系;《首都计划》是近代南京城市社会空间结构变迁的主要“驱动力”。  相似文献   

我国城市社会空间结构特征及其演变趋势   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
艾大宾  王力 《人文地理》2001,16(2):7-11
城市社会空间结构是城市社会分化在地域空间上的表现.本文在介绍西方城市社会空间一般规律的基础上,分析研究了我国城市社会空间独有的结构特征及其形成机制,并结合我国城市社会经济状况的变化,对我国城市社会空间结构的演变趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Summary. The development of the Romano-British villa at Marshfield is reinterpreted as several phases in the growth of a kin group, analogous to David Clarke's reinterpretation of the Glastonbury village. It begins with two native farmsteads separated by a wall but having in common a shrine. They are replaced by a bipartite house, the internal division between the households being above the demolished wall, but, symbolically, at an angle to it; a likely parallel for this exists in Picardy. The architectural relations of the rooms are used to interpret function. In a second phase alterations suggest the changing relations of the two households, with one becoming markedly superior to the other; the putative shrine, not discernible in the first Romanised phase, is located in the superior house.  相似文献   

章征涛  刘勇 《人文地理》2015,30(2):43-49
以重庆市主城区社会空间结构作为研究对象,以五普人口普查数据为基础,利用因子生态分析手段,采用聚类分析方法,对重庆主城区社会区加以分析。结果表明影响2000年重庆主城区社会区形成的主因子有蓝领人口因子、白领人口因子、居住条件因子、外来人口因子4个;将2000年重庆主城区社会区划分为六个主要类型,其空间分布呈现出明显的"马赛克和圈层"结构,内圈表现为马赛克分布,被外圈农业人口分布区所包围。从主城区层面上看,社会区分布表现出一定非规律性;在组团内反映了一种内在的规律性。  相似文献   

改革开放以来上海社会空间结构演化的特征与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于第三次和第五次全国人口普查数据,采用因子生态分析方法,对1982年和2000年的上海社会空间结构以及改革开放以来上海社会空间结构演化的特征与趋势进行了研究。结果显示,1982年上海社会空间结构模式相对简单,市区和郊区各自具有较强的同质性;2000年社会空间结构则趋于复杂,异质性特征明显增强,各类社会区间的圈层分布成为主导模式,并呈现指状空间扩散特征。在此基础上,论文从能动者和结构两个层面揭示了上海社会空间结构演化的内在机制。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the social exclusion agenda in contemporary French cultural policy, exploring the relevance of aspects of postcolonial theory to an understanding of that agenda. The tensions involved in recent attempts to evolve policies addressing interculturalism, integration and “emergent” cultures (such as hip‐hop) while also staying true to the French republican tradition of universalism are illuminated by France’s problematic relationship with its colonial past. They are also shown to be related to a wider movement of post‐industrial, postmodern experimentation with aesthetic forms, from video and computer art to street arts, free parties and electronic dance music.  相似文献   

常芳  王兴中 《人文地理》2014,29(1):55-60
从现代人本主义思维出发,以城市社会地理学原理,即从社会空间结构与社区规划角度,探讨城市居民的生活空间的质量构成,体现在城市要满足各阶层居民(社会)生活的空间结构上。而城市(社会)生活的空间结构的健全与否取决于生活空间行为的社区体系与场所体系的空间构成上。主要体现在居民以居住为主的生活行为对立的居舍类型的可获性上。由此,不同阶层居舍类型体系是城市(社会)生活空间质量的区域基础,其空间分布类型的可获性决定对应阶层人群能否获得以居舍为主的生活空间。本文首次从居民选择居住地行为规律以及形成的城市居舍类型空间结构演化的理念下论及城市社会区域空间体系公正配置与空间控制原理。  相似文献   

The paper presents a critical discussion of the current debate over the social impacts of the arts in the UK. It argues that the accepted understanding of the terms of the debate is rooted in a number of assumptions and beliefs that are rarely questioned. The paper goes on to present the interim findings of a three‐year research project, which aims to rethink the social impact of the arts, with a view to determining how these impacts might be better understood. The desirability of a historical approach is articulated, and a classification of the claims made within the Western intellectual tradition for what the arts “do” to people is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

中国城市社区的异质性社会结构与街坊/邻里关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市社区的邻里交往自从住房市场化以来一直处于较低水平,本文从个体、家庭和社区三方面分析促进街坊/邻里关系水平的因素。研究发现,高度异质性社区中的街邻关系水平低于低度异质性社区,具有普遍性的异质性负效应,在社区层次对街坊/邻里关系水平发挥选择性削弱作用。不同异质性社会结构的城市社区中,家庭纽带提供的情感和切实的支持对家庭成员的街邻融合有积极的作用。居民社团活动参与率在不同异质性类型社区中能有效提高街邻关系水平,表现出并存的正效应。社区组织举办的活动频率能促进街邻关系水平的前提是居民能成为参与者。街邻关系水平较低的群体,动员性的活动参与可以提高其街邻关系水平。  相似文献   

高新技术产业开发区与城市社会空间结构演变   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王战和  许玲 《人文地理》2006,21(2):65-66,64
高新区作为一个崭新的城市空间和带动城市经济社会发展的重要极核,越来越多地影响和改变着城市的经济社会活动和空间结构。本文从高新区作为城市一个功能单元的空间属性出发,分析了高新区建设发展对城市社会新富裕阶层和中等收入阶层形成的重要影响;进而分析了高新区建设发展对城市社会空间分异的影响,指出高新区正在逐步演变成为一个集商务、技术创新、高新技术产业发展、高尚生活区为一体的新的城市空间;最后,本文还简单分析了高新区建设发展带来的城市社会空间的矛盾与冲突。  相似文献   

Research on policy impact has increasingly focused on the practical application of social science research. This paper outlines four roles—substantive expert, information processor, change agent, and scholar—which have helped to increase the potential usefulness of our research while maintaining linkages to the academic community. This paper suggests the general nature of these roles and suggests specific implementation strategies, which need to be pursued as an early and continuing aspect of the research enterprise. Balancing these multiple roles presents several analytical and ethical difficulties, but helps to establish credibility in both the scientific and policymaking communities.  相似文献   

It is proposed, through an examination of published materials on the Orokaiva, that established and even competing models and concepts of ‘kinship’ and marriage (generalized and direct exchange, agnatic descent, clan, balanced reciprocity) have little or no explanatory power since they either do not fit the published facts or they predict the same results, despite published assertions to the contrary. An hypothesis linking relationship terminology, marriage ‘systems’ and land use is proposed. Some features in the ‘system’ of ‘kinship’ terminology appear to be expressive of the ideology of gardening rather than ‘kinship’ and marriage per se.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
Henry J. Aaron, Economic Effects of Social Security
Peter J. Ferrara, Social Security; Adverting the Crisis
Carolyn L. Weaver, The Crisis in Social Security; Economic and Political Origins  相似文献   

While most Daulo people in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea gamble at cards, there is disagreement about the acceptability of this activity. Organized opposition to card-playing comes from two sources that, in other contexts, are at odds with each other: the wok meri (‘women's work‘) movement and the Village Court. Both criticize card-playing as individualistic, economically unproductive, and unpredictable. Gambling at cards contributes to differences in individual wealth and the Daulo are ambivalent about inequality. While they strongly approve of competition, they believe that it should be harnessed for the good of the group, not just the individual. The tension between these sometimes conflicting values is expressed by the polarity of Daulo people's strong attraction to card games and the organized opposition that gambling elicits from wok meri and the Village Court.  相似文献   

赵硕  王润孝  郭永建 《人文地理》2006,21(3):124-126
方言是社会交际的工具,社会的发展是方言发展的根本原因和基本条件。网络方言也同样是随着网络信息社会的出现而产生的,本文就网络方言产生的原因、本身特点以及发展趋势进行了探讨。针对网络方言研究背景,从网络文化社会方言的发展现状及特点入手,提出网络语言正在成为一种新的社会方言并从其简略化、图形化、符号化和时尚化等方面分析了当前社会文化发展的新趋势,从而证明也只有在对社会全面关注和考察基础上才能发现社会语言的变化。  相似文献   

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