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德治 《旅游纵览》2011,(2):42-45
<正>如果说,上一期漫谈摄影艺术的形式美,是摄影艺术表现的战略性话题,那么,本期漫谈的则是摄影艺术表现的战术性话题。点、线、面是一切视觉艺术的构成要素。在摄影画面中它的形态、结构,不仅体现了摄影艺术的表现形式,同时也展示了摄影家的艺术修养和技术水平。  相似文献   

Summary. Studies of prehistoric monuments have suggested that there may be a relationship between the amount of labour needed to build them and the complexity of contemporary society. To some extent such work has been influenced by the rich ethno-historical record of the Polynesian chiefdoms. This article compares the role of large monuments in Polynesia with ethnographic evidence describing monument building in an Indian tribe. It concludes that an important contrast between the two examples is that in simpler societies monument building may be essentially an 'event', whilst in more complex societies monuments can be maintained for a substantial period after their erection.
Similar contrasts can be found in the archaeological record in Britain and suggest that whilst Neolithic earthworks may have made greater demands on human labour, it was only in the Iron Age that society possessed the capacity to undertake regular maintenance of large monuments.  相似文献   

《Acta Archaeologica》2012,83(1):260-260

试论环渤海物流网络的形成与运作   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
在简述物流发展背景与研究现状的基础上,作者界定了物流网络的概念与研究地域的范围,并且分析了环渤海物流网络的构成。同时作者仔细探讨了环渤海物流网络的形成机制和运作模式,通过分析,作者认为网络轮廓-海陆地域形状、网络节点-城市、网络联线-运输通道、网络能量-区域经济和运作主体-物流企业等五个要素共同作用而形成了物流网络,其运作由运作模块、驱动模块和调控模块组成。最后作者提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

通过对古遗址、古交通线路的多年考察以及沉积剖面分析,结合历史文献和考古资料,探讨了塔里木盆地南缘汉代以来在自然与人文环境影响下交通线路变迁的特点。历史上,在汉、唐两个最为兴盛的时期,气候湿润,国家统一,中央政府统辖西域军政事物。自然与人文环境有利于发展。塔里木盆地南缘各绿洲经济发达,社会稳定,交通往来频繁,线路稳定、通畅。在此两个时期之后的阶段,自然环境干燥少雨,中央政府衰败,难以顾及和控制西域,地方政权相互角逐争斗。绿洲受多种因素影响迁移、废弃或消失过程中,交通线路变迁快。空间上,东西向的交通线路在和田河与克里雅河之间向南移动了200km左右;克里雅河与车尔臣河之间向南移动了100km左右;和田河以西移动了10-50km;而车尔臣河以东变化不大。南北向的交通线路中,沿和田河的交通线路自古以来一直有人通行,而沿克里雅河的路古代也曾是连接盆地南北的主要通道。  相似文献   

朱红 《世界》2012,(6):130-135
透过舷窗,眼前的景色似乎与画册里的不太一样,是的,你正在一万米的高空,用最特殊的视角欣赏这些极致美景。  相似文献   

The Lhasa-Shigatse Railway, the second railway in Tibet Autonomous Region and also an extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, was officially put into use on August 15, 2014, The 251 kilometers railway links the regional capital Lhasa and Shigatse, the second-largest city in the region. It has a total of 14 stops including Lhasa, Xicrong, Chushur, Nyemo, Rinbtmg and Shigatse and reduces the travel time from the current six hours by highway to around three hours. The first passenger train left Lhasa for Shigatse at 9 a.m. August 16, 2014.  相似文献   

New evidence, both theoretical and observational, is presented to show that Horton's Laws of Stream Numbers and Mean Stream Lengths represent the geomorphic application of abstract mathematical relationships. The laws follow automatically from the definition of order and must apply equally well to any branching system. The value of each of the coefficients Rb (bifurcation ratio) and Rl (ratio of mean stream lengths) is at least partly controlled by geomorphic factors, and an attempt has been made to describe the operation of these factors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the net fiscal benefits of various federal grants and taxes paid to finance them. Net, effective tax rates are calculated for all county areas in the U.S. for seven measured grant programs, and the distributions of such tax rates are examined in conjunction with the median family incomes of the county areas. Inferences about the progressivity (or regressivity) of the grant programs are made, as well as inferences about the horizontal equity of the grant programs through the use of a new class of index numbers. It was found that more progressive grant formulas, which provide greater rates of subsidy to areas with lower median family incomes, also tend to be less horizontally equitable.  相似文献   

Irene Lurie, ed., Integrating Income Maintenance Programs
Robert D. Plotnick and Felicity Skidmore, Progress Against Poverty
Sar A. Levitan, William B. Johnston and Robert Taggart, Still a Dream: The Changing Status of Blacks Since 1960
Stanley H. Masters, Black-White Income Differentials: Empirical Studies and Policy Implications
Larry L. Orr, Income, Employment, and Urban Residential Location  相似文献   

正The China Tibetan Academic Journal Net,http://www.chinatibetanacademicjournalnetcn,was officially launched in Beijing on Dec.5th,2015.The net,sponsored by China Tibetology Research Center and co-operated by China Tibetology Journal and China Tibetology Network,is an important move to promote the integration of traditional media and new media in China's Tibetology field.It also provides a unified database and reliable transmission  相似文献   

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