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马光 《史学月刊》2024,(2):48-64
近代广东既是外国鸦片进口的最前沿地带,又是川滇黔土产鸦片消费的远距离市场,在这样的极端环境下,土洋鸦片既相互竞争又相互依赖,盘根错节,形成了错综复杂的联系。以往学者认为,近代广东鸦片进口替代率较低,从而以寥寥数笔将之带过。事实上,约自1880年代开始,土产鸦片凭借低廉的价格和不断提高的品质,成为外国鸦片的有力竞争对手,逐渐赢得了广东的消费市场。面对残缺数据,通过采用新的推算方式可知,高峰时期,广东每年消费的土产鸦片可达2万多担,而非只有数百担,进口替代率可能高达66.61%,远非以往学者所认为的并“不显著”。通过对广东这一特殊区域鸦片进口替代问题的研究,可一窥近代鸦片中“国货”与“洋货”互相竞争的复杂过程。  相似文献   

芜湖海关自1877年4月1日开关,至20世纪初的近40年中,鸦片进口始终占洋货价值的第一位,并在全国各通商口岸中占有重要地位。剖析芜湖海关鸦片输入的概况、特点以及对安徽近代社会经济生活的影响,能加深认识近代芜湖海关贸易的半殖民地性质。为说明问题,先将芜湖海关历年鸦片输入数量、价值列表如下①:  相似文献   

中国近代曾长期种植鸦片。对于这个问题,过 去学术界很少进行研究。本文将中国近代的鸦片种植划分为 三个阶段,着重论述了鸦片战争前后的鸦片种植、清代末期的 鸦片种植和民国时期的鸦片种植,在此基础之上,分析了鸦片 种植对中国近代农业的影响。认为中国近代的鸦片种植在总 体上呈现出不断扩大的趋势,种植面积越来越大,分布区域越 来越广,极大的冲击了农业生产,加深了中国近代的农业危 机。  相似文献   

卢为峰 《收藏家》2007,(4):25-28
林则徐是中国近代史上的著名人物。他主张改革,坚持严禁鸦片。他反抗外国侵略的言论和实践,具有为同时代历史人物少有或没有的特点,对近代中国有深远的影响。  相似文献   

芜湖开埠与安徽近代经济的发展王鹤鸣在近代中国众多的通商口岸中。无论从开埠时间,抑或所处地位及其影响而论,芜湖商埠是颇为普通的一个口岸。从微观角度论述芜湖开埠后进出口贸易的特点及其对安徽近代经济的双重影响,有助于从宏观视野加深认识中国海关与近代中国社会...  相似文献   

中国社会科学出版社出版的《近代来华外国人名辞典》中,有一处将三个外国人物的英、汉姓名“张冠李戴”的疏误。该辞典将著名大鸦片贩子James Matheson误作央孖地臣;把Alexander Matheson误为三孖地臣(《近代来华外国人名辞典》1984年版,第316、317页),笔者查阅有关中西文档案资料,考订如下。James Matheson(1796—1878),此人当年在华曾用的汉名应是“孖地信”。孖地信为苏格兰人,1813年至印度加尔各答随其叔父经商。1818年,孖地信首次到广州。此后,直到1842年这20余年  相似文献   

一、外国资本主义入侵与福建半殖民地半封建社会的开始近代是福建由盛转衰,沦入半殖民地半封建社会深渊的年代。早在嘉庆年间,外国侵略者就向福建输入鸦片,毒害人民。“其初,每年或仅止一二次,或数次”。19世纪30年代以后,“或十数次,或二三十  相似文献   

最先在桂东南地区出现的鸦片是从国外进口的“洋药”,通过广东输入;随后桂东南部分地区也开始种植和生产鸦片,称“土药”。从具体时间上来看,大体上在1858年以前,输入广西的鸦片主要是从国外水路进口的所谓“洋药”;1858年后,随着国产烟土的逐年增多,桂东南地区逐渐成为国外鸦片与国内鸦片同时输入和过境的重要通道之一。广西地处边境,从陆路输入广西的鸦片也不少。在越南的法国殖民当局从云南收买大批生烟土,运到越南加工成熟烟膏,其中一部分返销到广西内地。桂东南地区是云、贵两省烟土运销广东及香港、澳门、广州湾(即湛江)必经之地。广西是西南地区鸦片向外输出的重要中转地。虽然国产烟土的产量越来越多。但每年进口的洋鸦片在广西销售或经广西销往内地的一直没有断过,只是数量上有所变化,有的年份多,有的年份少。受此贩烟热潮的影响,广西省内吸食鸦片的人数也逐年增多。清末以后,鸦片在广西东南部地区的泛滥较为严重,当时的鸦片进出口集散地主要集中在梧州、北海等地。  相似文献   

近代史上,芜湖是安徽最早辟为通商口岸的城市,芜湖商业的兴盛和便利的水陆交通,又为芜湖近代工业的兴起与发展提供了有利条件.本文对芜湖近代工业的发展轨迹进行简要的梳理和陈述,在此基础上对其内涵及相关环境予以分析,期望通过个案研究的方式,丰富和夯实对中国近代工业发展史的宏观研究之基础.  相似文献   

正近代武汉是一种半封建半殖民地的过渡性社会,它同时存在着多种社会经济形态,如外国资本、官办资本及民营资本。这三种资本各有其自身的特点及发展规律,彼此之间也相互联系和影响,加上它们又各自受到内外历史背景的影响,从而形成三种资本不同的发展阶段,并对武汉近代工业产生直接的影响,进而影响到近代工业技术的发展。外资工厂工业技术武汉最早接受资本主义工业文明的洗礼,是以1861年汉口开埠为标志的。1873  相似文献   

In the second half of nineteenth century, a small transnational British and foreign community grew up in the treaty ports scattered along China’s coast, a community literally caught between the great inner Asian empire of the Manchu Qing and British-dominated informal empire in Asia. Although scholars often contend that few major developments occurred in the foreign sector of the treaty port world until the very end of the nineteenth century, this article joins recent revisionist scholarship seeking to better understand the growth of this transnational treaty port community through a study of the Shanghai Municipal Council’s local post office in the context of informal empire prior to the rise of muscular Chinese nationalism in the early twentieth century.

As an institutional history of the virtually unknown local post office, this article is a study of the decades-long process by which the foreign settler community of Shanghai slowly built up the administrative capacity, trading networks and communications infrastructure of informal empire and semi-colonial order in the nineteenth-century treaty ports. The history of the local post office is largely unknown not because of its insignificance, but because we have not paid enough attention to the institutions that facilitated the emergence of transnational expatriate and settler communities throughout the world of British informal empire and the global and local influences that shaped them.  相似文献   

作为中国最早开放的通商口岸之一,上海开埠后即迅速跃升为全国对外贸易中心。上海通过与各口岸间的外贸埠际转运,将其外贸影响辐射至大半个中国,显示出其全国外贸中心的地位。本文利用系统的海关数据及文字报告,阐述了晚清上海外贸埠际转运在全国的地位、上海的外贸转运网络及其特点,以此为视角反映出晚清上海作为全国外贸中心的影响力。  相似文献   

本文在总结以往研究的基础上,对中国疆域形成和发展历程进行了分期研究,认为我们研究的“中国疆域”应该是指康熙二十八年(1689)《尼布楚条约》的签订到1840年鸦片战争爆发期间清朝的疆域。这一疆域的形成和发展大致经历了:自然凝聚时期,时间是从中华大地人类文明的出现,到《尼布楚条约》的签订;疆域明晰时期,时间是从《尼布楚条约》的签订到1840年鸦片战争爆发;列强的蚕食鲸吞时期,时间是从鸦片战争爆发到中华人民共和国成立;现代疆域巩固时期,时间从1949年中华人民共和国成立后至今。  相似文献   

This article analyzes China’s attempts to participate in and use the negotiations about reforming the international opium control system in the interwar period. China had a contentious relationship with the international opium control system from its creation in the International Opium Convention of 1912 through the League of Nations opium control system of the 1920s and 1930s. The Chinese government wanted to gain acceptance for China as a modern state no longer in need of tutelage from the international community. They also wanted to portray the Chinese people as a modern race as a way of undermining colonial opium monopolies, which made a disproportionate amount of their profits from sales to Overseas Chinese. While they were not fully successful in either of these efforts, China did manage to win some support, drawing the United States into closer agreement with China’s positions. Engagement with the international system also had a considerable impact on China’s domestic opium politics and its broader diplomatic relationship with the major powers.  相似文献   

包世臣对鸦片之害有较为深刻的认识,早在嘉庆二十五年(1820),他就论述过鸦片引起的社会问题.就他对鸦片问题的认识来看有两点值得重视:一是他最早认识到鸦片泛滥造成的白银大量外流是引起银贵钱贱、物价上涨的重要原因;二是他虽然主张通过"撤关罢税"严禁鸦片,但他并不主张断绝与外国的一切往来.他也是鸦片战争前当朝野上下都还做着"天朝上国"的美梦时极少数留心夷务、关注夷情的思想家.鸦片战争爆发后,他积极为当局出谋划策,承认"英夷"有"战舰"和"火器"的"长技",并先于魏源提出了类似于"师夷之长技以制夷"的主张.他还主张利用人民群众的力量来抵抗英军侵略,反对签订丧权辱国的《南京条约》.鸦片战争结束后,他对中国失败的原因进行了总结,认为既不是船炮,也不是军民,而是那些愚昧无知、自毁长城的清朝统治者应对战争的失败负责.  相似文献   

During the Ming and Qing dynasty, Tongzhou was not only a riverside port city for transporting grain to the capital, a key site for goods storage, but also witnessed the means of transportation of commercial goods from southern China changed from water to land, where commercial goods imported to Beijing together with those to be sold in northern China splits. Both the Ministry of Revenue (Gongbu) and Ministry of Works (Hubu) set up their customs in Tongzhou, respectively, and Zhangjiawan was the subsection of the customs; the major commercial goods including grain, liquor, distiller’s yeast, textiles, and groceries, were transferred through the customs of Ministry of Works. Judging from the establishment of broker house and broker tax, the volume of commodities being transported via Zhangjiawan might be bigger than Tongzhou. Shanxi merchants established guild halls (huiguan) in both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan. They transported bulk commodities such as textiles and tea to the north of China, while Zhangjiakou and Guihuacheng were their main resale destinations. In other words, both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan were important transportation ports for the businesses of Shanxi merchants regarding their trades within the northern territory as well as the trade at Khyagt between late imperial China and tsarist Russia.  相似文献   

鸦片税收与清末练兵经费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘增合 《史学集刊》2004,2(1):34-42
晚清鸦片税厘的财政意义随着土产鸦片泛滥而日渐凸现 ,日俄战争以后 ,清廷亟亟以编练新军为急务 ,洋土药税收大量用于新军编练 ,军费赖其支持甚大。 1 90 6年鸦片禁政开始实行 ,尤其是 1 90 8年下半年各地实行缩期禁烟政策 ,土产鸦片税收缩减甚巨 ,练兵经费的筹措面临危机 ,各省与中央、度支部与陆军部等因军费筹解困难而迭生矛盾 ,政争不断。鸦片禁政本属良政 ,却因此造成财政和军事经费的困境 ,其影响之复杂可见一斑  相似文献   

Alongside military conquest which characterized great part of globalization during the 19th century, the globalization of markets no doubt was its main manifestation. Addictive consumption goods played a leading role during this process, as observed in the case of China, tea and the opium trade had the largest impact. Owing to the importance of Britain’s growing demand for tea and its concomitant tax revenue, Anglo-Chinese trade became the dominant trade that Britain had in the East. To make up the trade deficit with China, Britain took advantage of its Indian colony and did its best in expanding its opium trade. Within this triangular trade scheme, Britain was the master, India was the instrument, and China was the ultimate victim. Confronted by the irresistible trend of globalization, China was ill prepared when facing this challenge leading to a complete failure in both military and commercial warfare and later on to an overall crisis in the 19th century.  相似文献   

两次鸦片战争之后,随着"条约制度"的形成,中国的江海航运权逐渐为外人所攘夺.由于西方航运势力的东侵,中国的江海航运呈现出多样化趋势.在此历史背景下,中外船只碰撞问题不可避免地产生了,而由船碰所生的中外交涉、华洋诉讼诸问题,则复杂多端.但中外各方,尤其是晚清政府所采取的应对措施以及颁布的一系列防碰章程,却成为中国近代海商立法之滥觞.  相似文献   

鸦片不仅榨干台湾民众的钱财,更腐化了台湾各界的抗日精神,戕害台湾民众身心健康。日本通过在台湾的鸦片专卖,进一步强化了在台湾的殖民统治,也系统总结出一套治理殖民地鸦片问题的经验,这种经验不仅影响了台湾,也影响到中国大陆和美国的属地菲律宾。  相似文献   

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