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Henkama, ?Daddy Heng“ – A Mediator between the Kangxi Emperor and Jesuit Missionaries during Chinese Rites Controversy in the 18th Century

The author's main concern is to turn the somewhat enigmatic person of Henkama (1645/1646–1708), known under many (also false) names, into a more tangible historical figure. For this purpose, all the available sources in European languages, Manchu, and Chinese are taken into account. Beginning with investigating the very name of this Manchu official who was responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Europeans, the author tries to obtain available and solid knowledge of Henkama's life and work, possibly year by year, which goes far beyond what is normally known about him, i.e., his role as main intermediary during the papal legation in Beijing (December 1705 – August 1706). However, this mediatory role cost him the trust of all around him, including the Kangxi Emperor, who was convinced that Henkama had been paid off by the papal legate and cardinal Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon (1668–1710). At the end of his life, being in ill health, he became a Catholic. Henkama died in 1708 in disfavor due to slander. In the rest of his article, the author depicts another four important contact persons between the Kangxi Emperor (state administration) and Jesuit missionaries, all of whom are to be considered as Henkama's co-workers or his successors. Among these four, there are two Chinese – Zhao Chang (1654–1729) and Wang Daohua (fl. 1706–1720) and two persons of Manchu origin – Bursai (fl. 1705–1706) and Zhang Changzhu/Carki (fl. 1707–1722).  相似文献   

Vielf?ltige, unterschiedlich starke und oft auch gegenl?ufig agierende Akteure und Interessenvertreter wirken auf das spezifische Standortmuster des Einzelhandels ein. Wie hat sich der Einzelhandel auf der Anbieter- und Nachfragerseite ge?ndert? Es fehlt nicht an Regelungswerken für den gro?fl?chigen Einzelhandel und Konzepten für einen gleichrangigen Standortwettbewerb zwischen den traditionellen Einkaufslagen und denen auf der Grünen Wiese. Wer sind die Standortakteure und wie stimmen sie sich ab? Wie l?sen sie die Standortkonflikte angesichts der Wettbewerbssituation? Welchen Beitrag leisten dazu staatliche und kommunale Vorgaben?  相似文献   

Minucius Felix wird regelmäßig als Zeuge für eine affirmative Begegnung des Christentums mit der antiken Kultur beansprucht. Die folgende Untersuchung kommt durch eine genauere Interpretation der relevanten Texte und ihres literarischen Hintergrunds zu einem anderen Ergebnis.  相似文献   

The Ruhr area has advanced to the largest university region in Germany – often unnoticed within and outside. At the same time scientific institutions have become a major economic factor. Because of the higher and extra-university research institutions about 2.5 billion euros are effective as a demand potential in the region. 1.7 billion euros of this amount are directly associated with investments and operating expenditures of the scientific institutions as well as consumptions of employees and students. Additional 770 million euros result in revenues of many branches such as trade, housing, gastronomy sector, handcraft industry etc. It should not be underestimated that higher and extra-university research institutions generate with their research activities particular funding from the European Union or the rest of Germany for benefit of the region. Each euro spent by the state government for basic funding creates 39 cents third-party funding. These regional-economic effects result in noticeable employment impacts within the region. Around 25,000 people are directly employed in higher and extra-university research institutes or student unions (Studierendenwerke), about 22,000 jobs in other economic sectors are ensured or created by the induced demand. Science has thus become an important economic factor and represents an essential counterbalance to employment decline in shrinking industries of the region. The specific inclusion of science in a regional development strategy and targeted relining with appropriate measures to strengthen the science creates therefore an effective starting point for the design of structural change.  相似文献   

The image of the princess Anicia Juliana on the dedication page of the Vienna Dioscurides (ca. 512) is usually seen as a standard image of a learned lady. It is argued here that it should be seen in a wider context, as an image of dynastic ideology, associating Juliana with the ruler virtues sophia, phronesis and megalopsychia.  相似文献   

How do Goya's representations of the body disrupt the Enlightenment's configurations of the corporeal? If for eighteenth-century aesthetics the body is both the site of ideal beauty and the limit of what can and may be represented, then Goya's panoply of monsters provides a way of understanding other modes of reason(ing), other ways of representing the body and its functions within culture. In his work there is a recuperation of those elements that seem to lie outside the ken of the Enlightenment project: physicality, animality, hybridity, the grotesque, the popular; a recognition of the animal nature of the body and the products of bodily impulses and forces. A rethinking of the body would incorporate an understanding of its role as a physical and social phenomenon in the constitution of the subject. Following on from Paul Ilie's concept of counter-rational Reason, which he defines as the opposite of a uniform centre of rationality in representative thought, the first half of my paper will consider Goya's problematization of representation. My analysis of a selection of drawings from the collection Los Caprichos (1799) will focus not just on the representation of bodies in the painter's work but on his exploration of bodies in their material variety—configurations of modes of constructing the body. This examination of Goya's prolific pictorial negotiations and adaptations of flesh and world will draw upon contemporary approaches to theorizing the body, namely the theories of Julia Kristeva and Elizabeth Grosz.  相似文献   

Für die frühe nach-exilische Zeit, also die formative Phase des Judentums und des Alten Testaments rücken vor allem die Innovationsleistungen der judäischen Gola-Gemeinde in den Blick der Forschung. Es existierte aber in nach-exilischer Zeit ein weiterer bedeutsamer monotheistischer Jahwismus im palästinischen Kernland, nämlich in Samaria. Dieser wird in seiner Prägekraft für die nach-exilischen theologiegeschichtlichen Entwicklung kaum berücksichtig, was damit zusammenhängt, dass die Zeit vom 6.-2. Jh.v.Chr. gegenwärtig noch als Konfliktzeit zwischen Juda und Samaria beschrieben wird, der samarische Jahwismus im Grunde als judäische Deviation marginalisiert wird. Hier werden die Evidenzen durchgegangen, die für die nach-exilische Zeit ein völlig anderes Bild der samarisch-judäischen Beziehungen zeichnen: In der Levante gab es zu nach-exilischer Zeit zwei gleichwertige Jahwismen in Juda und Samaria die ko-exisiterten. Daher ist nicht nur Juda sondern auch der Norden in der formativen Phase mit einzurechnen.

Research on the early post-exilic period (the so called formative period of Judaism and the Old Testament) is primarily occupied with the innovative achievements of the Judean Golah community. However, a further important aspect of monotheistic Yahwism existed in post-exilic times in the heartland of Palestine, namely in Samaria. Nevertheless, little attention is devoted to its formative developmental influence on the history of theology in the time after exile, something which can be explained by the period from the 6th to the 2nd century B.C.E. still currently being described as a period of conflict between Judah and Samaria, with Samarian Yahwism essentially being marginalised as a Judean deviation. This article examines evidence which offers an entirely different picture of Samarian-Judean relations in the post-exilic period: In the Levant in post-exilic times there were two homologous Yahwisms in Judah and Samaria which existed side by side. It is for this reason that, in the formative period, due consideration should be given not only to Judah, but also to the North as well.  相似文献   

Abstrakt Immobilienwirtschaft als Partner der Stadtentwicklung? Zugegeben eine Sichtweise, die oftmals in der Ausbildung von Planern oder Geographen etwas zu kurz kommt. Dabei w?re es oft sinnvoll, bei der Planung auch die Sicht der Immobilienwirtschaft respektive der künftigen Nutzer zu berücksichtigen. Seit jeher haben sich St?dte auch und vor allem durch die Baut?tigkeit von Privaten entwickelt. Investitionen der Kommunen und des Staates beschr?nkten sich in der Regel auf technische und soziale Infrastruktureinrichtungen und das eine oder andere Renommierobjekt, wie beispielsweise Museen, Theater, Opern. In Zeiten knapper ?ffentlicher Kassen werden selbst dafür zunehmend private Investitionen ben?tigt. In dem sich aktuell versch?rfenden Wettbewerb der St?dte und Regionen sind Investoren, die zur baulichen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung beitragen, wichtiger denn je. Wie sich das Zusammenspiel von Immobilienwirtschaft und Wirtschaftsf?rderung in der Praxis darstellt, schildern die Autoren beispielhaft anhand ihrer Erfahrungen aus der kommunalen Wirtschaftsf?rderung.  相似文献   

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