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抗战胜利后,台湾回到祖国怀抱。由于日本统治者在岛内长期推行以泯灭台胞民族意识、植播奴化思想为目的的殖民教育,因此光复初期,清除日本殖民教育之遗毒成为当务之急。从台湾光复到1949年国民党败退台湾期间,国民党在台实施的"去殖民化"教育一定程度上解决了日本殖民教育所遗留下的各种问题,重建了教育体系,为中国文化在台湾的传承、弘扬打下了基础。但是由于国民党过分强调其思想控制的独裁政策以及教育行政腐败等因素,冲淡了其"去殖民化"教育的效果。  相似文献   

北伐开始后,随着革命形势的不断发展,国民党对于民众运动的态度却在发生变化,从动员民众、推动民众运动向控制民众、遏制民众运动转变.国共分裂后,国民党中央摒弃了国民革命时期的民众政策,逐渐建构了新的民众政策,但在组织体系、执行力等方面均无法承担其相应责任,其民众政策无法实现既定目标.  相似文献   

关税会议期间北方的民众动员是国民党民众动员的重要组成部分。国民党明确主张废除不平等条约,召开国民会议,并以此为号召,一方面发表宣言通电派出外交代表团进行宣传鼓动,另一方面进行党团运作,领导民众团体发起集会游行,取得了很好的动员效果。由此,国民党将国民革命运动推向北方尤其是军阀统治的中心北京。  相似文献   

1950——1952年国民党在台湾的党改造运动中,将原来的“革命政党”定位改为“革命民主政党”,即兼具有“革命”与“民主”两种特质的党。一再强调要“以革命组织与革命精神保障民主制度”。这种“革命”已不同于孙中山提出的打倒帝国主义和封建军阀的国民革命,而是以“动员戡乱”、“反共抗俄”唤起党员,增强凝聚力,建立一元化的领导权威。  相似文献   

金之夏 《近代史研究》2023,(1):132-145+161
全面抗战爆发后,国民党形成以军事委员会统辖全国军民作战的战时体制。军事委员会政治部在负责军队政治工作的同时,接管了战时民众工作指导权,这意味着军队开始参与党部和政府负责的民众工作。军事委员会政治部设立的初衷是统一管理战时政治工作及民众工作,综合领导各方力量抗战。然而,由于军队、党部和政府各方对职权互不相让,无法实现党、政、军的结合。国民党主导的民众工作多头开展,相关各方互无联系,甚至矛盾频发、互相拆台。究其原因,国民党的组织结构和派系纠葛直接影响到相关各方的职权划分和工作展开,加之国民党对于民众运动的忧虑与恐惧,导致其主导的战时民众工作成果有限。  相似文献   

汪朝光 《民国档案》2005,(1):97-105
国民党在战后国共内战中的失利.有诸多政治、经济、外交与社会层面之因素,但直接的原因仍应为其军事失利。本文以全面内战初期国民党之军事战略战术为中心,从战争爆发时的国共力量对比、战争爆发后国民党的军事战略和战术等方面,对国民党军事失利之原因作初步之考查与辨析,期使我们对国民党在内战中失利之缘由有更进一步之体认。在战争的实际进程中,谁胜谁负并不在于谁不犯错误,而往往在于谁的错误犯得更少,谁改正自己的错误更迅捷。当我们论及国民党军从战略到战术,从指挥到作战,从前方到后方,屡屡犯着同样的错误而不知或不能改正时,我们实际上已经可以判断这场战争最后的胜利者究属何方。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,为了充分调动民众的抗日积极性,国民党制定并实施了民众动员政策.但是由于其阶级局限性,经济上实行统制政策,政治上坚持个人独裁和国民党一党专政,文化上禁锢抗日言论、摧残进步文化,且不断制造国共摩擦,破坏抗日民族统一战线以及其史治的腐败等原因,造成其民众动员能力严重不足,致使国民政府形成了单纯依靠政府和军队的片面抗战路线.  相似文献   

抗日战争是中国各族人民、各抗日党派、群众团体共同奋斗的一次伟大的全民族解放战争,由于历史上的众所周知的原因,我们对抗战时期的执政党——国民党统制下的广东抗日民众团体及其重要活动的研究基本卜还足个空白,这是一个遗憾。我们必须遵从历史唯物主义的观点,来认真研究这一段历史的真实状况,从中总结经验教训,汲取有益的启迪。本文仅就我多年来所收集到的资料,对此问题作一概述和探讨,请批评指正。  相似文献   

浅析1924—1949年中国国民党意识形态层面的劣势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国国民党从1924年改组到1949年从大陆败退的20多年时间里,在与中共的竞争过程中,其意识形态层面始终处于一种劣势。这种劣势有其特定的成因,主要是三民主义意识形态本身的缺陷、1927年的清党反共、国民党执掌政权后的社会条件和自身实力的限制以及蒋介石的军事统治思想等因素,这种劣势的表现及其特点,主要是形式化、肤泛化,缺少学理支撑;口号与时代脱节以及由于党内派系造成的分裂和破碎。这种意识形态层面的劣势直接导致国民党组织内聚功能、社会动员能力、实施有效社会控制能力的弱势,这样一个弱势的独裁政党在面对一个具有高度社会动员能力和组织内聚功能的中国共产党的竞争,其胜负是不言自明的。  相似文献   

祖国大陆与台湾吸引海外华人人才措施之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球人才竞争的格局中,祖国大陆和台湾都遇到了人才从流失到回归的过程,台湾已经完成了这个循环,祖国大陆正值人才回归大幅增长时期。台湾为吸引海外华人人才采取的一系列法规、措施,在吸引海外人才参与岛内经济发展、加速产业结构升级等方面成果斐然。对比分析两岸吸引海外人才的政策,对吸取有益经验,创新人才战略理念具有重要意义  相似文献   

东北易帜后,国民党东北党权的归属,成为奉系能否独控东北政权的关键。国民党在东北存在着"官党"与"秘党"的双重面相。一方面,为保东北政权,奉系致力于争夺国民党东北党务领导权,使国民党成为奉系的"官党"。另一方面,对于国民党在东北的"秘党",奉系实行打击和排斥政策,企图把东北的国民党完全纳入其领导的轨道。在与国民党不断争夺东北党权的同时,奉系一步步走上了国民党化的道路。但由于利益的非一致性,使得奉系并没有真正地融入国民党。  相似文献   

1949~1953年是冷战开始后美台关系的起点.这一时期美国对台湾的援助政策具有相当的稳定性,尽管在执行过程中采取了一些“模糊”策略,但并不存在由“放弃”到“扶植”的明确转折,更没有放弃台湾的切实行动.至1953年共和党执政时,美国对台湾援助政策的最大限度是将其作为“战略后备军”服务于美国的远东冷战.  相似文献   

Dento‐alveolar pathologies: caries, ante mortem tooth loss, abscesses, calculus, alveolar resorption and tooth wear were analysed in two composite skeletal series from Croatia's eastern Adriatic coast (Dalmatia). The first consists of 103 skeletons from seven Late Antique (3rd–6th century AD) sites, the second of 151 skeletons from three Early Medieval (7th–11th centuries AD) sites. As recent bioarhaeological studies (Šlaus, 2008 ) showed a significant increase of disease loads and trauma frequencies in Dalmatia during the Early Medieval period, the aim of this study was to investigate whether dental health was equally adversely affected by the Late Antique/Early Medieval transition. The results of our analyses show that the frequencies of carious lesions, ante mortem tooth loss, abscesses and alveolar resorption increased significantly during the Early Medieval period, as did the degree of heavy occlusal wear on posterior teeth. These data suggest a change in alimentary habits, with a significantly higher dependence on carbohydrates and a greater reliance on hard, fibrous foods requiring vigorous mastication in the Early Medieval diet. The combination of higher calculus and lower caries rates in the Late Antique series similarly suggests more protein in the Late Antique diet and is, therefore, also consistent with the hypothesised change in alimentary habits. In general (the two exceptions are male caries and female alveolar resorption frequencies) lesion frequencies increased uniformly in both sexes suggesting that the deterioration of dental health during the Early Medieval period equally affected males and females. Cumulatively, the collected data suggest that the political, social, economic and religious changes that characterised the Late Antique/Early Medieval transition in Dalmatia resulted in a clear discontinuity, not only from the cultural, but also from the biological point of view with an evident deterioration of oral health during the Early Medieval period. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research probing early migrations and contacts in the Baltic Sea area is characterized by the analysis of different chronologies and subsistent strategies on all sides of the Sea. Several studies performed on artifact typology, ceramics, grave rituals and physical anthropology ended with varying results. Although the question of human origins remains inconclusive, in this study, we rely on the phylogeography of an animal associated with humans to elucidate findings regarding prehistoric human migration and contacts.Hedgehogs, along with other fauna on Gotland, were brought over to the island by humans. We examined hedgehog mitochondrial DNA from the Pitted Ware Culture (Middle Neolithic). The genetic signatures of the animals on the island were investigated to determine the animal’s origin.From the 23 bones originally examined, twelve bones from all five locations studied yielded reliable results and resembled published extant Erinaceus europaeus sequences from Sweden, Norway and Denmark. We postulate that a western heritage for the Neolithic hedgehogs on Gotland indicates early human contact with the Swedish mainland.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to summarise the present state of knowledge concerning bitumen trade in the Near East from the Palaeolithic (70,000 BP) to the Early Islamic period. During the Palaeolithic and Early Neolithic period, bitumen utilisation was mostly concentrated in settlements close to oil seeps. From the Ubaid 3 period, bitumen from the Mosul area became more important and was traded as far as the southern Persian Gulf. The Uruk period is a turning point for Mesopotamian history as settlements evolved into city‐states. These cities had a great need for raw materials, and this marks the beginning of large‐scale exploitation of Hit bitumen. This bitumen was traded at settlements along the Euphrates, where a large trade network was established. Hit bitumen entered the Persian Gulf at the turn of the second millennium (Dilmun period). Bitumen from Iraq (Mosul and Hit) became predominantly used in most settlements along the southern coast of the Gulf. During this period Iranian bitumen was also exported and this supply tended to increase, especially during the Partho‐Sasanian period. Dead Sea bitumen had its own exchange network, which was concentrated across present‐day Israel and Egypt where it was extensively used for mummification.  相似文献   

维新变法中康有为的创教努力及其影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙向中 《史学月刊》2002,(10):52-57
一些主要研究把维新变法中康有为利用孔子、创立孔教的努力仅仅视作是他为推动变法所施用的一个方便法门,或说是实现变法目的的权宜手段,是新内容而旧形式。其实,创教本身也是康有为追求的一个重要目标。除了希冀用孔子这个招牌掩护变法主张、减少变法的阻力外,出于对西方的误读——把宗教发达当成列强致胜的一个根基。他还希望通过宗教的振兴来富强国家。另外,他还乞灵通过和西方列强制定建立在平等基础上的教律来解决当时的教案问题。维新变法中康有为创立孔教的努力,目标没有实现。适得其反,变法中许多分歧不是来自维新变法本身,反而是围绕孔教问题引起许多无谓的斗争,徒然增加了变法的阻力和难度。  相似文献   

清末瘟疫与民众心态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
胡勇 《史学月刊》2003,1(10):73-78
在清末,民众面对瘟疫的心态首先是恐惧,由恐惧而导致迷信,还表现为对现代防疫手段的排拒。在中外杂居地居民的心态则更加复杂,但随着防疫的深化和瘟疫的成功扑灭,民众的心态迅速发生变异,这与公共卫生体系的建立及中外文化交流等因素有联系,器物和制度层面的转型,为公共卫生观念的确立作了铺垫。  相似文献   

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