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军事志是地方志的重要组成部分,是记述一定时期、一定地域军事斗争的历史演变过程及其现状的专著,是客观反映军情、地情和国情的资料书。军事志的地域属性决定了军事志具有明显的地域特色,在编撰军事志过程中只有凸显该军事志的地域性才能充分反映当地军事环境、军事组织、军事活动、军事人物等的历史情况和变化发展过程,使之成为有乡土气息的军事地情书,  相似文献   

2012年2月1日,《山东省历史地图集》军事分册评审会议在济南市召开,会议由山东省地方史志办公室原副主任、《山东省历史地图集》执行主编张敬忠主持,山东地方史、军事史专家出席会议并作评审发言,军事分册撰稿人到会听取意见并就相关问题做了介绍。会议对军事分册的内容给予充分肯定,并认为用地图的形式全面、直观的表现山东的军事历史,是山东文化学术领域的一个创新成果,实用价值很高。会议还就军事分册存在的问题及进一步补充完善做了认真分析。  相似文献   

蒙元朝廷在西南三省军事机构的设置是伴随着灭宋战争而来的。由于面临的形势不同,四川、云南、湖广三行省的军事机构并不相同,各具特色。与此同时,为了维护西南政治稳固,蒙元朝廷在三省的军事险要之地布置了大批的兵力。  相似文献   

在内忧外患的冲击下,中国和日本几乎同时启动了军事变革。但晚清政府在甲午战争中的惨败,却宣告了中国近代军事变革的顿挫。当百年之后的今天,我们对它进行比较时,发现日本在指导理论、政府威权以及军事变革诸要素的变革上,比晚清政府处理地更加科学和高效。  相似文献   

《固原军事志》在固原地区撤地改市的大喜日子前夕,经过主编安志平和地方史志界王祥庆、佘贵孝、薛正昌及军事志办公室张九芳等全体编撰人员4年多时间地辛勤努力,终于与广大读见面了。《固原军事志》的出版,是宁夏首部地、市级军事志书,不但填补了固原地区军事历史的空白,而且对于加强国防建设以及做好未来反侵略战争准备,都将发挥重要作用。其存史和军事学术价值,将随着时间的延伸而更加突出。  相似文献   

刘晓蕾 《文史精华》2013,(2):29-36,1
抗战期间,国民党军统局在蒋介石的亲自授意下,由戴笠策划,向汪伪政权最高军事当局派遣了一名少将级的高级间谍。这名间谍活跃于伪政权的上层,成功地猎取了大量的军事政治情报,甚至在一定程度上左右了伪政权的军事走向。在日本投降时,这名间谍又成为汪伪首都南京风云一时的人物。其后又在国民党高层活动,  相似文献   

14-17世纪欧洲的军事革命与社会变革   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
许二斌 《世界历史》2003,1(1):57-65
从 1 4到 1 7世纪 ,当世界其他地区在军事上处于缓慢发展中时 ,欧洲在军事领域发生了一系列变革。其中一些重要的变革不仅使欧洲战争的面貌发生了急剧改变 ,而且对社会发展产生了深远的影响 ,这就是所谓军事革命。军事革命在欧洲政治、经济、文化和社会生活等各方面都产生了重要而深远的影响 ,有力地促进了欧洲由封建社会向资本主义社会的过渡 ,加速了现代文明在欧洲的诞生 ,并推动了这种新文明向全世界的传播。  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的不断深入,高校军事课教学模式也随之不断地变化。如何构建普通高校军事课教学新型模式?只有在不断研究和总结过去经验的基础上,加强高校军事课教学理论的研究,促进高校军事课教学模式的不断改进和完善,以适应时代发展的客观需要。  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的不断深入,高校军事课教学模式也随之不断地变化。如何构建普通高校军事课教学新型模式?只有在不断研究和总结过去经验的基础上,加强高校军事课教学理论的研究,促进高校军事课教学模式的不断改进和完善,以适应时代发展的客观需要。  相似文献   

郭华榕 《史学月刊》2004,1(7):57-63
1940年法国战败,军事理论落后是其重要原因之一,而祸根在30年代的军事辩论时就已经种下。30年代法国军事辩论的主要内容是如何认识坦克集群战争。艾蒂安纳、杜芒克、戴高乐等人根据当时欧洲新的军事思潮,主张坦克战;反对派昧于历史新趋势,简单化地、过分乐观地认为,法国已经建立可靠的防线,法军已拥有足够的坦克,坦克只需掩护步兵,而组织坦克部队进攻将是一种冒险,敌人即使突破或绕过防线仍旧无法取胜。1940年法国的溃败,对这场军事辩论做了实际的总结。法国关于坦克集群战争的辩论和它屈服于坦克集群的事实,为我们提供了若干颇有价值的启示:军事理论的辩论一般具有长远意义;必须认识传统的力量及其限度;军事上的正确判断是打败对手的基本条件之一;必须看到军事理论、战争皆和社会生产、国家经济密切相关;落后的军事理论与压制先进军事思想的政策,势必对国家民族造成不可弥补的损失。  相似文献   

清末民初,积弱不振的中国在内忧外患的冲击下,接连向日本派遣了大批留学生,专习陆军,这些留日士官生学成归国后,被充实到各个军事部门。他们无论在主持军事教育,还是在充任现役军官方面,均做出了不同程度的贡献。但囿于时代的限制,他们纷纷卷入了军阀混战的旋涡,从而在中国军事现代化进程中留下了败笔。  相似文献   

Urban wars represent one – perhaps the – phenomenon in which war and cities take particular form in and through each other. With the epistemics of this reciprocal relationship being less studied, this article brings together the discourses on urban war and military interoperability respectively. Both discourses emphasise the question of knowledge. A shared geographic knowledge held by the service branches involved in a joint operation is considered key for interoperability to arise. In the urban wars discourse, the need and difficulty of ‘knowing’ the urban are stressed. However, we know less about whether military services involved in a joint urban operation produce distinct geographic knowledges and, if so, with what effects. With inspiration from critical scholarship on military geographies and from works on the history and geography of knowledge, this article develops a conceptual framework to target the mutually constitutive relationship between military epistemics and urban space in urban war. In it, I make a twofold argument, illustrated with the help of empirical examples from two Israeli joint urban military operations. First, the type of geographic knowledge that military ground and air forces produce as they seek to ‘make known’ particular urban spaces differs due to the services' distinct situatedness and relative distance to the urban environment. The produced types of military geographic knowledge, moreover, do not imply different perspectives on the urban as a pre-existing entity as much as they bring – in distinct fashions – the urban into being.  相似文献   

Mobility and movement are central to military actions and military life, and yet despite an increasing concern with military geographies and the geographies of mobility, little consideration has been given by scholars to the political geographies of military mobilities and movements, past or present. In these interventions, we examine how these different bodies of work might intersect, focusing on social media, methods for tracing military mobilities, the role of military technologies in facilitating everyday mobilities, and the more-than-human dimensions of military mobilities.  相似文献   

Is the British civil–military contract strained to breaking point? The contemporary portrayal of British civil–military relations is bleak, with academics, politicians, the media and military charities arguing that military–societal relations are in urgent need of repair. Through assessing the extent to which the reciprocal expectations of the armed forces and the British public are realized, this article will argue that the moral contract, although under stress, is not breaking. Underlying social trends and the use of doctrinal concepts such as the military covenant have, combined with recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, altered the expectations of both sides causing tensions within military–societal relations. Yet, while the armed forces do harbour unrealized expectations of the British public who are unwilling or unable to support the use of the military in recent conflicts, neither the public nor the military is so disillusioned with the performance of the other for the relationship to be described as breaking or broken.  相似文献   

Frankish kings exacted unpaid military service from their subjects in both Merovingian and Carolingian times. The basis for this right has long been uncertain. A study of the term ‘manse’ as a Carolingian measure of assets brings to light the ostensibly hidden property on whose basis Franks went to war. This military duty reached back to the origins of the Frankish kingdom, when a large share of Roman taxes was awarded in individual allotments to soldiers obligated to serve, otherwise unpaid, when summoned, and heavily fined if they did not. Both demesne and tributary manses – contributory units – were the main part of state resources applied to military costs. They cannot be simply envisaged as components of an agricultural scheme (grand domaine). A tax‐like military obligation was one among several institutions actively surviving from the fifth century to the ninth, and it suggests that Frankish government was more law‐based and administrative than is often allowed.  相似文献   

The British military have embarked on a comprehensive process of transformation towards a network-enabled, effects-orientated, and expeditionary force posture. This has involved developing brand new military doctrine, organizational concepts, and technology. The US military are also transforming, and American military ideas about network-centric and effects-based warfare have influenced the British military. But the British have not simply aped their US ally. Rather, British military transformation has followed a different path. Hence, this article proposes a dynamic model of military innovation involving two international drivers: new operational challenges and military emulation; and three national shapers: resource constraints, domestic politics and military culture. This model is then applied to a detailed empirical analysis of the process and progress of British military transformation.  相似文献   

A measure that medieval chroniclers used for judging kings was success in battle. King John obviously failed this test with his loss of Normandy, 1202–04, and the failure of his 1214 continental campaign. Modern scholars prefer to depict the king as an able administrator, downplaying his military activity; they continue to follow medieval writers in labelling John an incompetent general, lacking boldness, even cowardly. In fact, John's poor military reputation is based on only a few comments in chronicles and verse narratives. While his defense of Normandy from the French was a disaster, partly because of his own failings, factors beyond his control contributed heavily to his loss of the duchy, such as the superior wealth of Philip Augustus. Critics neglect the link between the English king's warfare and his administrative activity, which aimed at raising men, money and other resources for wars. John conducted campaigns capably before and after the loss of Normandy. Some moderns accept traditional condemnation of his military skill, because of a misunderstanding of the nature of medieval warfare. Pitched battles were rare, and war consisted of seemingly aimless plundering raids and sieges of castles. John's supposed lack of boldness merely reflects a medieval commander's caution. His plans for the relief of Château Gaillard in 1203 and his 1214 two-pronged attack on Philip illustrate skill in strategy. Unlike many medieval generals John was skilled at siegecraft, seen at Rochester Castle in 1215. While King John's two greatest campaigns failed, costing him most of his continental lands, his failures in warfare are due neither to incompetence nor to cowardice.  相似文献   

In April 1965, the rumour of a potential Kenyan coup was brought to British attention. This was a moment of raised tensions in the government of President Jomo Kenyatta, who secretly asked the British government for a military commitment to support his government if a coup was attempted by Kenyan Vice President Oginga Odinga. The British military responded by making an extensive military plan to intervene, code-named Operation Binnacle. They sent ships to Mombasa and put troops on alert. This article assesses these plans as a case study of the logic, and limits, of British military interventionism in the years after decolonization. It highlights the importance of studying plans, even when not carried out, and of taking seriously the attitudes and fears of contemporaries. Although a coup was highly unlikely, British reactions are revealing of their concerns about independent Kenya, including possible Soviet involvement. Operation Binnacle was a serious British response to the threat, as they saw it, which a coup would cause to their interests. These were extensive enough that the British government was prepared to intervene militarily, during a brief moment when military interventionism in Africa was still seriously considered as a possible policy choice.  相似文献   

辽代世家大族的军事势力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王善军 《安徽史学》2005,(4):23-27,15
辽王朝在中国历史上以"用武立国"而著称,作为主要的军事支柱,世家大族的军事势力引人注目.其具体表现一是其强盛的私兵势力,这与世家大族广泛占有奴隶是相适应的;二是由于世代统兵所形成的军事权力和军事影响,这则是由辽朝的军事用人制度所决定的.  相似文献   

British forces are now engaged in a major operation in southern Afghanistan, the outcome of which is likely to be strategically decisive—especially for the configuration and status of Britain's land forces. Although progress seems to have been made, there has been much criticism of the campaign. Through an analysis of the three‐year Helmand mission (Operation Herrick), this article explores whether, for all the improvements in the campaign in terms of resources and numbers of troops, the basic structure of the campaign established in 2006 has endured. Instead of focusing on an ‘ink‐spot’ from which to expand, British forces have tended to operate from dispersed forward operating bases from which they have insufficient combat power to dominate terrain and secure the population. They are consequently engaged in a seemingly endless round of high‐intensity tactical battles which are normally successful in themselves but do not contribute to the overarching security of the province. The analysis explores the way in which this distinctive campaign lay‐down—the preference for dispersal and high‐intensity fighting—may be a reflection of British military culture and its military doctrine. By highlighting potential unacknowledged aspects of the British military profession, the article aims to contribute to debates about the development of the armed forces.  相似文献   

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