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According to tradition, King Richard I of England visited Dubrovnik (Ragusa) in 1192. Much of the evidence for this visit comes from a dispute at the end of the sixteenth century concerning the rights of the abbot of Lokrum. Medieval evidence can also be taken into contribution, notably the comments of the English chronicles of the early thirteenth century and the surviving documentation for the career of a Ragusan archbishop who later became bishop of Carlisle. The author concludes that King Richard's visit was a reality.  相似文献   

From the record of dinosaurian skeletal remains it has been inferred that the origin and initial diversification of dinosaurs were rapid events, occupying an interval of about 5 million years in the Late Triassic. By contrast numerous reports of dinosauroid tracks imply that the emergence of dinosaurs was a more protracted affair extending through much of the Early and Middle Triassic. This study finds no convincing evidence of dinosaur tracks before the late Ladinian. Each of the three dinosaurian clades — Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha, Ornithischia — produced a unique track morphotype that appears to be an independent modification of the chirotherioid pattern attributed to stem-group archosaurs (thecodontian reptiles). The existence of three divergent track morphotypes is consistent with the concept of dinosaurian polyphyly but can be reconciled with the hypothesis of dinosaurian monophyly only by invoking many and rapid reversals in the locomotor anatomy of early dinosaurs. The origin of dinosaurs was not the correlate or consequence of any single event or process, be it global change, competitive replacement, or opportunism in the wake of mass extinction. Instead the origin of dinosaurs is envisaged as a series of three cladogenetic events over an interval of at least 10 million years and possibly as much as 25 million years. This scenario of dinosaurian polyphyly is as well-supported by fossil evidence as is the currently favoured view of dinosaurian monophyly.  相似文献   

"A rarely utilized source of migration data from the 1981 [U.K.] Census is used to examine the mobility patterns of migrants resident in different [housing] tenures within England and Wales at the regional and county level. A Poisson regression approach is used to compare the effects of distance on migration propensities for those moving into owner-occupied housing, council housing and privately rented housing. The existing literature suggests that migration should be most restricted by distance for council tenants and least restricted for private renters....Local variations in the effects of distance decay on migration for each of the three migrant streams are examined. Both a north-south and a metropolitan non-metropolitan migration divide are clearly evident when migrant flows are disaggregated by tenure at the destination."  相似文献   

英格兰人为精神、文化方面的需求而前往欧洲大陆游历的做法由来已久,可以追溯到中世纪之初、甚至更为遥远的时代。在中世纪,英格兰人除了因外交、军事和商业等原因而旅行外,还以朝圣者、骑士和学者等身份前往欧陆。近代之初,知识结构的变化、人文主义的影响、绅士教育重点的转变及国际外交实践的影响,催生了新型的教育旅行。到17世纪中叶,因英格兰社会上层的政治经济需求、绅士阶层提高自身素养的需要以及部分英格兰人对自身生活习性的反思,新的教育旅行(“大旅行”)开始得到认可和接受,逐渐成为一种广受欢迎的社会传统和习俗。  相似文献   

1707年,苏格兰自愿选择与英格兰合并,苏格兰与英格兰开始共同营建一个新的国家。合并为苏格兰带来了单靠自身力量无法企及的高度繁荣。从苏格兰自愿选择与英格兰合并,至合并为苏格兰带来高度繁荣,苏格兰政治家的选择为民族主义的终极追求问题开辟了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

陈日华 《世界历史》2007,33(1):98-105
中世纪后期,教区是英国最基层的行政单元,在济贫、道路的修建与维护、教堂的管理以及民众日常生活方面,教区扮演着重要的角色。在教区中,社会活动的主体是教区居民,他们监督教区官员的行为,教区的生活体现着自治性与参与性,培养了地方民众早期的民主意识。教区也在国家政权中扮演着重要的角色,为英格兰“地方自治之家”奠定了基础。  相似文献   

18世纪英国社会流动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒小昀 《史学月刊》2004,26(2):108-115
社会流动可以改变人们在社会结构中的位置。18世纪英国社会是一个易于伸缩的社会分层系统,通过社会流动给整个社会注入了活力。英国社会各个阶层在社会流动中表现出不同的特征:贵族的开放是单向度的;中间阶层向全社会成员开放,成为一个生机勃勃的社会阶层;社会下层逐渐向无产阶级过渡,为新社会准备了一个重要的部件。社会流动使英国各阶层连结成一个整体。  相似文献   

英国近代贵族大地产论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阎照祥 《史学月刊》2003,69(8):77-84
近代英国经济的特征之一是贵族大地产的兴盛。从17世纪晚期至19世纪中期,为数不多的贵族始终占有相当份额的地产。甚至就整个欧洲而言,英国贵族大地产的规模和影响也格外突出。英国贵族地产大多是采用资本主义方式经营的,它在一定时期内适应着英国的生产力发展。英国近代贵族阶级长期占有大量地产,既有历史原因,也有社会政治因素;属于封建主义残余的贵族财产等级制和长子继承制,对维护贵族阶级大地产制也起着重要作用。  相似文献   

孙燕 《史学集刊》2006,5(5):58-63
近代早期英国海外贸易由弱到强不断得到发展。从最初伦敦与安特卫普之间的呢绒贸易,到17世纪中后期大西洋商业体系的初步形成,英国海外贸易经历了三个不同的历史阶段,并最终建立了殖民地贸易模式。这为英国实现海上强国的梦想,并成功地走向近代社会,意义重大,影响深远。  相似文献   

郭华 《史学集刊》2008,2(3):67-71
在中世纪英国社会,庄园农奴拥有一种原始的个人权利,即主体权利.这种权利体现于英国中世纪多元社会结构中存在的原始契约之内,又在独特的法律制度下得到保护和发展.这种主体权利观念对英国社会的进步具有重大影响.  相似文献   

程汉大 《史学月刊》2002,2(12):48-53
在学术界,似乎有一个不证自明的定论,即:作为近代资本主义政治制度核心构件的议会政治是与中世纪封建社会无缘的。但事实上,在特定历史条件下,两也完全有可能联系在一起。英国由于在早期历史中形成了政治协商传统和初步成型的议会协商机制以及相应的社会化理念,从而为中世纪晚期出现议会政治奠定了必要的历史基础;但历史基础仅仅提供了议会政治早产的可能性,而将这种可能变为现实的决定性力量则是当时各种具体的特殊原因和个人因素构成的偶然机缘。换言之,中世纪晚期英国议会政治的早产是一种历史偶然现象。由此可见,偶然因素也是一种应当给予充分重视的历史决定性力量。  相似文献   

A cylinder seal of Late Uruk (late fourth millennium BC) type from Abu Dhabi is presented and analysed. Comparisons with excavated finds from elsewhere in the Near East are discussed. An inventory of cylinder seals from sites in the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman shows that cylinder seal use, while not unknown in the region, was never very great. The ways in which the seal may have arrived at its eventual place of discovery are described and the significance of the seal is assessed.  相似文献   

A cylinder seal of Late Uruk (late fourth millennium BC) type from Abu Dhabi is presented and analysed. Comparisons with excavated finds from elsewhere in the Near East are discussed. An inventory of cylinder seals from sites in the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman shows that cylinder seal use, while not unknown in the region, was never very great. The ways in which the seal may have arrived at its eventual place of discovery are described and the significance of the seal is assessed.  相似文献   

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