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<正>4月的一个星期天,朋友来电话:去长寿村吧!于是从天津出发,探访河北邯郸地区武安市的长寿村。长寿村人人长寿,除了山清水秀等自然条件因素外,更重要的是人的心态  相似文献   

This article deals with the question of the relationship between the Italian Communist Party (PCI), the strategy of ‘riforme di struttura’ and reforms in Italy between the 1960s and 1970s, with particular reference to the construction of a modern welfare system. The goal of a universal social security system was set by the PCI from at least 1956. Later, the dialectic with the centre-left governments induced the Communists to strengthen and articulate their proposals on welfare, linking them to the overall design of an advanced democratization of the state and society. In the 1970s, and in particular during the ‘solidarietà democratica’, various proposals made by the Communist Party and the CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labour) in previous years finally became law, beginning with the establishment of the National Health Service organized into local health units. The Communist Party insisted on performance quality rather than quantity. However, the welfare state is now suffering difficulties throughout the Western world.  相似文献   

唐诗中存在着大量取材于古代神话的诗作,这反映了神话对唐诗的显著影响,但这一文学现象很少为学界所关注。本文侧重于从美学角度探析唐诗对七类古代神话的运用。唐诗人不是歌咏原生态的古代神话,而是运用它们的象征意义抒情言志。唐诗大量取材古代神话的现象主要与唐代崇尚道教的社会环境及诗人的不幸的人生遭遇等有关。  相似文献   

This special issue grows out of a shared research interest in the state-building process during the formative years of the People's Republic of China (roughly defined,1949-66) and its profound political,social,economic,and cultural consequences.Five articles in this issue demonstrate that the Communist Party ot China made a great effort to mobilize different political constituents,social classes,professional groups,and cultural communities to consolidate its rule and advance its revolutionary agendas.Governing a deeply diverse and discontented society,the Party created a system of control and mobilization based on the combined mechanisms of political indoctrination,bureaucratic intervention,neighborhood surveillance,and social voluntarism.Communist rule in the 1950s and early 1960s created new cultural forms,business practices,and a new framework under which the party-state's political agenda and bureaucratic apparatus interacted with individual lives.  相似文献   

In this essay, I explore the role of circulation in Beirut’s urban space and society in the early 1960s. Drawing primarily from the Lebanese francophone newspaper L’Orient, I show how the rise of automobility in postcolonial Beirut brought with it the imposition of certain kinds of moral and civic geographies that prescribed how citizens should use and move through the city. I argue that the newspaper’s narratives about matters of infrastructure and traffic law abidance reveal concerns with not just how people moved through the city, but with the everyday configuration of a rational, modern, biopolitical order.  相似文献   

This article uses memory and specifically my memories to build up a sense of how Australians perceived India in the second half of the 20th century. I focus first on the late 1950s to consider Australian perceptions of India as seen through my eyes as a university student. I then present my observations as a student studying in India in the first half of the 1960s to track the limited awareness of Australia in India. The final section, based mainly on newspaper clippings of the late 1980s, assesses how India featured in Australian perceptions some two decades on and in the very different world of the day – one that was much more knowledgeable but not necessarily significantly more involved.  相似文献   

In recent years the central Ottoman archive in Istanbul has been gradually releasing and computerizing thousands of maps stored in its collections. Our study introduces 137 maps already available to researchers that focus either directly or indirectly as part of broader presentations of imperial domains on the Ottoman Empire’s Arab provinces. These maps, which all date to between the middle of the nineteenth century and the First World War, differ widely in character, content and function. The maps are briefly described according to their content and set in their historical context.  相似文献   

<正>题记:那片地域里,如果村落回归原始,如果民族成为部落,没有任何一项理由比这个更能吸引我走进它,探秘其中……四季如春的昆明,悠久古韵的大理,风景如画的丽江,风情万种的西双版纳,神秘瑰丽的香格里拉构筑了世人对云南的印象。而今,我们放弃  相似文献   

Nursing care of the 1830s−40s required significant financial stewardship, material resources, spiritual fortitude and political support alongside the everyday routines of cleaning, cooking and home visiting. The minutiae of Catholic, Protestant and other Prussian institutional donations, budgets and schedules, government records and occasionally women's own writings reveal how German nursing was not a singular and timeless profession. Rather, the feminisation of nursing emerged out of a myriad of gendered ways elite, bourgeois, religious and working women collectively cared for the poor and the sick even before bacteriology and maternalist women's movements transformed nursing in the late nineteenth century.  相似文献   

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