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Recent archaeological research in the American Southwest is rapidly altering long-held perspectives on early agricultural adaptations. The adoption of maize and squash is now reliably dated to ca. 1200 B.C., rather than 4000–2000 B.C. as previously thought, and new sites have been found in a variety of unexpected ecological settings. These emerging spatiotemporal patterns suggest that the development of sedentary communities after A.D. 500 may have been the result of changing systems of foraging, instead of simply a greater dependence on agricultural production.  相似文献   

This study was focused on war-time childhood. The target period covers the war years 1939–1945 and the years of post-war reconstruction. The research was based on memories of 13 participants who lived in the countryside in northern Finland during the Second World War. The purpose of the study was to find out what children's everyday life was like during the war. According to the results, children did play regardless of the war situation. Children also participated in household work actively. By highlighting children's experiences and perspectives, this study provided important information about children's survival during war time. The study also helps understanding the effects of wars from children's point of view.  相似文献   


This article triangulates intergenerational (childhood, adulthood, and old age) visions on the social representation of childhood in rural areas of Chile. These visions were considered within the framework of identity constructs (perceptions, social behaviours, preferences, and ambitions) and were compared against emerging transformations in the spheres of family, and gender relations. A qualitative methodology was used to analyse 68 individual interviews (41 children; 21 women old age; and 6 adult women). It was concluded that, in a context of globalization, rural boys and girls use modern, urban symbols and conform to traditional gender stereotypes. In a familial environment, rural children have acquired discursive protagonism in alliance with older women, a reality that conflicts with the conservative vision of middle-aged adults who have poor awareness regarding the participation of children. Contrasting visions exist between adult women and seniors concerning the responsibilities assigned to children in general and, particularly, to girls.  相似文献   

The out-migration of young people from rural regions is a selective and highly gendered process suggesting considerable differentiation in the way young men and women identify with and experience rural life. Gender imbalance in rural youth out-migration has prompted feminist researchers to consider more carefully linkages between the gendered nature of rural space and place and the social and spatial mobility of rural young men and women. Based on 11 months of ethnographic fieldwork in a rural Irish fishing community, this article explores the gendered dimensions of rural youth experience. Theoretically grounded in the conceptual triad of gender, power and place, this article considers how young men and women experience ‘the rural’ as masculine and feminine subjects. Special attention is given to the ways in which relations of power in ‘the rural’ are articulated, contested and accommodated in the everyday lives of local young men and women. As well as highlighting the ways in which rural space and place is male-dominated, this article foregrounds other power relations at play in the rural. As part of this effort, I problematize male power and point to the ‘effectivity of girls as conduits of power’. I argue that subjectivities of intra-gender relations are a critical dimension of rural youth experience and cannot be overlooked in research on rural youth experience and emigration.  相似文献   

The history of Americanist archaeology can be profitably approached through an examination of ceramic design studies in the puebloan region of the American Southwest. An intellectual tradition is represented throughout these studies, grounded in the assumption that ceramic design variation can be reflected, among other things, in prehistoric social groupings. Within this tradition, a number of differences in method, theory, and application can be distinguished, including (1) the classificatory systems employed, (2) the spatial and temporal scales at which ceramic design variation was studied, and (3) the potential functional role of stylistic attributes on pottery. The debates, both intellectual and social, surrounding the development of method and theory in the New Archaeology are clarified by this historical review, as are the transitions to Culture History and from the New Archaeology in the American Southwest.  相似文献   

This article focuses on how knowledge came to be valued in conflicting ways in the American Republic during the 1820s and 1830s – one based on a market model that considered knowledge to be a commodity for sale, and another that produced cultural value through social connections created in new academic institutions. Constantine Rafinesque, who taught at Transylvania University in Kentucky, and his research in the natural sciences serve as an example of the first sort of scholarship. His life also illustrates how a market society could lead to dandies, like Rafinesque himself, even in academia, and how that threatened both new middle class social proprieties and a system of clubby social relations that had come to dominate America’s colleges and universities in the early nineteenth century.  相似文献   

清代前中期陕甘地区的人口西迁是在清朝势力不断向西北推进的大背景下产生的,西迁人口主要有官方移民、民间自发移民和绿营兵丁及其眷属三种类型组成,官方组织陕甘人口西迁的主要动力先后经历过三次大的转折,因时而异的移民管理体系为移民的顺利推进提供了坚实的制度保障。至嘉庆末,迁入安西地区的陕甘移民及其后裔约10万人,迁入新疆地区的陕甘移民及其后裔可能接近或超过55万人,其中大约有六成左右的西迁人口不在官方户口统计范围之内。  相似文献   

方燕明 《华夏考古》2012,(2):47-67,157,158
河南位于中原腹地,在龙山时代和早期青铜时代,河南的龙山文化和二里头文化在中华文明起源与发展进程中,对以中原为中心的趋势的形成和夏王朝的建立,起着举足轻重的作用。对新中国成立60年来,河南的龙山文化和二里头文化的考古发现和研究成果的回顾和总结,将有利于我们对中华文明形成的机制、动力和规律等问题作持续的新的探索。  相似文献   

明前期的清官循吏数量较多,形成一个群体,明中后期的清官循吏数量锐减,成为偶发的个体。但就名气而言,明前期的清官循吏却明显不如中后期的清官循吏。这主要是因为明前期和中后期的政治环境和君主的治国之策不同造成的。  相似文献   

建国初期,根据桂林市现代工业基础薄弱而私营工商业基础相对较好的实际情况,党和政府采取以恢复与发展私营工商业为重点、其中又以恢复与发展商业为重点的两大举措,加强对私营工商业的保护、扶持和对私营工商业者的改造,引导其健康发展,经过三年努力,将半殖民地半封建的旧官僚消费城市改造建设成新民主主义的新型生产城市。  相似文献   

清前期"安南之役"略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“安南之役”是清乾隆年间中、安之间发生的一场战争。文章从“安南之役”发生的背景、“安南之役”前期进军顺利和后期失败的原因、“安南之役”的性质和影响等三个方面对“安南之役”进行了较为全面的探讨,认为“安南之役”是清朝为维护中、安宗藩关系发动的战争,并非清朝对安南的侵略,它也未从根本上影响以后中、安关系的的正常发展。  相似文献   

清末民初城市的"公共休闲"与"公共时间"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李长莉 《史学月刊》2007,(11):82-89
城市近代工商业的发展是市民生活城市化、社会化、公共化的自然要求和必然结果,是市民生活公共领域的重要组成部分,也为民间社团、学会活动及公众集会、演说、演出等公共活动提供了条件。这一时期群众性的政治活动和文化活动剧烈频繁的壮观局面,使人们思想交流和互动空前频繁,形成日益趋同的思想变革节奏和价值取向,成为清末民初政治鼎革的社会文化基础。这是近代公民社会公共领域所形成的社会文化效应。  相似文献   

劳资协商会议是党和政府调解劳资关系的重要制度,它以“发展生产,繁荣经济,公私兼顾,劳资两利”为基本原则,对调解劳资关系、恢复发展经济起到了积极作用。根据中央和河南省的指示精神,1950年,郑州市积极设立劳资协商会议,为私营工商业发展做出了贡献。“五反”运动后,郑州市的劳资协商会议对缓和劳资关系、恢复生产、稳定社会秩序起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary study that combines archaeological and palaeoenvironmental research to examine the relationship between environment and human activities in Western Poland during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene. The study area lying within the young moraine landscape produced several Late Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic sites, varied in terms of size and function. Analyses of pollen, plant macro-remains and molluscs accompanied by geomorphological investigations and supported by series of radiocarbon dates have enabled a detailed reconstruction of environment. It has shown that despite climatic fluctuations during the Allerød and Younger Dryas, the studied area provided favourable conditions for hunter-gatherer occupation. The presence of micro- and macroscopic charcoal, charred particles of herbaceous plants and charred mosses in peat deposits of former water bodies evidence various activities carried out by Federmesser and Swiderian groups, for example setting up camp-fires and deliberate burning of the local marsh vegetation. Usewear analyses of flint implements have revealed further traces of diversified human activities undertaken at examined sites. Most importantly, this article focuses on plant-based craft activities undertaken by hunter-gatherers, about which little has hitherto been known.  相似文献   

试论建国初期广东侨批业管理政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建国初期的侨批业是经营寄递海外华侨汇款及书信并收寄侨眷回执的私营行业。建国后随着解放军在华南地区军事上的顺利推进,包括侨批业管理在内的一系列重要政策在广东得以迅速制定和推行。在“便利侨汇”、“外汇归公,利益归私”原则的指导下,各项侨批业管理政策试图努力扭转侨批业长期奉行的经营服务方针,使之服从于国家经济建设大局,但由于管理政策自身作用有限以及社会经济实力恢复尚需时日,从新中国成立到朝鲜战争爆发之前,广东侨批业管理并未达到预期目的。  相似文献   

清末民初是天主教在陕北地区发展的重要阶段。在当时陕北23个县中有天主教传入的占19个,广大农村是传教士传教的主要地区,清光绪二十七年至宣统三年即1901至1911年是陕北天主教发展的高潮期。陕北地区在今内蒙古伊克昭盟与山西之间的37·5°N~38·5°N间呈东宽西窄的横楔形区域内,形成了一个天主教堂分布的相对集中区,其中又以西部靖边、怀远(今横山)和定边三县为天主教势力集中的重心所在。县域内天主教堂的空间分布也具有一定的规律。本文主要依据相关地方史志,简要说明清末民初天主教在陕北地区的传播过程并初步探讨其时空分布特征。  相似文献   

贵州秘密会党起源于乾隆初年的啯噜。清末民初,贵州会党先后承担了三种不同的历史角色。首先是被自治学社与陆军小学所利用,从“反清复明”的旧式会党转变为初步接受资产阶级民主思想的革命组织,进而成为辛亥贵州光复的主力军;随后又为宪政派所利用,转而与自治学社为仇,从辛亥革命的功臣转变为颠覆辛亥果实的帮凶;最后又为宪政派以“会党乱黔”作为乞请滇军入黔的口实,从而沦落为政治斗争的牺牲品。三次角色的转换,既折射出清末民初贵州党争的惨烈,同时也暴露了秘密会党缺乏明确政治目标的致命弱点。  相似文献   

清末民初广州的行会工会化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
霍新宾 《史学月刊》2005,2(10):49-55
“工商合行”是广州传统行会组织结构的主要特色。然而,随着清末民初资本主义生产关系的发展,尤其“劳工神圣”西潮的浸润与激荡及革命政权扶助劳工政策的实施,使得“工商合行”的行会模式开始了以“工商分离”为主题特征的行会工会化的艰难蜕变。不过,这种由行会孕育出来的工会组织的肌体上不可避免地附着“工商合行”的深深烙印,这在一定程度上削弱并阻碍了国民革命时期中国共产党对广州工人的政治与阶级动员。从阶级斗争与“工商合行”两种理念交锋而导致行会工会化“曲折与艰辛”的事实中,可以窥视到传统行会近代转型“变”与“不变”的新旧交合的复杂面相。  相似文献   

中国共产党领导全国人民经过28年艰苦卓绝的浴血奋战,终于迎来中华民族浴火重生的曙光,建立了新中国。为铭记革命烈士的不朽功勋,在革命战争年代,解放区施行了褒扬革命烈士和抚恤烈属、军属的政策。新中国成立不久,经政务院批准,内务部制定了一系列对革命烈士进行褒扬抚恤的政策法规,在全国范围内开展对革命烈士的褒扬抚恤工作,如修建公墓和烈士陵园等纪念设施、举行烈士纪念仪式、宣传烈士事迹、收集烈士遗物、向烈士家属发放抚恤金、发动社会广泛开展拥军优属活动等。新中国对革命烈士的褒扬抚恤工作,树立了革命烈士的光辉形象,弘扬了革命烈士的崇高精神,对新中国成立初期社会价值观的塑造产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

We present the results of a multi‐method archaeometric study concerning the architectural elements reused in Monte Sorbo church (Sarsina, central Italy) between the eighth and ninth centuries AD . The provenance study has focused on classical marbles and stones, which clearly do not originate from the local Apennine geological formations and are thought to come from extra‐regional sources. A large fraction of the tested marbles is from Asia Minor, coming from both the Proconnesian district on Marmara Island and, probably, the Hasançavuslar site near Ephesus (Greco scritto). Of the four remaining marbles investigated, one is from the Carrara district and three are from different Greek quarrying areas, such as Mount Pentelikon (Athens) and the Thasos and Paros islands. The data also highlight the reuse of decorated gravestones made of Pietra di Aurisina as architectonic elements. This limestone is a fossiliferous carbonate stone outcropping in the Trieste Karst region (north‐eastern Italy), which was exploited by both the Romans and the Byzantines. The assignment of all of the columns of the central nave to the same source area provides an argument in favour of their provenance from a single monument, which was probably located in Sarsina or Ravenna, with the ‘colourful taste’ that is typical of the late Antonine and Severian periods.  相似文献   

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