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This paper discusses the teaching of geography to 'non-geographers' at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU). GCU is one of the so-called 'new' universities in the UK and it shares with many of these institutions a mission to facilitate access to groups that have traditionally been under-represented in higher education. Human geography is one of the six subject area streams within the interdisciplinary social sciences degree programme, although geographical subject matter is taught in many other degree programmes, in each of GCU's three faculties. The arrangements for teaching human geography at GCU present pedagogical challenges for staff. Means to address these problems have been implemented. In this case study, it is argued that the experience of teaching human geography to 'non-geographers' at GCU may be of more general significance to the discipline, to the teaching of geography in both 'old' and 'new' universities and to those responsible for the delivery of mainstream geography degree programmes.  相似文献   

In an earlier study of Scottish fertility (Jones, 1975) it was concluded that a substantial part of the areal variability in county and major city Crude Birth Rates could be attributed to variations in age structure and, to a lesser extent, socio‐economic composition. Because Crude Birth Rate levels are affected by population composition this study seeks to determine the extent to which areal variations in reproduction can be attributed to behavioural rather than structural effects. It is suggested that areal differences in Scottish reproductive behaviour reflect well defined, deeply ingrained and temporally persistent differences within Scottish society.  相似文献   

李世龙 《史学月刊》2006,3(11):13-19
胡适是中国哲学史研究的开山者。他的《中国哲学史大纲》(卷上)作为中国第一部真正的哲学史著作,建立了哲学史学科的新体系,开创了现代学术史的新纪元。(1)它以科学的方法和可信的史料,创造了全新古典哲学史体系、构想与规范,使哲学史作为一门科学戛然独立,并迈向了中国古代哲学史研究的近代化进程;(2)它用疑古与实证的方法实践,完成了新学科的创立及从“形”到“质”的转变,开启了崭新的治学门径,对具体的学术研究起到了示范作用。(3)它从形式到内容整体手段的全方位更新,不仅具有冲击传统惯性的强劲的反封建之风,又有开拓学术研究新风尚之意义。胡适的哲学史研究,新见迭出,影响深远,具有划时代的意义。  相似文献   

In 1933, a number of European intellectuals among whom Paul Valéry, Johan Huizinga, Julien Benda, Hermann von Keyserling, met in Madrid and in Paris to discuss the identity and history of Europe under the initiative of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. During the symposia, the participants try to define a common European narrative beyond national differences, and some of them evoke the idea of a European ‘homeland’ or ‘nation’, as already advocated in those years by Gaston Riou (Europe ma patrie, 1928) and Julien Benda (Discours à la nation européenne, 1933). Salvador de Madariaga for example calls for a ‘European nationalism’; Georges Duhamel presents ‘Mother Europe’ as an opposing force to growing patriotism; Julio Dantas hopes for a ‘européenité’ as opposed to the individual ‘national’ feelings. What is the reason for insisting so repeatedly on those concepts, when trying to overcome the dangers of nationalism? This paper analyses the different formulations adopted by the participants in the symposiums to describe their idea of a European ‘nation/homeland’, and tries to identify the specific aspects and historical implications of these concepts.  相似文献   

孟森在北大讲授“满洲开国史”共四次,前三次为本科生讲授,第四次为研究生讲授。现在看到的《满洲开国史》是为本科生授课的讲义。孟森在北大讲授“明清史”共三次,前两次为一年授完,第三次始分为两年讲授。《明清史讲义》有一个逐步修订、增补的过程。现在看到的《明史讲义》是1936年印行的最后定本。而《清史讲义》乾隆以后部分,是孟森1935年后增补的,并且增补的部分并没有作为“明清史”课的内容讲授过。另外,孟森对《满洲开国史》等著作并不满意,他曾计划重写一部更系统的满洲开国史著作或教本,可惜愿望未能实现。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with a national dispute that took place in Britain in the second half of the 1970s, concerned with ‘Marxist bias’ in an Open University sociology of education course. The background to the dispute is outlined in terms of generational changes in political perspectives and the clashes produced. The events of the dispute are described, along with the arguments on both sides. The conclusion considers the broader implications of this dispute in the light of subsequent events.  相似文献   

任鸿隽科学教育思想及其实践初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任鸿隽是我国近代著名的科学教育家,在近代中国的社会转型中,他以中国知识界卓越前驱的敏锐目光,对近代中国的教育发展提出了诸多独到的见解。任鸿隽在科学教育上的筚路蓝缕之功为世人所公认,他对科学教育思想的独特阐释与实践,以及在科学教育实践上提出的科学与人文并重的理念,不仅在近代中国教育界产生了深远影响,而且为当今中国科学教育改革提供了极为有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

在新史学思想主导下,吴晗致力于一种社会的、民众的新明史研究,重新选择传统政治史的问题和研究路径,开创了以明史为中心、元明清一线贯通的研究模式。吴晗最具创造性的研究主要体现在明代政治、军事、社会史方面。他不仅在这些方面开拓出对于明史研究的展开有着重要意义的新课题,而且对这些新课题进行了具有深度的研究,得到了后来学者的广泛认同。20世纪50年代,吴晗由学者变为社会教育家,全身心投入到历史普及,形成了一套关于历史通俗化和历史普及的理论和方法,成为普及历史知识的积极倡导者,为史学和社会结合树立了良好的典范。  相似文献   

张龙林 《史学集刊》2004,27(4):69-74
《爪哇史》是研究莱佛士殖民统治思想的重要著作。在《爪哇史》中 ,莱佛士认为爪哇农业具有巨大潜力 ,并驳斥了爪哇人人种低劣的偏见 ,借此呼吁英国政府永久占据爪哇殖民地。受 1 8世纪末以“幸福”(Happiness)为目标的殖民理论的影响 ,参照英属东印度殖民政府的柴明达尔制 ,莱佛士设想通过土地税改革(Land -rentSystem)发展爪哇农业 ,以获取稳定的、巨额的殖民利润。  相似文献   

The starting point of this article is an understudied piece of critical exegesis from 1657 titled Humble Reflections Upon Some Passages of the Right Honorable the Lady Marchionesse of Newcastles Olio. An obscure Englishwoman named Susan Du Verger composed this 164-page tract to refute a three-page essay on “A Monastical life” by the prolific poet, playwright, and philosopher, Margaret Cavendish. While there is now a substantial body of work on nuns and convents, this research largely overlooks how early modern women engaged with these topics in a scholarly manner. Along with elucidating the gamut of relevant patristic and ecclesiastical histories that were available in the English and French vernaculars, Humble Reflections provides a prompt for investigating Cavendish’s ideas on ecclesiastical order, ceremonies, and toleration. I propose that Cavendish refused to grace Du Verger with a direct response because her polemic disregarded the unofficial codes of conduct — friendship, transnational community, and inter-confessional co-existence — that were supposed to maintain peace within the Republic of Letters. In conclusion, this essay displays that Cavendish was actually a great admirer of monasticism, though not so much for its role in the spread of Christianity as for its place in the development of natural philosophy.  相似文献   

赵文洪 《史学月刊》2005,2(5):67-73
在中世纪西欧,关于三个等级的观念是逐渐地形成的。开始时,出现了教会人士高于俗人的观念;以后,随着社会对战争,尤其是对异教的战争的需要的增加,武人的地位在俗人中突出起来,于是又出现了武人高于其他俗人的观念。这样,就最终形成了整个社会从高到低,依次由教会人士、武人和其他俗人这样三个等级构成的社会等级观念和社会分工观念。  相似文献   

In past decades, the history of engineers and engineering has seen spectacular development. Despite this, major interrogations are still left unanswered. This article examines some of these pending questions, like the type of relation that exists between engineering knowledge and practice, or the complex articulation between continuities and discontinuities that characterizes engineering history. Finally, the article proposes to focus on engineering rationality as a possible way to address some of these issues. In order to do so, engineering rationality is not to be confused with some kind of generic and abstract logic. On the contrary, it must be historicized.  相似文献   


This paper describes the context and objective of a Work-Place Cooperative Project (WPCP) established in the School of Geography at the University of Leeds in 1995. The project, in part a response to the changing graduate and employment market in the early 1990s, presents students with issues with a geographical dimension from business, commerce, industry and environmental research. A number of examples from the WPCP are presented.  相似文献   

提要:文化遗产学正在日益成型,但其成熟完善的、富于实践指导意义的理论体系之建构还有很长的路要走.而快速发展的遗产保护实践又对此提出了紧迫要求。因而,回顾历史、学习历史当成为现实抉择。系统研究中国文物保护史不仅利于当今社会实践,亦利于传承人类遗产、提升精神品格。在祖国悠久的文物保护历程中.历代皇室、各级官吏、诸多学者以及千千万万的人民大众都为此付出了各种努力,尽管当初的目的各不相同。但在客观上都有效保护了历史文物,因此,应当通过组建研究团队、申报专项课题、全面搜集文献等对这些历史贡献展开全面研究.从而成就一部中国文物保护史。  相似文献   

This chapter sets out to reconsider the interrelation and non-identity between tribal and kinship relations in South-Western Arabia's history through three cumulative methodological steps that are in part inspired by renewed debates on kinship in anthropology, but also by the École des Annales and other historians such as David Sabaean. A first step identifies different legacies of interactions between history and anthropology in the Euro-American academic record after 1945, and specifies their relevance for today. In a next step, prevailing relations between tribal structures and kinship relations will be assessed through a long-distance comparison between the medieval constellations in the Zaydi highlands of Yemen and elsewhere in Asia for an eleventh century time horizon. Thirdly, the outcome of this comparative analysis should then provide some indicators for a fresh assessment of existing source materials through anthropological perspectives, with special emphasis on gender, kinship and hierarchies. The argument concludes with a discussion of “multiple histories”, and how to approach and write them.  相似文献   


The 30-year story of the geography department at Oxford Brookes University is presented as an oral history in the words of the experienced full-time staff. The department has gained a reputation in the UK and beyond for innovative active-learning methods and its story is an example of how a pedagogic culture can develop in a geography department. The story can also be read as a case study of a workplace in higher education, or as a contribution to the history of education. Most importantly, though, it offers insight into the key factors concerning the development of innovative teaching practice.  相似文献   

理学奠基人程颢、程颐从“天理”的角度对历史重新进行了深邃的思考,他们将一种本位价值——道德价值置于一切人类价值之上,把一切历史活动都放到道义的审判台上加以考察,通过对中国历史的再解释以说明伦理价值的普遍性、绝对性和至上性。不论是对历史学基本性质的反思、对历史人物的评价还是对历史规律的探寻和历史动因的认知,其理论基点与归宿都是融摄伦理规范的宇宙本体——“天理”,展现出一种成熟的历史哲学理论所具有的完整性。  相似文献   

The French Idea of History: Joseph de Maistre and His Heirs, 1794–1854 (Cornell, 2011) is a monograph by Carolina Armenteros describing the historical thought of Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821) and recounting its posterity among French traditionalist, socialist and positivist thinkers. This article presents Armenteros's reflections on some of her book's themes and on the place they occupy in current scholarly debates. She notes that commentators today tend to assume politics' primacy over spirituality as a human motivator. A product of the de-spiritualisation of human experience in late modernity, this view is associated with the polarisation of the concepts of tradition and Enlightenment, and with ideas of liberty and reason ill-adapted to interpreting Maistre's thought. Armenteros shows how her portrait of an anti-absolutist, empiricist and reasonable Maistre disappointed with kings and bent on resolving the problem of violence through spiritual means is the necessary consequence of investigating his historical and political thought in context.  相似文献   

University history has traditionally been the domain of the commemorative publication which presented institutions in a very favourable light, full of the boasts of growth and achievement. In considering university histories, it is useful to examine this traditional approach as well as more recent scholarly developments in the study of the history of institutions of higher learning internationally. In South Africa, most universities have some form of published history, although these vary greatly in scope, depth and critical approach. This article briefly considers volumes produced on South African universities and their past in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Trends and approaches evident in this wide variety of publications are highlighted. Questions such as the choice of moments of origin and commemoration, the effect of Apartheid on the retelling of the past and the use of either an autobiographical or a collaborative approach are considered. The comparative lack of histories of former ‘non-white’ universities is also explored, while the predominance of interest in matters of institutional identity in the post-Apartheid context is highlighted.  相似文献   

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