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过滤理论的起源、概念及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过滤是住房的生命周期与家庭的生命周期之间相互作用的产物,包括两大支流:以建立经济理论和模型为代表的关注住房的过滤研究、有关居民迁居的强调家庭的过滤研究。过滤理论的地理学视角可以追溯到霍伊特(Hoyt)的扇形模型,提供了关于居民迁居和城市社会空间结构之关系的解释。过滤理论意义主要有:为低收入群体提供合适住房、解释城市微观和宏观空间变化、分析和解释与住房市场有关的社会问题。过滤理论是中国城市转型研究的新视角。  相似文献   

《〈蒙古源流〉研究》已经出版了,这是一部对《蒙 古源流》进 行全面研究和科学整理的学术著作,它的出版具有学术上的价值和意义。作者乌兰博士(女 ,蒙古族)历经20多年的研究,最后整理出版了这部大作,这是她对蒙古学 研究的一大贡献,可喜可贺。由于17世纪蒙古地区社会的稳定和经济、文化的发展,涌现出一批现存最早 的蒙文史籍,《蒙古源流》是其中最有价值的史籍之一,是编入《四库全书》 的惟一汉译民族文字的历史著作;因此,《蒙古源流》已成为民族文字史籍中 传世最广、闻名遐迩的代表作。《〈蒙古源流〉研究》约5万字的…  相似文献   

当前我国自助游监管"空心化"的成因、根源及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨俭波  肖顺金 《人文地理》2007,22(3):87-91,97
本文首先就国内自助游研究现状进行了文献综述,提出所要探讨的自助游监管和监管空心化问题;进而对自助游监管“空心化”的表现、成因和根源进行了探讨;在此基础上,文章提出了关于改善当前自助游监管“空心化”现象的建议,内容涵盖政府、行业协会、企业三个层面,以期促进自助游市场的健康和良性发展。  相似文献   

T he O rangeville and Oak Ridges moraines have long been considered the main Iandforms constructed during the initial deglaciation of southern Ontario. Recent mapping and stratigraphic studies indicate that they were deposited rather later than the initial phase of deglaciation. This note briefly describes some of these recent developments.  相似文献   

Travertine was one of ancient Egypt's most popular ornamental stones. Upon prolonged exposure to sunlight, the rock's translucent brownish calcite is bleached to nearly white. Ultraviolet and gamma irradiation experiments were undertaken to investigate the source of the brownish colour and the process by which it fades. It was found that the coloration results from the activation of colour centres by natural radioactivity within the rock, and that these colour centres are deactivated by the ultraviolet component of sunlight. The results also demonstrate that the original brownish colour of sun‐bleached, travertine objects can be restored by artificial gamma irradiation.  相似文献   

“摇钱树”一词,最早见于明冯梦龙的《警世通言》三二卷“杜十娘怒沉百宝箱”一文中。作为一个考古学名词,是我国著名考古学家冯汉骥先生,在四十年代对彭山汉代崖墓出土的一种随葬器物,进行研究后提出来的。六十年代,于豪亮先生《“钱树”“钱树座”和鱼龙漫衍之戏》一文在《文物》杂志上发表后,这一称谓便为考古学界所接受。  相似文献   

永字八法描述了楷書八種筆畫的技法。它自9–11世紀間問世之後,對中國書 法筆法產生了深遠的影響。八法既是對漢字筆畫形態的最早歸納,又體現了 漢字筆順的萌芽意識,在中國文字學史上也起了一定的作用。本文對永字八 法的由來、創作者、含義等問題作出文獻學梳理與全面的思考,以更準確地 討論它在中國書法史上的地位。  相似文献   

Mathematical techniques are used to test the hypothesis that Soviet farm efficiency, as reflected in farm profit rates, is higher in areas where the boundaries of collective and state farms coincide with the boundaries of rural soviets, the lowest local government areas. Conversely, farm performance suffers when farm territories are broken up among two or more rural soviets. The use of Karl Pearson's coefficient of contingency, which may be used to measure the strength of a relationship between qualitative variables, shows a positive relationship between farm profit rates and boundary coincidence. The authors therefore urge frequent review of local government areas to insure that they correspond to the boundaries of agricultural operating units.  相似文献   

Summary. Fragments of ceramic sieves constitute a widespread, but littleknown element in the ceramic inventories of Linear Pottery sites in temperate Europe. These sieves appear to have functioned as strainers for separating curds from whey in cheese production, on the basis of parallels with later archaeological cultures and ethnographic examples. Archaeozoological data support the hypothesis that dairy production has a greater antiquity than has been hitherto accepted. The sieves played an important role in early dairy production, for the manufacture of cheese was an essential step in the exploitation of milk by populations who possibly had a high level of lactose intolerance.  相似文献   

The name of "Peru" and the entities and beings it names first appeared "in an abyss of history" on "the edge of the world" in the early 1500s. In this essay I ask what hermeneutical truths or meanings the strange event that made the name of Peru both famous and historical holds for—and withholds from—any understanding of the meaning of colonial history. By way of a reading of Inca garcilaso de la Vega's rendering, in Los Comentarios Reales de los Incas (1609) of "the origin and principle of the name of Peru," I suggest that Peru's name is itself an inaugural event that marks the founding void or abyss of colonial and postcolonial history, which is to say, of modern global history. This événemential void is not unoccupied, however. It is inhabited by another founding, mythopoetic figure of history: "the barbarian" whose speech is registered in the historian's text.  相似文献   

会展经济是市场经济的产物,大力发展会展经济,对推动社会经济起着巨大的作用.会展与现代经济的密切关联决定了会展人才的培养要适应会展市场对人才的需求.因此,培养会展市场需要的高素质人才是高等院校教育工作者亟待解决的问题.课程结构体系是实现人才培养目标、提高人才培养质量的核心所在.而国内高等院校会展课程设置缺乏体系,造成泛而杂、全而乱等问题,影响了人才培养目标的实现.本文对美国乔治·华盛顿大学会展管理专业和英国利兹城市大学会展专业的课程体系进行了细致的分析,旨在为新办会展经济与管理专业院校的课程体系及人才培养提供可借鉴的发展思路.  相似文献   

中国传统体育运动起源与发展的地理诠释   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
陈修颖 《人文地理》2000,15(1):70-72
中国传统体育运动项目繁多、历史悠久,其起源和发展具有明显的地域性。本文初步探讨了中国传统体育运动的地理学特征,并对一些主要项目的起源与发展从不同的地理环境角度进行实证分析。本文指出在分析地理条件对传统体育运动的影响时要注意统一性和多序性。  相似文献   

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