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选取了2008年长春市主城区各警区(共74个)内的8种常见犯罪,并对其进行了基于主成分的因子分析。基于日常活动理论(routine activities theory)的理论框架,通过分析不同主因子得分的空间分异状况,并结合各地段人口集聚、社会经济、土地利用等方面的特征,探究各主因子的内涵、关联和空间格局的成因。结果表明长春市2008年8种常见犯罪可以归为3个主因子上。其中主因子1在伤害、诈骗和偶发性暴力犯罪上载荷最大,可以归结为经济活动主导(或就业主导型)型因子;主因子2载荷最大的犯罪包括抢劫、抢夺和扒窃,可以归结为商贸、餐饮、文娱活动主导型因子;主因子3载荷最大的犯罪包括入室盗窃和机动车盗窃,可以归结为居住活动主导型因子。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper proposes an approach to delineating metropolitan areas that is more general than the standard approaches in three respects: First, it uses the fraction of land prices attributable to economies of urban agglomeration instead of using commuting intensities as an indicator of economic integration between metropolitan centers and their hinterlands. Second, it identifies metropolitan centers endogenously instead of determining them exogenously. And third, it takes metropolitan subcenters explicitly into account. An empirical illustration is used to show that the approach tends to delineate fewer but larger metropolitan areas in densely populated regions, and smaller metropolitan areas in sparsely populated regions.  相似文献   

解析信息社会流动空间的概念、属性与特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伴随着20世纪90年代以来的数字技术革命,围绕信息而产生的概念被广泛纳入到了城市与区域空间研究框架中。流动空间是全球化进程中在信息技术的推动下产生的一种新的空间形式。信息技术、经济和空间的共同作用改变了传统的时间、空间和距离的概念,产生了全新的流动空间场。为了在城市与区域规划中更好地理解与应用流动空间这一概念,在把握国内外相关研究的基础上,我们总结出流动空间的概念,认为其具有实体空间与虚拟空间的二元属性,提出流动空间具有流动性、共享性、高时效性、空间弹性和高级网络性五大特征。在信息时代,对于流动空间的概念、属性与特征的研究强调了流动空间作为区别地方空间的一种新空间形式的内涵,突显出信息技术改变我们居住、生活空间的同时,将使我们主动地迎接空间转变的挑战。  相似文献   

浅谈美术地理的地域空间性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从地理学的角度,用地域空间和历史的观点对美术的地域性进行了论述,提出了美术地理学的研究范畴。全文从横向地域性、纵向地域性、地域空间的扩散性三个方面对美术的地理特性进行了研究。通过大量的分析,作者认为地理环境对美术风格具有决定性的影响。文章所提出的观点可以看作是对文化地理理论的一种补充与印证。  相似文献   

陕西省农村土地流转迟缓的供求影响因素与机制探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村土地流转长期受到决策者的鼓励,但我国农村土地使用权流转率一直偏低,西部地区尤其如此。本文试图以陕西省为例,通过问卷调查和访谈,分析农地社会保障功能等因素影响农地使用权流转率的作用机制;并从供给和需求两个方面,分析了经济落后地区农村土地使用权流转率偏低的原因。研究结果表明,农地流转受到现行的以提供社会保障为基本目的的农地制度的约束,任何旨在提高农地流转率的改革措施,都必须考虑现行农地制度的社会保障功能和地区差异,实行因地制宜的农地流转制度。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  Analysis of social interactions has recently become an important area of economic research, and the focus of researchers in this area has increasingly shifted toward dynamic models. In one recent contribution, Brueckner and Smirnov (2007) analyze the evolution of population attributes in an exceedingly simple model, where an agent's attributes at time t are equal to the average attribute value among his acquaintances. The pattern of acquaintances in the population is determined by the social network, and Brueckner and Smirnov (BS) explore the effect of network characteristics on the convergence of population attributes over time. They show that some simple sufficient conditions on the network structure ensure convergence to a "melting-pot" equilibrium where attributes are uniform across agents. The present paper provides a generalization of BS's analysis, allowing for a more general form of the rule governing the evolution of population attributes. The analysis shows that BS's previous conclusions continue to hold under this generalization, while also providing a result that can be applied more generally to other models.  相似文献   

It was not long ago that I took National Highways 318,212,and 317 to get to Nyingchi and Chamdo and conduct various interviews.The place is a mysterious land in the southeastern reaches of Tibet,and while I was there,I saw development and vitality everywhere as a result of the prosperity sweeping across the region.  相似文献   

The area is situated at the end of the land's snow line,along the southern part of Mt. Gonggya(the "Mountain King in Sichuan Province") and at the intersection of Panchi Hua, Xichang Plain, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

赵明  周瑞平 《人文地理》2007,22(2):126-128
土地价格是土地市场运行的核心,也是土地利用状况的指示器。本文从综合地价、商业地价、住宅地价、工业地价和总体平均地价对呼和浩特市城市地价水平及发展趋势作了分析,结果显示:呼和浩特市城市地价总体水平继续呈现稳中有升的态势,其中商业增长率上升比较突出,工业和住宅增长率相对较低,但其整体水平及其增长速度均低于全国平均水平;未来五年,呼和浩特市城市地价的增长率将会显著提高,地价重心将会向城市东南或南方向转移,地价增长方式将会由外延式向内涵式转变。  相似文献   

The objective of the present work is to examine advantages and drawbacks of different types of isolation systems, when seismic isolation is used as a protection strategy against damage to internal equipment and contents. The starting point of the study is the big experimental program of table tests on reduced-scale R/C structural models, carried out within the MANSIDE (Memory Alloys for New Seismic Isolation DEvices) project. Seven identical l:3.3-scaled, 3-storey frames were tested, including two fixed-base models and four base-isolated models with different isolation systems, namely: (1) rubber isolators, (2) steel-hysteretic system and (3), re-centring SMA (Shape Memory Alloy) system. In this study the internal equipment is regarded as an elastic single degree of freedom, with 2% equivalent viscous damping. Therefore, the capability of fixed-base and base-isolated models with different isolation systems to protect light secondary systems is evaluated by comparing the floor response spectra obtained from the storey accelerations recorded during shaking table tests. Three different PGA's are considered, about 0.15g, 0.3g and 0.5g, respectively. All the shaking table tests are also simulated with an accurate numerical model, to validate and better understand the experimental results. It is found that each type of isolation system reduces considerably the seismic effects on internal equipments in wide frequency regions. However, tuning effects may arise in specific frequency ranges, corresponding to the first mode in structures equipped with quasi-elastic (rubber) isolation systems, and to higher modes in structures equipped with elasto-plastic (steel) and nonlinear re-centering (SMA) isolation systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper links the two nascent economic literatures on social networks and cultural assimilation by investigating the evolution of population attributes in a simple model where agents are influenced by their acquaintances. The main conclusion of the analysis is that attributes converge to a melting‐pot equilibrium, where everyone is identical, provided the social network exhibits a sufficient degree of interconnectedness. When the model is extended to allow an expanding acquaintance set, convergence is guaranteed provided a weaker interconnectedness condition is satisfied, and convergence is rapid. If the intensity of interactions with acquaintances becomes endogenous, convergence (when it occurs) is slowed when agents prefer to interact with people like themselves and hastened when interaction with dissimilar agents is preferred.  相似文献   

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