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<正>趵突泉名列济南众泉之冠,是济南三大名胜之一,位于济南市中心区趵突泉公园内。趵突泉公园始建于1956年,其名胜古迹,文化内涵极为丰富,是具有南北方园林艺术特点的最有代表性的山水园林。趵突泉水从地下石灰岩溶洞中涌  相似文献   

<正>Senior monk Dusuni Khyenpa from the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism founded the Tsurpu Monastery in 1187;so today it is over 800 years old.  相似文献   

Forty kilometers to the west along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, after setting off from Lhasa, there is a bridge crossing over the Todlung River. This is Lungpa Sangpa (Tibetan, meaning the hometown bridge). Passing over the bridge and walking further into the mountain valley, you can reach the Gurong mountain area. On walking further, you will find a splendid ancient monastery standing on the green mountainside. This is the well-known Tsurpu Monastery situated beneath the snow-covered highlands.  相似文献   

<正>中国人的春节,有着丰富、多样的传统与风俗,吃饺子、穿新衣、放鞭炮、逛庙会……"一方水土养一方人",各地的百姓总能把"过年"这件最喜庆的事儿,涂抹上最浓郁的地方色彩。虽说回家是春节不变的主题,但随着人们的观念和家庭结构的改变,许多家庭很想在一年难得的假日里搞搞新意思,或自驾或自由  相似文献   

<正>The fame of the Samye Monastery is unique in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.This monastery, dedicated to the Three Precious Ones(Buddha,Dharma and Sangha),w...  相似文献   

<正>On hearing Reting Monastery,people always like to mention the uncountable big cypresses there.  相似文献   

<正>It’s dawn and the mountain valley in south Tibet is silent.There is only the smoke spiraling up from the kitchen chimneys of Tibetan households to greet the ...  相似文献   

<正>The Spring Ploughing Festival is the most ceremonious Tibetan traditional festival that takes place just after the Tibetan New Year in the Tibetan calendar.The Spring Ploughing Festival in Jingdrol Village basically follows Tibetan ancient customs and is still held today.  相似文献   

王刚 《旅游纵览》2011,(3):46-49
平日里,这里只是横门湾的一个普通渔村这里每年都上演北方地区最大规模的海祭每年的3月20~22日,十几万来自四面八方的人群涌入这个无声无息的小渔村摆供、祭奠……渔家媳妇蒸面馍,打扫龙王庙,一束束用竹竿绑扎成的几米高的"站缨"迎风而立"……幸哉,尚飨——"高亢的《祭海文》和嘹亮的船工号子,透过扩音喇叭在渔村周戈庄的"田横祭海"广场上回响夜幕笼罩着古老的传说,风轻桨橹摇一个田横祭海节,一只窝缩在海洋文化里的蛤蜊  相似文献   

蔡浩 《旅游纵览》2011,(1):30-33
<正>岁月在日历上一天天地翻过去了,时间就这样在手指间不经意地轻轻滑过。不经意间,2011年来了。元旦只是个开始,随后春节及各地量大如"灌水"的文化饕餮足以让民俗摄影的达人们翘首以待。  相似文献   

<正>The Second Han-Tibetan Buddhism Symposium was held at Renmin University of China on September 21st,2012.Scholars in the Han-Tibetan Buddhism field from home and abroad gathered together and made academic exchange with Master Xue Cheng and Jamyang Lodro Rinpoche.The symposium released scholars' researches on the murals and Thangkas of Jonang Sect,opened a special Jonang Buddhist Cultural Forum.Master Xue Cheng and Jamyang Lodro Rinpoche were engaged as academic advisers of the Han-Tibetan Buddhism Research Center of Renmin University.Dzamtang Tsangpa Monastery of Jonang Sect in Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province was appointed as the teaching practice base of the National Culture Institute of Renmin University.The famous scholars Chen Qingying,Banban Dorje,Shen Weirong,Xie Haoyue and Yuan Jingfang have made keynote speeches.  相似文献   

<正>The Second Tibetology Qomolangma Forum was held in China Tibetology Research Center in Beijing from Oct.30th to 31st.Themed as Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and"One Belt and One Road"Strategy,the forum attracted nearly one hundred Tibetology experts from all over the country.They shared the latest Tibetology research achievements,exchanged ideas about research thesis,and offered sugges-  相似文献   

<正>Stretching into the distance in Gyantse Valley the dark green barley ears stand heavily on the wide land,alongside golden rape flowers that attract beautiful butterflies to dance around them.On the way to Gyantse,bikes,carriages, motorcycles and tractors are carrying farmers and herdsmen from different towns to gather at the Darma grassland square.  相似文献   

Shalu Monastery is one of the most famous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and is seated in Gyatso Shong Township of Shigatse Municipality in the Tibet Autonomous Region.The monastery is rich in murals that total over a thousand square meters in wall space,putting on display a fine example of Tibetan Buddhist mural art from the Yuan dynasty.  相似文献   

Michel  Setboun  李亦萌 《世界》2009,(1):156-163
“驾,驾,驾!”马群在骑手的驱策下奔驰在苏库克尔湖那巨大的冰而上,作为一片长期处于封冻状态下的湖泊,苏库克尔湖显得格外通透幽蓝,那深不见底的湖水上终年漂浮着微微开裂的冰层。  相似文献   

正Not far from the ferry dock close to the Samye Monastery,there is a countryside road leading directly to the Dranang County.The road has been laid with asphalt and connects Lhasa to Lhokar.At the very beginning of the road,however,there is a sign,where"To the Drathang Monastery"is written.Obviously,the monastery is much more famous than the county.Ten  相似文献   

<正>Since 1999,each year in early August, Tengchen County in east Tibet has been holding the Ralpa Art Festival, which is also regarded as trade festival for caterpillar fungus. Over the last ten years,this festival in the grassland has tended to gradually grow bigger and bigger while its contents become richer and more varied,in conjunction with the increasingly enthusiastic participation of local farmers and herdsmen.Ultimately,the festival has become quite well known.  相似文献   

<正>Damshung County,an epitome of Tibet's northern vast grassland,is about 160 kilometers away from Lhasa.The county is famous for having the Mt.Nyanchen Thangiha,the Namtso Lake,and the Horse Race Festival.As one of the main festivals of the county,the Horse Race  相似文献   

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