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Summary. This article considers the light thrown on Thracian Orphic doctrine by a stone ithyphallic altar dated to the fourth century BC, found near Polianthos, northern Greece. Its iconography combines symbols reflecting the sacred marriage, and can be paralleled in petroglyphs and figured metalwork; while its cosmological basis is also reflected in aspects of royal Thracian burials.  相似文献   

J. A. BUCKLEY 《Archaeometry》1985,27(1):102-107
Thirty-one silver coins of the Hellenistic period were examined by the particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method, and the results incorporated into a wider study of the coins. Some tentative conclusions reached in the study are mentioned, together with an outline of the PIXE method. A number of patterns emerged in the results, the most important being an apparent deterioration in silver content among the later Seleucid and Ptolemaic issues; some high concentrations of particular elements were also noted.  相似文献   

Eighty-six Roman amphora sherds from the Plemmirio B shipwreck, off Sicily, have been analysed by neutron activation analysis. A large group representative of the amphora cargo, mainly of forms Africana 1 and Africana 2A (from the area of modern Tunisia), was subsequently defined. No differences between Africana 1 and Africana 2A samples were observed, thus implying a similar origin for both forms. The provenance of this cargo group was then investigated by comparison with a Roman amphora kiln data base. After elimination of the more mobile elements it was shown that the cargo amphorae were more likely to have been manufactured at kilns around Sullecthum rather than Leptis Minor. The analytical conclusions are thoroughly consistent with the known archaeological information.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring radioisotope 87Rb makes a small contribution to the total dose-rate. Assuming an average potassium:rubidium ratio of 200:1 the contribution is estimated at 2.9% of the B dose-rate From potassium. The effect will be negligible in quartz inclusion dating because of the strong attenuation of the B- emission from 87Rb. In fine-grain dating the omission of the 87Rb contribution will overestimate the age of a pottery sherd by not more than 2% and this is regarded as of minor importance when the total error in the technique is at least 15%.  相似文献   

Summary. An assemblage of 20 bronze artefacts discovered together is described, which includes 17 Late Bronze Age objects belonging to the Wilburton tradition (including one decorated sword hilt). The assemblage also includes three other objects, of later dates, and the separate discovery of a Wilburton sword, found nearby, is also described. The origin of the Wilburton items as part of a hoard is discussed and the likely history of the assemblage is considered. A metallurgical report on all the objects, by J.P. Northover is included.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between violence and the racial city. It examines Durban's construction and disintegration in the context of unsuccessful apartheid reform, and traces corresponding distinct but overlapping stages of violence. Internecine violence of the latter 1980s constituted a racially displaced confrontation over political control and resources of the society transformed into internecine conflict within black residential areas, especially the urban peripheries. The violence was rooted in spatial and material differentiation reinforced by township and shantytown power structures, which clandestine state intervention accentuated. The article concludes by analyzing the new spatial and racial city forms, suggesting alternative urban reconstruction paths to redress the deeper causes of violence.  相似文献   

In a paper recently published in this journal, Shlomit Bechar (2021) analyzed the appearance and use of basalt orthostats in Canaanite and Israelite Hazor. The present paper is an addendum to Bechar's paper, elaborating the subject of the basalt lion orthostats found at Hazor. These lion orthostats formed an inseparable component of the ‘orthostats architecture’ characteristic of several monumental buildings in the Canaanite city. The paper discusses their original position, date, style, function, and fate following the destruction of the city.  相似文献   

陈大鹏 《人文地理》2000,15(2):27-29
本文针对我国普遍存在的城乡联姻现象,以西安市的几个实例分析和社会经济调查为基础,剖析城乡婚姻的成因与特点,并提出这一现象的发展趋势及应采取的对策。  相似文献   

<正>If it were not for seeing him in person,one would have thought the Tibetan man to be someone from literature.He wears loose clothes with a shiny dark pigtail on the back of his head,and every now and then,he breaks out in a few classic sayings made by Deng Xiaoping,a recent president of China.25 years ago,Rigzin Sherab left Tibet to go study in mainland China for the first time.Looking out of the window  相似文献   

Water valuation represents both an opportunity and a challenge for interdisciplinary scholarly research, given that it can mobilize academic work beyond unnecessary cleavages between physical and social sciences. The article revisits the most common valuation approaches – namely, water as an economic resource, entangled in commodification strategies and embedded in cultural heritages – as important, but incomplete, considerations of the multitude of water values. While previous publications have dealt with the values held by different social groups and by the territorialized manifestation of water values, the limitations of prevailing valuation strategies are discussed here and a relational synthesis is proposed. As relevant as the examination of particular values (e.g. economic, non‐economic, religious, cultural, aesthetic values, etc.) is the realization that the valuation of water is articulated according to socionatural interdependencies and the historic‐geographical trajectories of individuals and groups. Water valuation is, therefore, premised on a relational, holistic ontology, in the sense that values are necessarily interrelated and emerge out of concrete, politicized socionatural interactions. Making use of relevant examples, it is argued that the valuation of water is ultimately a political statement that synthesizes mechanisms of cooperation and competition between individuals and social groups for the allocation, use and conservation of water. Such politicized understanding of the interconnections between water values provides a helpful entry point into the causes and consequences of water management problems. These are all profoundly geographical, but also interdisciplinary, questions, as water values reflect multiscale connections between local processes and wider relations of production, consumption and reproduction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative assessment of the regional impacts and opportunities from climate change in Canada. The discussion draws extensively from a recently completed assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation in Canada, led by Environment Canada. The paper addresses impacts from three regional perspectives: expansion and northern shifts, impacts and opportunities in major regions, and ubiquitous impacts and opportunities. While some broad policy issues are evident, given the complexity of Canada's natural and human landscapes and the projected regional impacts, further research is needed before developing more targeted policy.
Cet article propose une évaluation comparative des effets des changements climatiques dans diverses régions du Canada - et des bénéfices qui pourront en résulter. L'étude se penche sur une évaluation récente d'Environnement Canada des bénéfices des changements climatiques et de l'adaptation à ces changements au Canada initiés par Environnement Canada. Nous divisons l'étude en trois parties: l'expansion et le déplacement vers le nord; les effets des changements climatiques et leurs bénéfices dans les principales régions du pays; les effets et les bénéfices des changements climatiques partout dans le pays. Bien que la nécessité de certaines politiques générales soit évidente, étant donné la complexité de la géographie humaine et naturelle du pays et les différents effets projetés dans les diverses régions du pays, il faudra faire des études approfondies avant de proposer des politiques plus spécifiques pour chaque région.  相似文献   

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