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东田 《风景名胜》2011,(11):160-169,14
阿尔萨斯坐落在美丽的莱茵河与延绵的孚日(Vosges)山脉之间,是法国顶级的白葡萄酒产区,酿造葡萄的历史有1500多年。它地处法国东北部,分别与德国、瑞士接壤,占据了西欧心脏地带。而该省首府斯特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)地处“欧洲的十字路口”,乃兵家必争之地。  相似文献   

miaka  周越 《世界》2008,(1):28-29
白葡萄酒 去法国买酒是个不错的选择,尤其是当你来到阿尔萨斯。要知道,这里可是法国唯一一个完全沿用传统方法酿酒的区域。  相似文献   

8月正是新疆葡萄成熟的季节,到处瓜果飘香,这个时候来到新疆游玩,马奶子、无核白、红葡萄、黑葡萄、玫瑰香、白布瑞克……各种品种的葡萄绝对会让你目不暇接,吃到满嘴留香。在新疆,要吃最好的葡萄当然要到吐鲁番的葡萄沟了。葡萄沟位于吐鲁番的东北处,绵延七八公里都是葡萄园。园里,每一个葡萄架上都爬满了密密的葡萄藤,阻隔了炽热的阳光。一串  相似文献   

王坤  独臂老宋 《旅游纵览》2012,(5):31-33,30
<正>百年霉菌覆盖着木酒桶,存放在豪达酒堡里的酒会有一部分消失掉,人们认为那是被天使喝去了,所以称作"天使的份额"。世界上独一无二的白兰地产自这里,这就是身在法国的小城干邑,一个可以酿出隔世醇香——干邑的地方。小城干邑干邑是法国西南部的一个小城,之所以能酿出品质最佳的白兰地,是因为干邑城周围约十万公顷的范围内,有着最适合良种葡萄生长的气候和土壤环境。干邑距离法国红葡萄酒的三大著名  相似文献   

在北京生活的人,既能沐浴到国内一流的城市文明,走不了多远,又能享受到乡野山间的山露晨滴,说来北京人的幸福感名列全国前茅还是有根有据的。在这个小虫子都不愿呆在土里的好光景,编辑们动用所有的嗅觉和智慧,为您精挑细选出北京周边值得一去的地方,有山,有海,有景点。这景点可不是一般的景点,用小编鱼鱼的话说,这些可是"听起来就想去的地方",用老编秋秋的话说:这可是"玩了还想玩的地方"。金融危机,全球消费市场低迷,先把地球对面的远线放一放,近处的线路选对了,一样可以玩得热络精彩。  相似文献   

Sense of place was investigated in an interpretive approach to examine how it develops; how it varies cross-culturally among modern and indigenous peoples; and how it develops among various contexts (home and environs, family, community, and culture). Individual and group interviews were conducted using questionnaires on Banks Peninsula, New Zealand (a rural, farm-based setting) with 270 residents from 1987 to 1989, with 80 out-migrants interviewed around New Zealand in 1989. The methodology was based on phenomenology, ethnography, and social surveys. Statistical analyses indicated the significance of residential status and social belonging toward the development of a sense of place. Contextual influences were found to be important from qualitative data, with traditional culture of primary importance to Maori. Both Maori and European-descent respondents with long-term residence expressed a rooted sense of place for Peninsula environs. These respondents were less residentially mobile and were often tied to the land through ancestry and/or family farms. Newcomers to the region were usually treated as outsiders (for decades). The Maori community was partially sustained by a social network that extended beyond the Peninsula. Maori sense of place was based more on their cosmology and culture, which rooted them to their tribal territory spiritually and emotionally. To counter an amoral, modernist hegemony and to move toward community sustainability, postmodernists need to consider the significance of developing a place-based ideology that links people to place through a rooted sense of place. À l'aide d'une méthode interprétative, le sentiment d'appartenance à un milieu a été étudié pour examiner la manière dont il se développe, ses variations interculturelles parmi les populations modernes et autochtones, de même que l'incidence de divers éléments, tels la résidence et son voisinage, la famille, la collectivité et la culture, sur son développement. Entre 1987 et 1989, des entretiens individuels et de groupes ont été menés, en utilisant des questionnaires, auprès de 270 résidants demeurant dans la péninsule de Banks, en Nouvelle-Zélande, et appartenant à un milieu rural essentiellement agricole. De plus, en 1989, 80 émigrants répartis sur le territoire de la Nouvelle-Zélande ont été également intervieés. Les études phénoménologiques, ethnographiques et sociales ont servi de méthode fondamentale. L'analyse statistique a révélé l'importance de la qualité de résidant et l'importance de l'appartenance sociale sur le développement du sentiment d'appartenance à un milieu. D'après les données qualitatives, l'influence environnementale est significative, et la culture traditionnelle est capitale chez les Maoris. Les répondants établis depuis longtemps, qu'ils soient de descendance européenne ou maorie, ont manifesté un sentiment profond d'appartenance à leur milieu, que représente la péninsule. Ces répondants étaient relativement stables du point de vue résidentiel et possédaient souvent une terre ancestrale ou une ferme familiale. Les nouveaux arrivants ont été habituellement traités comme des étrangers (pendant des décennies). La communauté maorie a été soutenue en partie par un réseau social qui s'est étendu au-delà de la péninsule. Chez ce peuple, le sentiment d'appartenance au milieu s'appuie davantage sur la cosmologie et la culture, ce qui crée des liens spirituels et affectifs entre ces gens et leur territoire tribal. Pour s'opposer à l'hégémonie amorale et moderniste, et pour s'orienter vers la viabilité des collectivités, les post-modernistes doivent se rendre compte de l'importance d'élaborer une idéologie axée sur le milieu qui lie les gens par un sentiment profond d'appartenance.  相似文献   

From the moment it began to engage with time in a considered way, human geography has employed a variety of analytical and conceptual approaches to it. Recent work especially has greatly extended the range of these different approaches by stressing the innate variability of time, leading some to talk of ‘multiple temporalities’ and to pronounce time as ‘uneven’ even within the same society. Fractured by such differences over how time may be used and interpreted, the possibility of an overarching concept of time in human geography has long gone. However, this does not prevent us from asking whether it is still possible to produce a coherent review of the differences involved. This paper offers such a review, arguing that setting these differences down within a structured framework can provide a clearer sense of how diverse the debate among human geographers has become and the trends of thought that have underpinned this growing diversity. Among the trends identified, it places particular stress on the shift from objectified interpretations to those dealing with relational forms of lived and experiential time and on how the separation of early discussions of space from those on time, their dimensional stand‐off from each other, has slowly given way to a view in which space and time are treated as sticky concepts that are difficult to separate from each other.  相似文献   

Migration and place attachment are often coupled within the migration decision‐making literature with the underlying assumption that individuals with strong place attachments are less likely to migrate than individuals with weaker ties to place. As communication technologies have improved, however, new forms of place attachment and connections between individuals and places are evolving. We introduce the concept of place elasticity as a new conceptualization of place attachment made possible by innovations in communication and transportation technologies. Place elasticity allows individuals to live in distant locales while maintaining close interaction with a particular place. We explore this concept with questionnaires and interviews from a sample of individuals from rural Appalachian counties in eastern Kentucky. Rural residents of this region have been noted for their strong place attachments and connections to their home county. Based on our questionnaires and interviews from family reunions we propose that place elasticity has three distinct characteristics: portability, strong place bonds, and permanence and that these traits allow individuals to remain connected to home counties and family, thereby allowing migration and settlement in distant locations with minimal loss of connectedness.  相似文献   

A Moscow University place-name linguist traces the origins ot Russian place names in Alaska through the three periods of Russian settlement–the early mercantile activities, colonization of the southern areas, and penetration of the interior–and the extent to which aboriginal names were combined with Russian names. The various types of Russian settlements and the terms used to designate them are discussed, and the evolution of Russian names into the American period is traced. Alaska is found to be a unique case of Russian-American language contact.  相似文献   

The existing empirical literature about polycentric population density has focused on the urban scale, and the alternative models proposed in that context have been justified using heuristic arguments. This paper describes how polycentric density distributions can, in general, be endowed with a theoretical framework which differs from the existing literature with respect to the treatment of centers: instead of assuming that they represent places of work, it assumes they are places that provide goods and services to households. This imposes a hierarchical structure on the model, which allows replacing the set of distances to all centers (typically used in the existing literature as the same explanans irrespectively of location) with a smaller set of distances that corresponds to the number of levels in the hierarchy and varies with location. The central‐place framework used also provides a direct link between a polycentric model and the Clark formula, in the sense that the latter can emerge through a smoothing procedure of the former. Finally, in the context of central places, the scope of related empirical investigations can be extended naturally from the urban to the regional scale. This is the scale of a simple test presented here, which has been specifically included to support the corresponding theoretical arguments about the structure of a polycentric density gradient. The paper concludes with some expected problems and advantages of applying these ideas to the urban scale.  相似文献   

变动中的家与地方:一个关联性的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛熙明  封丹 《人文地理》2016,31(4):9-16
家与地方的关系是地方性研究中的关键性命题。人本主义地理学认为地方根植是家的根本属性,批判地理学则从社会建构的角度阐释家与地方的动态关联。在全球化和灾害影响下,家与地方的联结方式不断变动,呈现出异常丰富的多样性。本文从理论脉络入手,对全球化进程中因绅士化引起的家的置换,无家可归与家在他乡,以及离散者的漂移之家等现象进行了分析;并从灾民自我调适行为和灾后重建计划的实施方面,讨论了灾害影响下家的重构与认同问题。相关学科和国际研究在这一领域的快速发展,将为国内社会文化地理学对家的探索创造良好的机遇。  相似文献   

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